How do I stop eating snacks after 6pm?



  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Why would you stop after 6pm? I usually have dinner around 7 or 8 pm and most of the time eat something around 10 or 11 pm right before going to bed.
  • suenewberry81
    suenewberry81 Posts: 241 Member
    Save some calories for your snack after 6? I have my dinner and a pudding but I save my pudding until later
  • dems11
    dems11 Posts: 30 Member
    Drinking more water maybe? Also, eat fruit. I like oranges at night!
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    Work it in as part of your calorie goal for the day. Make it easy to make a healthy choice (don't keep junk in the house). I almost always eat after dinner. I even get up in the middle of the night and eat chocolate. I sleep better.
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I eat right up until I go to bed and many nights that includes a bowl of ice cream. It hasn't changed anything for me at all. I having been maintaining for over a year =)
  • AbbeyTaylor87
    AbbeyTaylor87 Posts: 5 Member
    exercise in the evening... it works for me. Feel like i've wasted my time if I just eat the calories after I've burned them off...
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Your body doesn't know what time it is, so time is not relevant.

    Plan your meals/snacks the day before so you stay within your calorie goal and you will be fine.

    Good luck!
  • fihealth
    fihealth Posts: 165 Member
    Drinks lots of decaf tea, water, could even put some pure lemon juice in (zero cal), and pamper yourself with bath/shower, do your nails, tweeze eyebrows, face mask, anything you like to feel good, and go to bed earlier and wake up earlier! :)

    Good luck, or more aptly, good choices! :)

  • jaras76
    jaras76 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree that eating after 6 is perfectly fine as long as you're within your calorie limits. If you find yourself running out of calories, you could try doing a cardio activity during this time and have a sensible, light snack afterwards. I love black bean hummus with carrots or celery.
  • magdalen13
    magdalen13 Posts: 62 Member
    I dont think you need to stop snacking after 6..if you are hungry then eat...allow yourself extra calories at the end of the day for that night time snack...many evening i have a 100 calorie bag of popcorn and an orange or apple and i still consistently lose weight...just keep it within your daily calorie goal:)

    ^^^ yup, exactly what I do. Popcorn or fruit (or sometimes an individual Skinny Cow ice cream or Ben & Jerry's frozen yogurt) and a couple of glasses of water at night keep me full and not starving... I go to bed late, midnight, usually, so if I didn't eat after 6 I'd be starving and miserable all night.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eat dinner later.
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    Plan a healthy snack. That way you can eat and it fits within your numbers.
  • You don't - I lost 4,5 stone last year on MFP - and I didn't stop snacks - I just made sure I had the calories left to eat anything I wanted - Wii great for that (if you can't get outside for walk/cycle). Don't know where you live - so you may not be able to get - but visit for a selection of tasty snacks that are healthy. :-)
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I have the same problem... I walk in the door from work, walk my dog, get home about 5:45-6 and am starving so I grab something to eat that's quick... I make myself snacks. yesterday I had homemade banana cookies (just bananas and oats - i add chocolate chips) and then I relax for a bit, watch some tv... make my dinner, eat and i'm done by 7-7:30pm and that's it for the night and I go to bed about 10:30. If you have a snack ready for you that's "healthy-ish" and satisfies whatever cravings you usually have (for me it's freakin' chocolate :P), you should be ok.
  • just eat everything before 6pm. if you eat all the snacks you would eat after 6pm before you wont have any snacks left ;)
  • I drink tea and go no where near the kitchen!
  • It's not a myth. Calories are energy. If you provide your body with energy you body needs to use that energy to burn it off.
    If you eat before you go to bed without exercising, then that energy isn't utilised.
    Good snacks for the evening are clear chicken soups / broths.
    True, food is energy. On the other hand, it takes 24 hours for food to digest, therefore, you have 24 hours to burn the calories you eat for energy. So, again, it doesn't matter when you eat.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    get yourself a workout partner, have at it until you are exhausted and fall asleep.
  • ashleen7
    ashleen7 Posts: 258 Member
    Try to leave some calories to allow for a snack, I always have a snack around 9pm and it hasn't affected my loss. Sometimes I don't finish work until 10pm and it could be 11pm by the time I have dinner, meal timing is irrelevant, overall calories consumed vs calories out is what matters.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    I have this problem too - its like I've been good all day and then I am apt to pig out at night, despite not being hungry really. its a mental comfort thing I think. Lately what has worked for me is going to the gym at night. For you, I think you should eat dinner a tad bit later (basically before 8pm)....or if not dinner (which may be easiest and more natural at 6pm, then follow dinner w/ a planned healthy snack closer to 8pm (like cottage cheese, peanut butter, protein shake, etc). Then workout!! I've found it helps tire me out and let's me go to sleep easier. I also otherwise tend to watch alot of tv at night too -- and consider that equally toxic junk food (for the mind).....working out gives me something constructive to do rather than veg out or eat. when you get back (I usually get back around 930pm), you can still have a protein shake or the like if you are hungry w/o messing w/ your mojo....but at least you have taken yourself out of the zone where you are bored and looking for things to do to kill time (eating, TV, games).