"Fluffy" Ladies: Does your man...



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Okay, we have been together 8 years and he has seen plenty lol Just since having kids he hasnt seen me.
    I have stretch marks all over my body.

    I have a slight pooch of excess skin right above the ugly C section scar.

    I have acne...on my back FFS.

    My body is FAR from perfect.

    My husband sees me naked all the time, whether we're being intimate or I'm simply getting out of the shower. And ya know what? He still thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, even after pregnancy "ruined" it.

    And I bet your husband thinks the same about your body. Check you insecurities at the door. This isn't even remotely close to normal behavior, and it's absolutely unhealthy and detrimental to your marriage.

    You don't have to love your body, but recognize and accept the fact that your husband does, and let him SEE it in all of it's glory.

    Well said. And I'd add that whatever childbirth did to you, it was in service of bearing *his* children. No woman should ever be ashamed of her scars or stretch marks and no father should ever have a problem with them.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Okay, we have been together 8 years and he has seen plenty lol Just since having kids he hasnt seen me.
    I have stretch marks all over my body.

    I have a slight pooch of excess skin right above the ugly C section scar.

    I have acne...on my back FFS.

    My body is FAR from perfect.

    My husband sees me naked all the time, whether we're being intimate or I'm simply getting out of the shower. And ya know what? He still thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, even after pregnancy "ruined" it.

    And I bet your husband thinks the same about your body. Check you insecurities at the door. This isn't even remotely close to normal behavior, and it's absolutely unhealthy and detrimental to your marriage.

    You don't have to love your body, but recognize and accept the fact that your husband does, and let him SEE it in all of it's glory.

    Perfectly said. Yes, my husband has seen me fully naked - front and back - all the way from the day he first saw me naked at @165 pounds to the day our first son was born at 222 pounds to my current weight, 144 pounds. And he loves me no matter what I weigh. It's probably my enormous boobs that keep him around, though. :laugh:
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    One thing that is hard for women (some) to understand… men… especially their man…. DO NOT SEE WHAT YOU SEE. PERIOD. Now toss on something sexy, toss on some music, turn on the lights, and strip for him. I promise you… nothing but amazing things will come from it! :wink:
  • CandaceHoweth91
    1] Please don't say "fluffy" - I feel like terms of this nature do no good for women struggling with their size and body shape.

    2] I am definitely medically obese, and I'd never wear clothes if I didn't have to. My 'man' loves my insides, and doesn't have a problem with my outsides. (and neither do I)

    Trust me, I know how fluffy makes you feel, but I didn't want to say fat. I was 240+, I'm 100 pounds over my ideal medical weight. I am just offended by the word as you are.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Okay, we have been together 8 years and he has seen plenty lol Just since having kids he hasnt seen me.
    I have stretch marks all over my body.

    I have a slight pooch of excess skin right above the ugly C section scar.

    I have acne...on my back FFS.

    My body is FAR from perfect.

    My husband sees me naked all the time, whether we're being intimate or I'm simply getting out of the shower. And ya know what? He still thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, even after pregnancy "ruined" it.

    And I bet your husband thinks the same about your body. Check you insecurities at the door. This isn't even remotely close to normal behavior, and it's absolutely unhealthy and detrimental to your marriage.

    You don't have to love your body, but recognize and accept the fact that your husband does, and let him SEE it in all of it's glory.

    I love this post.

    My husband has seen me when I was obese, fit, and now super-pregnant totally naked and in the light many times. *I* was always the one that hated seeing myself like that, never him.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    If the man loves you, HE WONT CARE.
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    If I didn't see my wife naked, I'd start checking her text messages. Sure sign she's hiding something. :angry:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Okay, we have been together 8 years and he has seen plenty lol Just since having kids he hasnt seen me.
    I have stretch marks all over my body.

    I have a slight pooch of excess skin right above the ugly C section scar.

    I have acne...on my back FFS.

    My body is FAR from perfect.

    My husband sees me naked all the time, whether we're being intimate or I'm simply getting out of the shower. And ya know what? He still thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, even after pregnancy "ruined" it.

    And I bet your husband thinks the same about your body. Check you insecurities at the door. This isn't even remotely close to normal behavior, and it's absolutely unhealthy and detrimental to your marriage.

    You don't have to love your body, but recognize and accept the fact that your husband does, and let him SEE it in all of it's glory.

