Is a thigh gap possible?



  • R0asted
    R0asted Posts: 83 Member
    why does anyone care?

    I never heard of this until MFP
    I am 41...maybe it's my age

    I still dont care

    It's kind of a phenomenon where some guys would talk about how hot the "love triangle" or "the gap" is and I guess some girls overheard the conversations and made it their physique goal. Personally, I'll take slightly muscular, developed, legs on a girl from rail thin legs with a "gap". If the girl has a gap chances are she has no *kitten* also. Mehhh.
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    Some of us do naturally have a thigh gap. It doesn't necessarily mean we are anorexic looking. In my case, I think it has something to do with how my legs are set in the socket. I am slim, I am lean, I DO have muscle, I DO have an *kitten*, and I don't have wide hips.

    In terms of whether it is possible or not- that really depends on your own unique body. I have seen ladies smaller and skinnier than me whose legs touched because their legs appear to be set closer together.
  • Lunnunis
    Lunnunis Posts: 71 Member
    I quite enjoyed reading this although I find it hard to believe men are demanding the gap! Women need to stop oppressing themselves, surely.

    I'm sure most normal straight men prefer a friendly, sensual, non neurotic lady, whether soft and curvy or athletically built. The modelling business is revolting. I doubt many of the drug addled supermodels with starvation induced thigh gaps will live much past 50 and will either die of heart attacks or be physical wrecks in wheelchairs due to osteoporosis.

    I do not mean to disrespect anyone for whom this is genuinely a natural bodily feature. And yes fat thighs can chafe in hot weather rubbing together as you walk. I have experienced it myself when 200lbs+
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    yeah, i highly doubt that men demand the gap. it seems like something invented by women.
  • R0asted
    R0asted Posts: 83 Member
    yeah, i highly doubt that men demand the gap. it seems like something invented by women.!/MindTheGap1.0?fref=ts

    Half a million likes on facebook ^
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I always have a gap between my thighs,

  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    Where did I put that dead horse gif...?

    I'm over here kicking it!

    Here it is...

  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    that's a US size 4, and I don't think there's 1 way to judge this, but I think it is probably if you're standing just at your normal stance, like if your feet are together of course your thighs will be together
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    why does anyone care?

    I never heard of this until MFP
    I am 41...maybe it's my age

    I still dont care

    ^^^^ this!! Except that I'm 37.

    If you're at a healthy weight and you have one, great :) If you're at a healthy weight and you don't have one, great :) Love yourself for who you are and try to be the healthiest, fittest version of yourself!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    one more space and i'll have BINGO . . . I'm so excited!
  • _KATzMeow
    _KATzMeow Posts: 336 Member
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    SOme people have it, others don't. Dont ever mistake not having it as being unfit/too fat, though. Even some supermodels don't have it, it all depends on the angle of the femurs set into the pelvis.

    Given your measurements, maybe not at this age and point in your life, but it's definitely possible after you have kids and your hips spread a little. I always yearned for thigh gap at your age, and it's not until a year after having my baby and losing my baby weight that my hips got wider and I noticed the beginnings of a thigh gap. YAY! So it's not impossible, but it will probably be at the cost of some stretch marks and baby weight.
  • JABGoochie
    JABGoochie Posts: 78 Member
    sorry but this thread made me giggle :)
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    More a thigh gap possible for a man???
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member

    Spread your legs...thigh gap...done.

    Seriously just about spit out my soda laughin! So true!

    I used to get depressed about my thighs rubbing together but then realized that they always have. I'm just more aware of it now because I'm carrying extra weight and I am now acknowledging parts of my body that I never realized existed before :bigsmile:

    hello back fat! :laugh:

    Please don't try to get a thigh gap. It could be an unattainable goal and make you obsessed with the impossible.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member

    Thigh gap is a fad. Not worth stressing over.
    And it's all based in genetics.
    If you don't have wide hips, then it's probably not possible :(

    But that's okay, because you don't need them :)
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member

    marilyn monroe? that's a terrible example that i keep seeing on facebook. pretty sure that the men who adored her are either dead now or like 90.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member

    marilyn monroe? that's a terrible example that i keep seeing on facebook. pretty sure that the men who adored her are either dead now or like 90.

    This. I would never want to look like this, even with "thousands adoring me", because I wouldn't like myself. And that's all that matters, isn't it? Looking good for yourself, and no one else. :flowerforyou:
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545

    I didn't intend it to be body shaming, I intended it to be true. I admire many things about naturally slim bodies, but I've never actually seen someone with a "thigh gap" who was naturally thin, I've only ever seen it on pro ana tumblrs and obviously seriously underweight models. Like people who's ribs you can count or people who have row upon row of visible vertabrae, I associate it with people who are unnaturally thin. I have a natural "roll" in the belly button area and bulging lovehandles. If someone said they found them creepy because they associated them with unnatural weight gain, I would not be offended, even if we lived in a culture that was obsessed with holding women who are heavy up as ideals.

    I wish you could meet the women in my best friend's family. They ALL have thigh gaps (she and her sisters range in weight from 140 to 210)...but they all have very, very wide hips. They may be unusual, but they are far from underweight, and it is natural for them at apparently whatever weight they happen to be.

    For the OP:

    Even at my thinnest (at 5'4", 110 lb and fit) I did not have a thigh gap (my hips are not that wide), so it's not attainable for me, just like I can't have a longer neck or smaller feet. Body shape is constrained by the size, shape, and arrangement of your skeleton, and there's no easy or good way to change that.

    You will be much happier when you learn to be delighted with what you have; it's fine to admire others who look differently from you, but it's bad for your head to think you can't be attractive because you don't (and physically can't) look like those other bodies.