Gym fail blog



  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I have many...

    One time I was working with my trainer and he told me to warm up before I started to train on the tredmill. this was in a very small space before the BIG gym opened (so like a basement). While talking and not paying attention, I stepped on the tredmill and quickly flew off of it because IT WAS STILL ON! He ran over and was like "OMG Steph! Are you ok?" I was laughing so hard and saying "ow ow ow, I'm fine... but who didn't stop the tredmill?"

    My roommates fav story... ugh this one is def embarassing! I was in the studio working out with her and my stomach was just a disaster! We were the only two in there until this woman came in and started doing Yoga and meditation. We were jumping around and doing crunches... well, we decided to do the ab work where you hold onto the persons ankles and they push your feet (can't remember the name)... anyway, I let out a huge fart (I'm so embarassed typing this!)... she was in a headstand and fell over and a group of people walked in for a tour of the 'new gym'. I almost died!

    Another time I was working out with a trainer/friend and he wanted me to try 'something new!' I was a bit reluctant because he's crazy bananas like a monkey... none the less, he told me to jump on a bar and swing around it like a gymnist (not a stripper!). he did it first to show me and I was like "Oh yeah, I use to do this as a kid!" Anyway, it was my turn, the bar was WAY TOO HIGH so when I jumped for it, I landed on my freakin' knees in front of ALL the men in the weight room in my home town. It was awesome... I'm from a small city of about 55 thousand and knew 1/2 the people in there. He got me a bench and made me try again.

    Ok... that's 3... I can't think of anymore.
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    Whats funny is most of these are Tredmill accidents I like when someone gets on the tredmill next to me and runs at the same pace its like a mini race for me.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Not sure if it's funny or not? (Was not funny to me at the time!!!)

    I used to bring 2 -3 bath size towels with me to my classes. One for for me and the others were for the floor!! I used to sweat so much I left puddles on the floor. I needed to wipe them up so that people would not slip and fall!

    Waaayyy better now! But back when I was beginning my struggle this was part of my every class humiliation.

    Another not so funny fail moment from the same class. The class was Capoeira (A Brazilian martial art that is not so well known). The local class was relatively new so the local news paper sent over a reporter/photographer for a profile on the class and my teacher. After setting up an action shot of the class, the guy stood up and called out to me to move to a corner of the room that was obviously out of the frame of his shot. Yup, getting fit is challenging! :-)
  • Kissah
    Kissah Posts: 33 Member
    Last week I decided to do one of those Club Boxing Circuit classes and my team leader had us running back and forth across with a push up on each side.... (I am not good at push-ups) and being caught up with adrenaline I ran and quickly attempted to do the push up when I just went belly flat on the floor... Ouch my Pansita (stomach in English)... To tell you the truth I was not that embarrassed I kind of laughed it off and dragged myself up and ran the other way... I will be doing this class tonight!!!! :blushing:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    It is usually more a matter of doing something, and hoping no-one smells the dirty deed... it was much, much worse when I was having protein powders, think potent rotten eggs. The key is to carry on as if nothing has happened and hope no-one can pinpoint it to your posterior.
  • This thread is awesome.

  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    No one's mentioned farting in yoga class yet? Seriously?

    Well, of course it's *never* happened to me but one class I was in someone got attacked by the gas monster and everyone on the room couldn't control the giggles. That's classy.

    ETA: Just read back to what was posted while I was typing and someone finally admitted to the farting! :-)
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    I have many...

    One time I was working with my trainer and he told me to warm up before I started to train on the tredmill. this was in a very small space before the BIG gym opened (so like a basement). While talking and not paying attention, I stepped on the tredmill and quickly flew off of it because IT WAS STILL ON! He ran over and was like "OMG Steph! Are you ok?" I was laughing so hard and saying "ow ow ow, I'm fine... but who didn't stop the tredmill?"

