Did Jillian Michaels Go Too Far on BL?



  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    I think they go too far all the time, including their training methods.

    I think the show, while entertaining and motivating, also does a massive disservice to dieters by giving them a horrible idea of what is acceptable and what isn't.

    /gets off soapbox.

    This. I've heard doctors hate this show with a flaming passion because of all the people who get hurt trying to replicate it. I've also heard that people get hurt on the show from dehydration because of trying to use water weight to make loss more dramatic fairly often.

    Worst of all, I hate how this show reinforces the idea some people have that yelling at/shaming fat people is what will make them change. They conveniently gloss over the fact that people try really hard to get on this show because they want to be famous and they WANT to make the changes necessary to lose fat, whatever it takes. I personally feel that I would have gotten into shape a long time ago if not for fat shaming, including shaming done by medical professionals. It's been proven that for the majority of people, making them feel bad about themselves does not make them want to take better care of their bodies, and kids who go through a phase where they are overweight are more likely to have weight problems for life if their family acts basically like Jillian does on this show.

    I'm glad she's famous enough to help make fitness cool again. I live in the upper midwest and I notice more people taking up physical activities and healthy eating habits in the last 4 years or so then I have the whole rest of my life. But this show needs to go and be replaced with something that is less harmful to people.

  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    It's also a tv show made to promote the sales of products so they need to have drama...

    thank you! agreed and steer clear of reality tv.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    people who give up on all their dreams in life because someone yells :drinker:
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    I was disgusted that Nikki would get an opportunity to devote months to nothing but fitness, and gave it all up after just a few days of really hard work. I don't think Jillian was any harder on her than she has been with other contestants throughout the season.

    That being said, I also dislike the unnatural perceptions of weight loss that this show perpetuates. I actually really like Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition with Chris Powell because he talks about caloric goals and fitness goals over the course of a year and the participants of that show are given great tools to succeed but must also make it work at home and with their daily lives.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I haven't read all the responses. I will say this. I like the show. I don't think Jillian went too far. She is pushing people.....to see how bad they want it.......Everyone says they want it........Says they will put the work in.......not everyone will. If people aren't willing to put the work in why should they be there anyways....There are lot of people that want to be there bad enough to put the work in. I always say you either REALLY want it or you don't. If you quit because someone yelled at you and tried to show you what you are capable of then you don't really want it.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Nope. Love me some Jillian! So glad she's back!
  • Punisher1130
    Punisher1130 Posts: 98 Member
    people who give up on all their dreams in life because someone yells :drinker:

  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    people who give up on all their dreams in life because someone yells :drinker:


    Step 1:
    Be a jerk to someone

    Step 2:
    Tell the person they are just too weak to handle it or that you have to do this because they are weak

    Step 3:
    The person believes they are weak, and doesn't try to be stronger

    Step 4:
    Food doesn't judge, yell, or tell you how weak you are.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Not watching I am no Jillian fan and if they are having the kids on there all the swearing is totally uncalled for as far as I am concerned. Done with the show.

    Not how it worked...kids weren't in the gym with the adults.
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    people who give up on all their dreams in life because someone yells :drinker:


    Step 1:
    Be a jerk to someone

    Step 2:
    Tell the person they are just too weak to handle it or that you have to do this because they are weak

    Step 3:
    The person believes they are weak, and doesn't try to be stronger

    Step 4:
    Food doesn't judge, yell, or tell you how weak you are.

    This is part of the problem.....that line of reasoning is what needs to be changed by those who have it.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member

    I think that a good trainer has one foot up your a** and one foot in your brain. I love Jillian.

    Like someone else said, they all knew what they were going to do.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    people who give up on all their dreams in life because someone yells :drinker:


    Step 1:
    Be a jerk to someone

    Step 2:
    Tell the person they are just too weak to handle it or that you have to do this because they are weak

    Step 3:
    The person believes they are weak, and doesn't try to be stronger

    Step 4:
    Food doesn't judge, yell, or tell you how weak you are.

    Step 1:
    Be a jerk to someone
    (subjective - youre one of the most sensitive people on MFP - so let's start here by saying what you consider to be 'jerky' i consider to be honest motivation)

    Step 2:
    Tell the person they are just too weak to handle it or that you have to do this because they are weak
    (fact - if you cant pick something up - you are too weak to pick it up. You have to get stronger - I dont see the problem here)

    Step 3:
    The person believes they are weak, and doesn't try to be stronger
    (that person didn't want it to begin with apparently, if they think that being weak means you cannot get strong so they just give up. lame)

    Step 4:
    Food doesn't judge, yell, or tell you how weak you are.
    (how the hell is food the fourth step in motivation and exercise. Food doesn't do anything. It's just some hot or cold stuff on the table on a plate. you might as well say tires dont yell at you, front doors dont judge you and your mailbox wont ever tell you how weak you are.)

    Step 1. Tell them the truth
    Step 2. Explain that they have a long way to go.
    Step 3. When they accept that, help them get there.
    Step 4. High five them every time they progress.

    Who's fault is it if they quit between step 2 and step 3?


    If you cant stay motivated on a tv show, then you just dont want it.

    You may want the reward, I dont doubt that. But you dont want the change.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    people who give up on all their dreams in life because someone yells :drinker:


    Step 1:
    Be a jerk to someone

    Step 2:
    Tell the person they are just too weak to handle it or that you have to do this because they are weak

    Step 3:
    The person believes they are weak, and doesn't try to be stronger

    Step 4:
    Food doesn't judge, yell, or tell you how weak you are.

