
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks Liz and DeeDee and Exermom and Lin - he's a great horse, I should quit cutting his head off :laugh:

    Well today is Monday. I've been fairly good and greatly active this weekend. I am very much wanting to see that pound that showed up last week gone by Friday. I can do this!!!:drinker:
  • Good morning all. I'm new to this site as of Saturday and need to lose 20 lbs. I'll need the support. What's a good site for healthy low cal recipes?
  • Wow! I am reading all these post and it is very encouraging. I recently gained back some weight, I now have a goal of 25lbs to lose. Glad to have a group for support.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Thanks Liz and DeeDee and Exermom and Lin - he's a great horse, I should quit cutting his head off :laugh:

    Well today is Monday. I've been fairly good and greatly active this weekend. I am very much wanting to see that pound that showed up last week gone by Friday. I can do this!!!:drinker:

    That was a lovely picture and see, you're back on track and you didn't need any real tough love from any of us did you? You're doing it!!! That is GREAT!

    Lin from Central Iowa

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Happy Monday! Well it's the start of a busy week for me. I have a challenging job for someone who has always struggled with weight. I am a Food Broker Sales Rep. I represent about 40 lines from Tyson chicken to Sara Lee to lines including french fries and onions rings to calms and mussels. Tomorrow I will leave town to help set up a food show and Weds is the show...FOOD FOOD FOOD. I have learned to deal with it. Some shows I do better then others.

    I have turned into a work out freak over the last year or so aswell...which has helped alot when a bad choice is made :wink: We got a call last night from a friend inviting us to dinner tonight which will include some people we haven't seen in years. I think something is wrong with me!!!!!!! All I could think of is I will have to miss one of my favorite work out classes!!!!!!!:noway:

    Michele ~ Belly Dancing..sounds fun. A walker NO WAY :noway: Get that ankle better quick :wink:

    Wessecg ~ It's a great pic! I had a horse when I was young. Over the holidays I chatted with a friend's wife who is a horse trainer. She invited me to come take a lesson and ride. I think I will take her up on that. However she is english and I rode western..so I will have to just learn something new!

    Speaking of new - I think this year I really want to keep my eyes and mind open to new things...get out of my comfort zone and ENJOY!

    Well I better get to work so I can make it to the gym and then it's SUSHI time :bigsmile:

    Judy ~ So Cal :glasses:
  • valerie58
    valerie58 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm New HELLO

    Hello, I'm fifty three years old, I live in Calif, I would like to lose about 30 lb. In three day I will be having a knee replacement. While recuperating I would like to loose weight. this is my second time here and it work very well the the first time. I found this site to really helped me understand calories. I will be doing an open diary.Would love to have input from everyone. the pics in my bra and under ware are me now!!!!! I did it see the differences, because I know we forget
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I'm behind again -- work and my father going into the hospital prevented my reading the past few days. I've just skimmed the posts and can't answer all of them as I'd like, but would like to say to Jolene that I'm so glad it wasn't lymphoma!!

    I'd like to pose a question: have you ever thought about the psychological reasons for your weight? I've often thought that to be successful in the long run that I need to figure out the underlying causes of my problem. I've yet to find a "diet program" that considers this.

    I hadn't realized that people did emotional eating until I read an article in my 20's, and that planted the seed that perhaps I'd feel better when depressed if I ate. Bad idea, obviously, but that started me. When I reached my 40's and was more in tune with my feelings and my body, I would realize what I was doing while I was eating it, but would eat it anyway. It wasn't mindless or unthinking anymore. I was clear in my thinking up to this point, but then needed to figure out why I would continue to eat emotionally once I realized I was doing it. This is where I need some help!

    It seems like I must be punishing myself in some way for the emotional garbage that makes me eat. If someone is upset with me, maybe I'm bad and don't deserve to be thin or healthy? I don't know. I'd like to figure it out, though, so that I can stop it. I had a bad day on Saturday and did the emotional eating again, something I hadn't done in quite a while. I was fully aware that I was doing it, and did it anyway.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else has considered this, and if you have found any answers?