    My roommates fav story... ugh this one is def embarassing! I was in the studio working out with her and my stomach was just a disaster! We were the only two in there until this woman came in and started doing Yoga and meditation. We were jumping around and doing crunches... well, we decided to do the ab work where you hold onto the persons ankles and they push your feet (can't remember the name)... anyway, I let out a huge fart (I'm so embarassed typing this!)... she was in a headstand and fell over and a group of people walked in for a tour of the 'new gym'. I almost died!

    Another time I was working out with a trainer/friend and he wanted me to try 'something new!' I was a bit reluctant because he's crazy bananas like a monkey... none the less, he told me to jump on a bar and swing around it like a gymnist (not a stripper!). he did it first to show me and I was like "Oh yeah, I use to do this as a kid!" Anyway, it was my turn, the bar was WAY TOO HIGH so when I jumped for it, I landed on my freakin' knees in front of ALL the men in the weight room in my home town. It was awesome... I'm from a small city of about 55 thousand and knew 1/2 the people in there. He got me a bench and made me try again.

    Ok... that's 3... I can't think of anymore.
    OMG you Win!!! I laughed so hard
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    a few months ago my asthma was kicking up...I was on the treadmill, took a BIG mouthful of water from my water bottle and coughed, spewing my entire mouthful of water all over the picture window in front of me. I kept going, but decided it would only be polite to wipe the window off when I was done. I think the trainer saw me squat down and started to come over to check on me, then changed his mind when I stood up.
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    bump for laughs
  • Kissah
    Kissah Posts: 33 Member
    Whats funny is most of these are Tredmill accidents I like when someone gets on the tredmill next to me and runs at the same pace its like a mini race for me.

    LOL.... I feel the same way and wonder if they are doing the same... One time the person next to me kept upping the speed and so did I... I was running 6.3 which my regular speed is 5.0.... It was good competitive motivation.
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    Whats funny is most of these are Tredmill accidents I like when someone gets on the tredmill next to me and runs at the same pace its like a mini race for me.

    LOL.... I feel the same way and wonder if they are doing the same... One time the person next to me kept upping the speed and so did I... I was running 6.3 which my regular speed is 5.0.... It was good competitive motivation.
    Totally I end up working out super hard when I do this, one time though this guy got off his tredmill gave me a crusty look and walked away..:blushing: He obviously was not up to a friendly competition
  • buckskeen
    buckskeen Posts: 2 Member
    One time I decided I wasn't going to let the fact that I forgot my gym shorts deter me from working out once I got to the gym. I knew if I went home, I would be more likely to skip the workout that day. I hit the rack wearing a T-shirt and my favorite pair of jean shorts. I loaded the rack up and started in on my first set of squats. I get low into about the 3rd rep on my first set and blow out the backside with a big, loud rip. Since my ego tends to have me looking in the mirror during reps, the color of my bloomers was front and center for all to see until I could stand back up with the weights and re-rack as the rip went from the inseam clear up to the belt line.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    I have many...

    One time I was working with my trainer and he told me to warm up before I started to train on the tredmill. this was in a very small space before the BIG gym opened (so like a basement). While talking and not paying attention, I stepped on the tredmill and quickly flew off of it because IT WAS STILL ON! He ran over and was like "OMG Steph! Are you ok?" I was laughing so hard and saying "ow ow ow, I'm fine... but who didn't stop the tredmill?"

    My roommates fav story... ugh this one is def embarassing! I was in the studio working out with her and my stomach was just a disaster! We were the only two in there until this woman came in and started doing Yoga and meditation. We were jumping around and doing crunches... well, we decided to do the ab work where you hold onto the persons ankles and they push your feet (can't remember the name)... anyway, I let out a huge fart (I'm so embarassed typing this!)... she was in a headstand and fell over and a group of people walked in for a tour of the 'new gym'. I almost died!

