

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    Hi All,

    Happy New Year!! I am so sorry I haven't gotten back to you with my test results. I have been sick since the biopsy. Apparently, they stirred up a lung infection when taking the samples. I am on the mend.

    Good news, ITS NOT LYMPHOMA!!!! It is sarcoidosis. Since it has formed granulomas we will have to treat it aggressively for the next couple of years. But the news is good for remission. They also believe this is the source of problems with my liver and that it has been going on for the last 3 years.

    So we are now moving toward treatment. In the meantime. I appreciate all the support you have given me. Thank you all so much.

    I have started my new job and it is very hectic at this time of the academic year. The new semester starts next week and them about two weeks after that things should settle down a smidgen.

    I will do my best to check in on you all. Know I love you and I am reading.

    Love U Lots,


    JOLENE - WONDERFUL that it was not lymphoma!!!! So glad you shared your news with us. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Praying for quick healing!

    Lin, Central Iowa

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    BUMP, hope all are well!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today has been a day went to workshop, dealing with family drama with sister its to raw yet for me to put in words yet. I just tried its a jumble mess think its a time thing. It just shock my trust level to its core. I feel like a fool. But going to drop it for now.
    Took my daughter out a bit than went with a friend to the Y our local y has a lazy
    river pool it is also heated so I just went around and around over a half hour. So must fun.

    @Jolene happy to hear your good news.
    @Welcome Liz M from.another Liz M. :)

    @Lin yay on getting more active.
    @Welcome to all who are new.
    @Meg happy you are feeling better
    @lili. Best wishes for success on your fruit and veggie challenge.
    @kackie I use my kindle fire no app.
    @Dee you are so good at responding to everyone and sharing helpful advice. Super encouraging.

    This is a wonderful group very encouraging and supportive. Keep coming back and jump right in. Log your food and drink.your water.

    I need to get off the computer a bit. Try to come back later.

    Liz from treasure valley area of Idaho
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    After reading all the interesting posts and taking notes (hope I can read them) I've made a decision to get on the thread earlier so it won't take as long.:smooched:
    Linda S - got a giggle about your not being able to get off the floor. Saw on TV that a test of a healthy body is being able to get up off the floor without using your hands. Are you trying...... My DH and I have a rule, only one of us on the floor at a time. I do like my NikePlus bracelet. I'm so competitive I can't go to bed without hitting my goal of fuel points or steps. I'm not sure how the calories burned relate to MFP but I know I'm moving more. Today, I had walked 11,000 steps by 4 pm. (That's good because I don't have to walk in circles around my house tonight!):laugh:
    Barbie - thanks for the titles of the books on lifting. I need to add that to my exercise and could use some guidance. Also, your post about fueling your body is so smart. When I look back over my recent foods, there are a lot of empty calories I could clean up. Thank you!
    Michele - you are the exercise queen and the bargain queen. I bet you were moving fast too!
    Cheryl - sometimes tough love is listening. What I hear is disappointment but you may have just triggered something within yourself that will pop up next time you're faced with three chocolate chip cookies and say, "REALLY".
    Lori - Glad DH's cancer has been successfully treated. My DH has/had kidney cancer and his oncologist told him to always get his check-up to stay on top of the disease. Congrats on the new grandbaby. We have 9 and they are precious.
    Sally - you earned a star in your crown. The gym will be there tomorrow but the opportunity to help a friend may not.
    LizM- Welcome to the group. There are a lot of successful weight losers on this site. I've got about 15-20 to lose. So, get on the tread and chat with us.
    Julie - hope you feel better soon. Losing 2 lbs is great but do try to eat a little and always drink,drink, drink.
    Chrispath - I love the idea of walking with your sister. That is an awesome idea. You might could market that idea!:flowerforyou:
    Colleen - Happy Birthday to DGS. Just checking, did you eat the cake?
    Denise - nice to see you coming back. Love the quotes
    TopBrand - congratulation to you and your DD. You are doing great. I read a neat idea for the new year. Turn all the hangers in your closet backwards and when you were an item, switch the hanger back to the regular way. That way at the end of the season you'll know what you don't wear anymore:laugh:
    SyndyWindy - great results so far. Whatever you're doing, keep on doing it!:smooched:
    Robin - you have a secret weapon at work. Nothing can penetrate your cloak:flowerforyou:
    Jolene - answered prayers. TTL for your good news. Prayers for you and your medical team successfully treating you. Good luck with the new job.
    Kackie - so sorry to hear your DH had to have another back surgery. I know about chronic pain as I had horrible headaches for 6 months. None of the pain meds, injections or procedures helped. I was at my wits end. Couldn't read, watch tv, knit, do the computer or anything I love to do. My DS who is a doctor said, keep looking until you find someone who can help you. I did and within a week, headaches were gone. So, I'm hoping this will be the answer for your DH. Do take care of you,:flowerforyou:
    Lauri524 - I did WW for years and went through many new programs. They have another new one this year 360. But I decided I was tired of paying someone to tell me what I already knew. If you have a way to scan in food it makes it a lot easier but your will love being in charge of your food decisions. Another thing that bothered me about WW was the "free" fruit. So, good luck and come back often.
    Sorry to be so long winded but wanted to do some shout-outs. Good nite sweet princesses.:blushing:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I've had a great weekend. We spent time with our son and new DIL. We had dinner with them, and went shooting the next day. I also went to a baby shower for a young woman who we've known since her preteen years. It was good to see a whole group of friends that I haven't had a chance to visit with in ages. I did a good job managing my food intake, but haven't logged it yet. I will log every bit and call it lunch.

