
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Just to tired to reply to all tonight. But wanted to share with you all that I had another loss at tops tonight making it 5 consecutive loses. I won the contest got 25 dollars for that. Started another contest for valentines day and I'm going to work hard to win that one two. Its' a beautiful white bath towel.

    Seen my counselor and dietician yesterday they are very pleased with the progress i'm making with my Blood Sugar. Seeing some good readings. Had a nice mild day today so went out for two walks. Had a great day.

    Linda C
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Do we have two threads going on right now? Barbie set up a part two, and I posted there, but there have been no replies. I'm quite curious about this.

    Lin, I'm delighted to hear about your good progress with both your weight and blood sugar. DH is diabetic, and we're always working on managing our lives to optimize his health. I know the good results means good things for your well being.

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Yay Linda!!

    Laura - I sure hope your accounting woes end soon.

    Karen - I don't sleep well either. Staying asleep is my problem. If I can get a good 3 hour block of time without waking up then I feel rested.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member

    Laura 80111 – I bake the spaghetti squash in the oven, cut in half, upside down on a baking tray. Sprinkle a bit of olive oil on the tray. I then scrape out the contents with a fork and eat it with a bit of parmesan cheese. Yum

    -I have my activity rate set at sedentary, since I have a desk job, and it would be presumptuous to categorize myself as even slightly active

    Linda C – I am soooo happy for you for winning the contest and …some good readings. Very encouraging, isn’t it.

    Michelle – my dear friend Michelle…oh how I wish for a wonderful pool party. You warm my heart just thinking about it!

    Jane – knitting is becoming the rage for the younger generation too! My daughter is wayyyy into it. I saw a young gal at work today
    knitting. How cool is that!

    Suebdew – I have set my calorie goal at ~1500, because that is where I intend to be at my goal weight. This works for me in my own twisted sense. Sometimes you will find yourself over 1200 calories and sometimes under. There appears to be no science supporting the effect of fluctuations. My approach is to do what works for you, no matter what anyone else proposes.

    Re: sleep – sleep is just as important a health issue as anything I eat or do in terms of exercising. Sleep is underrated. It is an absolute crucial part of health! Let’s not forget that sleep deprivation is a form of torture! Motherhood anyone?!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies--

    Yes, I still live and breath. :laugh: :laugh:

    I had 15 people here for Christmas and my sister Jill, who I've mentioned before had been here since Dec. 20th and just went home today. She lost her job just before Christmas, so please keep her in your prayers. She is a CPA so hopefully it won't take her too long to find something.

    I'm getting back on track starting today after all of the holiday festivities and FOOD (way way more than I should have eaten). The scale is up 9.5# :cry: :cry: but I am ready to get back on track and I need my wonderful MFP friends for support.

    There's no way I can catch up on all the posts but will have to go forward from here.

    Remember to :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: your water. (Something I've been remiss in doing lately).

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Jillian Michael's Extreme Shed and Shred DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do an ASAP (weights) DVD

    Went to senior bowling this afternoon, came home to have a little dinner, then back for Newcomers bowling. Tomorrow I'm scheduled to volunteer at the local theater's box office. Then in the evening we're having a meeting. See, every year the Newcomers has what's been called a "gala", basically it's been held at a country club with a buffet dinner. I was thinking that I'd chair it next year. My main goal would be to do something "different", a different venue, no door prizes. Well, the gal who is in charge this year is going to do something "different". I really think I could work with her, so I told her I'd be on the committee. We're meeting tomorrow night. I don't know if she has too many people or not. So we shall see what happens.

    barbie - glad the exercise bike is fixed. Only problem is that pretty soon you'll be wearing it out....lol

    Welcome everyone new!

    Am a bit rushed tonight, so I'll skim the posts. I'm sorry if I omit anyone.

    Cheryl - love your resolution!

    Robin - sounds like you had a fantaastic day!

    lentinogirl - whaqt part of FL are you going to? Congrats on the 2 piece. I don't think I'm brave enough to wear one

    M - you sure know how to make a gal hungry!

