What triggered your journey?



  • I'm 24 and what triggered my journey was realizing that I had begun HATING myself. After age 17 I slowly started gaining weight and was in denial when I would have to buy bigger clothes every year. I'm currently 5'6" and around 270 lbs. (I plan on buying a scale this week, I didn't want one in my house because I didn't want to know how bad my weight has gotten) I get disgusted looking in the mirror, I have no confidence, and I feel bad for my husband for having to look at me everyday. I literally have started making changes just two days ago but I'm so committed. I want to enjoy my life again and I want to start a family and I know I need to be a healthy weight to do that. My goal is to lose 120 lbs.
  • tdodle
    tdodle Posts: 1
    I think I got serious for once when over the holidays after the 1st of the yr I was eating a huge bowl of home made beef stew with the huge chunks of meat and veggies and about 30 min after I finished eating I got the worse pain in my chest next to my breast bone. I said no more I was already told early last yr I was a borderline to having high blood presure, and the meds they wanted me to take would keep me inside im a mother of 2 teenagers one 14 and the other 11 and I finally said im gonna do this on my own I know no sodium or cut it at least and I know if I loose some weight the better so got my husband on board the kids don't like it but in the long run if they start now and learn the good eating habbits while they are young they wont get the diabites and high blood presure and colesteral so they may not have to go threw Dr. apts and meds in their futcher.
  • fataalic
    fataalic Posts: 73 Member
    I am sick and tired of running away from cameras and hate seeing my pictures.
  • Me too! I started working at home and you'd be surprised if you never have to put real clothes on how easy it can be to get toally out of control!
  • I am off on holiday in May with my Mum, Sister and Sister's friend and they are all Skinny Minnies's!! :(
    I didn't want to be the heffer in the photo's and wanted to wear nice clothes instead of big baggy jumpers!
    It was that, and I also want to be healthier for my daughter xx
  • mcrower
    mcrower Posts: 37 Member
    2 total knee replacements on the same knee!
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Vanity!! I have two siblings, younger. I grew up thin. They did not. I was always the thin one. Well, my sister had lost about 80/90 lbs on WW and was then about the same weight as me. Happy, very happy, for her. But I was kind of freaking out. I'm supposed to be the thin one. I'm always the thin one. So, I got very serious. She has now lost over 105 lbs total (still going. she's also a bit shorter than me, so in the end she will likely weigh less than me). We still weigh the same, now, but we're both losing weight and we're both looking fantastic.

    Vanity!! Because, I was always the thin one.
  • ReaGaladriel
    ReaGaladriel Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone :)
    I joined this community to motivate myself and also to motivate others.
    I'm about 20 pounds (10 kilos) over my dream weight and I was like this all my life. I always had 6,7 kilos to much and it all goes to my stomach. In the last year or two I started to get interested in nutrition so I decided to thy loose those extra kilos once for all.
  • I have been battling obesity all of my life. I would start and give up. I am ususally a person that puts her mind to something and I don't stop until I get what I want. Why is this such a struggle? Maybe I never wanted it bad enough. Now I do. I am 42 years old and recently lost my husband to lung cancer. I have three children 20, 18, and 17. I am all that they have. I need to do this for myself and for them.

    After my husband died I went for a check up at the doctor's and he told me that I needed to take care of myself and that he thought that I may be too far gone and the only hope might be gastric bypass. That if I didn't take this weight off I would die within 5 years. That was really hard to swallow since I just had lost my husband in November 2012.

    I am determined that I am not having gastric bypass. I have met with a nutritionist at my local hospital and I have signed up for a 12 week weight management program through the hospital that starts January 17th. I also have signed up for water aerobics at my local YMCA. I have good support system. If anyone is looking for support send me a friend request.

    I wish everyone the best in there journey.

  • Went to the doctor my BP was high!
  • Two things triggered this journey.

    The good: My daughter's wedding coming up in July.

    The bad: 100 pt jump in triglycerides and borderline high systolic BP since last year. Turning 58 in February, and while my 15-pound goal is not as monumental as many of you, it's never easy.

    I hear that 10% loss makes a HUGE health difference, so that's what I'm aiming for. With 2 generations on both sides (plus my brother when he was 50) dying of heart attacks or strokes, this is a MUST DO change for me if I want to see grandchildren.

    Also, my silk chiffon Mother of the Bride dress is hanging in plain view.
  • angelacooper3
    angelacooper3 Posts: 32 Member
    A good friend of mine has lost 77lbs in 6 months has blogged her journey. She has been a real inspiration and if she can do it Im sure I can shift the stubborn 14 - 21 lbs that I hate. I used an online forum about 8 years ago and it really kept me on track and focused. I have kept the vast majority of the weight off. Using online support and motivation has been the only way for me to see real results.
  • Tinasheree29
    Tinasheree29 Posts: 22 Member
    Being embarrasseed to be seen in public because of my weight. Wanting to walk with my husband with my head up high instead of my head hung low.
  • what triggered me was my exboyfriend. he treated me like crap and i felt so bad about myself i stuck with him! I didnt think i could do any better or anybody else would love me. I was disgusted looking in the mirror! I've only lost 5 pounds so far, but I am already feeling better about myself, i deserve to feel good inside and out!
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I've been dealing with pain from a back issue I was born with (lots of pain that basically radiates from my hip to my foot) which considerably worsened in 2005 during a traumatic event (I spent some with a cane, and some time in a wheelchair, the pain was so bad -- it's better now, no cane or wheelchair since 2007, but not good enough to go dancing, or run, or even walk very far).

    A few weeks ago, I finally was referred to a neurosurgeon. There's a surgery that will almost certainly help me -- but it's much safer for me if I lose 40 pounds. So I'm going to lose 40 pounds and have my surgery in May or June.
  • picthat01
    picthat01 Posts: 2 Member
    One of the best things I ever did for myself was to buy a book called "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. I've been fighting the weight gain problem for a few years now and along with the weight gain came body aches and pains. Since I have been following the guidelines in this book I have lost almost 30 lbs and the aches and pains have virtually disappeared. It works fast if you stick to it. I have been following his guidelines for almost 2 months now and I feel fantastic!
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    Being tired of being out of shape, got picked on a lot at school basically.
  • eddamyts
    eddamyts Posts: 26 Member
    Wow, just reading some posts, I sensed a lot of pain. People hating their bodies, how they look, how they feel. I don't think we were created to suffer as much as we do. Pain may be a motivation to make a change, but it doesn't sustain. You don't punish people into success, you build them up, and that's what we need to do for ourselves. For those who hate themselves, know this, you must at least care about yourself because you're here on mfp in an effort to change and improve yourself, your health, your life.

    Forgive yourself and set yourself free to learn new things.
  • I found myself with less energy and my motivation had flat-lined. I started myfitnesspal and lost 30 pounds this past summer along with joining the ymca. I slacked off and decided to get back on track again and putting on 12 pounds.

    This time I decided to join others and invited friends to use the program as well. I was feeling great, and went back to bad eating habits. It had been awhile since I had felt as good as I did the last summer and I want to be back on track to living a more healthy lifestyle.
  • I'm a college freshman and I want to go to Las Vegas with my friends senior year and wear a bikini. AND look good in it;)