How come men can loose so easy



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Please don't compare yourself your hubby....Men have more muscle mass and therefore use more calories. I gained all my weigh by preparing food my hubby liked and then dipping identical plates....

    Compete with yourself and tell him you don't want to see them Cheetos or hear about em..Pretty please...

    You can do it..just plan ahead a little and keep yourself busy.... if you slowly increase your activity, count your calories and stay under 1500 calories daily anyone would eventually loose all the extra weigh and be able to maintain the loss as well..We just want it NOW and frankly that mind set will defeat you.

    I had smoked sausage last nigh for supper....after thinking about it..I don't plan to ever eat that simple is not worth the calories....Change the way you think...change your life..

    Smoked sausage for supper? Reminds me. My hubby gave me a Christmas gift that consisted of 3 Johnsonville Sausages in the center of some cheese and crackers and cheese tray accessories. What do you think he meant by that? (<===in a weird mood today).

    Seriously, I'm planning to have sausage for supper tonight, it's already on my food plan and everything. I don't see anything wrong with it in moderation and as long as there are other sides and it works into your daily plan and it's good quality sausage? I'm having mine with penne pasta and broccoli.
  • ne:brokenheart: men are obviously superior
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Ok so I hope I have answers I went from a sedimentary day of sitting around to walking 30 min a day in am and 3 hrs airsoft last weekend. He (hubby) took my measurements when he got home and saw how sad I was lost 5.5 inches of my body so maybe did not loose weight gained some muscle I will take off inches any day :) feeling better

    Sounds like you went from sedimentary to igneous when you burned some extra calories causing you to become metamorphic in your body composition.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Ok so I hope I have answers I went from a sedimentary day of sitting around to walking 30 min a day in am and 3 hrs airsoft last weekend. He (hubby) took my measurements when he got home and saw how sad I was lost 5.5 inches of my body so maybe did not loose weight gained some muscle I will take off inches any day :) feeling better

    Sorry but I doubt you are building muscle from walking alone... You need to lift weights to build muscle.

    You don't seem to track much water. Are you drinking it? You need to drink water to offset all the sodium you are consuming.

    Try eating more fresh foods. Pretty much everything you eat is processed garbage which is full of sodium and doesn't always have a ton of nutrients. If you are just starting out start with swapping one meal to something is made with all fresh ingredients and not something in a bag/box/can/etc.

    Are you measuring/weighing everything you eat and drink? We tend to eyeball portions a LOT larger than they should be and therefore eating more calories than we think we are. Are you counting all the little bites of things? The condiments? Milk/cream/sugar in coffees, teas, oatmeals, etc?

    Don't use generic entries in the database as they won't be accurate for the calorie counts to what you are eating. Nothing everything is made the same. Entries in the database are from members all over the world. Make your own meals in the recipe builder.

    Get fruits and vegetables in. I didn't see one fruit going over your diary and for veggies all you had was one small salad and potato wedges.
  • freya1331
    freya1331 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you I found that very helpful
  • freya1331
    freya1331 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok so I disagree I am building muscle from walking I went from barely using these muscles to using them consistently for 30 min or more than yes I am building muscle. weights would be nice if I had access to them but i don't I live in a very small town with no gym. As much as I agree that I need to eat more natural food lets clarify i am still eating better and less than I was a week ago. I am very happy that I lost 5.5 inches and this is from counting my calories and walking. The last time I lost a lot of weight 2 yrs ago I lost 55 lbs and 40 inches off my body trust me it was the inches that people notices more and my muscles were tighter and I felt healthier.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    men are in general just looser..

    but seriously it's the hormonal differences and differences in musculature

    and :laugh: @ sedimentary days. that sounds very...zen
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Ummmm? Am I missing something? Wasn't there some kind of biology or lamaze class I snoozed through that said something about women needing more fat during baby making years and stuff. Or men being like muscular for hunter/gatherer activities? Anyone currently smart out there wanna elaborate on these fuzzy notions from my educated youth?

