Young Ladies: Never been skinny



  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    **Raises hand*** YES! This is me - feel free to add me!!
    Sad thing is that no matter how much weight I lost, my boobs stayed the same size. That is where the weight is....haha!

    Count yourself lucky my friend! the smaller I get the smaller they get - I think if I get to my goal weight, *poof*! They will disappear.
  • Artemis00diana
    HEY LADIES!!!!!!!!!! ATTENTION!!! Im starting a group on here with the same title "Young ladies: never been skinny" PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE JOIN! WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER! I'm so glad this post went as far as it has, and i hope we can all continue it and become a real support system!
    Amazing Idea ! - Is so gonna join
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member
    ahhh that is sooo my life! Hoping it will all change this year though
  • vickykl29
    i have never been skinny either.not fat though.but i started getting tired of it because it's still holding me back in many cases.You just need determination!!!
  • LCoopes
    I'm almost 25, and have never been skinny. All my friends are skinny minnies, and it has always made me feel rubbish. I have never been happy with myself, and I have decided that enough is enough. I have done all the diets, and have been joined to this for some time now, but never stuck with it. But this year is the year for change. I have been sticking to this religiously and have so far lost 4lbs. It's good to know that I'm not the only one who's felt like this and there is support out there

    Keep at it ladies!
  • pinkxpanda
    pinkxpanda Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah that's me! *sigh* i will never be 'skinny' - it's just the way i'm built (chest and hips aren't going anywhere unfortunately!).

    But when i bought 3 pairs of size 16 (UK) jeans from the internet the other day, tried them on when they arrived, and they didn't fit, i knew i had to do something - as i've never been more than a size 16.

    So instead of returning them and getting a bigger size i'm just gonna try and lose some podge instead and get down to around a size 12. Because that's where i'm most comfortable!

    Only been doing this two days and it's becomming an obsession. Which is excellent!

    I wish all of you ladies well! whatever you goals :) Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Oh hey *raises hand* me. Never been skinny but I am trying after a long illness (that is still a problem) to make a difference feel free to add me xx
  • mummypannell
    Hiim the same im 29 and never been skinny even before my 4 boys and dont think i will ever be lol add me if you want im doing the 30 day shred at the min its good :) kep it up ladies !!
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Yup, this is me. Got misdiagnosed with an illness at a very young age, was put on steroids and I ballooned. I had no confidence, as a teen ate too much, etc etc.

    Hated wearing shorts, swimming costumes etc. Now I am thinner and could do it, I have extra skin and sag, so hate exposing myself. Happy with my face though :)

    P.S. I don't ever want to be skinny, just fit and healthy and happy with my shape. I do not aspire to be skinny and don't think that should be a goal for a confident person.
  • NureeniWright
    Sounds exactly like me. I'm 23 and I started gaining weight around 11 or 12 and even before that I always felt chunky and out of place. I have no idea what it feels like to feel like I'm the same size as my friends.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    I was naturally super slim until i hit about 13 and then my metabolism started kicking in..... i gain weight, but lost it when i was 16/17 and then got pregnant and put it all on again and far more lol!
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I've always been podgy :(
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    Hi All! I started this last summer, epically failed, but started religiously new years day. I'm looking for the young ladies out there who have never been skinny. Never been able to stop eating carbs and sweets, never worn a bikini, and were self conscious. I'm 19, always been over weight, and want to get a support system going for these said people. Who knows what Im talking about?

    How about those of us a bit older than you? I'm in my mid 30s, and have never worn a bikini, or been skinny. Well, perhaps some would call me that now, but with a BMI of 23 I sure don't feel "skinny". "Normal" yes, "skinny" no. I'm 2 and a half years into this lifestyle change (from a BMI of ~38), and prior to starting this, I've always felt fat since I was about 8 years old, even though I probably wasn't technically overweight when I was 8.
  • Claire_x90
    from 8 years old to 21 years that was me

    I then lost A LOT of weight very quickly and had an underweight category BMI. because I did it too quick I gained it all back in about 6 months which was really tough. I started again and have since made my insecurites that much worse and really struggle with balance, health and food now.

    It is possible, just don't let it become you. I think it's easier when you've never had that before to value it too much. life matters more than weight.

    But with commitment you will get there and it's a great feeling. Work hard and cherish mini goals and mini non scale related victories that you never dreamt would be part of your life.
  • Lozx87
    Lozx87 Posts: 130 Member
    i was not a chubby child untill i hit high school then lost a bit when left i am now 26 and struggled with weight since i was 14-15, i was diagnosed with pcos at 15 so that makes it harder and since having my daughter it dont wanna leave me lol
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I broke my hips when I was ten and piled the weight on, never lost it, nearly twenty years later and doing something about it :D
  • slimsummerr
    YES. When I was younger (5-13) I was a gymnast so I always had chunky CHUNKY legs, my thighs were huge (and even worse now)! I was quite wide built haha and medium weight (but I wasnt that big!!), I then had a growth spurt and couldn't do gymnastics anymore and I was so sad leaving all my 5ft 90lbs friends.
    Thats when it started, the comfort eating, the baking cakes and eating them all myself, the chips the pizza the chocolate just everything bad to make me feel 'better' about myself and the lack of exercise (i used to do 8 hours at least a week) meant I gained and I mean gained, by the age of 18, four and a half stone. The only reason I didnt gain a load more was I was a religious yoyo/fad dieter and stuck in a rut. UNTIL NOW! Haven't wore a leotard never mind bikini in five years, would love to be able to. Damn high school/work stresses and hormones and everything else!! So motivated now, apart from one bad day since new years I have been EMMACULATE and intend to keep it that way haha:)

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  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    Story of my life!

    Even at my lowest and "healthy" I was still big. But I want to know what skinny feels like! That is my mission, to be strong and slim (not simply skinny).

    Anyone feel free to add me. The more friends the merrier!
  • lindseynyfarmer
    Ive been big pretty much my whole life. In 6th grade I wore a size 11 in juniors! Tired of being the "fat friend"! We can do this!
  • blacklabelbabe
    blacklabelbabe Posts: 48 Member
    That's me! I am 23 and I have always been active in sports and such but I have NEVER been skinny. Although I don't want to be skinny. I want to be a healthy weight for my height and build and be fit.

    Add me! Started today so I could use support!