    I missed checking this forum for two days, and reading all the posts was a daunting task. I made it, but barely. I am impressed with how many new faces we see here. I hope you'll stick with it. Of course, I also hope that for myself. :tongue:
  • gr8tweets1
    Hi Ladies;

    After reading an abundance of posts on the community boards I stumbled across this one and thought that if I could, I would like to join you. I am 50, residing in Canada and am new to MFP. I have a large amount of weight to lose (100 lbs) and could really use some tips and motivation from others. Although I know that this will be a lifestyle change, and I know that today I am motivated I am also realistic and know that for me, if I slip up, I get discouraged and then get the "what is the use attitude". It is times like those that I will need support. Is anyone out there willing to friend this newbie? If so, I would love to meet some new people and help motivate and support you in your journey. Please add me.

  • c0c0nn0r
    Deedee - well the good news is I didn't have birthday cake :bigsmile: - the bad news is I did cave for a sliver of chocolate cream pie :sad: - UGH

    Jolene - Happy you received good medical news :smile:

    Liz (Idaho) - Hugs

    Good night everyone
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    I have been using myfitnesspal for about10 months, but have not been on the message board before so I hope I am doing this correctly. I started when I was preparing for gastric sleeve surgery, Now, I am six months post-op and find myself overeating or making bad choices and came back to myfitnesspal for some needed structure.
  • c0c0nn0r
    Suebdew - LOL at you and DH having the one person on the floor at a time rule..Love it

    katla - It's always nice to catch up with old friends

    Operator 646 - Welcome

    Good night for sure now - Colleen, IL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :drinker: :bigsmile: I have only a moment to send hugs to all my great friends…….I got up at 3:00 to have time to walk the dogs and get ready to leave the house by 6:30 to go off to an all day meeting that required my attention so much that I had very little time to sneak off and take a walk......decided not to try to do weight training when we got home and opted instead to read the posts.

    :bigsmile: I’ve read all the posts and appreciate all of you who have responded to the new members. I hope that every woman who posts will feel welcome.

    :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for January
    *Be agreeable----say OK
    * Yoga once a week
    *Walk with hubby once a week
    *Weight training three times a week
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Renny - I joined the vruit & veggie challenge. To be honest, it looks a lot like what I do right now. I do usually have some sort of veggie with my meal, I try to have at least dried fruit for a snack or even fresh fruit. But I'm hoping that I may get some good ideas.

