Diet soda



  • keenesmom
    keenesmom Posts: 115 Member
    I don't do artificial sweetener in anything. No skinny coffee drinks, no diet sodas, no little pink & yellow packets. If you are only having 1 diet soda per day why not just work a "real" soda into your calories for the day and then not worry about the "fake" sugar.
  • bgibbsx
    bgibbsx Posts: 3 Member
    This is coming from about an 8 year addict of diet soda (~6-8 per day, particularly diet dew) that just quit on Monday (third time quitting, tax season always managed to get me off the wagon). At the end of the day it comes down to this, there is nothing "Good" about diet soda. Water cleans your system, Milk = calcium, etc. Diet soda has NO nutritional benefit. It's nutritional detriment is still up in the air and there are no clear studies that it causes any health consequences.

    I can attest to the fact my sweet tooth has diminished considerably since cutting it out. Literally, no craving for sweets this week so far. The Netflix movie referenced earlier that detailed a study that "proved" diet soda caused a craving for real sugar was enough for me to stop for good.

    I'm 28, and being recently married caused me to think in 20 years I don't want to have health consequences from aspartame from a new study with definitive answers.

    Look, I've been there, rationalized it in every way you can think (it's my only bad habit, better than smoking or drinking, I don't want to quit, etc.) but at the end of the day, there is nothing GOOD for you about diet soda.
  • EmDork
    EmDork Posts: 14 Member
    As an adult, I have never liked regular soda because it is just way too sweet; it's likes drinking syrup to me. I used to drink diet coke and pepsi all the time, but I have almost given it up completely (maybe 1-2 a week). It was doing nothing positive for me, and if I drank a lot of it I just felt bloated and kind of queasy. I still crave the carbonation a lot, so I've switched over to flavored seltzer waters.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Personal choice but I'd rather have a regular soda with it's high sugar content than the fake stuff in diet soda. If it can cause/bring out neurological problems, those run in my family. It is better to be safe then sorry.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    How bad is it for you? Not very.

    How good is it for you? not at all.

    I've come to enjoy 8 cups of tea per day instead of soda.
  • dawncolleen0120
    dawncolleen0120 Posts: 29 Member
    I used to drink diet coke all the time like 2 20oz a day. I decided to stop because for some reason it would make my lower back/spine area hurt. I think it may have too much caffeine. I have tried pepsi zero and i don't really hurt from it but I still try to limit myself because I know soda is not that good for you. Occasionally I do have a soda but it's very rare.

    I'm wondering if your lower back pain isn't a result of a kidney infection when you drink alot of soda. I used to wait tables when I was younger and I could have all the free soda I wanted, so I would drink it all evening while working. I found if I drank that much I ended up with low back pain that was found to be a kidney infection. My dad drank bourbon and Pepsi everyday, all day for YEARS. His family was convinced that he would die from all the alcohol he drank everyday. Once he was in his 70's, he went to the doctor with constant back pain to find out he has kidney disease, not from the bourbon, but from the Pepsi. Too much phosphoric acid in his diet. The kidney disease is now controlled by his diet (no more Pepsi) but he will never be totally healed from it. So, for my family, at least, we don't drink much soda, diet or full sugar. I can't believe we're the only ones though that would experience this.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Well what if you thought about it not in terms of what it is (diet soda) and in terms it naturally occuring in nature? I think the end all be all of 'healthy foods' it natural? No growth horomones, no sprays, no adjustments, etc. Plant it with your own two hands, pick it with your own two hands...cook it. Can you do that with diet soda or is there some man made stuff in there? That being said...I don't eat anything hardly from my garden. ha ha. I love mac and cheese. I know what healthy is in my mind and I also know I couldn't live that way. I crave diet soda a lot nowadays but I find that I'm telling myself no 'because it's not healthy'. I just figure I feel better about not putting soda in my body because it seems the least 'natural' thing out of everything I crave...but I still love the stuff!
    Well, if you want to look at it that way, every single ingredient in diet soda occurs in nature in one form or another. Yes, the specific ingredients in the soda happen to be manufactured versions, but that's the equivalent of having a basil plant in your kitchen instead of wandering in a field to find a basil plant.
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    There is a strong coorelations between artifical sweetners used in diet sodas and the feeling of hunger. Coorelation means not everyone is affected this way, just more then half.

    When you say that "Coorelation means not everyone is affected this way, just more then half," it seems like you are saying that drinking pop causes hunger in more than half of people.
    This is not what correlation means. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation means that two things tend to happen together. It does not say one causes the other. There could be a third factor.
    For example, maybe people who drink diet pop tend to be more concerned about their weight, so they also exercise more, thus leading them to be hungrier. (I am not saying this is the true case of why people who drink diet pop are hungrier, just giving an example of how drinking diet pop can trend with being hungrier, but not actually be caused by the pop)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    I'm 28, and being recently married caused me to think in 20 years I don't want to have health consequences from aspartame from a new study with definitive answers.
    Don't worry yet then......................I've been drinking it for more than 20 years with no health consequences.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There is a strong coorelations between artifical sweetners used in diet sodas and the feeling of hunger. Coorelation means not everyone is affected this way, just more then half.

