Did anyone NOT have a weight problem as a child?



  • Congratson the weight loss!!! Even tho you don't know you, I am proud of you!! Keep up the good work!
  • zookeeper30165
    zookeeper30165 Posts: 1 Member
    I was a skinny kid. Skinny teen. Athletic and active until my mid 30's. Told myself I was burnt out on sports and working out and thought I could rest on all my years of being fit. 100 lbs later sitting at my desk I realized the guy in my head was much smaller than the guy in the mirror. Diet, exercise and persistence has got me back.
  • megami_girl
    megami_girl Posts: 18 Member
    I was always thin. I thought I had a tape worm, After quitting smoking in my 30's my eating increased and my metabolism slowed a bit. After having my leg crushed in an accident my 5 5" 135 ballooned to 170. Yikes! Getting it together now and the scales numbers are slowly moving in the right direction.
  • christa0130
    christa0130 Posts: 102 Member
    I was always skinny as a child and teen. I ran 2 miles every day until I got pregnant with my oldest. I went from 120ish to 219. Since having him, I've had 3 more children and now I'm 236.
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    I was 5'5" and 109lbs when I graduate high school. At the end of my freshman year in college I was 125. i stayed there till I was 21. then I gained 10 lbs when I started drinking. Well, I gained 10 lbs. I was 131-5 till I got pregnant in 2011. AFter giving birth and now am 8 months post partum I am 142. I'm trying to get back to 130. That is in the middle of my healthy BMI, all the while I'm lifting weights to tighten up.
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    No I didn't. Only packed on the lbs after each child and never stopped :frown:
  • I was so skinny that my knees were wider than my legs. Always been thin and bony without trying until I started having kids! I'd have periods when I would get out of shape, but never had to lose more than about 15 lbs.
  • The only weight problem I had was always being under weight and having such a high metabolism that I had to eat constantly or I would cry for food... my poor mother, people probably thought I was malnurished. I was under 95 pounds when I graduated high school.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I was super thin as a child. I only gained about 20 lbs or so while pregnant ( I was 18). A year after giving birth I weighed between 115 and 120. I weighed my skinniest after turning 21. I only weighed 106 lbs. Not the healthiest. After I turned 27 I started gaining weight gradually. The heaviest I've ever been is between 151 and 155? I has taken me over 18 years to gain weight. I've never had issues growing up. I was active as a child, teenager and young adult. I started getting lazy in my late 20's and it's taken me this long to do something about it. I'm now 36. I've lost 13 lbs since joining MFP. I have another 13 lbs to go. Once I hit my goal I will weigh 125 lbs. I can't wait :)

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  • creimer08
    creimer08 Posts: 4 Member
    I always was self conscious as a child, but looking back it was a false picture of myself put in my head by my family. They were trying to keep me from packing on weight like my mom had. When I graduated highschool, I was a 150lb farm girl who could wrestle and pin a guy a foot taller than me with no problem. I was all muscle from horseback riding, hiking, and just the normal everyday chores like throwing and stacking hay bales. I wish that I had enjoyed my weight back then and been more confident in myself. Shoulda, woulda, coulda doesn't get me very far though so now I'm looking forward to getting back down to that weight!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Define "child" I hit puberty at the same time as my older brothers (thank goodness they left their books lying around, no one thought to prepare me for it at 10), so I had PMS at the same time I watched these teenage boys get all kinds of attention for how much they ate...
  • chgn4me
    chgn4me Posts: 28 Member
    I did not have any issues when I was younger either. I was fit and in sports all through high school and active a little after. When I was 20 I was diagnosed with PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and gain 20lbs in less than a month. It has been a battle since. I am 5'3 and about 180 now.
  • I never had a weight problem till I hit 18. Than the pounds crept up. After having my boy I got the huge stomach now. But as a kid I was skinny.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    nope..my issue was hitting 30 and having PCOS, IR, and hypothyroid kick in...
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    I was skinny, almost too skinny. I would eat anything I wanted. At 5'3" I weighed 90lbs until graduating highschool. I find the challenge now is that I feel "big" and not a lot of people understand that because they aren't used to the smaller me like I am. To me, I am big and no one can change my mind of it. I have to watch what I eat and can easily gain 10lbs in two months if I don't.

    My sister told me one day that the reason I got that way was because I stopped doing sports (I still do), but your body's metabolism catches up to you one day.