What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • plcowner
    plcowner Posts: 106 Member
    We were swimming in the ocean in Halifax a couple of summers ago. My wife took pics. I looked at the pics and felt embarrassed. I was running at the time and considered myself fit. Those pics changed my perspective.

    I realized that I had to change things up. So, my wife and I joined a boot camp and changed the way we ate. I continued running while doing the boot camp and then added cycling into the mix. I went from 192lbs to 167lbs.

    I am at 179lbs today and will be down to 165lbs before next summer as long as I keep the carbs and unrefined sugars to a minimum.
  • melissandra
    melissandra Posts: 49 Member
    when none of my clothes started fitting any longer including the bigger sizes I had bought for them "fat days" were no long fitting me. I realized that I was hitting the size 16, which at 5"1" tall is not a good thing.
  • cartershealyn
    I got tired of buying bigger clothes, I had stop dressing up and let myself go
  • mireyap21
    when i grew tired of being disappointed every time i went to try on clothes and knowing i can look way better.
  • Tamijagan
    Tamijagan Posts: 1 Member
    I refuse to go any higher on my clothing in the closet. I am on a 90 day challenge with my coworkers. I am heavier than I was after giving birth to my last child. She is now three I have no excuse anymore.
  • ojsmommy_13
    When I sat down in a regular plastic chair with armrests and when I stood the chair stood with me.
  • Webbygail
    Webbygail Posts: 116
    Several things.

    Being tired of only being able to fit into horrible looking clothing. Most clothing for bigger women look like pastel or flowery cut outs from curtains! I HATE IT! I want to wear a real top, not a moo-moo.

    Always being afraid of sitting in a new chair. If I'm at a place I've never been before, I always have to "test" the chairs, lower my weight in slowly to make sure it holds me up!

    Being constantly made fun of by my four younger, skinnier sisters.

    I feel like my low self-esteem due to my weight has held me back in life. I'm not doing what I want to do, I'm not where I feel like I'm supposed to be at this point in my life.

    I turn 28 this year, I have 200 LBs to lose, and I want to be able to greet age 30 with a smile on my face and a new look on life. :)
  • exquisitecadavre
    I've hit that breaking point a few times, but this time that breaking point is sticking.

    The first time was when I went with my now fiance and the rest of his PhD program skiing. I never got the chance to ski because there were no boots that fit around my calves. Thankfully my boyo decided to not ski as well.

    The most recent and strongest time was my engagement. Last year my sister got married and I was the fattest bridesmaid. I saw some photos of my from the photographer and from random guests, and I was so embarrassed. Then, I got engaged (near Christmas! :] ) and I realized that I cannot be this big in my photos. I just cannot.

  • xoxmorgan
    This might sound silly but when I met 4 Victoria's Secret Angels and looked 100x larger than them in the pictures. I know I know, they're VICTORIA'S SECRET MODELS, but still it was enough to get me going!
  • zniwburd22
    that moment when you feel so uncomfortable in your own skin, when you bend down and the fat on your stomach touches your thighs, when you can no longer wear a dress without tights underneath because of your thighs rubbing together.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
  • 253down
    253down Posts: 13 Member
    Several things happened. Took a road trip on Route 66 from Amarillo TX to CA. Great time, but couldn't enjoy Petrified Forest or Grand Canyon as much due to my weight and not being able to walk long distances. It had been in tears at times. Also took 2 cruises and having to sit and rest, not being able to keep up.
    I also say I am going to loose weight for my new years resolution. I was looking through alot of pictures, sorting them, and saw some where I weighted more and ALOT when I weighted less. I have a 5 year old granddaughter and 2 year old twin granddaughters. I want to be around when they graduate high school and college, get married, etc.
    Nobody can do this but me. The change this time is I put it out there I was doing it, so people will encourage me, and tell me when I am being bad.
    I am very glad I found this group, a friend recommended it to me.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    Last August, my bf was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. He started cutting out carbs and I started craving them like crazy and giving in to eating them. He gently encouraged me to start eating better for my health (he thinks I'm hot and gorgeous now) and I said I knew I needed to, but I wasn't ready yet. By the time a waitress recommended MFP, I was ready and downloaded the application and started recording the day after he did. We're both still at it 120 days later and losing weight. For me, it feels good and natural to eat the way I do, but he really struggles with eating healthier. I simply like more healthy foods and don't need to cut back on carbs as much as he does.

    For the first time, I'm losing weight as a true lifestyle change and I really believe I can continue for life! You can read and expanded version of my story on my MFP blog.
  • roth1900
    roth1900 Posts: 4 Member
    When I decided to perform burlesque, I didn't want to be the "fat one" I want to be the "curvy one" ... a subtle but VERY important difference. :)
  • danapenguin
    when i saw my mom at thanksgiving and she weighed less then me and wore a smaller jean size than me...
    and also my sugar kept dropping and making me sick and i don't have diabetes, i watched a few documentaries on netflix and figured out i was eating all the wrong things!
  • piratemerdi
    piratemerdi Posts: 212 Member
    None of my clothes fit me all of a sudden. I had gained about 20 pounds in a 2-month period because anti-depressants really mess with your metabolism. Trying super hard to work it back off, but it's not going nearly as fast as it should.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    in Hawaii on my honeymoon the scale said 165. I started crying.......
  • MButterfly8
    When i started collecting all the health issues which are associated with being obese. High bp, arthritis, polycyctic ovaries, high cholesterol, nerve issues in my legs....i don't want type 2 diabetes as well.
  • essaryswife73
    essaryswife73 Posts: 81 Member
    Going to Six Flags last year and being the fattest girl there. Seriously. It was AWFUL. And on top of that, I almost had to get off of a roller coaster because they just about couldn't get the bar down over my big gut. And not being able to sit in a chair and cross my legs to tie my shoes.
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    when i saw pictures from my sister-in-law's baby shower, and i looked for myself in them, and couldn't find myself... because i didn't recognize myself as being that fat. but i was that fat.

    i had a similar thing happen more recently, but in reverse : i went to the county fair with my family, and my dad took a bunch of pictures of my nephews and i on the rides, and when i saw them, i thought, "who's that skinny chick?"... it was me :D