    Jane in Colorado
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to all the new people to the site.
    We finally got all of our Christmas decorations down this past weekend except for some of the outside stuff which we will hopefully get to this week.
    My father in law is not doing well. He has been in the hospital for the past month, but it seems his condition is getting worse. As of this past weekend, he doesn't even wake up anymore. So sad to watch.
    Some of you ladies have very aggressive exercise programs. I don't know how you do it! I manage to walk 2 miles on a treadmill at a brisk pace three times a week, and that's about all I can handle. I have been doing this faithfully for about 6 months, but it never seems to get any easier. If any of you have a secret you'd like to share, I'm all ears (or eyes, as the case may be!).
    Well, back to work for me! Have a great day.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Lucy, my exercise secret is distraction and force of habit. First, I get on the machines first thing in the morning before I completely wake up, and watch old tv shows via Netflix streaming or discs. Second, I have an exercise bike with a laptop desk attached, and I don't allow myself online at home unless I'm cycling. (It's called a FitDesk, http://fitdesk.net, and they are awesome!). Finally, if my calories are over for the day, it's back on the bike before bedtime to work them off if I possibly can. I also keep a spreadsheet with monthly and annual goals -- but that predates my time on MFP, so it's probably superfluous if you're logging exercise here.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Id like to pose a question: have you ever thought about the psychological reasons for your weight? I've often thought that to be successful in the long run that I need to figure out the underlying causes of my problem. I've yet to find a "diet program" that considers this.
    It seems like I must be punishing myself in some way for the emotional garbage that makes me eat. If someone is upset with me, maybe I'm bad and don't deserve to be thin or healthy? I don't know. I'd like to figure it out, though, so that I can stop it. I had a bad day on Saturday and did the emotional eating again, something I hadn't done in quite a while. I was fully aware that I was doing it, and did it anyway.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else has considered this, and if you have found any answers?

    Jane in Colorado

    Jane, I have thought about this. I was raised by smokers who sat around watching TV, smoking and snacking, so I learned some very bad eating habits. On the good side, I never took up smoking and hate it with a passion because of my years of bronchitis and other second hand smoke problems. But I definitely took up unhealthy eating habits. I've always been a stress eater, and gained an average of 10 pounds during each year I taught. I lost part of it every summer, and the cycle began again in September. As a result, my weight trended consistently upward.

    I'm retired now, and want to have fun. My knees hurt and that was/is interfering with my fun. I kept reading about the knee issues and most of the online medical sites linked my symptoms with over weight women of a certain age. That was my aha. I'm too heavy for my knees. While shopping for a winter coat, I reached the decision that I needed to do something about my weight now and wondered if there was an app for that. I downloaded two-WW and MFP. I didn't like that WW uses a point system and charges fees. Calories in/out makes more sense to me. So I tried MFP, and I'm now down 26 pounds. The biggest asset for me is that my husband is doing this with me and is 110% supportive. The second big asset is that I can eat whatever I want. I just control my portions and log the calories. It is a blessing that I can log the food on my phone. This way I don't have to sit down at the end of the day and try to remember what I ate. I never feel deprived and we're both feeling better. I'm loving the new lifestyle and consider it a permanent change.

    I wish you luck. You deserve to enjoy life, and feel good, both physically and emotionally.

    Katla from NW Oregon
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    I hadn't realized that people did emotional eating until I read an article in my 20's, and that planted the seed that perhaps I'd feel better when depressed if I ate. Bad idea, obviously, but that started me. When I reached my 40's and was more in tune with my feelings and my body, I would realize what I was doing while I was eating it, but would eat it anyway. It wasn't mindless or unthinking anymore. I was clear in my thinking up to this point, but then needed to figure out why I would continue to eat emotionally once I realized I was doing it. This is where I need some help!

    It seems like I must be punishing myself in some way for the emotional garbage that makes me eat. If someone is upset with me, maybe I'm bad and don't deserve to be thin or healthy? I don't know. I'd like to figure it out, though, so that I can stop it. I had a bad day on Saturday and did the emotional eating again, something I hadn't done in quite a while. I was fully aware that I was doing it, and did it anyway.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else has considered this, and if you have found any answers?

