any really young 40 year olds or late 30's



  • suzeng01
    suzeng01 Posts: 3 Member
    38 in two weeks! Just started this plan. Looking for friends/motivation along the way! :)
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    just turned 42..first time I have ever been interested in fitness...its a whole new world lol

  • Turned 43 last month but feel like im 23. When I was 41 I felt like I was 63. I started my weight loss journey in Feb. 2010 and reached my goal wieght in March 2012. Losing weight, exercising and eating healthy was the best decision I ever made.
  • larosita57
    larosita57 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 44. I'm not a natural athlete, but I've run 5 marathons, all in my 40s! We can do it :) I call myself "middle-aged" sometimes, but in reality, I feel like I'm active and pretty hip compared to a lot of my peers. All in the attitude, I say. Feel free to add me!
  • photogal375
    photogal375 Posts: 149 Member
    Feeling great at 37! Getting more fit by the day and loving life!
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    I'm about to turn 43 and I say hell no... life is not over! We're just getting started! My goal is to be in the best shape of my life in the next 6 months. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • DJStewie
    DJStewie Posts: 92 Member
    Turning 39 in 3 weeks here. Determined to be in the best shape of my life before I hit 40! Feel free to add. :drinker:
  • Im 49...FEW! the 40s are great, I have to get my head around the 50s now!:sad:
  • pikachuFL
    pikachuFL Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 42 and don't feel that old. I must not look it either because when I tell people my age, they seem shocked and comment that I can't be that old. The only difference between me now and in my 20's is I have more white hairs growing around my face. I had some white hairs in high school but not this many. I mostly notice them when I put my hair up in a ponytail. With my hair down, they're not so noticable.

    It is harder to lose weight now than it was then. In my twenties, I could drop 20 pounds pretty easily. Now it takes much more time and effort. Plus, with my vision declining, I have trouble doing workout exercises by watching them on tv. I can't seem to follow along very well.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    37 here! I have a 19 year old daughter but we get mistaken for as sisters all the time.
  • mrsna
    mrsna Posts: 195 Member
    I'm 39 turning 40 in October. Would love to add some friends in the same age range. Feel free to add me for support!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I'm 42 but I don't look in my 20's:laugh: .... Feeling great though!
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    I'm 48 going on 30!
  • I'm 39 in Feb, feel free to add me
  • rpalacio
    rpalacio Posts: 10 Member
    Hello!!! Have an awesome day!
  • strawberry1969
    strawberry1969 Posts: 1,476 Member
    im 43 feel free to add me
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I'm a 4 year old with 39 years of experience, and sometimes a 14 year old with 29 years of experience. Does that count?
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Will b 38 this yr. add me if u like????
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    36 here and feeling 20! in fact i am running a faster mile time now then i was in high school!
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    38 almost 39 next month! LOVE this age because I don't feel it and certainly don't act it!