Black Team Week 14!!!!



  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning Black Team..

    I hope everyone has a great weigh in. I am hoping to Friday morning.. Had a great workout lastnight with the trainer...she said I dont know how you were ever have so much drive..It was a proud moment for me..She almost made me cry though she made me jump on the stinkin stool.. I didnt it 33 times..So hopefully next time it will be conquered..Wont hold my breath though..It was like each time I was just as scared as the first time....

    Well have a unit changeot with darling husband...

    Already been to the gym this morning 800 calories burned..Yeah me..

    Good Wednesday Morning Everyone!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    All this preggers talk. I loved it. Didn't even mind the labor and delivery- did it all natural- even though I swear the doctors and nurses kept trying to talk me into drugs. I never got sick. Felt great most of the time. I still love seeing pregnant women. I wouldn't have minded doing it again, but I'm over babies. Plus, it kills the bod.

    Weighed this AM. Up 2 pounds. Still in my zone. TOM due today or tomorrow, not gonna sweat it!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I wouldn't have minded doing it again, but I'm over babies. Plus, it kills the bod.

    Tell me about it. :grumble:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I wouldn't have minded doing it again, but I'm over babies. Plus, it kills the bod.

    Tell me about it. :grumble:

    I'm sure PA Lori you look great and I know FL lori looks great!! me on the other hand that is a whole nother story!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    I wouldn't have minded doing it again, but I'm over babies. Plus, it kills the bod.

    Tell me about it. :grumble:

    I'm sure PA Lori you look great and I know FL lori looks great!! me on the other hand that is a whole nother story!!

    Trust me Sam, babies did a number on my body too. When you see my pictures, you only see what I share. I have stretch marks. I have very saggy skin on my tummy. When I'm standing up, gravity works in my favor, all the saggy stuff sort of tucks into my pants. If I took a picture bent over, with really low cut pants on- whole different story. The thing is, I am not crazy enough to take pictues like that! :tongue:

    I have been working on accepting my body for what it is. I'm not a spring chicken anymore. I still dream of breast lifts and tummy tucks, but truth be told, even if I had those things done, there would still be things I wasn't happy with- the saggy skin under my arms, the thunder thighs I've had for life, the rooster chin/neck thing, wrinkles, probably the scars from the surgery..... The list is neverending. So I can either dwell on it or be proud of what I have accomplished, pick clothes that are flattering, delete pictures that aren't :bigsmile: and hold my head high with confidence that I look pretty dang good.

    Reality is, 2 years ago, I wore a size 16 dress to this ball, this year I bought a 6. So when I look in the mirror and start in on myself about all the things I still don't like, I'm going to tell myself to shut it!
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    I loved being pregnant, giving birth, etc. I just loved, loved, loved it! I almost get jealous of pregnant women. Especially first time parents. Makes me smile from the inside out. :flowerforyou: So I'll tell you that I'm jealout of you and Lori-PA.

    With Harley I loved being pregnant. I didn't even mind the morning sickness in the beginning. I wanted the huge belly and hated when people told me I barely looked pregnant. This time I have almost 3 months to go and I'm already done. I feel like a whale. Everything hurts. I'm ready for Cooper to just be here already. The only reasons I still want to be pregnant are because it's too soon (I have 12 weeks left), I enjoy being pregnant when I feel Cooper kick (except when he tries to escape out my belly button or makes me almost pee myself by kicking my bladder), and mostly because I'm scared to death of dealing with Harley and a new baby at the same time.

    Today I went to check on my supposed-to-be-sleeping daughter and she was standing in her crib pantsless with her poopy diaper on the floor and poop on the floor, her hand, her sheets...I made Dave take me out to dinner after that one.

    Mommyhood isn't it lovely:wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good afternoon--

    First-- I loved being pregnant-- loved, loved, loved it-- very easy pregnancies and deliveries. Loved the whole experience-- pregnancy, child birth. Loved the hospital stay. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. Which is good, I guess, since I experienced it so many times.

    just had my doctor's appointment-- no news yet. According to the doctor records, I'm up 6 pounds since September. I told her that's what's killing me-- that plus the girth around my middle that just won't budge.

    Told her nothing has changed-- my diet hasn't changed. Activity level hasn't changed. Brought with me printouts of 90 days of calories ingested and 90 days worth of calories burned from logs here to show her that I wasn't kidding. Proof that I log everything-- and that I show 45 days of exercise in the last 90. Averaging every other day-- not freakin' bad.

    Told her about the veggie juice fast, and that I'd gained a pound during it-- nothing is leaving the body-- I don't sweat. I'm constipated. I don't pee-- nuttin'.

    So-- she's checking the thyroid. We'll see what happens. Fingers crossed for some resolution.

    In any event-- I'm still plugging away. I stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get my iced turbo-- delish-- and got a bagel twist with it-- cheddar cheese-- very yummy. 400 calories, which is a little high-- but not terrible for lunch, and at least has some protein, too.

    Heading to see the kidlets-- haven't seen 'em all day--

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Got notice today that unemployment is being extended another six weeks.

    Good news.

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Got notice today that unemployment is being extended another six weeks.

    Good news.


    Great news! I'll keep my fingers crossed that this last golf trip was a learning experience and things will move forward for your family. By the way, I take it hubs decided he wasn't getting the pacemaker?
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,957 Member
    Week 6, Day 2 is outta here. It was tough. Today was 5 min warm up, run 1 mile (or 10 mins), walk 1/4 mile (or 3 mins), run 1 mile (or 10 mins) then cool down. Well, silly me thought I'd try to do a 10 min mile and walk a 1/4 mile in 3 mins. I think I'll repeat Day 2 and stick with running a mile at 5.3 to 5.5 instead of trying to do them in 10 minutes each. I cannot forget that my goal is to complete it. Period. It shouldn't matter to me how quickly I can get there.