    Jane in Colorado

    Jane, I think a lot of us can relate, to the eating for emotional reasons, the self discovery about it and then the frustration about why we don't stop. I believe it is just a human issue. Wanting to do what is good for yourself is good, your mind knows it, acknowledges it and strives for it. But feeding ourselves when we are tired, bored, sad, discouraged or whatever reason actually feels good be it ever so briefly. It's an instant gratification thing, that in our case has 50 some years of ingrained habit in us. Our bodies know that when we stick something sweet or fattening in them, it's going to be a happy sensation, and our bodies send out a HUGE crying demand for it NOW. And then we have years of practice telling ourselves that we will do better, tomorrow, or Mon. Or after the holidays or whatever. And tomorrow unfortunately fr many of us keeps being put off. That's why all the other addictive supports groups follow plans that lean on" a higher power" . In the bible the apostle Paul wrote, " I do not understand why I do the things that I don't want to do, but the good I want to do, I do not do. Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God"
    I have not been able to live like I want to in my mind and heart, but I do know this, I can't give up. I keep on trying to get it right. I do think its something that can draw me to God, because seriously, I just can't seem to do this on my own and I need to rely on something bigger and better than my own human nature. These are my thoughts on the subject, maybe they will give you food fr thought.
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    I tried to do one of those quote boxes ith my answer to Jane, I don't know how to do that.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I tried to do one of those quote boxes ith my answer to Jane, I don't know how to do that.

    Hit the quote button, and delete all but the part you want to focus on. Scroll down to below the [/q****] and start your typing. I hope this helps.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I can't see how chopping apples can burn as much as walking unless your stepping in place.

    Mary Ann
    Look at it this way. You could of checked where you were last year and find you weight more.

    Picures sure are great memories.

    You will do it.

    Sit enjoy your tea and the posts.

    How many steps do you aim for. Don't forget log, move and listen

    Hope he's a looker your electrician that is. Have a great day.

    Sleeping your not using your arms chopping. It might burn some calories but not a lot.
    It depends on what kind of food prep your doing I guess some would burn more than others.
    But would that not be counted into your day.
    This thread is sure time consuming. But you got some yoga in.

    Good luck tomorrow enjoy your me time.

    Good for you for being almost at pre holiday weight. Line up the ducks. Want to see you having a great week.

    Well that puts me where I left off this morning but still another page to catch up. But my bed is calling my name going for a much needed nap.

    See you all lighter
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Only 17 pages and I can be current:wink:

    As i have said on my profile note for today..

    Today was the moment of truth, I used up all my #5 that I had lost to use on the Holidays. I changed my goal weight to be what I had lost as my "bonus" number so I now have a new goal for this year. I went 1/2 lb over my last year goal so after all the adjustments to my profile I have #6 to lose this year, set it at 1/2 lb a week and would like to be there by the first of March. All my clothes fit and am really liking where I am starting this year...now onward and forward.

    My January goals:

    Start 30 Day Shred, it's time again
    Finding some "calm" in the mist of my work storm (the accounting conversion is not going smoothly)
    Back to drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day
    I'm sure there are more things I should set as goals but they just won't come to the surface right now.

    Hoping everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that you are all off to a great start of the new year...I'm only 7 days behind...well back to reading page one.

    Have a great day all...drink your water, move your body and log that food:drinker:

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. Boy it’s a Monday all right. I have been teaching all morning…8-12. Now it’s lunch break and we have skills all afternoon, but my coworkers are making me go home to bed! So nice to have such supportive friends! Like you guys! So since I feel like poo, this may be short, which will make up for posting twice yesterday!

    Kackie: Rum pound cake? YUMMY Glad it’s in your house and not mine!

    Tigress: good way to adapting your food!

    Glenda: funny how that calendar mindset works…I still get excited at the start of a new school year!

    Sue: No I am much more specific in my wishes! I just want to be walking down the street and have my uterus fall out and I walk off and leave it there! No complications, no problems LOL. Think that will happen? None of those prolapsing things are any fun!

    Barbie: boy I do agree with you…the best exercise is the one you’ll do! I think too many people try to commit to things they hate.

    Multifacet: welcome

    Michele: I could eat eggs and omelets every day I think!

