High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • Hi I would love to join your group, what do I have to do to join? I just came across your post today.

    My info is

    start weight 174
    goal weight 150

    Hoping to get some inspiration from others who are struggling.

  • Guys, I'm gutted i really wanted in and i was well up for it and then i had no internet for a week... (It has been killing me)... but in all honesty I got so much else done, including completing the challenge without even knowing!!

    Anyway, I'm still interested so if it's still cool to join you my stats are:
    SW:155.6 lbs
    CW:151.2 lbs
    GW:115 lbs

    I am rubbish at situps so i can't wait to see my progress on this new challenge.. I'm even going to get my boyfriend to start it too.
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    Well, I'm going to be honest...I failed Heather's challenge. :blushing:

    I ran on Friday, walked around Balboa Park ALOT on Saturday, but Sunday I did NOTHING and it felt GOOD! Actually, I cleaned, but I had help; so it wasn't too demanding.

    I plan on running today. I work out most days of the week, so while I didn't meet the first challenge; I will still get the workouts in!

    I really like the next challenge....challenging both physically AND mentally!

    Here we go team....have a great week!
  • debbieluck
    debbieluck Posts: 12 Member
    Yippee! You made my day! Glad to be accepted...HA! Would hate to be rejected. I'm off to work out!
    Debbie :flowerforyou:
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey guys so excited about this weeks challenge!!! The sit ups are going to kick my butt!!! But that's what I need! Let's go girls!!!

    I completed Heather's challenge of four workouts.

    Mon-Walked 3 miles
    Tues-Walked 3 miles
    Wed-Walked/Jogged 3 miles
    Thurs-Walked/Jogged 5 miles
    Fri-Eliptical for 1 mile and treadmill for 2 miles
  • I didn't get all for workouts in for last weeks challage, but I am in fully for the new one.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, 18 have completed last week's challenge. That's amazing. There were several others who were very close, and I'm proud of all of them as well.

    I just love how enthusiastic and committed everyone is! Shredder, I think you've created a MFP sensation here. I'm looking forward to hearing how the new challenge is going for everyone.
  • I did accomplish the workout goal last week and felt awsome for doing it. :tongue: I am really looking forward to this week's, especially the meditation.......I haven't made time for that in a long time so it is over due. Great job to everyone and keep up the hard work.

  • apridgen
    apridgen Posts: 8
    Happy Monday all! I did the following toward the challenge last week:

    Monday = 45 min walk on treadmill at 3.5
    Tuesday = 45 min walk on treadmill at 3.5
    Wed. = Church night, walked 20 min.
    Thursday = 45 min walk on treadmill at 3.5
    Friday = No walking, date with hubby! so, on my 45 min drive home, did some upperbody stuff and clenched buttocks the entire way home! lol
    Sat. = vigorous cleaning of house
    Sunday = nothing!
  • Cchange
    Cchange Posts: 18
    I'm sad to say I did not complete Heather's challenge. :frown: I'm still having trouble with constant dizziness. Going to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully will get back to normal very soon.

    Meokk, your challenge is very interesting. I'm really hoping I can do it!

    I'm very frustrated right now because I really want to get my butt up and do something and can't. Guess for now I'll focus on my eating because I still want to lose those 5 lbs by May 1st.

    Good luck this week!
  • KAskinny
    KAskinny Posts: 50
    I'm in on this weeks challenge! But I have one of those Bender Balls (not sure if you've heard of them, but it's pretty awesome!, Google it) and so my starting number will probably be pretty low. But I'm still in and excited!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Sorry I never reported...but I succuessfully completed Heathers challenge last week. I started off a little slow but ended strong with two-a-days for Thursday, Friday, and Sturday. I'm about to book a trip to Vegas (I'm in desperate need of a vacation!) so I NEED to drop 5 pounds in the next 20 days!
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello All,

    I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend. Okay. Shrerdder, I read your challenge and I'm really thinking about it.

    Today. I had Fiber one bran(the little logs..lol) and they were okay. for breakfast. Salad for lunch, and I'm going to have salmon and salad for dinner. I left my snacks at home today so I'm drinking water to fill the void.
    I'm going to walk 3 miles today and do light house cleaning today.

  • ncole1
    ncole1 Posts: 21
    I have also completed Heathers challenge:
    Fri - Swam 1km
    Sat - Swam 2km
    Sun - Walked 3miles
    Mon - Swam 1.5km

    Have lost 2lbs this week so feeling motivated!!

  • Did ok this weekend, which are usually the hardest for me because it's when the DH and I get out (when our kids are at their "other parents" ) I completed my mini challenge of 4 workouts by Monday
    Tues- Jogged 5miles at 5.2
    Wednesday- Jogged 2.5 miles at 5.2
    Thursday-Jogged 5miles at 5.2 and did 600crunches
    Friday- Jogged 2miles at 5.2
    Sunday- walked 3miles at 3.0

    Really excuted for the new challenge :)
  • purdygrl
    purdygrl Posts: 52 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I was able to the 200 sit up site. I was able to do 20 sit ups (thanks p90x) as per the instructions Wed. will be my first day.
    Also took 15 minutes to meditate on the beach.
    Also got a work out in today.
    Love these challenges they are keeping me very motivated.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I am going to go to do the test tonight to see how many I can do! I will let everyone know later :D

    I am also in for the #2 challenge! I am still in the process of moving, so this will be a wonderful relaxation-probably in the bath :D

    (Note to self: back up to page 11 to catch up on posts)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yay, we're up to 23 who completed last week's challenge and it sounds like everyone is excited about this week's challenge. I'll be printing out the situp challenge before I leave work and see what I can do tonight. I'm also hoping to start Week 9 of C25k today or tomorrow.

    All day I've been seriously contemplating whether I want to sign up for a 4 mile run in mid-June. Right now, I run 2 miles. I have a route mapped out near my boyfriend's house that would be 3.5 miles that I could practice on but with getting ready for my riding instructor certification I just might not have the time to train for both. What to do, what to do...
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I totally didn't notice heather's challenge. whoops, my bad. i'm all up for the sit up challenge this week, though my weight lifting routine works the abs anyway. it'll be another thing to add in starting tomorrow! :)

    P.S. I really like the meditation idea.
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Soo, today I had my yearly check up and I am MAJORLY disappointed!!!! They weighed me in at 174!!!! My starting weight was 175, soo basically I've lost ONE POUND!!! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? Just a lil frustrated today, I WAS down to 168, and then the scale just kept going up, if it goes up any higher I am going to break it!! hahaha Anyway, it just feels like all my working out and eating healthy over the past two months has been pointless!!
    I'm gonna have to change something here!! haha I won't give up tho!! I'm going to push until I am winning and not the scale!!!!
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