    Laura - I met Dianna a bit over a year ago, but it was at Jessica's place. To be honest, I was uncomfortable first of all because it wasn't my home (I try to be sensitive to this fact) and also that I didn't know how much English she spoke or understood. So glad you have such wonderful DIL's. I really think we should send them a gift of tickets to the US. I would really like to get to know this girl. Last time we were supposed to go to France, remember Vince hurt his back and we couldn't go?

    Had the Newcomer general meeting today. It was held at this place in the mall where they do healthy cooking demonstrations. They made these chicken wraps, but Vince and I couldn't stay. We had to come home to give Loki his med and then get to bowling.

    Lin - congrats on the good blood sugar readings

    It's pretty late, need to give Loki his med then get to bed.

    Hope everyone has a great evening. Sorry this is so short.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good yoga DVD----Rodney Yee’s “Yoga for Beginners”

    :flowerforyou: The only people who can live on 1200 calories a day are people who don’t exercise much and who eat only nutrition dense foods (no empty calories at all). If you are active at all your body needs more fuel.

    :flowerforyou: This has been my super busy day with a line dance class in the morning and teaching a class in the afternoon and riding the newly fixed exercise bike and walking the dogs,

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :bigsmile: My word for for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :flowerforyou: ....while they were working I went in the other room and taught myself a new dance so I wouldn't e tempted to interfere and give advice ::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    DH would sure be happy if I figured out some strategies to take myself off and NOT give "good advice." Giving unwelcome advice is one of my besetting sins. I'm having a tough time breaking myself of it. :blushing: :tongue: You deserve lots of these :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou::flowerforyou:

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Popping in for a quick comment before I head for bed.....

    mwheatcraft - what did you do to reset metabolism? I may have missed it if you already posted

    Nancy - I so hear you on 'Once I get home I am done" I had to go directly to the gym after school or it did not happen at all. It is a bit problematic now that I am no longer working. Some days I just want to stay in!!

    I had a meeting tonight and a couple of people went out for Chinese food - It was SO tempting and I was hungry!! - but I resisted, had a glass of water and a small scoop of soup, and ate better when I got home.

    That's all i have time for today ladies. Go well, Stay well

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Happy mid-week everyone. I don't have time tonight for individual posts very much, so apologies and I did read and enjoy everyone's posts. It never fails to impress me about the level of support, caring and humour on this thread. I am so grateful for all of you.

    LinC - is that a buffalo bison or wood buffalo on your ticker? On one of our cross-Canada road trips, my DD2 and I went over 600 km out of our way just to find buffalo (and the elusive moose).

    Animals in the yard for Jeannie (sp) - I had a big deer in my yard last night. The snow blower has put the snow on the edge of my yard higher than the fence, so the deer just walked over it. Very strange and it didn't seem to be bothered by me and both dogs looking at it through the window.

    Magic salmon - i don't know if it worked its magic yesterday, I got up in a hurry and forgot to weigh myself this morning. But I had salmon again tonight so will see tomorrow.

    Deb - I'm going to try your Provencal fish soup - it looks really good.

    I need help - like an idiot I accidentally saved over the document that I had JB's low fat cornmeal muffins recipe on - can someone please cut/copy and post it again for me. I loved it and would like to have it as a keeper.

    Bowling last night was fun - the shoulder was a little tender from the shovelling thing but not too bad. I actually improved my score in the second and third game so I guess I'm learning.

    Re sleep - when I had insomnia the doctor told me to never listen to anything like the radio or audio books or anything while I go to sleep or during sleep as it would keep me from entering the deep REM sleep stage. After I got over that period of insomnia, I have got back into the habit of middle of the night radio. I don't know if it's a problem or not but I seem to find it comforting when I wake up in the night to have some voice to listen to until I drop off again (beats getting up and doing the warm milk routine).

    Well, back to the book reading tonight (it actually had me in tears last night). Have a good evening ladies and enjoy your Thursday coming up.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I typed out a long post last night, hit reply and poof...it vanished into thin air:noway: :angry: :sad: ! Those post eating gremlins are back:devil: .

    I read all the posts but don`t have time to reply this morning:frown: .

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I really cannot believe we are already on the second instalment for January!

    Today is my 'cleanout' day in preparation for my CT scan tomorrow. Uggh - roll on Saturday!

    I'll catch up with you later.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all, I'm having my tea and waking up. Nothing planned for the day just a relaxing day.