  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    1] Please don't say "fluffy" - I feel like terms of this nature do no good for women struggling with their size and body shape.

    2] I am definitely medically obese, and I'd never wear clothes if I didn't have to. My 'man' loves my insides, and doesn't have a problem with my outsides. (and neither do I)

    Trust me, I know how fluffy makes you feel, but I didn't want to say fat. I was 240+, I'm 100 pounds over my ideal medical weight.

    Then why would you say it? It's okay to say "fat" - it's a describing word. "Fluffy" is a pop culture term meant to dehumanize the facts, which (IMO, of course), makes it more difficult to own your body, your size, and your choices.
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member
    Frontal lobes aren't fully formed in humans until around 25 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontal_lobe).
    It's a pretty decent biological reason why one shouldn't make decisions about whom they think they should be partnered with forever before that age.

    Check out the correlation between age of marriage and divorce rates. See, e.g.: http://www.divorcepeers.com/stats38.htm

    What does that have to do with anything? lol Weve been together 8 and been married 4. I'm not worried about forever right now (:

    Your ability to predict what your partner wants/ needs/ desires/ thinks about you, and his ability to see you and form opinions about one another and yourself (body image), is woefully underdeveloped. When you are older, you'll likely look back and think of decisions you made at this age related to your husband and other relationships as less than flawless. This question that you posed seems like one of those things that one could put in this category. Unfortunately, it's more challenging to notice this in the moment. Why is that? Because your frontal lobe isn't fully developed until you're about 25 years old. Do I know you personally? No. Could you be an outlier, or an exception to the rule? Sure. I'm just offering my opinion, which you solicited on an open, public forum in the hopes of giving you something to think about that could help you.
  • CandaceHoweth91
    1] Please don't say "fluffy" - I feel like terms of this nature do no good for women struggling with their size and body shape.

    2] I am definitely medically obese, and I'd never wear clothes if I didn't have to. My 'man' loves my insides, and doesn't have a problem with my outsides. (and neither do I)

    Trust me, I know how fluffy makes you feel, but I didn't want to say fat. I was 240+, I'm 100 pounds over my ideal medical weight.

    Then why would you say it? It's okay to say "fat" - it's a describing word. "Fluffy" is a pop culture term meant to dehumanize the facts, which (IMO, of course), makes it more difficult to own your body, your size, and your choices.

    Because the truth is, nobody wants to hear any of those words.
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    Okay, we have been together 8 years and he has seen plenty lol Just since having kids he hasnt seen me.
    I have stretch marks all over my body.

    I have a slight pooch of excess skin right above the ugly C section scar.

    I have acne...on my back FFS.

    My body is FAR from perfect.

    My husband sees me naked all the time, whether we're being intimate or I'm simply getting out of the shower. And ya know what? He still thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, even after pregnancy "ruined" it.

    And I bet your husband thinks the same about your body. Check you insecurities at the door. This isn't even remotely close to normal behavior, and it's absolutely unhealthy and detrimental to your marriage.

    You don't have to love your body, but recognize and accept the fact that your husband does, and let him SEE it in all of it's glory.

    this was so well said :)
  • CandaceHoweth91
    Frontal lobes aren't fully formed in humans until around 25 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontal_lobe).
    It's a pretty decent biological reason why one shouldn't make decisions about whom they think they should be partnered with forever before that age.

    Check out the correlation between age of marriage and divorce rates. See, e.g.: http://www.divorcepeers.com/stats38.htm

    What does that have to do with anything? lol Weve been together 8 and been married 4. I'm not worried about forever right now (:

    Your ability to predict what your partner wants/ needs/ desires/ thinks about you, and his ability to see you and form opinions about one another and yourself (body image), is woefully underdeveloped. When you are older, you'll likely look back and think of decisions you made at this age related to your husband and other relationships as less than flawless. This question that you posed seems like one of those things that one could put in this category. Unfortunately, it's more challenging to notice this in the moment. Why is that? Because your frontal lobe isn't fully developed until you're about 25 years old. Do I know you personally? No. Could you be an outlier, or an exception to the rule? Sure. I'm just offering my opinion, which you solicited on an open, public forum in the hopes of giving you something to think about that could help you.

    I am not dissing on your post by any means. It is interesting.
  • CandaceHoweth91
    Okay, we have been together 8 years and he has seen plenty lol Just since having kids he hasnt seen me.
    I have stretch marks all over my body.

