My Husband called me a fat @zz yesterday



  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    When my husband and I first moved in together 23 years ago, he called me a psycho ***** when we were having an argument. I knew he and his ex girlfriend would fight dirty and call each other names. I told him I didn't fight that way and if he wanted to be with someone who fought like that, he'd have to look elsewhere. He's never called me a name again. I just set the boundaries and let him know what was/was not acceptable to me and he respected that.

    I am so sorry he hurt your feelings like that. It is acceptable for him to say something like that to you. I hope your counseling will help both of you.
  • Prettyeyes46
    Prettyeyes46 Posts: 11 Member
    Every now and then, we all say things thats not good, however, we all know that once said, its done, and you can never take it back. With that being said I just want to encourage you to not let this destroy your beauty on the outside and well as in. You are a beauiful person you have to be ok with you, then have an honest conversation with your husband about what he said, this next part is easier said than done, forgive and move on. You need to do whats in your power to gain strength from this and let it be a motivator for you to excel in whatever it is you want to do.
    Blessings Carla:smile:
  • strongandhealthy78
    strongandhealthy78 Posts: 90 Member
    THIS response (quoted below) is one of my favorites as is the one right before it.

    Please remember how lovely you are. Go see a therapist and learn to take good care of your mental health. All the best, A

    28 or 8?

    *********Calling someone names isn't acceptable, ever. Even in anger.***********************

    Your husband sounds like he has some issues of his own. What he is doing is *********************** abusive & manipulative*********************** -and its working.***********************

    *********************** The only advice I can suggest is to see a counselor/therapist-even if its on your own. You do not deserve that treatment.***********************

    And if you'll notice, I haven't mentioned anything about weightloss. There's a reason for that. His comments have NOTHING to do with your weight, and everything to do with CONTROLLING you.
  • Scarlett_Belle
    Scarlett_Belle Posts: 145 Member
    I would say it is time to have a heart to heart with him. Sit down and tell him how it made you feel when he spoke that way. Is this a new development or has he always calle names when a fight occurs? I'm not saying divorce him because obviously couple will fight and that shouldn't be your first solution to the problem but you definitly need to speak to him about it.

    Either way I agree with the other posters. You can't lose weight for someone else. I'm not saying it isn't possible because it is- but you won't get the same satisfaction that you would otherwise and the odd's of you being able to maintain may be lower. You can do it! And for yourself, not anyone else. :happy:
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Lose weight only if YOU want to! You can't do it for anyone but yourself!
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    28 or 8?

    Calling someone names isn't acceptable, ever. Even in anger.

    Your husband sounds like he has some issues of his own. What he is doing is abusive & manipulative-and its working.

    The only advice I can suggest is to see a counselor/therapist-even if its on your own. You do not deserve that treatment.

    And if you'll notice, I haven't mentioned anything about weightloss. There's a reason for that. His comments have NOTHING to do with your weight, and everything to do with controlling you.

    Ah yes the armchair psychoanalysis begins. We do not know what was said by her, what caused the fight, etc., but clearly he is "abusive & manipulative". And of course it has nothing to do with weight loss, because nothing men say ever have to do with what we say, right? Men should accept their wives no matter what the wives do to their bodies, right? And the women should manipulate and push their husbands to lose weight, right? There's two sides to every coin but the advice on here to women by other women about men, never fails to amaze me.

    Two words: Grow Up. If the OP is hurt then she needs to talk to her husband about it. The marriage is between the two of them. Period. If that doesn't work then she should seek counseling where both of them can be heard and they can work through their issues. Otherwise, break up and move on.

    Actually, calling your spouse names is verbal and emotional abuse, and it is them being manipulative. Doesn't matter if they are a man or a woman. No, we don't know if she called him names back, but she asked for our thoughts based on the information she gave us.

    And there are better ways to tell your wife you are unhappy with her weight and appearance that are not abusive.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member

    You two need to talk. You need to find out what you can do to prevent him from becoming so angry. And he needs to learn how he can support you in your weight loss and in life.

    This line really does not sit well with me.
  • Elbeckistan
    Elbeckistan Posts: 16 Member
    My husband and I have been in several arguments over the past 10 years, and NOT ONCE has the thought ever crossed my mind to insult him, nor has he ever insulted me. I have had hurtful things said about me by other people in past relationships, and let me tell you, those words still haunt me to this day. Words cannot be taken back, and you will always remember what he said to you, and it will never be the same between you and him. It's disgusting and nobody should put up with insults, especially by their spouse, who is supposed to love you, and be supportive. I agree with a previous poster that you may want to reevaluate the relationship you are in. If he treats you that way, he will probably treat your children the same eventually. As far as losing weight, you will never succeed until you decide to do it for yourself, and yourself ONLY! You can use his words as fuel for your fire, but make sure you are doing it for yourself. He definitely does not deserve you, skinny or not.
  • faireplay
    faireplay Posts: 126
    Did you call him an ambulance or just let him lie there?
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Let me explain, children are from a previous marriage and my "new" 4 month husband is with us now. I haven't updated my profile in a while.