    Joan: what a good way to start the year!

    Wessecg: great picture and beautiful horse, except he seems to be missing a head! :laugh: Your property looks beautiful too! I bet it’s wonderful when everything is green and growing!

    Mel: welcome this is a great thread!

    BJ: I agree with you. It’s not always about the numbers, and I do think this site gives way too many for the exercise and activities. I do think it’s good for trending data; if you are following the recommendations but not losing, add more exercise or cut back on food. I am a little “fuzzy” when considering the numbers too.

    MaryAnn: you ARE worth it and I think you hit the nail on the head, at least for some of us. I think many overweight people subconsciously choose to stay heavy. Not everyone of course, but I think there really is something to that. One site I used to be on always asked “Why are you afraid to lose weight?” I think for me it’s more laziness but I do believe there is an aspect to choosing my lifestyle. I am just now learning to choose better.

    Renny: we should have on-line scrapbooking support groups. I am nearly 7 years behind!

    SRM: I find planning lunches to be the most difficult part!

    Barbara AHMOD: boy you are one busy lady!

    Amanda: crossing my fingers for your scan!

    LinC: you have a busy day planned. I used to sew but got so frustrated I quit! I admire those who can!

    Tigress: you crack me up! My hubby watches the weirdest things too! I always roll my eyes when I come in and see him in front of the TV, which thankfully is not too often! The kids just flee!

    Tammy: welcome. Try www.skinnytaste.com

    May: welcome to you too!

    Judy I’d be tempted to eat all that seafood!

    Valerie: welcome and good luck on the surgery!

    Jane: I think you are right that many of us are emotional eaters. I read that we literally are stuffing our feelings down our throats so we don’t have to deal with them. Ediets.com used to have a whole section devoted to psychological eating issues.

    Lucy: so sorry about your father. Hugs to you. If you dread the treadmill, maybe you can try some other form of exercise. You have to enjoy it or at least find it tolerable

    Laura: your goals are good ones. When you find that calm, can you let me in on the secret?

    OK I’m being glared at so I guess I better go on home now. See you tomorrow. My “miscellaneous” calories are from a citrus/romaine/feta cheese salad. Interesting taste combination, but pretty good!
    Take care, Meg
  • KatieLou1022
    KatieLou1022 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey Y'all ...

    I'm new here and have been looking for people closer to my age group ... so happy to find you.

    Katie Lou
  • Strong_Heart
    Strong_Heart Posts: 32 Member
    My goal for 2013 ~ To shed at LEAST 52 pounds by the end of December (preferrably MORE :smile: )
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    The cloaked deflected the first couple of barbs today but then I lost faith amongst the deceptions and lies. It gets harder each day to deal with this woman. I am looking for other positions but that isn't going well. Why does she have to be such a bully and an unprofessional baby on top of it. I was actually laughing this morning because it was so pathetic. It hard to keep that frame of mind up though. I will just have to conjure a stronger cloack tomorrow. :wink:

    I got over 15000 steps yesterday so it was a good day and the SeaHawks won!!!!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    in the great PNW
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Lucy, my exercise secret is distraction and force of habit. First, I get on the machines first thing in the morning before I completely wake up, and watch old tv shows via Netflix streaming or discs. Second, I have an exercise bike with a laptop desk attached, and I don't allow myself online at home unless I'm cycling. (It's called a FitDesk, http://fitdesk.net, and they are awesome!). Finally, if my calories are over for the day, it's back on the bike before bedtime to work them off if I possibly can. I also keep a spreadsheet with monthly and annual goals -- but that predates my time on MFP, so it's probably superfluous if you're logging exercise here.


    Thanks for the advice, Hope! I too do my walking in the morning before work (6am) and listen to "Preston and Steve" which makes it somewhat bearable, but it still doesn't get easier. It takes me 1/2 hour to do the 2 miles and I'm feeling like I should be doing more, but can't imagine going any faster as it is still not easy. I alternate brisk walking with jogging to keep my heart rate up.
    Maybe I just need more variety. I'm going to think about that. We do have an exercycle, but it needs some repair. Maybe I'll look into that and try alternating so I don't get bored.