    Lori - so sorry to hear about your hubby, but glad everything worked out good. Congrats on the grandbaby. That's wonderful that hubby is going to try with you

    Lila - I don't have an iPad, it's not included with the app for the Android, I guess. boo

    cws4me - log in here frequently and before you know it, you'll feel right at home.

    I like almond milk, just wish I could find it in those small (like 8oz) boxes and not just the large ones. By the time I can finish it up, it's gone bad

    Amanda - I'm not a swimmer, either. But you know something? We probably get a better workout just swimming one length of the pool than someone who does multiple laps because we work at it

    Welcome everyone new (too many to mention individually, I know I'd miss someone). I know you'll enjoy it here

    Sally - that was nice of you to stay with your friend.

    Julie -congrats on the awesome weight loss! You go girl!

    chrispatk - love how you walk. I'd never have thought of doing that, but it sounds so neat

    M - I bet you looked fantastic. What place did you go to? I remember there was someplace called something-Farm. On the high price, but very atmospheric. At least that's what I think the name was.

    Well, we finished taking down the decorations. We've never done it this fast, but that's probably because we didn't put any decorations up outside.

    Did an hour of yoga today. Tomorrow I'll do a bellydance DVD that I have. Ken & Lynette are coming here for dinner tomorrow. After church tonight I need to run to WalMart to get a chicken to roast. I have mashed potatoes and I'll get some carrots, I'll make those low fat corn muffins, I made these lemon bars for Ken (are they lemoney!) and a banana/chcooate cake for Lynette & Vince.

    After a year guess what I got? Yup. Hey, I'm 57, I want this over with. I have the cramps, everything. The good thing is that because of this I don't have any desire to eat.

    Denise 5 days is a good start, soon it'll be 6, then 7, then 8, and before you know it, there'll be no stopping you

    syndywindy - that's great that you're almost at your goal

    Robin - hope your mouth feels better soon. That's great that you got on the treadmill even with your mouth hurting

    jolene - oh, what great news, thanks for sharing. We were all worried

    kackie - you are such a wonderful person. So sorry to hear about your dh

    Vince said that Lynette called yesterday wile I was out, she wanted to come by today. It really doesn't work for us since I have to lector at the church tonight. They're going to a funeral early today so I'll invite them for dinner tomorrow. Right now I'm making lemon bars for Ken and I made a banana/chocolate cake for Vince yesterday, just iced it so he and Lynette can have that. I'll get a chicken and roast it, I have mashed potatoes that I'll defrost and some carrots.

    Karen from MI - I used Jessica's iPad once and that's what I thought I did, went to the site and posted from there

    Gail - when I worked at the Y, it seemed the majority of people came and worked out M, W, and F.

    Liz - I agree, Dee is so wonderful responding to everyone

    suebdew - I wasn't moving all that fast, no with my achilles. Hopefully, it'll be fine in a few weeks. I hope, I hope..... What did they finally do to end your headaches? You know, I have this bran muffin recipe from a friend who went to WW. Now according to WW it's 0 points probably because it's high in fiber. Yet, to me, it still has calories.

    colleen - at least it was just a sliver of pie, look on the positive

    Looks like I'll need to post multiple times during the day just to keep up. Welcome everyone who is new.