    Another time I was working out with a trainer/friend and he wanted me to try 'something new!' I was a bit reluctant because he's crazy bananas like a monkey... none the less, he told me to jump on a bar and swing around it like a gymnist (not a stripper!). he did it first to show me and I was like "Oh yeah, I use to do this as a kid!" Anyway, it was my turn, the bar was WAY TOO HIGH so when I jumped for it, I landed on my freakin' knees in front of ALL the men in the weight room in my home town. It was awesome... I'm from a small city of about 55 thousand and knew 1/2 the people in there. He got me a bench and made me try again.

    Ok... that's 3... I can't think of anymore.
    OMG you Win!!! I laughed so hard

    I swear I have the sense of humor of a 5th grader sometimes. Fart stories always crack me up.

    And now that people are generally listening to music on the treadmill, I find people aren't afraid to let it rip.
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    One time I decided I wasn't going to let the fact that I forgot my gym shorts deter me from working out once I got to the gym. I knew if I went home, I would be more likely to skip the workout that day. I hit the rack wearing a T-shirt and my favorite pair of jean shorts. I loaded the rack up and started in on my first set of squats. I get low into about the 3rd rep on my first set and blow out the backside with a big, loud rip. Since my ego tends to have me looking in the mirror during reps, the color of my bloomers was front and center for all to see until I could stand back up with the weights and re-rack as the rip went from the inseam clear up to the belt line.
  • Just a few days ago I started going back to the gym after a long absence. When I got there, I noticed a few of the regulars whom I haven't seen in like forever, and so I go to chat aside from working out. After doing a few tricep exercises, my friend mentioned that he was finished with his workout and was about to go. He then opens his arms for a hug and came towards me. Somehow he bumped into the tricep pull bar (he's a fairly large guy) and the force knocked said bar back into my forehead with a light clanking noise.

    While it was semi-embarrassing, I've done worse to myself in the very same gym (all dealing with overhead bar incidents), so I couldn't feel too humiliated.
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    I have an awesome sense of humor so these stories are filling my afternoon with joy after a stressful morning
  • STurbs33
    STurbs33 Posts: 134 Member
    I was running on the treadmeal and caught my head phones with my hand. My iphone fell onto the belt and shot behind me.

    I've done this multiple times.

    Also, I once had to do the roll of shame after a failed bench press attempt. I wasn't lifting a huge amount of weight so I managed to laugh that one off. Miraculously, nobody saw me either.

    And... Just last week I was trying to use the seated calf press machine, but the seat was too close. I don't typically use machines, so I was unsure how to move the seat back. I got off the machine and tried to move it. Somehow I did it, but it was way too far back. So I tried moving it forward but I wouldn't work. I spent several minutes jiggling the seat until a guy came over, sat on the machine, pushed the lever and moved the seat with ease. Sure enough when I tried moving it his way, it worked perfectly. I had to wonder how long he watched me struggle though. Lol
  • ClassicPearl
    ClassicPearl Posts: 141 Member
    Last October, I was in a weight lifting class, in the back. And you know, I went there a few times, thinking "I got this! No problem!"

    So, I'm lifting these 10 pound weights with an overhead press (at the time, that was a lot for me), and I feel something weird going on in my right shoulder. No big deal. Moving on.

    Our instructor has us sitting on our benches and I went to grab my water bottle with my right arm and fell on top of it, twisting my right arm out of its socket... causing a dislocated shoulder. I wasn't able to even get up from the spot I was in; it hurt so bad... All I could do was sit there until class ended and feel the pain.

    Eventually, a trainer came in and helped lift me up and get me out of the class. And my Dad then came and took me to the hospital.

    At the time, it wasn't funny, but when I look back and think... I dislocated my shoulder going to grab my water bottle? LOL. Weird! The body is pretty fragile.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Can't think of any for myself, but I did feel bad for the poor guy who was walking around the gym with the poo stain on his shorts. I just couldn't bring myself to use any of the machines that he'd used. I was afraid of getting the poo on me! Someone pointed it out to him and he's like, "Yeah I know, but I still got one more set..." WTF? :noway: