What amazing new food did you discover this week?



  • Don't have any new discoveries but I've always enjoyed V-8 Low Sodium Vegetable Juice (70 cal, 15 carbs, 0 fat) and raw almonds (160 cal, 6 carbs, 12 fat) for breakfast.

    And I love my CHIA SEEDS!!! So much easier to deal with than flax seed. You don't have to grind them or anything. I sprinkle these on toast, salads, in sauces, soups, the kidlets love these plain. It adds fiber and bulks up in your tummy so you feel fuller longer. They are loaded with Omega 3 and are about 9 carbs per TBS. I just measure out 1 TBS and divide it up throughout the day. Love, love, love my chia!

    Some people add them to water and make a gel but I don't care for the texture. Just make sure you drink LOTS & LOTS of H20 if you eat them without "gelling" them. They will absorb the liquid from you! Did I mention that I love my chia?
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Don't have any new discoveries but I've always enjoyed V-8 Low Sodium Vegetable Juice (70 cal, 15 carbs, 0 fat) and raw almonds (160 cal, 6 carbs, 12 fat) for breakfast.

    And I love my CHIA SEEDS!!! So much easier to deal with than flax seed. You don't have to grind them or anything. I sprinkle these on toast, salads, in sauces, soups, the kidlets love these plain. It adds fiber and bulks up in your tummy so you feel fuller longer. They are loaded with Omega 3 and are about 9 carbs per TBS. I just measure out 1 TBS and divide it up throughout the day. Love, love, love my chia!

    Some people add them to water and make a gel but I don't care for the texture. Just make sure you drink LOTS & LOTS of H20 if you eat them without "gelling" them. They will absorb the liquid from you! Did I mention that I love my chia?

    Definitely going to have to look these up!
  • stahlight
    stahlight Posts: 119
    Dragonfruit has a unique tropical flavor that i can't quite describe. It makes a dye that is 1000x more powerful than pomegranet at staining clothes (the skin has the dye), and it looks like an alien egg.

    In short... its AWESOME XD
  • karim1105
    karim1105 Posts: 1 Member
    try the marrocain coucous is fantastic:happy:
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Turkey bratwurst! Yum-O! One delicious-grilled link is only 150 or so calories. With some grilled veggies as a side, easy and low cal.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I finally tried the Arnold's whole wheat sandwhich thins and I love. They are great with a turkey burger and slice of cheese only 300 calories.
  • mrsdv
    mrsdv Posts: 13
    Spaghetti squash with Black Bean and Corn Salsa. I was surprised how good it was and will make twice as much next time.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Karma - I don't worry much about sodium right now, I need to, but I really don't. The Laughing Cow cheese can be anywhere in Trader Joe's. My hubby works there and just said his store has it next to the crackers (I still think it's supposed to be refrigerated, but he says no) and the store I shop at has it in the cheese section on the top shelf.

    Trader Joe's has the BEST chicken noodle soup. It's in a box and something like 200 cal for the box and 1200 sodium (which I don't think is too bad for soup). There's a bite of chicken in every bite and really tasty.
  • mmains
    mmains Posts: 7
    2 things...Oikos greek yogurt (plain with a little honey). Yummm. And Wheat thins garlic and parmesan flat bread.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Apparently we're going to try broccoliflower later this week. :huh:

    DH was sent to the store last night to pick up a few things (we just got back from vacay). I asked for a head of broccoli to roast and he came back with broccoliflower... I had to ask what it was and he says "you said to get broccoli"....

    Ummm close. I :heart: men :laugh: :laugh:
    SKINNYMOMOF5 Posts: 22 Member
    zucchini nut muffins from hungry girl website-146 caories-3.5 fat
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Spaghetti squash with Black Bean and Corn Salsa. I was surprised how good it was and will make twice as much next time.

    Is there a recipe for this?
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Stuffed poblano peppers.

    They're much more fragrant and spicy than the standard bell. Mmm so good. I've had them at Mexican restaurants but had never attempted them at home. I'll be buying these from now on!
  • tzipporah
    tzipporah Posts: 42 Member
    It's not really a basic food, but I discovered Healthy Life bread this week...I usually never buy white bread, but this was only 35 cals and 8 carbs per slice! With lots of protein and fiber....couldn't resist. And it tastes good too. Now I can feel great about my pb&j :)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well this isn't new but a refind since I haven't had it in so long. Tabouleh. Oh how I love it. 1 cup is less then 100 calories and its so refreshing.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Burger by Amylu Sweet Caramelized Onion Chicken Burgers made with red bell peppers and gouda (gouda is gooda) cheese! So amazing. Got them at Costco, 140 cals per patty (thick patty), 560 sodium (which I don't think is bad for something like this) and I can pronounce everything in it! Soooo good!! They come 10 to a box 4 packed with 2 pattys and 2 packed by them selves. You can freeze them in the air tight back and everything. Loving these things!!! Great on the sandwich thin
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Wow!! So I've had jicama before...but never purchased it!

    Its low in carbs but really really high in potassium, which is GREAT for my sodium addiction!

    From what I've read, you should have double the potassium that you have sodium!

    That means I can have 4 jicama a day as snacks, it only takes up 190 calories (depending on the size) but that would total 2800mg of potassium! Now...to keep my sodium at 1400 is the dilemma! LOL

    Its sooo yummy with lime and chili or salt! Wait-NO SALT!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Peanut Butter & Co. makes some wonderful peanut butters. I have mentioned the White Chocolate Wonderful and the Dark Chocolate Dreams but I just discovered that they have a Cinnamon Raisin Swirl!!! It's the yummiest ever and less calories than the others too!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I'm back with another Amylu find. I love these products. I just got the Apple & Gouda Cheese Chicken Sausage. So good. I cute it up and heat it in the skillet and it tasted like a real sausage. I think we will BBQ them for dinner some night soon and I bet the will fill the void of a real size dog. I like the Hebrew National hot dogs, but they are so skinny. I may actually try to pass it by my dad and see if he likes it.
  • missygal
    missygal Posts: 60
    I rediscovered peanut butter and avocado. So yummy!

    This I must try!!:bigsmile:
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