Has anyone tried a juicing fast?

I watched a documentary called "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" about a juicing fast. So I broke out the old juicer this morning just to juice breakfast, then I juiced lunch. I'm feeling pretty good after the two meals and thinking of giving it a try.

Has anyone had any experience with this?


  • MomnWife
    MomnWife Posts: 3 Member
    I watched the same documentary over the holidays. I am now on day 3 of juicing. The first day was pretty rough, I thought that I was going to die. It was from hung it was the detox. I was coming off of sugar, caffeine, all kinds of crazy stuff that I have been putting in my body.

    Today I am doing pretty good. I woke up with a headache this morning, but I took something and now I am doing fine.
  • compumomma
    compumomma Posts: 24 Member
    My husband did it a while ago. He did fine for 4 days and then it started to get to him. Eventually he had to go back to eating again. It just didn't work for him. There are times I will swap out a meal for juice or a smoothie but never more than one a day. Just a preference.
  • txladybug41
    txladybug41 Posts: 105 Member
    I haven't tried it yet, but want to buy a juicer. I did watch that documentary on Netflix. Wow! I plan to do this within this month. Also I watched another called Forks over Knives. It really gives you something to think about. I hope those that have tried juicing will share their tips, recipes, and thoughts here. I'm really curious to know how others have done.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Yes, but I only have made it until like 6pm....then I wind up caving and eating a salad
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    So, if I try a juice fast, what happens when I stop and start eating real food again? Will I gain all the weight back? Is this something I have to do forever?
  • Nancy_hc
    Nancy_hc Posts: 123 Member
    I wouldn't be able to stick to it for more than a day - I dont have the will power! But I am interested to hear any success stories and am now curious to see that documentary.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't see any harm in adding a juice to your day as long as you do the same logging as everything else, but it's hard for me to imagine that it's healthy to do this for any lengthy amount of time. If you consider it, you should do it with a doctor's guidance. I did enjoy that documentary, but take it for what it is, someone's experiences shown in the light they want shown. I can't remember how they address protein, fiber, and fat in the documentary. That would be my main concern.
  • cIaireBear
    I did it for 10 days and my experience was interesting. The first day was the easiest for me and it grew harder. Not because I was hungry, but because I wanted to eat.The rudest awakening was how much I WANTED to eat, not need to eat. I had no headaches but I was a little sleepy. By day four I was fine. As far as weight loss, it's hard to say. I think it very much depends on what your goals are with juicing. If you want to lose weight, you will definitely gain some of it back. However, if you go back to old habits, you'll maybe gain back more. I did it to remove cravings and out of curiosity. I'm so happy I did because fresh veggies and fruit taste so much flavorful now. In fact, everything is so much more flavorful. There are a variety of reasons to do it and you'll know which one is yours. :-)
  • imaginec
    imaginec Posts: 18 Member
    I have started juicing for breakfast and dinner. I eat a healthy lunch and have 1 healthy snack and so far it is working quite well for me. :smile:
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I went 30 days and I feel like it really helped me break some of my addictions to certain foods and it helped me crave more vegetables! It also helped me realize that I have issues with wheat. (because after the fast when I added wheat back into my diet.. all my problems came back)

    If you're wanting to do the fast, just make sure you're getting plenty of green juice. Kale is a great protein source but you need to include quite a bit of it in your juicing in order to get adequate protein. Also you still get plenty of fiber in your diet with juicing since all of the soluble fiber is still included in your juice.. only the insoluble fiber is removed. You need insoluble fiber in a regular diet in order to "help along" your food.. but since you're not eating solid food, you don't really need the insoluble fiber during the fast.

    Also, you shouldn't look at the fast as a weight loss method. It's about getting the nutrients from the juice into your body, the weight loss is just a side effect.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I saw the same documentary and bought a juicer the next day. I briefly thought about juicing for an extended amount of time but I got to thinking about it, personally I like fruit juice, the only vegetable I've juiced thus far, and liked was carrots ( I like vegetable juice, but can't seem to make it taste good). One of the reasons that fruits are so good for you is the amount of fiber in them, constantly juicing strips this away. Joe and Phil lost a lot of weight on the documentary because they had a lot to lose, but on reading over joe's website there are a lot of healthy ideas that go beyond juicing. I still make juice everyday, but doing a juicing diet isn't for me, it works for some, not for others. At least its better than drinking soda all the time.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I too believe everything I see on TV
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Like nearly every diet that is restrictive it will be difficult to sustain. If your consuming less calories than you use you will lose weight doing this. Like nearly every diet that cuts things out you won't get he balanced nutrition that your body needs.

    I see no problem with juicing as a supplement to real food but why would you want to only juice?

    Why do people make this more complicated than it is? Eat to lose weight, eat healthy and eat proper portions. That's all it takes.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    All the toxins (you can name them), came out of me.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Like nearly every diet that is restrictive it will be difficult to sustain. If your consuming less calories than you use you will lose weight doing this. Like nearly every diet that cuts things out you won't get he balanced nutrition that your body needs.

    I see no problem with juicing as a supplement to real food but why would you want to only juice?

    Why do people make this more complicated than it is? Eat to lose weight, eat healthy and eat proper portions. That's all it takes.

    A lot of people don't do it to lose weight. I did it to see if it could help the terrible joint pain I was suffering from. Joe Cross from the documentary did it to try to cure his Chronic Urticaria... For me doing the 30 days of juice fast also helped me break some of my addictions to foods that had gotten really out of control. I was simply not able to count calories and exercise moderation. The fast REALLY brought into focus exactly how addicted I was to certain foods.
  • HeatherStorey
    HeatherStorey Posts: 52 Member
    I watched it and did a juice fast for 3 days. After that, I was starving and ate everything in site and gained all of the weight back. Now I will still juice and add that to my diet by I will never go on a fast again, it was not worth it.
  • dnscal123
    dnscal123 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm just going to give it a try one meal at a time, I made it through day 1 and I feel pretty good actually.

    There are a few reasons why I want to try it.

    1. Lower my Blood Pressure
    2. Help with pain in my ankles
    3. Loose weight
  • kayla554
    kayla554 Posts: 99 Member
    Lolno. But if you have the willpower you can maybe do it... It will seem easy the first few days but once that hunger really starts to kick in you will find yourself binging. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. But I guess giving it a try wouldn't hurt...
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'm just going to give it a try one meal at a time, I made it through day 1 and I feel pretty good actually.

    There are a few reasons why I want to try it.

    1. Lower my Blood Pressure
    2. Help with pain in my ankles
    3. Loose weight

    Join the forum at jointhereboot.com if you haven't already. You'll find a lot of support there and they have two nutritionists on staff that answer questions.
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I just started adding one juice a day to my daily routine. I'm actually doing the Mean Green Juice too and I actually like it a lot. I was wondering when counting the calories for it, do I just add up all the calories from each of the fruits and veggies or would it be less than that cuz the juicer removes a bunch of the fruit as "pulp". I just want to keep my calorie count as accurate as possible.