    Linda C- Congrats on the good readings.

    Renny- I'll have to try spaghetti squash, I have always used bean sprouts instead of spaghetti.

    Micki-glad to see you're back

    Lila-remember Doctors are only practicing. If they knew everything, they could give you the exact formula for losing weight, right? While I love my Doctor he doesn't tell me how to eat, just try and keep those blood sugars low, I know better what works for me than he does. I know I sleep a lot better and don't wake up as often listening to my audio books, and I do dream, because I always write down my dreams(they are so weird).

    Michele- I watched the Biggest loser the other night, I had never see it before, but the way folks were talking about Jillian and the show, I thought I would watch. Interesting, I would never get on TV and have my fat hanging out everywhere. But some of those people seem desperate. And then they kick them off the show, very sad. I would like to see what they ate too.

    Well it is time for breakfast, BBL

    Tigress in GA
  • lcdreams
    lcdreams Posts: 54 Member
    hi. i'm 60 and need to lose at least 20 lbs. minimum, but i need motivation. i'm always go to my iphone when i feel like cheating to busy myself but of course that doesn't work because i'm still overweight and feel uncomfortable. joined the edge fitness so i can do some zumba when i get used to doing cardio. it's so hard not to eat everything not nailed down when i'm home!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tigress, your post made me think about Biggest Loser.

    I've watched Biggest Loser episodes in the past, and wondered about the effects of being kicked off on someone, but that was before I found my way to MFP. Now I wonder how many of these folks who lose so fast are actually able to keep off the weight. It makes good television, but I now have doubts about its value for a person's health. Our neighboring town has done a local Biggest Loser competition while the show is on the air for the past couple of seasons. They seem to attract lots of people, and again I wonder if they're able to keep the weight off. I have a friend who is a yoyo dieter. She is always starting a new diet, and her weight is definitely trending upward. She does not know I'm dieting, but has noticed that I'm different. She asked if my hair was shorter. It is not. My face is a little smaller.

    I've been wondering about the blogging feature of this site. How does it work? What do you write about? Can you go back and access old posts? Who sees it besides you? Maybe I should rename myself Wonder Woman.

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I will not answer to every post as I find i'm spending way to much time here and not enough doing what needs doing. As women you know exactly what i'm talking about.

    For stretching have you ever tried the resisting band. I picked some up yesterday at the diabetic group session. They showed a few exercises you can use them for. Mostly stretching.

    Thank you i'm still in the learning process. But it sure changes things.

    Guess i'd have to put in sedentary to. I sure don't move enough when I have a home day. Like today. It will be from here to the knitting this morning. Want to finish this scarf i'm doing.

    I don't know what kind it is. Just a big big buffalo picture taking on the road to elk part near Edmonton Alberta. You want to see Moose I have pictures of them to.

    Ok so now to get on with my day. The kitchen needs a hand just can't do itself. Then I have my scarf I want to finish. Need to get some sort of exercise done. Shower and what I thought would be a stay at home day. Ends up I have to go get money in my sister's account she's by polar and not good with money. So she put me in trust of her pension money and any other little checks that come by. She's doing much better like this it's been two years. Always money to make it to the end of the month and she likes it. I'm glad I can be of help to her.

    Here's what my dietician explained to me yesterday. I got scolded for trying to stay in around 1200 calories. She said I would still lose at 1500. This is how she put it or close. At 1500 your body will still lose slower but that's better. Then when you hit a plateau you bring it down to 1400 and start losing again. When you plateau again you go 1300. Usually bringing you to 1200 to maintain. But as you know with exercise you still can eat more than 1200. And once we are maintaining exercise will be a habit. I hope.

    Hope this made sense.
    Linda C.
  • LOL!
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Good morning Ladies,
    Had a great workout yesterday. Felt very energetic during my walk on the treadmill, to the point where I had some burst of running in there, which is big for me, because I have battled with and achilles tendon problem plus plantar fascitis. Usually I can barely stand to get my 30 minutes in, but felt so energized I went on and did 15 more minutes. Thats like a breakthrough. I think really concentrating on good nutrition is giving me a boost. I enjoyed the feeling of those burning and fatigued leg muscles all day. However I did breakdown and open the bag of reese peanut butter chips in my pantry. I have no sweets in the house so I ate a handful of those. I knew it wasn't going to be a good idea, standing there fighting with myself and telling myself I will only eat a tablespoon, just for a little something sweet, and then they were so sweet, went back for several more tablespoons full. Ahh, live and learn, mostly I have been feeling under control.

