Are people drinking coffee? Why or why not?



  • pbandjprincess
    I grew up in Seattle saying you aren't drinking coffee is WEIRD. I have been dairy-free all my life and I used the coconut creamer. It's really good. Or if I'm drinking out with friends I do an americano without milk.
  • TheFairyJester
    i do not drink it because its the nastiest thing on earth.
  • ele8879
    ele8879 Posts: 10 Member
    I alway drink my coffee...that is the one thing I don't change in habit and if I gave my coffee up I would probably going into a withdrawal. Although I would like to cut down because I drink to much coffee.... Maybe 3 or 4 a day.
  • Abztract1
    I love my coffee and will never part from it. A cup of black coffee is low cal and low fat. I just add just a bit of skim milk.
  • JBcat123
    JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
    I have 3 cups of coffee a day. I still loose weight...but I use agave nectar in my coffee (1tspn) not tbspn because for a tbspn its 60 calories! I don't put in any milk in it, and it keeps me awake in the morning that's why I drink and also it tastes really good!
  • JBcat123
    JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
    cant live without it though cause of the headaches.
  • Capt_Chev
    Capt_Chev Posts: 93 Member
    Q: Are people drinking coffee?

    A: Does the pope wear a funny hat?

  • sheriann1271
    sheriann1271 Posts: 26 Member
    I have to have my coffee in the morning. I just put a little bit of 2% milk in it...not many calories. I've never put sugar in it. That's not something I'm willing to give up. I only have 1 cup and I don't always finish it all. I think as long as you drink enough water, a cup or 2 of coffee is fine.
  • MamaK23
    I'm drinking it but with 1/2 the sugar and creamer I usually use. I tried using other sweeteners but no longer enjoyed it. So this is the ONLY treat I allow myself on this diet. When I go through maintenance and get my weight where I want it, I'm hoping that I will be used to this taste and will never go back to how much I was using before. I always drink one cup at work. On the weekends, it's iffy. It just depends on how early I get up and if I need that extra boost :drinker: or not.
  • bethanykf
    I have coffee several days a week. If I drank it black I'd have more, but I like my cream and sugar. :)
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    Yes! I would kill people if I didn't have at least one cup first thing in the morning. When I first wake up, I am not a happy camper. :grumble:
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    on workout days only
  • sara1077
    sara1077 Posts: 89 Member
    Yes, because it's delicious and it wakes me up. I use milk and splenda.

    What she said. I did kick diet Coke out and use fat free half and half!
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I'm not drinking it because I don't like it.
    I 'm a tea girl. Earl or Lady Grey, sometimes green, unsweetened with lemon.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i drink coffee everyday. i can drink just plain coffee with no sugars or cream. i have always been that way. i am a caffeine addict. so i think coffee is a better choice for me then pop.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I have one cup every morning with sugar and cream. I like it and have no plans on giving it up.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    im not because i drink it with a crapload of sugars. i dont like it black and supposedly the suggar adds a ton of calories that are unnecessary.

    also diabetes runs on both sides of my family. so yea no more coffee for me. only on special occasions from now on.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    They will have to pry my coffee from my cold dead hands. :drinker:
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I have two cups per day apart from weekends. I add skinny milk and no sugar.
  • Investorhyde1
    I have one cup most mornings with some creamer. My eating window is from noon-7 (intermittent fasting), so it helps keep me full through the morning!