    Have a great evening

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!
    Only got to the top of page 12 but it's time to post and go to bed.
    What were my clues?
    1-butt getting stiff
    2-body getting cold, and
    3- for the first time in maybe 9 years, my right hand reached out for a cigarette.:smokin:
    Good thing there haven't been any around for more than 12 years... ;)

    :happy: DeeDeeA, I have Pam's great recipe for red beans, it's a slow cooker recipe that makes a lot. I divide it into 130 g portions, freeze, and pop into my lunch bag. With a salad its a satisfying meal, and since 130 g isn't much I don't get sleepy. They'd be great with jb's corn muffins, let me know if you want the recipe.
    :glasses: Michele did the Consumers Report article say anything about how beneficial the mfp support threads are? After logging, that's the KEY to me...
    Well, gals, I did it TODAY. That darned Wii character FINALLY stopped saying "that's overweight". Ok, it's probably not by much and tomorrow it'll probably say "that's overweight" again. But it did feel good.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Con VERY gratulations Michelle. What an accomplishment! This year I'm only doing the full body test on Mondays. It was taking too long, made it too easy for me to run out of time and have to skip my mat therapy to get to work at 9:30. The simple test is enough for me on all the other days. Please share your first wii Zumba experience, ok?
    :wink: eileen (edraper70) I always feel better after doing some yoga, sort of like banging your head against a brick wall, it always feels better when you stop. :bigsmile: Perhaps your community ed or parks and rec dept offers yoga classes? Strongly believe a class is best for beginners. The cues and corrections a skilled teacher provides make the safe and strong foundation on which you can build with whichever DVDs (or YouTube videos) you choose. Iyengar yoga is especially good, focusing on correct alignment, building strength and endurance.
    :flowerforyou: Linda C thanks for asking about breakfast protein, I'd never have thought of some of the answers, especially quinoa. On workdays I usually have yoghurt, cottage cheese, protein powder in oatmeal, a luna protein bar or peanut butter. Weekends with DH often use Morningstar Farms sausage patties which taste pretty good...but forget their fake bacon. Yuck! -30F? Shames my wimpiness about walking when its only in the teens here.
    :heart: Amanda Glad you and your doctor are wasting no time in checking this out. Hugs and please let us know.
    :sad: Robin, feel awful for you. After your long struggle being laid off some years back, to end up with a bad :explode: boss, YUCK. Wow, when you don a rainbow cloak, your power is STRONG!:bigsmile:
    :love: Kate Can never thank you enough for your wise words. Can I turn my rainbow cloak in on myself? I'm the one who needs to be nicer.:huh:
    Well I haven't broken down and started to exercise yet as I HATE it. I am having surgery tomorrow so (luckily) will be able to put it off for a couple more weeks haha! I have never done Yoga or weight training. I do love to walk and have an exercise ball so think my best bet is to start out with that! Good eating habits ladies - not good luck! :)
    Sorry I don't remember the posters name ?something Chavez? but some of us HATE it so much we don't even use the "E" word. Decade ago WW called it "Activity". On this thread many of us just try to "move more". The key is to find activities that you enjoy. Walking? Swimming? Gardening? Dancing? Trampoline? Let us know what you find.
    :tongue: Marita sometimes the wii says "Great!" instead of "ooooh!" but I think its a matter of timing, not weight ;)
    :laugh: wessecg your foot in mouth cartoon cracked me up!
    . . .I learned to plan my routine well so I can do it in under an hour. Because I’m home I can watch TV with Jake so I am entertained and don’t feel that I’m abandoning my husband to work out (I already leave him for hours of dog walking and line dancing).
    :huh: Barbie, do I read that to mean you lift weights while watching TV with Jake? Hmmm... How did you start that? Think I'd feel funny, shy,:blushing: afraid Joe would think it's silly... :tongue: Con very gratulations on your 25K step day, followed by a 23K day? WOW!

    :yawn: And that's all for tonight. Reaching for that phantom cigarette scared me:frown: . Time to curl up with Joe.:smooched:

    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD of the healthier waist in 2013.


    2013: Focus on the important stuff
    January: Log, move and listen!

    SWSY or matminutes: 5=24 4=19 3=30 2=30+SWSY arms 1=30
    steps: 5=7307 4=7468 3=7146 2=12223 1=3104
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I couldn't sleep so got up and went for a walk at three this morning. Felt better for it, although my back and knee are still suffering. I do find that moving about makes me less stiff though.

