The Truth about Wine...?

I recently developed a love affair with wine.

I did not like it before, and now I love it. HOWEVER! I did not understand why on some of these forums people were talking about giving up alcohol... NOW I understand. I did not realize there is anywhere between 600-1200 calories PER BOTTLE!!! And I drink a bottle each time I drink! HOLY CRAP!

Does this shock anyone else? Or have I just been living under a rock? Haha!

Anyone know of any low calorie wines? (cheap, please!) Or low calorie alcohol beverages (no beer, please!)


  • Aaahhh, yes I have this same affair going on in my life ;) If its white or rose wine you drink then try mixing it with diet lemonade, halves the calories straight away...though obviously this doesn't work with red wine, which naturally is my favourite! :tongue:
  • mummydig
    mummydig Posts: 3 Member
    I don't know of any low calorie wines, but I was wondering if anyone knows what happens to the calories in wine, when you use for cooking?
  • BOLO4Hagatha
    BOLO4Hagatha Posts: 94 Member
    Sadly, I too drink a bottle but since my family has been making wine my entire life, I have come to accept it and only drink once a week.
  • dantrick
    dantrick Posts: 369 Member
    check out this website. it gives a list of alcohol and the calories in a list.
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    There is that Skinny Girl line, but I have no idea if it is good or not. Here's to hoping :drinker:
  • calihoya
    calihoya Posts: 80 Member
    Try to cut back on how much wine you drink at a time and spread out the calories. I think white has less calories than red, but other than that I'm not sure what wines would have less calories than others. That being said, do you just not like beer or are you afaid of the calories? There are some great craft beers that actually don't have as many calories as you would think. You can use to get their calorie estimates as well, which is very helpful.
  • I too love red wine. I will usually drink a glass or two with dinner. I have given it up for January. Then I will give it up for lent too. I do notice that even if I adjust the calories not to go over, my body composition and desire to train is not the same when I have been drinking.
  • Brookesworld104
    Brookesworld104 Posts: 32 Member
    White is actually higher in sugar but all calorie content is similar... You are better off going with the red and also will probably tend to sip it more slowly since it is richer in body
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I love wine too. Like anything you love I don't think you should give it up. But I couldn't drink an entire bottle in one sitting. Not judging you for it apparently this is not uncommon I'm just a lightweight. Anyway, I drink a glass or 2 if it fits into my calories. Three glasses in one day is my absolute limit and I rarely drink that (except maybe holidays where I might be drinking all day but then I always go over calorie-wise on holidays). So could you cut it down to a glass or two? Or maybe just drink on weekends?
  • I too love now that I've joined MFP, I try to work it into my caloric intake for the day so I don't go over too far or over at all. B/c the wine I really enjoy is Carlo Rossi Sangria wine and it has 140 calories in only 6 ounces!!!! So, I've cut it out to only having it on one of my days off. Frowny face.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    I add a glass of wine in my diary each day, that way I always have room for one.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I recently developed a love affair with wine.

    I did not like it before, and now I love it. HOWEVER! I did not understand why on some of these forums people were talking about giving up alcohol... NOW I understand. I did not realize there is anywhere between 600-1200 calories PER BOTTLE!!! And I drink a bottle each time I drink! HOLY CRAP!

    Does this shock anyone else? Or have I just been living under a rock? Haha!

    Anyone know of any low calorie wines? (cheap, please!) Or low calorie alcohol beverages (no beer, please!)

    Whilst I don't tend to drink a bottle at a time - I plan for my evenings out, and just have regular wine with my meal... calories and all!
  • jensnewstart
    jensnewstart Posts: 97 Member
    All I can say is :sad: :sad:

    Although I have learned that I have become quite the cheap drunk because since I eat so much less....1 or 2 glasses get the buzz going and no need for more LOL!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I love my Diet Cranberry and Vodka. I think it's Ocean's 5 calories per 8 ounces. Then I buy the cheapest Vodka, Burnettes. It's $13.00 for their biggest bottle. To make my drink, I do two cups of cranberry and two shots of vodka per drink. It's like 138 cals and depending on your tolerance....3-4 will most likely put you on your *kitten*! haha enjoy! :drinker:
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    Red wine is better than white wine - less sugar and has some health benefits to it. I love wine too and find it difficult to stick to one glass once the bottle is opened so I limit myself to one day a week, two if there are special occassions going on. Remember that this is a lifestyle change. If you loose weight using methods and eating a way that you know you will not sustain for the rest of your life you will not be successful maintaining your weight loss.
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    Aaahhh, yes I have this same affair going on in my life ;) If its white or rose wine you drink then try mixing it with diet lemonade, halves the calories straight away...though obviously this doesn't work with red wine, which naturally is my favourite! :tongue:

    mix red wine with diet cherry 7 up ;) Delicious!!!!!

    I only drink moscato, I added it on here yesterday and was pleasantly surprised there wasn't as many calories as I thought ?
    I can polish a bottle, but usually have a glass or 2 when I do. I used to only drink Mogan David, that made me drunk super fast and left me queazy, so I had to go on a mission to find something new, hence the moscato, any brand, any color I know I will like it :)
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Echo falls is 500cals a bottle :)
  • As long as you can keep your caloric intake within limits...and include the wine in your count...drink!! Wine is approx 20 calories per ounce. 2 glasses = approx 350 calories. Not bad if you've exercised and eaten within reason all day.
  • I add a glass of wine in my diary each day, that way I always have room for one.

    Love this!!! :smile: *

    *will start doing this straight away!
  • angbunny22
    angbunny22 Posts: 54 Member
    I add a glass of wine in my diary each day, that way I always have room for one.

    Me too (literally 2 normally!) .....Just have to balance it out with exercise and eating clean on other meals!