Gym etiquette for newbies



  • mrdjmo
    mrdjmo Posts: 79 Member
    Don't squat in the curl rack.

    lol awesome!!!
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    When the swim lanes are marked out anti-clockwise, dont make a new lane and plough through the less confindent swimmers in the general swim lane (and dont tell them to move over either). Theres a fast lane, and a slow lane... if you are fast, use the fast lane,
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    No one is looking at you. Stop worrying about it and focus on your own work. Unless you're hot, in which case, yes people are starting at you but it has nothing to do with the fact that you're new. Get over it.
    Actually a couple of these threads have actually been started to comment on what people have observed "newbies" and "resolutionists" doing. Some to laugh at them. So I actually think they are looking at them specifically because they stick out as newbies.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    No staring!

    I have to say, the irony of your post, your avatar, and what your user name is shortened to gave me a chuckle.
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    Stay out of my way
    Dont make eye contact with me unless you are female
    Don't look at me in the mirror.
    Stay out of my way.

    That should cover it.

    wow ego much

    THANK YOU! If you don't like interacting with people, go to the gym in the middle of the night!
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    Simple rules

    - Check the ego at the door. Ego doesn't work well in a gym. You are there to sweat and work out, nothing else
    - Get over it. Whatever your particular it is likely to be, leave that at the door too.
    - Get off the machines if you aren't using them. Rest between sets, fine. Chit chatting with your buddies about how awesome you are, go somewhere else.
    - Stop the rock star parking attitude. Seriously, you are there to work out. If a 50' walk is gonna do you in, you don't need a need a casket.
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    eatcleanNtraindirty Posts: 444 Member
    No staring!

    Sorry couldn't help it!

    Along with the above things, if you see a water bottle next to or a towel on a piece of equipment, assume that it is taken. You can wait a minute or two or ask the people around if anyone is using it. But don't jump into someone's set/use of equipment without asking. I don't mind having someone work in with me, but don't mess up my superset routine! You can go right after I've completed a set, not go whenever you feel like it.

    Turn off the treadmill after using it. Yes I have already seen a few treadmills left spinning.
    Put the weights back in the correct place!!! 45lb plates should not be at the top of the weight tree, 10lb and 25lb plates should not be at the bottom. Don't mix the 35's with the 25's.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    Yesterday I had the worst workout at my gym ever.

    1) An old guy changed his clothes in the middle of the weight room, and then started talking loudly about how great planks were for his body.

    2) A group of squealing girls just stood around giggling loudly because they didn't know what to do. One girl got in a leg machine and tried to work out her arms, then complained it was too hard. The others had poor form, then stopped to check hair and makeup after every set.

    3) Someone was sitting on a machine I wanted to use talking loudly on her cell phone and wouldn't move for anything.

    4) I had to rerack the weights for someone who was apparently strong enough to lift the 10 plates, but not strong enough to put them away.

    5) Some guy was so into his workout, he spent most of the time grunting and walking around the weight room flexing his muscles. He didn't realize he walked into the weight I was lifting 3 times.


    Weight rooms can be dangerous! Please pay attention to what you are doing. And if you're not sure, just ask!
  • mikebowers27
    One thing drives me crazy... Don't stand right in front of the dumbbell rack and do your shrugs or curls or whatever. I've seen tons of people do this (old and new), and I just don't get it.

    Amen brother! I don't even wait for them to finish. I squeeze in right in front of them and grab the weight I need.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Stay out of my way
    Dont make eye contact with me unless you are female
    Don't look at me in the mirror.
    Stay out of my way.

    That should cover it.

    wow ego much

    THANK YOU! If you don't like interacting with people, go to the gym in the middle of the night!

    no. thanks though
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Less of an etiquette thing, and more of a helpful tip: If you don't know how to use a machine, ask an employee, or if you're shy or embarrassed, do a little research before you go. It's really not that hard. You can go to Youtube and type in the name of the machine...for instance "pull-up assist machine" and you get handy videos like this: . I used to lift a lot and when I was starting out, I made a lot of stupid mistakes and on a couple of occasions I just about effed up a machine and/or myself.
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    Yes, this thread is about gym etiquette for newbies. But seriously, seriously.... were you ever a noob at the gym? OBVIOUSLY. Maybe people should stop bltching and offer friendly guidance. Here is a better idea for all the egomaniacs and control freaks, PLEASE get yourself a home gym so you can work out uninterrupted. The bonus for the rest of us? There is more room in the gym once you take your oversized egos and walk your self-important arses out the door. Buh-bye!
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    Stay out of my way
    Dont make eye contact with me unless you are female
    Don't look at me in the mirror.
    Stay out of my way.