    I have a slight pooch of excess skin right above the ugly C section scar.

    I have acne...on my back FFS.

    My body is FAR from perfect.

    My husband sees me naked all the time, whether we're being intimate or I'm simply getting out of the shower. And ya know what? He still thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, even after pregnancy "ruined" it.

    And I bet your husband thinks the same about your body. Check you insecurities at the door. This isn't even remotely close to normal behavior, and it's absolutely unhealthy and detrimental to your marriage.

    You don't have to love your body, but recognize and accept the fact that your husband does, and let him SEE it in all of it's glory.

    this was so well said :)

    yeah, this is now voted the best answer! lol
  • MattTheWaterRat
    MattTheWaterRat Posts: 167 Member
    One thing that is hard for women (some) to understand… men… especially their man…. DO NOT SEE WHAT YOU SEE. PERIOD. Now toss on something sexy, toss on some music, turn on the lights, and strip for him. I promise you… nothing but amazing things will come from it! :wink:

    You are so smart. More women should listen to you.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    He has and he is obsessed with it no matter what size. See I have this rule where I dated and ultimately married a man who wants and loves me.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    1] Please don't say "fluffy" - I feel like terms of this nature do no good for women struggling with their size and body shape.

    2] I am definitely medically obese, and I'd never wear clothes if I didn't have to. My 'man' loves my insides, and doesn't have a problem with my outsides. (and neither do I)

    Trust me, I know how fluffy makes you feel, but I didn't want to say fat. I was 240+, I'm 100 pounds over my ideal medical weight.

    Then why would you say it? It's okay to say "fat" - it's a describing word. "Fluffy" is a pop culture term meant to dehumanize the facts, which (IMO, of course), makes it more difficult to own your body, your size, and your choices.

    Because the truth is, nobody wants to hear any of those words.

    Speak for yourself. I own my size and my choices. I am fat. My guess is you are fat too. No amount of sugar coating that is going to take the fat away.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Okay, we have been together 8 years and he has seen plenty lol Just since having kids he hasnt seen me.
    I have stretch marks all over my body.

    I have a slight pooch of excess skin right above the ugly C section scar.

    I have acne...on my back FFS.

    My body is FAR from perfect.

    My husband sees me naked all the time, whether we're being intimate or I'm simply getting out of the shower. And ya know what? He still thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, even after pregnancy "ruined" it.

    And I bet your husband thinks the same about your body. Check you insecurities at the door. This isn't even remotely close to normal behavior, and it's absolutely unhealthy and detrimental to your marriage.

    You don't have to love your body, but recognize and accept the fact that your husband does, and let him SEE it in all of it's glory.

    Well said. And I'd add that whatever childbirth did to you, it was in service of bearing *his* children. No woman should ever be ashamed of her scars or stretch marks and no father should ever have a problem with them.

    These two things right here. So well put.
  • lamos1
    lamos1 Posts: 167 Member
    No. He has never seen me fully naked or even naked in the light. And even though I lost weight and look skinny again, I still won't let him see me naked.
  • MattTheWaterRat
    MattTheWaterRat Posts: 167 Member
    Frontal lobes aren't fully formed in humans until around 25 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontal_lobe).
    It's a pretty decent biological reason why one shouldn't make decisions about whom they think they should be partnered with forever before that age.

    Check out the correlation between age of marriage and divorce rates. See, e.g.: http://www.divorcepeers.com/stats38.htm

    What does that have to do with anything? lol Weve been together 8 and been married 4. I'm not worried about forever right now (:

    Your ability to predict what your partner wants/ needs/ desires/ thinks about you, and his ability to see you and form opinions about one another and yourself (body image), is woefully underdeveloped. When you are older, you'll likely look back and think of decisions you made at this age related to your husband and other relationships as less than flawless. This question that you posed seems like one of those things that one could put in this category. Unfortunately, it's more challenging to notice this in the moment. Why is that? Because your frontal lobe isn't fully developed until you're about 25 years old. Do I know you personally? No. Could you be an outlier, or an exception to the rule? Sure. I'm just offering my opinion, which you solicited on an open, public forum in the hopes of giving you something to think about that could help you.

    I think your frontal lobe is extra sensitive. Prove me wrong by not reporting this.