    :flowerforyou: Jane sounds like you had a busy womens day, fighting all the daily battles. Glad you could make it to your knitting class and hope you can make something wonderful. I learned to knit a couple of years ago, but I only know how to make scarves and now I have enough of them.
    :drinker: Laura I hope those accounting problems get behind you soon and you can tackle projects that are so stressful.
    :huh: Kackie, I really like your point about," though weight loss is much slower it's not impossible as proven by the ladies here." I think that's why this website helps. To see these ladies in our weight loss bracket who have continued on slowly making headway is a motivation like no other.
    :noway: Jeannie, Where do you live that you might have mountain lions or coyotes in your yard? That's a little unnerving, especially if a person likes to go out late at night or early in the morning
    :smile: Glenbabe, great accomplishment on not only your weight loss but your maintenance. I really should loose 75, but because that seems so beyond impossible to me, Ive just put down 50 as my goal. Maybe someday I will believe I can accomplish the full amount
    :wink: Suebdew you seem to be doing a good job making your eating work for you. Keep up the good work.
    :smile: Nebsip. join us in our accountability and it will help you keep up your accountability to yourself. Best gift ever.
    :yawn: Tigress, sorry you also have some sleep issues. I notice the days I work out hard I sleep better. Have you or anyone else ever tried those herbal formulas for sleep, with the melatonin and tryptophan in them. I haven't but find myself wondering about them.
    :flowerforyou: Linda C, so glad you are making good progress with your weight loss and your blood levels. Here's hoping you do win the next contest too. You go girl.
    :laugh: Katia, my hubby too hates it when I'm giving "advice" when he is doing a project. Why is that? I think my ideas are so good, but we always end up squabbling. I never thought of just giving up and leaving the room. I guesss we both have that to work on.
    :yawn: Wessecg, another one of us sleep deprived girls. I'm hoping I might become on of those people who loves to work out all the time, and thaat extra working out will help me sleep. That would be a miracle. Maybe it's just a sign of our older age, heaven forbid.
    :wink: Renny, I think that was great advice about the fact that we know our bodies and what works for them. By the way, I love where you live. Visited there a number of times when my daughter and her husband lived in Seattle. Beautiful
    :drinker: Micki, good for you, for getting back on track. Though for a gilr who had that much company for that long, resting on your laurels for a week might be well deserved. I agree about the water, it does help the weight come off. I'm only getting in about 4 or 5 right now and I have to up that.
    :happy: Michell, good job on the extreme shred. Just the title scares me. Maybe down the road I might be a person who can say she does that.
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, you are an inspiration and show us how it's done for those big losses. Apparently move, move, move and of course stretch is the way to go. That will be a life changer for me. Many of the things I really enjoy are done sitting. This is what it means to change our lifestyle, not just "diet"
    :happy: Glenda, that was a great strategy at the chinese restaurant. Would never have thought of that. What great committment.
    :wink: Lila, what are you reading? Is it good?
    :happy: Dee Dee, Hi have a great day
    :flowerforyou: Amanda, hope ct scan isn't for anything too serious

    Well have a great day Ladies. Love reading about you all. I think I might have to have Salmon for dinner tonight and hope for another movement of the scales.

    Karen From MI.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I overslept yesterday, so I decided to get my exercise in at night (which I never do, because I'm wiped out when I get home from work). But I actually did it! It felt good, but I still prefer to exercise in the morning.

    Ah, insomnia! A perk of menopause. I knew it well. I finally caved in and decided to take the Premarin that my doctor prescribed, and it helped. I am slowly trying to wean myself off, but if I start to have problems sleeping, I'm not sure what I'll do.

    For some reason, I'm very hungry today. I've already had my oatmeal and yogurt for breakfast, but craving something more. So far, I've been able to resist, but one of our salesman always brings Einstein bagels and cream cheese on Thursdays, and people have been toasting them all morning. The smell is starting to wear me down. It's so wonderful. HELP!

    Lucy, in Delaware