    That should cover it.

    wow ego much

    THANK YOU! If you don't like interacting with people, go to the gym in the middle of the night!

    no. thanks though

    Can you honestly believe that your time in the gym is more important than that of other members? What a jacka$$.
  • Imasummerbug
    Imasummerbug Posts: 6 Member
    Don't hog a machine while yakking on your cell phone.

    Pay attention to space around you ... don't set up right next to me when you can see I'm working on doing flys, then glare because my arm with weight got too close to you

    When you see someone alternating machines, don't jump on the machine they just left and take over without making sure they are finished - simply ask if they are done (and most folks will be kind enough to let you know afterwards when they are done if you are not all the way across the gym by then or will even offer to let you work in between sets).

    Leave someone's station alone if they have it set up ... nothing more annoying that doing circuits and coming to your step station and the step with weights are gone. Again, ask if someone is using it and if they can let you know when it is free.

    Don't look down your nose at me because I dress to work out, not to impress the guy in the free weight section doing his curls.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Stay out of my way
    Dont make eye contact with me unless you are female
    Don't look at me in the mirror.
    Stay out of my way.

    That should cover it.

    wow ego much

    THANK YOU! If you don't like interacting with people, go to the gym in the middle of the night!

    no. thanks though

    Can you honestly believe that your time in the gym is more important than that of other members? What a jacka$$.

    wow. how exactly does that pertain to leaving me alone in the gym. Oh wait, it doesn't. your leaps in logic are astounding.

    I wish to do my own thing in the gym without being constantly interrupted by hordes of bros and weekend warriors.

    thanks for the completely unwarranted and rather ironic namecalling though
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I realize that some newbies like to be in the back of the class, but please do not try to crowd someone else out of their space just because the only available space is at the front and you want to be in the back. Some people get to the class early to be in a specific spot, there may be a reason besides it being their "favorite" spot.

    In my case, I'm trying to be courteous to you and NOT interrupt your workout. That cellphone and pager that you pointed out because I have them in their cases clipped to my waistband (or in some cases for the pager to my sports bra) is on vibrate and I am required by my job (yes, I really do have a job that is THAT important) to respond to any calls on either within 5 minutes. If I am in the back of the class by the door and one of them vibrates, I can slip out of the room without disturbing the entire class and take care of my call outside and either return to class (again without disturbing the class) or leave altogether to go to my job.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Having 43 pictures of yourself shirtless on MFP and being a raging boner...

    Oh, shoot, we were talking about gym etiquette. My bad.

    Seriously, though, showing off your abs is probably better suited for facebook.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Stay out of my way
    Dont make eye contact with me unless you are female
    Don't look at me in the mirror.
    Stay out of my way.

    That should cover it.

    wow ego much

    THANK YOU! If you don't like interacting with people, go to the gym in the middle of the night!

    no. thanks though

    Can you honestly believe that your time in the gym is more important than that of other members? What a jacka$$.

    wow. how exactly does that pertain to leaving me alone in the gym. Oh wait, it doesn't. your leaps in logic are astounding.

    I wish to do my own thing in the gym without being constantly interrupted by hordes of bros and weekend warriors.

    thanks for the completely unwarranted and rather ironic namecalling though

    I understand what he's saying. When I'm in the gym I like to focus, and zone out with my earphones in, not hearing anything, and not talk to anyone. The gym is not a place for socializing to me. If I want to socialize I will go somewhere else. Gym time is war time. However, of course if someone who is new or needs a spot asks me I'm glad to help or give a few pointers, but preferably I like it when people don't talk to me when I'm racking iron. Friend or stranger.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Having 43 pictures of yourself shirtless on MFP and being a raging boner...

    Oh, shoot, we were talking about gym etiquette. My bad.

    Seriously, though, showing off your abs is probably better suited for facebook.

    do you even lift?
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Having 43 pictures of yourself shirtless on MFP and being a raging boner...

    Oh, shoot, we were talking about gym etiquette. My bad.

    Seriously, though, showing off your abs is probably better suited for facebook.

    do you even lift?
