2 simple questions I need help with?



  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I personally don't like things like diet coke or pepsi because it gives me headaches. Aside from that, I don't care what you or anyone else does with soda lol. I just hate it because I don't enjoy headaches =)
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    because as much as people like to say it doesn't, apperance matters, and I don't always feel good about myself, so I want to know what other people think, so I can put my thoughts in some sort of perspective.
    If I think I look good and everyone else thinks I don't, that matters to me, because clearly there is something that makes people think that, and they will think less of me. It's just a fact, clearly not every single person cares about others apperances, but there's enough studies been done to show that it does have a significant impact in things like getting jobs, relationships, things that are important to me.

    The problem here is that everyone is going to feel differently. Ask 10 different people what they like and you are likely to get 10 different answers. You are never going to be able to look good in the eyes of everyone, because everyone thinks different things look good. That way lies madness. If you feel good about yourself it shines through no matter what, I promise. I realize that is easier said than done but honestly your opinion of yourself is the only opinion you're ever going to have real control over.
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    1. I just checked mine and I am only 5'1" and my thighs are 20.5" at the biggest and I wear a size 3. My brother in law says my legs are super skinny and really muscular. So NO I don't think 22 is big.

    2. I have met so many people with different opinions on diet soda and I love diet soda, so I asked my 3 heathiest/most fit friends (athlete, body builder, runner) and they all drink it! So I do, but not every day!

    Hope this helps!
  • It's just a fact, clearly not every single person cares about others apperances, but there's enough studies been done to show that it does have a significant impact in things like getting jobs, relationships, things that are important to me.

    No one will measure your thighs or inspect them for flabby insides at a job interview or on a first date (if they do, there are major issues there).

    If you are comfortable and confident and in a healthy weight range, you can cross this off your list of things to worry about.

    Diet Coke is my treat. If I've made it to the end of my day and met all my goals, I get to crack open a can of Diet Coke. :)
  • Lovelyhal
    Lovelyhal Posts: 15 Member
    Unable to answer re what is normal for thighs.

    However, re the diet soda - the main reason would be that any carbonated drink does NOT rehydrate the body. It dehydrates you because it acts as a diuretic and you expel more than you take in.

    It is so important to remain hydrated - not only for the body to maintain all its functions properly (keep organs working, keep the blood flowing through your whole body which transport food to all parts of the body). The body, also, when it is dehydrated, misinterprets and thinks it is hungry, therefore encouraging more snacking.

    Occasionally all right, but not often. Stay hydrated.

    Good luck
  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    Question 1) If your thighs are muscular and you try to lose muscle by following a starvation diet you will lose muscle all over your body. Also remember you can not just lose fat in your thighs you will lose fat over your whole body. Also your hereditary build has a lot to do with the way your thighs are, if you are trying for thighs that look like a runway model's thighs your body might not be the right shape for that.

    Question 2) Most importantly in regards to diet soda or regular soda or beer or vodka...moderation! If you have type 2 diabetes or diabetes then watching sugar in take is vital. If you are drinking 4 cans of diet soda an hour then you can actually promote type 2 diabetes. So use moderation as your guide.
  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    Be happy with what YOU think it beautiful/acceptable. If you learn to be confident in yourself you will exude it, and THAT is what people are attracted to. The people who are attracted to looks alone don't matter. Honestly? If you think people are going to judge you based on your THIGHS, those are emotional issues. It might sound like I'm coming off harsh, but that's my opinion.

    As for diet soda, that's been answered already.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    All things are relative - to help tone the inner thigh, have you ever tried the "eggbeater" kick for treading water in the pool? I think that would help.

    Yeah I played water polo and my legs got huge and muscular but the inner thigh didn't change for some reason
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Be happy with what YOU think it beautiful/acceptable. If you learn to be confident in yourself you will exude it, and THAT is what people are attracted to. The people who are attracted to looks alone don't matter. Honestly? If you think people are going to judge you based on your THIGHS, those are emotional issues. It might sound like I'm coming off harsh, but that's my opinion.

    I never said I wasn't confident, I just wanted to know what other people think too, what's so terrible about that?
    And as for people attracted to looks alone, very few people are only going to find someone attractive because of looks, or not find them less attractive if they're *****es, but looks are what get you started, what get's someone to want to start knowing you more often then not, yes sometimes you know someone already and then as you get to know them better you start thinking about them in a more romantic sense. But usually you see someone, or someone sees you and you want to get to know them and then you do and if they ALSO have a great personality that meshes well with yours and they agree and find you mututally attractive, you have something there.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Question 1) If your thighs are muscular and you try to lose muscle by following a starvation diet you will lose muscle all over your body. Also remember you can not just lose fat in your thighs you will lose fat over your whole body. Also your hereditary build has a lot to do with the way your thighs are, if you are trying for thighs that look like a runway model's thighs your body might not be the right shape for that.

    This is irrelvant because I'm not following a starvation diet, I'm following a healthy diet and exericse LIFESTYLE not some short term diet, and did I say I wanted them to look like a runway model? That's gross. And yes I know you can't spot lose, you lose all over and can work on toning other areas.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Be happy with what YOU think it beautiful/acceptable. If you learn to be confident in yourself you will exude it, and THAT is what people are attracted to. The people who are attracted to looks alone don't matter. Honestly? If you think people are going to judge you based on your THIGHS, those are emotional issues. It might sound like I'm coming off harsh, but that's my opinion.

    I never said I wasn't confident, I just wanted to know what other people think too, what's so terrible about that?
    And as for people attracted to looks alone, very few people are only going to find someone attractive because of looks, or not find them less attractive if they're *****es, but looks are what get you started, what get's someone to want to start knowing you more often then not, yes sometimes you know someone already and then as you get to know them better you start thinking about them in a more romantic sense. But usually you see someone, or someone sees you and you want to get to know them and then you do and if they ALSO have a great personality that meshes well with yours and they agree and find you mututally attractive, you have something there.

    And I an tell you no guy is going to measure your thighs. And if you are toned and muscular, guys will not shy away from you. Nothing is sexier than a fit girl, regardless if her legs have muscle or not. I can tell you from my perspective, I would never go near a girl that looked like Skeletor and I personally think a lot of models are hideous due to their eating disorders. Fit is sexy, like the below thread. And she was big in the lower end. Also, guys noticed many other areas on your body before the thighs.