    Yes--it is true. Women are just naturally supposed to carry a larger percentage of their weight as fat (and men like the rounded contours that their partners have--few of them like emaciated women). The survival of the species depends on a women having that higher amount of body fat to sustain her pregnancy and lactation of her infant, in periods of relative food scarcity. Women who get their body fat down too low (through the use of hormones or excessive dieting and exercise) risk halting their ability to procreate. The too-thin woman's hormonal apparatus "thinks" that, since she is so thin, "Now is not the right time to get pregnant" and shuts down ovulation and possibly even the monthly cycle.

    Very true, and women who exercise so much that they have no fat don't even get their period, women are genetically designed to just carry more fat , thats why it takes us longer to lose it and guys can drop it super fast :grumble:
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    The answer is testosterone. You can get some if you want, but it comes with facial hair and a deepening voice, OH, and the potential to get bulky. So..............

    Not to mention a raging craving to get busy ALL the time.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Ok so I disagree I am building muscle from walking I went from barely using these muscles to using them consistently for 30 min or more than yes I am building muscle. weights would be nice if I had access to them but i don't I live in a very small town with no gym. As much as I agree that I need to eat more natural food lets clarify i am still eating better and less than I was a week ago. I am very happy that I lost 5.5 inches and this is from counting my calories and walking. The last time I lost a lot of weight 2 yrs ago I lost 55 lbs and 40 inches off my body trust me it was the inches that people notices more and my muscles were tighter and I felt healthier.

    Sorry bu you didn't gain two pounds of muscle in a week just by walking. It takes a very long time to build any real amount of muscle as well.. especially as a female. Eating properly, lifting heavy weights, a female can expect to see 0.5lb a MONTH of muscle gain if everything is done properly.

    Cut out the processed garbage, drink more water and include more fruits and veggies and you will see losses. I would imagine your gain is due to the sodium in your diet... add it to your tracker and you will see how much you are really consuming.
  • freya1331
    freya1331 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok so I have to say thank you to most of you in all this is a fairly supportive group.....However some people are just rude. If I loose or don't loose weight based on what I eat or how i do it it is not your right nor privilege to tell me I am doing it all wrong. I think every person has there own way of doing this and since we are all here to support each other than that is what i hope we should do. I started my post because I was frustrated and pissed as i am sure all or most of you had or have been at one time. I wanted advise and support from people I assumed were going thru what i was. I do not need people to insult my methods or come down on me and I hope most of you feel the same way. As my mom says do not judge people till you have walked a mile in there shoes. Once again to all of you that were supportive or even brought a bit of humor to the situation I thank you
  • jim_n_virginia
    jim_n_virginia Posts: 59 Member
    I always hear that but it sure hasn't been easy for me!!! LOL!
  • freya1331
    freya1331 Posts: 9 Member
    My last post on this I weighed in today a full week after starting diet 5.6 lbs down so it was probably like some of you said water weight or other things....doing a happy dance
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    My last post on this I weighed in today a full week after starting diet 5.6 lbs down so it was probably like some of you said water weight or other things....doing a happy dance

    That's awesome!

    Weight won't always go down... sometimes it will, sometimes it will stay the same and sometimes it will go up.

    HIgh amounts of sodium will make it go up. No matter what you do don't compare yourself to your husband or anyone else. My husband can lose 10lbs in the same time it takes me to lose 3lbs.... you can't compare your losses to anyone but you
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I agree man, I'm so ***ing loose right now it's incredible.

    That's genetics for ya.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    it aint easy trust me
  • My husband and i weighed on Monday then again today he lost 3 lbs I gained 2 I have stayed under my calorie count every day and was projected to loose 15 lbs in 5 weeks according too it so much for that. He doesn't count calories and ate 1/2 bag of Cheetos and 2 swiss rolls last night. We have both started walking and I think it is helping him getting a work out and being more active. However why is it not working for me?

    he is eating......You are staying under calorie goal while exercising!!! Thats a nooo... Remember if you use fuel you have to out it back.....
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    They generally have more muscle mass...and burn calories faster. Thats why lifting encourages weight loss. Women also tend to have wilder hormonal swings that can affect water retention as well.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    I been wondering the same thing. :)