    I'm about to go off to visit MIL at the nursing home whilst DH and our visiting Aussie friend cut down one of the trees in our rear back garden - I just can't face being around while they do that! The tree is no longer healthy and is also causing problems so it has to go.

    A quick question for you wise women - does anyone have a recipe for wheatberries? I love to use them in salads and wondered what other people do with them. The recipes I found online are uninspiring.

    Must dash, just time to send love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • rdplasschaert
    Good day, or eve, as the case may be.

    Wanted to keep track of this thread so I'm posting. :grin::

    Looking forward to reading the whole thing when I get back in a day or two. After 7 days, it's a lot to read in one sitting!

    Hail and well met!

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning ladies, DH is going shooting so I am on my own for food shopping this morning. I am having protein pancakes this morning for breakfast with sliced ham. I like something different on Sunday.

    The crock pot is put away until next weekend, it's the dreaded turkey soup. With left over pre-thanksgiving turkey, remember I had an art show during thanksgiving, but I won't let it go to waste. The black bean and beef soup turned out great, but I only made half a crock pot. We have a really big one. When the kid were here we needed it, now it is too much and we would be eating soup every meal for a week. :laugh:

    Hope everyone is feeling better. Amanda where did you walk at 3 am? Not outside I hope.

    Tigress from GA
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Doing one page at a time
    Do the best you can that's all one can do.

    I'm sure you must feel great seeing under 200. Working at getting there myself.

    Great doctor report. Congrats. Like the way you walk with your sister.

    Join in Welcome

    Having an occassion to dress up for is always nice. And a date with the man you love is great. So who cares if the food is not what you expected. Kick boxing sounds like fu.

    This is not a race. Moving is good.

    True quote and this is a positive room. Get a cup of tea and join in the action.

    Enjoy the gym. Get a hug from grandson instead of the piece of cake

    Top branch
    Welcome great on the 14 lbs already lost.

    Syndy windy
    Welcome and almost at goal.

    What else do you add to your smoothie can't just be spinach.

    You sound mush chipper today. So that fit bit is not a true reading of your sleep pattern.
    Good for you for hitting the threadmill. We here are going to make you a strong women.
    Before long the boss will be afraid of you.

    All that walking can only improve the scales readings.

    Glad to hear that the biopsy didn't reveal the worst. And that it is curable.
    The new job like any new job will be a little overwhelming for a few days.
    But you will adjust.

    Sorry to hear about hubby. Being a caregiver is very demanding. But also rewarding.
    You need to keep healthy he needs you.

    So on to the next page.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have zero time this morning! Spent the night tossing and turning for some reason, was awake at 4am (should have followed Amandas lead, gotten up and walked) , finally went back to sleep and didn`t get up until 7:15, that`s really late for me, also woke up with a nasty headache:grumble: . I`ve not yet had my walk:angry: , and I`ve got to meet the guys shortly....get my tiara put on and hopefully the concealer will cover the dark circles under my eyes! The Queen might be a bit bleary eyed this morning:tongue: .

    Hope you all have a wonderful fun day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning,
    I woke up this morning and there is a light coating of snow that just looks so pretty. I am feeling better every day with getting back into my good habits!
    A friend gave me the book The Four Hour Body in November for my birthday and she gave me The Four Hour Chef for Christmas (we met yesterday). There is a volume of information about the science of weight loss and nutrition in these books. I am just not sure about it....after reading some of the information I feel more stuck than anything else. Her son has used this program and changed his body so much. Has anyone had any experience with these programs/books?? I have really gotten great resources from this board.....just wondering about this.

    In the meantime, I am planning and logging my meals , keeping it clean and getting my exercise back into my day!

    Have a great Sunday,
  • elliev30
    elliev30 Posts: 20 Member
    56 and still breathing here.... Determine to make 2013 the year I get back into shape. Joined this site just a few days ago and began working out on Jan 1... you all are an inspiration that I can do it !

    Happy New Year !!!