    Step 1:
    Be a jerk to someone
    (subjective - youre one of the most sensitive people on MFP - so let's start here by saying what you consider to be 'jerky' i consider to be honest motivation)

    Step 2:
    Tell the person they are just too weak to handle it or that you have to do this because they are weak
    (fact - if you cant pick something up - you are too weak to pick it up. You have to get stronger - I dont see the problem here)

    Step 3:
    The person believes they are weak, and doesn't try to be stronger
    (that person didn't want it to begin with apparently, if they think that being weak means you cannot get strong so they just give up. lame)

    Step 4:
    Food doesn't judge, yell, or tell you how weak you are.
    (how the hell is food the fourth step in motivation and exercise. Food doesn't do anything. It's just some hot or cold stuff on the table on a plate. you might as well say tires dont yell at you, front doors dont judge you and your mailbox wont ever tell you how weak you are.)

    Step 1. Tell them the truth
    Step 2. Explain that they have a long way to go.
    Step 3. When they accept that, help them get there.
    Step 4. High five them every time they progress.

    Who's fault is it if they quit between step 2 and step 3?


    If you cant stay motivated on a tv show, then you just dont want it.

    You may want the reward, I dont doubt that. But you dont want the change.

    Thank you for this Yoovie. It's just what I needed today..
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    My biggest problem with Biggest Loser is it creates unrealistic expectations of those in my life as to what kind of weight loss I can achieve. "Wait you only lost 10 pounds this month? People on biggest loser do that in a week!'

    Frustrates the crap outta me.
  • Just my opinion but... everyone of those people knew before hand who Jillian Michaels is... if you've heard her name once then you know she is a power house! A force to be reconditioning with.... every. One in America knows she is tough.... I thinkshe was just doing what she does!
  • I do have to say that I did NOT miss Jillian. She brings so much drama. She thinks she needs to break people to help them make a change....trust me they are broken!

    Bob and Dolvett are both tough and compassionate. I love the show but I am not into Jillian!
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    No she didn't. Yes, I am and always have been a big Jillian fan but that's beside the point.

    FIRST - As many have mentioned already DON'T forget that this is a reality show. Period. What you saw on the show is probably only half of what went on. Just like with EVERY OTHER reality show, they manipulate the clips they have to create a bit more drama. That's just how it is. We like drama in our reality shows, otherwise there wouldn't be such a following for the "housewives" shows, jersey shore, teen mom, and bridezillas. Period

    SECOND - The way I saw it, this woman was selected out of THOUSANDS dying to be on that show to help change their lives. She chose instead to waste it. Not because she COULD'NT do it; but because she didn't want to. When it came down to it Jillian gave here a very calm and straightforward choice. Give it your all or go. And she couldn't handle it. This girl had seen previous seasons and I believe did have some idea what she was in for; maybe not well thought through, but c'mon..... NO ONE who has watched previous seasons could possibly be naive enough to think that it wasn't an emotional/mental journey as well as physical. Like Jillian said, she had to WANT to change.....and she didn't plain and simple. She just wasn't ready. Those of you who have failed in the past and are now becoming successful in your journey know this all too well. You have to WANT it for you. And if you don't, you will always find a way to sabatoge yourself as she did.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Since working out with Jillian's BR DVD - I feel we are BFF's and she can do no wrong in my eyes. I thought she was harsh yelling at them and making them do the treadmill till they passed out. But I am a wimp. It is possible that if that girl was with Bob, she wouldn't have quit. But we will never know.

    I haven't watched the biggest loser in years, so I don't know what it's been like without her
  • nikig7
    nikig7 Posts: 240 Member
    Hey, fitness fans! Just finished watching last night's Biggest Loser. I was a bit baffled by Jillian Michaels' treatment of the one girl, who she seemed to badger into leaving. These people are already broken -- does she need to break them down more? Can't the workout itself do that? I'm curious, what did you think? And will you be watching this season?:drinker:

    I watched maybe 15mins of the first episode ever aired, it made me sick how they treated the contestants and I've never watched it again. AND I'll never buy any of Jillian Michael's products either.

    I have to agree with you...I'm not mad at anyone who thinks Jillian is the greatest trainer ever, but she does not appeal to me IN THE LEAST (neither as a trainer, or as a person) so no thanks for me...
  • Jillian accelerated the inevitable outcome with her "in your face" harshness. It was good TV! This is Big-production TV and it is not like the reality of hiring a personal trainer. Screening is key to getting motivated contestants for the unusual rigors of a demanding physical game and a relationship show that happens to be about extreme weight loss. The producers either got it right or wrong--depending on your perspective. Perhaps they suspected that this contestant would be their premiere week drama queen!

    On the other hand, how motivated could TC have been if he had applied 3 times previously and not been selected? What is he waiting for? He was not motivated enough to begin weight loss on his own? One could argue that he did not have sufficient motivation within himself and required the articificial environment/exposure of a TV series. I would not put my money on TC as a long-termer.

    I think part of the attraction of the series is the "magic pill" allure; that if you can be transported to a safe place outside your own troublesome environment of people and places, supported by other weight loss counterparts, be fed calorie-controlled meals, given nothing to do but show up for workouts and games and get psychological help, that you will shortcut the otherwise troublesome and long-drawn out process of self-directed weight loss for which you, and only you, are accountable.