so how crowded is your gym with newbies?



  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Quite a few at my gym. It's a small local place and the owner is a really decent bloke so I hope for his sake they stay.

    I hope for my sake that they learn not to leave their weights on the floor or lean on equipment I want to use while chatting -_-
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    What's with the judgment? I like seeing new members at my gym. It's great! I like seeing people get back to a healthier lifestyle. I'm not gifted with telepathy so I don't know if the people I see will give up their new habit or not. Some of them might fall off and give up, but some will continue on. Sometimes you have to try something a few times before it sticks.

    We were all newbies to the gym at one point. Most of us went to the gym because we wanted to improve ourselves.
  • porkchop_13

    People with their new years resolutions!

    They won't last until the end of the month but us regulars are going to suffer!!!!

    So should we knock you for being a new member on MFP? Please, dont judge, it's not very becoming
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Purposely went at 8pm last night to avoid the crowds and it was nearly empty. might try 7:30 tonight.
  • bhopejones
    Yesterday I went about 10 and it was awful. When I was on the bike I saw two younger girls walking through, one on her phone and bashed right into a guy doing lat pull downs, another one was on her phone the row behind me for over 20 minutes, and talking loudly. Tons of people not wiping down their equipment. I started wiping it down before and after each use. I was seconds away from asking one girl just sitting flipping through her phone on the leg press if she was not going to do a set to let me work in when she must have finished doing whatever it was on her phone.

    Oh and my usual pet peeve of people bathing in perfume/cologne. Around some people it hung so heavy in the air you could taste it.

    YEP. I experienced this same thing. Two teen-age girls brought in their little brothers - illegally, because there's an age limit at my gym and they took advantage of the lack of staff due to the holiday - and the guy in front of me was on his phone literally THE entire time I was behind him. and kept looking around to see who was watching him. I "climbed" 50 flights of stairs on my stair stepper during the time he was on the phone just chatting it up. I am 100% glad people are going to the gym and I SINCERELY hope they continue coming. But it's the lack of gym etiquitte that's annoying, not them being there. I don't care about my favorite treadmill or the lack of parking. I care about the people who just don't care about other people. (that sounds circular...) the ones who DON'T read the signs and DON'T wipe down the machines and DO drop the weights on the ground and DO let in their friends who don't have memeberships. THAT'S the problem. not the fact that it's so crowded. so as for all you "don't judge"ers,..just shut up. that's not what I'm concerned with.
  • malilini
    I actually like seeing the newbies. Yay for getting off the couch! Especially the really chubby ones. I always feel kinda proud for them. It takes balls to go to the gym with a lot of jiggle and that warrants respect. But I also have "my" treadmills (location location location!) and a lot of passive-aggressive anger happens when they're taken. Especially by people trodding at 2.5 mph and texting on their phones.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Quite a few at my gym. It's a small local place and the owner is a really decent bloke so I hope for his sake they stay.

    I hope for my sake that they learn not to leave their weights on the floor or lean on equipment I want to use while chatting -_-

    Don't you mean, you hope for THEIR sake? Might have to break out the Dexter equipment. :happy:
  • CrimsonBrons
    Heres the key - just go earlier in the morning. Resolutionists aren't motivated enough to go at 5:30. Beat the sun, beat the crowd.
  • MissyBenj
    MissyBenj Posts: 186 Member
    I anticipated a larger crowd, I go to LA Fitness but we're in an industrial area, maybe that had something to do with it.
  • bhopejones
    This is why I workout at home. It's too intimidating to go to a gym. I wouldn't bring my cell, I would wipe off after use. But I'd also be afraid of getting in some experienced person's way.

    The ONE TIME I went to check out the gym down the street I looked like an idiot because they only have staff from 10 to 4 and the doors are locked unless you have a pass. As I was reading the sign telling me this, two super fit dudes pushed by me without even saying excuse me. I felt like the fat kid no one wants in their exclusive club.

    Then I lost 55 lbs all on my own at home doing various other types of exercises.

    I'd rather continue working out at home then feel like a newbie. But hey, that's my insecurities I guess.