    On the preggers talk...I loved it so much I would consider being a surrogate for a couple who couldn't carry their own if DH and I's financial situation were different.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Got notice today that unemployment is being extended another six weeks.

    Good news.


    Great news! I'll keep my fingers crossed that this last golf trip was a learning experience and things will move forward for your family. By the way, I take it hubs decided he wasn't getting the pacemaker?

    Nah-- after consult with his primary care chick, with a normal resting heart rate of 50, an occasional low heart rate of 30 isn't so scary-- just means he skips a beat now and then.

    She agreed that the emergency room was kneejerk-- so far, so good. At least I've stopped hearing the minute by minute health reports-- ha. And it's allergy season to boot-- this is amazing. :wink:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Got notice today that unemployment is being extended another six weeks.

    Good news.


    Marla~ Great news!!! He must have run out before April 4th. I had 153 dollars left that is why they didn't renew mine.

    Hubs might have a job that would at least pay our mortgage and hopefully they won't fight his unemployment if this all works out we should be on our way back up. I have to go to WIC tomorrow and wait. The earliest appointment they had was for April 22 and we can't wait that long. So, I go first thing in the AM 8:15 AM and wait for my turn. This job that he might have is for a production manager position at the theater that he does his plays and when they aren't doing plays he will be cleaning, answering phones, stuff like that. It isn't much but at least the mortgage will be paid.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Got notice today that unemployment is being extended another six weeks.

    Good news.


    . It isn't much but at least the mortgage will be paid.

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Just finished W6D2 and I'm still enjoying it. Jim paid me the compliment that I was running faster and further then when we did this last year. Yeah I was :happy: :blushing:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,957 Member
    Just finished W6D2 and I'm still enjoying it. Jim paid me the compliment that I was running faster and further then when we did this last year. Yeah I was :happy: :blushing:

    Awesome job!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Week 6, Day 2 is outta here. It was tough. Today was 5 min warm up, run 1 mile (or 10 mins), walk 1/4 mile (or 3 mins), run 1 mile (or 10 mins) then cool down. Well, silly me thought I'd try to do a 10 min mile and walk a 1/4 mile in 3 mins. I think I'll repeat Day 2 and stick with running a mile at 5.3 to 5.5 instead of trying to do them in 10 minutes each. I cannot forget that my goal is to complete it. Period. It shouldn't matter to me how quickly I can get there.

    On the preggers talk...I loved it so much I would consider being a surrogate for a couple who couldn't carry their own if DH and I's financial situation were different.

    Good attitude on the running. I used to try and kill myself to run a 10 minute mile and I could and can do it, but my knees dont' like it. It's so much easier on my body to run at a slower pace. The main idea is to finish. You got it.

    I used to think I could be a surrogate too, I also liked it that much. I dont think about it any more. I had an ablation two years ago, those days are gone, supposedly, although most women dont' get their monthly visitor anymore and I do, so who knows.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Got notice today that unemployment is being extended another six weeks.

    Good news.


    Great news! I'll keep my fingers crossed that this last golf trip was a learning experience and things will move forward for your family. By the way, I take it hubs decided he wasn't getting the pacemaker?

    Nah-- after consult with his primary care chick, with a normal resting heart rate of 50, an occasional low heart rate of 30 isn't so scary-- just means he skips a beat now and then.

    She agreed that the emergency room was kneejerk-- so far, so good. At least I've stopped hearing the minute by minute health reports-- ha. And it's allergy season to boot-- this is amazing. :wink:

    Well, that's good news. Who needs their heart to beat all the time anyway? Puh! :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Got notice today that unemployment is being extended another six weeks.

    Good news.


    Great news! I'll keep my fingers crossed that this last golf trip was a learning experience and things will move forward for your family. By the way, I take it hubs decided he wasn't getting the pacemaker?

    Nah-- after consult with his primary care chick, with a normal resting heart rate of 50, an occasional low heart rate of 30 isn't so scary-- just means he skips a beat now and then.

    She agreed that the emergency room was kneejerk-- so far, so good. At least I've stopped hearing the minute by minute health reports-- ha. And it's allergy season to boot-- this is amazing. :wink:

    Well, that's good news. Who needs their heart to beat all the time anyway? Puh! :wink:

    Exactly-- all that does is make it wear out faster, anyway-- right?

    Had a killer workout, dancing with the stars-- and Sarah and Faith.

    Tonight is my workout night with Aaron, but he came home from basketball with a pulled calf muscle and hobbled to his room. Not sure if my personal trainer is up to it tonight-- if not, I'll catch him tomorrow-- the sissy. :wink:

    Later, cats--
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Marla- good job on your sweets counter my friend. I gave up/lost count a long time ago. You are hanging tough!

    Sam- good news on the job for hubs, something is better than nothing.

    Bobbi- keep trucking lady!

    I finished planting all my stuff today, even took the time to work on the much neglected front yard. Sad, it's what everybody else sees, but the back yard is my paradise!

    I'm going to lunch with some friends tomorrow. I'm not working on diddly squat! I'm looking forward to it. Granted I have to go for groceries after lunch because it's pretty sad on the food front around here, but still, I'm taking a break of sorts.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    All I am gonna say is I am super super super sore working working out with trainer tuesday night..I hurt so bad I got someone to cover my shift for work today..I cant lift my arms about my head..Then I went to work with hubby yesterday in the blistering sun...and then it dawned on me yesterday afternoon that yesterday was 3 months since dad passed away..Not a good combination..

    I am gonna attempt the gym this morning dont know how well it will work..

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
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