Who else has put on all the ibs they once lost?



  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I'm working to break a lifelong yo-yo habit.
    Lost 55 lbs in the 1970s; gained it all back.
    Yo-yoed by 20-30 lbs through 1980s and 1990s, including losing 40+ lbs in 1994-1995 from a new maximum.
    Gained all of it back, eventually adding about 10 lbs to my former "new" maximum.
    Logged highest weight in 2001. Lost 60 lbs in 2001-2002.
    Gained almost all of it back by 2009.
    Lost about 25 lbs in 2009-2010.
    Gained almost all of that back in 2011-2012.
    Now on my way back down again.
    These days I'm focused on (a) sustainable practices vis a vis eating and exercise, and (b) coping strategies to substitute for emotional eating. I'll reach my goal when I get there. Just need to keep doing the right thing one day at a time.
  • Me too! I did this a while back, lost a bit but have now piled it all back on and more. Determined that 2013 will be my year!
  • vanny23
    vanny23 Posts: 2 Member
    I also gained back what I had lost last spring 19lbs. Trying for 80 this time around so I'm doing the lifestyle change :)
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    Yep! Topped out at 300 a week before the birth of my 3rd child. Lost 150 pounds and kept it off for 2 years. Gained 80. Lost 80 and kept it off for 2 years (ish). Gained 40. Lost 32 and that is where I am today. This is my 3rd time on this ride and I'm never going there again! Honestly this time is the only time I've ever felt like I learned how to eat. I owe it all to MFP :)
  • CorneliusRedmond
    CorneliusRedmond Posts: 17 Member
    Yeah it sucks starting back over again. I lost almost thirty pound and got lazy, and now it's back. Welp at least we already know we have it in us and hey any nice pictures you hav of yourself can be great motivation to get moving in the right direction again !!!
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    Yeeeahh, I went from 173lbs down to 123lbs... in about 3 1/2 months.... Gained it all back, though slowly over the course of about 3 years. This time around I'm trying to lose the weight again, just the healthy way. I'd love to help each other along :D
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I have lost the same weight atleast 3-4 times (approx 40 lbs), then I found MFP and I hope I have made enough changes and realize I need MFP so I don't do it again.

    I know i am not currently in your boat, but I have been PLENTY of times before...and even over Christmas I felt my good habits slipping and I panicked becuase of the past yo-yo'ing.

    We got this!
  • slimcakelady
    slimcakelady Posts: 81 Member
    This year was not good. Stress from teaching, getting on meds for anxiety/depression, going on a cruise (enjoyable but WAYYYYY to much food), not exercising like I used to, and holiday eating have all help me pile back on the 25 pounds I worked so hard to loose. MFP is definitely helping me get back on track.
  • Sadly me! I've done so well and have gotten praise for it. I let success get to my head and failure to my heart, and resorted back in my binge episodes. I'm back on track though and am more than determined to kick this sick habit out the WORLD!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    right here. I was 204 when I gained 60 pounds during pregnancy. lost all but 15, and it all came running back.
  • I'm not starting at 0 lbs lost but I did lose 54 lbs back in 2007-08 and as of today I've only kept 19 lbs off. So I know how it feels and it stinks. I keep telling myself that I did it once so I know what to do and I can do it again. So now I have to take the advice of NIKE and "just do it". I'm hoping that the groups will help me to stay motivated. My eating has been my problem. When I lost the weight before, I ate 5 small meals a day and didn't eat after 7 pm. I drank at least a gallon of water a day so i'm going back to that formula and just be more accountable to myself. I wish you the best.
  • cshrank
    cshrank Posts: 13
    Definitely. At one point I lost about 50 lbs and put myself back in the 190's... but now a couple of years later I'm at 260. It doesn't even seem possible, but yet here I am!! I had surgery last year so that kept me inactive for a couple of months and this is my time to get back on track. WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    Yup. size 12 >size 4>size 18 :(
  • Started loosing in March 2011, and lost almost 40 lbs by Jan 2012. Then my mom was listed for a liver transplant and her health was failing. I was her primary caregiver and went from taking care of myself, to not focusing on me anymore. She had her transplant in June 2012 and is doing wonderful, but I just couldn't get back into the swing of things. I weighed myself last week and had gained back almost half of what I lost. I'm trying to get back on track starting this week. I've had a few days of not doing as well as I wanted, but trying not to beat myself up about it. I've joined a group doing a wellness challenge, not just a weight loss challenge, so hoping that helps too!

    Good luck everyone!
  • bringnsparkleback
    bringnsparkleback Posts: 18 Member
    I lost 80lbs on Weight Watchers over the course of three years. I gained 50lbs back. This is what I am working on now. Part of my problem was some medications I was started on. I am trying to adjust those right now and so far so good. Hope to keep it going and keep a loosing (in a good way) streak!