    ETA: This was last January. :laugh:

    I'm really sorry you had this kind of experience. My gym is the same in terms of the pass, though the staff is there from 8am-10pm, and it's just as awkward for me to see someone pulling on the door looking in to catch eyes with someone for them to open it, lol. not that you did that, but that happens all the time. In terms of getting in people's way, one of the most annoying things to me is the "experienced people" who put their stuff on one machine and do a "circuit" where they go to other machines and expect everyone to stay away from the machine their stuff is on but they're not currently using. I'm like hello?! I pay the same price for this gym as you do! You are no more entitled to this machine than anyone else, haha. as for the newbs, as long as they're not on the phone the entire time or letting people in illegally, there's no reason why they shouldn't be there either. :) kudos to you for losing 55 pounds at home!! :D
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    New Years eve the hubs and I went in just before noon, ran outside, grabbed some pre-racked curl bars out of the crowded weight room and did our workout on the pool deck. New Year's Day it was practically a ghost town in the weight room with only a few regulars. Yesterday there were no new faces in the 530 AM pump class I teach. The kicker will be this Saturday, I teach Step and Pump this Saturday so I'm interested in seeing if there are many new faces for either, I sure do hope so. To be fair, our gym usually takes a few weeks to pick up and then starts leaning out again in March.

    Edit: as an instructor this is my favorite time of year . . . I always hope "maybe if I pay enough attention they'll stay, maybe if I smile enough it will stick." My favorite part of my hobby job is seeing the woman who always wore sweats shed the baggy shirt for some svelt capris and a pretty racer back, but it takes time.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    And you were NEVER new...right?

    Yep - I was. No judgements from me.

    My gym is filled with older people that I'm sure it takes a lot of effort just to get there. I get a little frustrated when I have to change my routine a bit because a sr citizen is dozing on a machine I wanted to use (yes, it's happened!), or when I'm sweating up a storm and out of breath and I hear a sr citizen talk about "working out" when I saw them do 10 rotations on the bike. But hey - they got there!

    No judgements from you?

    Then you judge...hmmm
  • MissyBenj
    MissyBenj Posts: 186 Member
    What's with the judgment? I like seeing new members at my gym. It's great! I like seeing people get back to a healthier lifestyle. I'm not gifted with telepathy so I don't know if the people I see will give up their new habit or not. Some of them might fall off and give up, but some will continue on. Sometimes you have to try something a few times before it sticks.

    We were all newbies to the gym at one point. Most of us went to the gym because we wanted to improve ourselves.

    I like how you wrote this. I am judgmental simply because it's frustrating (for me) to spend my free hour during my lunch waiting on others to get off the equipment when they're just laying around, or talking to their friend that they brought with them. However, I too enjoy seeing newly motivated people who work hard.
  • CrimsonBrons
    I completely agree with you on this one. My biggest frustration with the newbies this time of year is the lack of gym etiquette. Way too much cell phone usage, grunting, and the infamous mirror self-stare-down.
  • jillymurdoch
    jillymurdoch Posts: 42 Member
    I like seeing newbies, too! I feel so excited for them, and a little empathetic as it must be a bit scary. I always wipe down machines before and after anyways, and if someone is blocking a machine a simple "excuse me, do you mind if I squeeze in there" usually suffices. I don't think most people are being inconsiderate on purpose - and the best way to help newbies learn the rules is to set a good example myself.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I started the gym in off season - stuck with it until my job moved me to another city. Now I workout with coworkers at lunch - no gym required!! :happy:
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    What's with the judgment? I like seeing new members at my gym. It's great! I like seeing people get back to a healthier lifestyle. I'm not gifted with telepathy so I don't know if the people I see will give up their new habit or not. Some of them might fall off and give up, but some will continue on. Sometimes you have to try something a few times before it sticks.

    We were all newbies to the gym at one point. Most of us went to the gym because we wanted to improve ourselves.


    I don't get the newbie hate either.

    I understand being frustrated with the minority who have no gym etiquette but I figure most of them will learn it eventually. I didn't understand gym etiquette at one time either. And, really, I see more regulars with bad gym etiquette than newbies as some of the regulars act like they own the place.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I can't really say I've noticed too much of a change. In the days between Christmas and New Years I did notice quite a few folks signing up for memberships, way more than typical. However, I go to the gym later at night (after 9:00PM) so there really are very few people there anyway. There might have been a few more than normal last night but it wasn't noticeable really.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I have to say I have only ever seen one person on their phone - well chatting on his hands free - on the early shift ... But dude is drop dead GORGEOUS so I kinda let him off and just smile at him. A lot.
    (And try not to fall off the rowing machine while staring at him) ....
    Sorry, where was I .. Oh yes phones bad.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    my gym has been fine. its been a little more crowded, but not to the ppoint where im waiting for equipment. i dont mind new faces there, wether it be just for a few weeks, a few months, or a few years... im just glad to see new people wanting to make changes... im sure we all had a few false starts before we finally took it serious...