i feel like starting a debate. (no disrespect please)



  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    seriously people! this is a fitness site. this is not a site for political or religious debates. it's bad enough dealing with that baloney in real life. why do you insist on bringing it in here?

    Love this. These are quotes by two people who participate in far more than fitness discussions here.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    In before the lock AND in before the "INB4 lock" guy! Ha!

    You have to let us know what side of the fence you stand on too though.
  • grizzlywes24
    I prefer it in schools. At the school I attended they had religion in school, but in a club rather than a whole school organization. That way it appeases both parties. If you were atheist you simply did not go to that group, you'd go to which ever you joined before class or after and if not you just stayed home, while people that chose to went to school early or stayed after class and did. I personally never attended the clubs as I was just overall Anti-school lol. I did however say prayers whenever I felt. I have several atheist friends in which I didn't care if they believed in god or not (which ironically out of the 10 known atheist friends I have had all but 3 now believe in god weird) and they were okay with me believing in god. Now they would crack religious Jokes, which never bothered me because I am a fan of humor and comedy. I myself cracked a few. If people aren't comfortable enough to joke then they have problems. Those that judge atheists are being bad christians themselves for only god can judge people. I am cool with all walks of life.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    people! this is a fitness site. this is not a site for political or religious debates. it's bad enough dealing with that baloney in real life. why do you insist on bringing it in here?

    This^^ mixed with "I want to start a debate no disrespect please"=best.thread.ever.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think a 'Religion Ed." class would be a great idea, learn about ALL religions and faiths, and not force or promote any of them

    The problem is finding a teacher who is qualified to do a decent job educationg on ALL religions. Personally, I don't want my children being taught religion by anyone other than a theologian. So, even as a Catholic, I support not teaching religion in public schools.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I think everyone should be forced to pray at gunpoint.
  • AnewTif
    AnewTif Posts: 26
    I prefer it in schools. At the school I attended they had religion in school, but in a club rather than a whole school organization. That way it appeases both parties. If you were atheist you simply did not go to that group, you'd go to which ever you joined before class or after and if not you just stayed home, while people that chose to went to school early or stayed after class and did. I personally never attended the clubs as I was just overall Anti-school lol. I did however say prayers whenever I felt. I have several atheist friends in which I didn't care if they believed in god or not (which ironically out of the 10 known atheist friends I have had all but 3 now believe in god weird) and they were okay with me believing in god. Now they would crack religious Jokes, which never bothered me because I am a fan of humor and comedy. I myself cracked a few. If people aren't comfortable enough to joke then they have problems. Those that judge atheists are being bad christians themselves for only god can judge people. I am cool with all walks of life.

    THIS! I think out of my whole group of friends from High School, I am the only Christian. The rest are non believers or Buddhist.
  • barbi1281
    So the topic of religion In schools is becoming more popular among many people (specificly christians from what I have seen. My stance is, "keep it out of schools, its highly disrespectful to people who are not one particualar religion". I would like to know where everyone stands on this subject, just for fun. Again, please refrain from being rude to one another
    Your favorite agnostic

    I'd like to say that I identify as a Christian, although I do not go to church. My children pray and believe in God as well... that said, I agree that it is disrespectful to other religions and that it does need to be kept separate. This country is a great mix of cultures and unless we have time to teach and recognize all religions in school, we should recognize none.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    I think the actual "teaching" of a certain religion should not be allowed. However, I do believe in the Pledge of Allegiance and I think if a football (or any other) team wants to say a prayer before a game they should be allowed. Again, allowed, not forced.

    My daughter attends a small high school in Washington and they actually offer a class where they teach about different religions. It's an elective and she picked it herself. Although I was raised Catholic I no longer practice. I'm a Christian and even though my daughter attended a Lutheran private school for her primary grades, I leave it up to her as to what she decides to do.

    I honestly believe if we had more of the basic principals of religion on our schools there wouldn't be so much violence.

    This is just MY opinion, and we all know opinions are like *kitten* Holes ~ everybody has them and most of the time they stink.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    seriously people! this is a fitness site. this is not a site for political or religious debates. it's bad enough dealing with that baloney in real life. why do you insist on bringing it in here?

    Love this. These are quotes by two people who participate in far more than fitness discussions here.

    off topic humor threads are one thing.

    intentionally try to stir up drama to ruin the harmony of the site is quite another.

    you simply can't let politics and religion in your forums without inviting trouble. it's in the rules of the site. yet the OP went ahead and started a thread designed to do just that... start trouble.

    if it were my forum, that would be insta-perma-ban worthy.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I'm so in.

    Are you in?
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I think everyone should be forced to pray at gunpoint.

    Good idea... then they get to see the proof that no one answers prayers.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    seriously people! this is a fitness site. this is not a site for political or religious debates. it's bad enough dealing with that baloney in real life. why do you insist on bringing it in here?

    Love this. These are quotes by two people who participate in far more than fitness discussions here.

    off topic humor threads are one thing.

    intentionally try to stir up drama to ruin the harmony of the site is quite another.

    you simply can't let politics and religion in your forums without inviting trouble. it's in the rules of the site. yet the OP went ahead and started a thread designed to do just that... start trouble.

    if it were my forum, that would be insta-perma-ban worthy.

    or at least a strike
  • barbi1281
    I have no problem with religion being left out of schools, but where I do have a problem is that it only seems to be Christianity that is having to be left out. Recently our school board has agreed to allow Sikhs to carry their ceremonial daggers to school and for Muslims to be excused to perform their prayers. I have a big issue with the daggers but whatever, yet Christian children don't get the same treatment of being open with their religion and able to say prayer over their lunch in their cafeteria? Really Come On!

    Do you know a child that's tried to pray and been denied? My 3rd grader prays over lunch every day with no problems.
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member

    Forgot to tell you that this made my day.
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'm so in.

    Are you in?

    Don't start this again.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    seriously people! this is a fitness site. this is not a site for political or religious debates. it's bad enough dealing with that baloney in real life. why do you insist on bringing it in here?

    Love this. These are quotes by two people who participate in far more than fitness discussions here.

    off topic humor threads are one thing.

    intentionally try to stir up drama to ruin the harmony of the site is quite another.

    you simply can't let politics and religion in your forums without inviting trouble. it's in the rules of the site. yet the OP went ahead and started a thread designed to do just that... start trouble.

    if it were my forum, that would be insta-perma-ban worthy.

    Then why did you willingly open the thread, then comment THEN check back to comment again?
    Doesn't make a whole lot of sense now does it?
    If it's so offensive, don't participate

    To the OP....this topic is so complex
    from the founding fathers that lets not forget the thousands of natives KILLED if they didn't convert yet they worshiped the sun, the moon, the earth, prayed when they killed animals for food - not sport - etc....
    I believe it's up to the schools to educate our children and up to us PARENTS to teach our children right from wrong
    Taking religion out of schools isn't the problem
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Everyone is so overly politically correct now a days. I think it's ridiculous that religion be taken out of schools/government. I don't care if people make a decision not to believe in a religion or God. Why should anyone care if I want to show that I do? Young kids don't need to have a religion class, but decorations or allowing students to pray or sing songs around the holidays should not be discouraged.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    that's waisis

    no, das racist

This discussion has been closed.