What the WHAT?!



  • cayzapp
    cayzapp Posts: 13 Member
    I went from reduced fat peanut butter to natural peanut butter. Now I 've replaced that with Almond butter. I was told it's better for you than peanut butter....although it's a little bland, I prefer it now!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    All I have to say is that I think someone is going through sugar withdrawl!:laugh:
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member

    I think there are nice ways to provide your opinion and not so nice ways.
  • spackled1
    spackled1 Posts: 13
    Thank you for pointing that out, Eric. I'm always over on my sugar for the day, but, since most of it comes from fruit and I'm not diabetic, I don't get all wanked out about it.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    All I have to say is that I think someone is going through sugar withdrawl!:laugh:

    LMAO!!! Ahhhh now THIS made me laugh...
  • Geez people relax...this site is meant to be informative and motivational not a "fight ring".
    I agree sugar is sugar and an apple shoudl count btw
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    "MMMMMMMMMM.....Sugar." (Said in my best Homer Simpson voice):love:
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    At Trader Joes they sell a really nice "soy butter", really nutty, and good. *flees from the room in a sugary panic*
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    what can I say, I like a good debate even if it does get heated. Both sides, all sides, however many sides there are to this thing had some points. Its over, no big deal. Im always going to be opinionated, everyone is.... some of us wear it on our sleeves more than others (I usually say whats on my mind). If it offended anyone, sorry... I was stating some facts that I believe to be true. If you disagree that's okay too, I realize that not everything is an exact science. Sometimes I over react to things too. As long as I can recognize my own faults and maybe work on them then it's not a total loss I guess. But in the end, even if I believe something I do realize that Im not here to change anyone and I think sometimes maybe I forget that and take things too seriously. On the other hand, forums make it really hard to read someones tone and sometimes the harshness of my words can misrepresent what Im trying to say... that is totally my fault and something Ill work on for the future. Thanks everyone!
  • _Pepper_
    _Pepper_ Posts: 49 Member
    Greg, is that you?
  • amymac
    amymac Posts: 42
    LMAO, Pepper!!!!!! OMG. *wipes tears*
  • _Pepper_
    _Pepper_ Posts: 49 Member
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    who is greg?
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    sugar from fruit and milk can be ignored from the sugar count. look at your sugar for the day and don't count the apple, unfortunately you have to keep track of that manually.

    I know where matty was coming from. This answer that eric gave was incorrect IMO.
    Matty just cares to make sure that incorrect information is not being spewed out.
    Most people will know not too much fruit/sugar and in moderation, but some will not, and think it's ok.

    I also agree, sugar is sugar, and you should not have too much daily, natural or processed.
    Eric's response was making it sound like people could go ahead and have 2 bananas 3 apples, grapes twice a day, oh and some melon and peaches, and glasses of milk. and ignore all the sugar.

    I quickly gave a google search, and I just found something that sounds good to add to the debate.

    This question was answered by Diet and Fitness Expert Dr. Melina Jampolis Physician Nutrition Specialist
    . I frequently see patients who think of fruit as a "free food" and are unknowingly consuming up to 250 extra calories a day, which could prevent them from losing one pound of fat every two weeks!

    I would try limiting your fruit servings to a maximum of three per day to break through your weight loss plateau. Also, be sure that your serving sizes are correct, and that you are not eating even more than you realize. One serving of fruit is equal to approximately ½ cup, but serving sizes vary. See the USDA food pyramid chart for more information on serving sizes.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I feel like some of the people on this thread are talking at cross purposes.

    I don't think Eric was saying that fruit was CALORIE FREE. Obviously this isn't the case. Fruit can be quite high in calories.

    HOWEVER, there is evidence that when paired with fiber (as it is in fruit), fructose is not nearly as detrimental as when it occurs in something like juice or soda. See this lecture from Dr. Lustig, an endocrinologist, if you want the details http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM .

    But in short: eat some fruit, cut back on the soda, stay within a reasonable number of calories and RELAX. :happy:
  • ACarp24
    ACarp24 Posts: 90
    I personally don't see the big deal with sugar. I don't track sugar, but if I did I would probably be over. I eat 2 cups of strawberries in my morning smoothie alone, and thats usually not my only fruit for the day. The way I see it yes, sugars are sugars but I think that as long as I'm seeing progress, which I definitely have, I don't see the need to obsess over it. I agree with the idea of buying natural peanut butter, because it has trans fats which your body can't even recognize.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I personally don't see the big deal with sugar. I don't track sugar, but if I did I would probably be over. I eat 2 cups of strawberries in my morning smoothie alone, and thats usually not my only fruit for the day. The way I see it yes, sugars are sugars but I think that as long as I'm seeing progress, which I definitely have, I don't see the need to obsess over it. I agree with the idea of buying natural peanut butter, because it has trans fats which your body can't even recognize.

    I'm almost afraid to post on this thread, but I think you meant to say because natural PB doesn't have trans fat, not that it does. I love your ticker by the way!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    All I can add to this debate is this: I eat a lot of fruit each day. On any given day, I probably eat 4 or 5 granny smith apples and one or two other pieces of fruit. Is it high in sugar? Yep. COULD it harm my weight loss? Sure. BUT... here's what I know to be 100% correct....

    I did not get fat from eating apples.

    I count the calories for everything I put in my mouth... whether it's an almond, an apple or an m&m. I count it. The only "added" sugar I have in my diet on most days is the teaspoon of sugar in my coffee. If I'm going to look back on my calories/sugar/sodium/fat for the day and be over on something... I'd rather it be because of an apple than a brownie.

    The fact is that it would be hard (perhaps impossible) to eat your recommended servings of fruits and veggies for the day and NOT go over on your sugar.
  • auntbitsy
    auntbitsy Posts: 14 Member
    BWAH!!!!, Pepper!! :D
  • I just wanted to add a link about the AHA updating its recommendation

    The American Heart Association basically recommends 24 to 36 grams:

This discussion has been closed.