    Ah, I see. Maybe this is how he really is? Now that he's 'got' you he thinks it's safe to show his behind. I would not suggest divorce at this point, but you MUST nip this in the bud now. Verbal abuse is a terrible thing to endure...if he's willing to call you this now it's only going to get worse unless he knows up front you will not tolerate it.
  • lamby284
    lamby284 Posts: 167 Member
    It's ok to air dirty laundry, I havent seen anyone who judges on here. Sounds like you need to let him know how much those comments hurt you. I've never been called fat in an argument by a decent guy before, so I havent been down that road myself. Change your weight because you want to, not because your husband wants you to lose weight. And if he really thinks that he can get any girl he wants just because hes younger, then Im sorry but hes an arrogant sleaze. Maybe it's just you who thinks he can get anyone he wants though :P About the fasting: I have done this a number of times for about a day on the rare occasion that I cannot stop eating. It helps me get back on track but I never do it for more than a day.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I don't think I could ever be married to someone who spoke to me like that. Get a divorce. It's not good for you or for your kids to be around that.
  • lamby284
    lamby284 Posts: 167 Member
    Did you call him an ambulance or just let him lie there?

    oh my god. this made my day! XD :laugh:
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    I think everyone has probably said things they don't mean but that doesn't make it o.k. for any of us. My Ex used to say the nastiest stuff to me when she was mad. No, I'm not perfect and treated her badly at times but she always took things to a much higher (and more personal) level. There are certain things you can't take back or just apologize for especially if you keep saying them over and over again. Ya'll need to establish some guidelines for arguing or it's not going to work.
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    4 months into marriage and he's calling you names? WTF?

    I'd suggest marriage counseling. And he needs to be informed that he is NEVER allowed to name call again. And neither are you, by the way.

    And maybe some personal counseling for you to help your sense of self-worth. My first response would not be to starve myself for 24 hours or worry about the young girls he could get.

    Bingo. My wife and I almost called it quits 9 months in to our marriage (we've been together nearly 9 years now). We actually talked about divorce and decided we wanted to make it work.

    No matter how bad the arguing got, not once did I even consider personally attacking her like that. That is not something you just accidentally do once. It is hateful and I simply can't understand what in the hell people are thinking to say things like that.

    Hell, my wife needs to lose a good 60 pounds right now (says she wants to, but can't get motivated) and we had a massive blowout fight this last weekend (we are allll better ty). BUT, there is NO freaking way I would have said anything about her weight even in a heated argument. Its just wrong.
  • strongandhealthy78
    strongandhealthy78 Posts: 90 Member
    Also super well said. There are lots of types of abuse and this is one of them!!!!
    A (a therapist - not your therapist but a therapist nonetheless!!)
    My ex-husband used to call me a b!tch, tell me how awful I was...etc. After 10 years of that, I believed him.

    If you allow him to talk to you like that without addressing it with him, you will believe it in yourself. Speak to him about what he said, how you feel about it and how it has affected you.

    Don't allow him to talk to you that way again. This comes from over 12 years of trying to prove to myself that I am not a horrible person.

    Starving yourself is not a good thing to do. Standing up for yourself is

    This. I believed every bully in HS and now am a lot heavier than when I was in HS. I used to think I was horribly fat than and would kill for my HS weight now. He is being a bully. Get to marriage counseling. This is not one of those "we can compromise" behaviors. Either he stops or you leave. Abuse can be emotional not just physical.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    its all about if he makes it up to you and makes you feel better

    This is how women in physically abusive relationships justify staying in those relationships.
    A diamond ring does not make up for cheating. A concert does not take away the hurt of name calling. And a new car does not fix the fact that he gave you a black eye. That type of thinking is just not healthy.
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    28 or 8?

    Calling someone names isn't acceptable, ever. Even in anger.

    Your husband sounds like he has some issues of his own. What he is doing is abusive & manipulative-and its working.

    The only advice I can suggest is to see a counselor/therapist-even if its on your own. You do not deserve that treatment.

    And if you'll notice, I haven't mentioned anything about weightloss. There's a reason for that. His comments have NOTHING to do with your weight, and everything to do with controlling you.

    I concur. Proving to him that you lose the weight or whatever has nothing to do with it. Fat or thin, he should be your biggest supporter and uplifter, not the opposite.

    ^this^ I was going to put that I could not comment anything more to this then... "You don't talk to anyone this way let alone your significant other....."
  • OBXbound4me
    OBXbound4me Posts: 245 Member
    4 months in eh... not a good turn of events. Some say that words are just that and they don't hurt or matter, but from what you are saying they clearly do. Even if not meant fully, once out there - they are always there. Talk to him about this seriously. It needs to get nipped in the bud now and classified as "unacceptable." Not in my first bad marriage or now my second "great" marriage did I resort to the basic namecalling area. I got past that when I was about 12. Seriously, you are an attractive woman at the weight you are. If you want to lose, do it for you and your health and discuss the issues here with your husband now. Hoping things get better.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    He needs to learn to control his tongue. Proverbs has a lot to say about the dangers of the tongue. In my case, my husband never called me fat, but I could see him "thinking" it. Of course, I was thinking it about myself, too. I lost the weight, and we're both happy. Marriage can be tough. I wish you well. If you're going to fast, I suggest you use it as a time to pray.