    When you say that "Coorelation means not everyone is affected this way, just more then half," it seems like you are saying that drinking pop causes hunger in more than half of people.
    This is not what correlation means. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation means that two things tend to happen together. It does not say one causes the other. There could be a third factor.
    For example, maybe people who drink diet pop tend to be more concerned about their weight, so they also exercise more, thus leading them to be hungrier. (I am not saying this is the true case of why people who drink diet pop are hungrier, just giving an example of how drinking diet pop can trend with being hungrier, but not actually be caused by the pop)
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    There is a strong coorelations between artifical sweetners used in diet sodas and the feeling of hunger. Coorelation means not everyone is affected this way, just more then half.

    When you say that "Coorelation means not everyone is affected this way, just more then half," it seems like you are saying that drinking pop causes hunger in more than half of people.
    This is not what correlation means. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation means that two things tend to happen together. It does not say one causes the other. There could be a third factor.
    For example, maybe people who drink diet pop tend to be more concerned about their weight, so they also exercise more, thus leading them to be hungrier. (I am not saying this is the true case of why people who drink diet pop are hungrier, just giving an example of how drinking diet pop can trend with being hungrier, but not actually be caused by the pop)

    You made me smile.
  • haileybailey5
    haileybailey5 Posts: 17 Member
    I personally drink about 2 cans a day! There are a lot of worse things out there, and personally I would rather have a Cherry Coke Zero than alcohol and I feel like that is completely okay. No ones diet is perfect, and if thats the one imperfection you wanna have, I say go for it!
  • mqspirit
    mqspirit Posts: 1 Member
    I was very addicted to regular soda. Last year when I started Weight Watchers I cut all soda out completely. I did great. No real cravings. I started rewarding myself with Diet Coke. I was in heaven. All of a sudden I started craving sweets and carbs. I had read that could happen, but never believed it. I now do. Do I still have Diet Coke? Yes. I drink it in moderation. If I'm doing well that day and want soda, I try to fit in a regular. Good Luck!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. Do you really think 40 mg of sodium is a lot? 1/16th of a teaspoon of salt has about 150 mg of sodium. I have a diet coke everyday and my sodium intake is typically around 1500-1800 mg per day on a 2000 calorie diet.

    So you're saying.. it's not full of sodium.. and it does qunech your thirst?


    Sodium in Classic Diet Sodas
    Classic diet sodas, such as Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke, typically contain about 35 to 40 mg of sodium per 12-oz. serving. Caffeine-free diet sodas, Splenda-sweetened diet sodas and sodas flavored with cherry or lime contain about the same amount of sodium

    thats a lot of sodium for a 12 oucnce drink.. How much water do you have to drink in order to flush that out?? Yea.. makes you thirsty.
    Soda diet or otherwise is also link to hunger. There is a strong coorelations between artifical sweetners used in diet sodas and the feeling of hunger. Coorelation means not everyone is affected this way, just more then half.
    Also.. anything that is made made is not healthy and our bodies are not intended to eat it. Eating whole fresh food is what you need to look at to acheive health, including what you choose to drink. Does that mena i never eat a granola bar or drink booze? Of course not. But if you're really looking to change your habits, you need to change them all, 1 at a time.

    You can rationsalize it or justify drinking or eating anything you want anyyway you want. That does not change the actual health benefits or lack of them of a particular item.
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    Well there's this:

    Why would you even question it though? It doesn't take a medical journal to tell you that stuff is made up of chemicals. Drink water. If I want a soda I drink ONE and make sure it's made of sugar not corn syrup or aspartame, or whatever. Or I have my fizzy water, or kombucha.
  • THuffman1967
    THuffman1967 Posts: 114 Member
    I gave up Diet Coke about 6 or 8 weeks ago. I had a 6 can a day habit, and had tried to cut back to three. I finally just gave it up cold turkey. I do allow myself one a week. There are just some meals that "require" a diet coke to go with them (tacos).

    I am also saving a LOT of money at the grocery store. Now I drink water or iced tea.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Once again, moderation is the key. I have one 12 oz diet coke that might take me two days to drink, though I think one or two bottles wouldn't do any harm. I also think the jury is still out on whether or not there is truly any danger in aspartame. I think some people are more sensitive to than others. It's that way for a lot of foods and additives.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Well there's this:

    Why would you even question it though? It doesn't take a medical journal to tell you that stuff is made up of chemicals. Drink water. If I want a soda I drink ONE and make sure it's made of sugar not corn syrup or aspartame, or whatever. Or I have my fizzy water, or kombucha.
    You know what's also made up of chemicals?

    WATER. Better not drink any... And "fizzy water" is made by injecting chemicals (carbon dioxide) into regular water.
  • Itzli
    Itzli Posts: 78 Member
    Found this article at the Mayo Clinic website:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There is a strong coorelations between artifical sweetners used in diet sodas and the feeling of hunger. Coorelation means not everyone is affected this way, just more then half.

    When you say that "Coorelation means not everyone is affected this way, just more then half," it seems like you are saying that drinking pop causes hunger in more than half of people.
    This is not what correlation means. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation means that two things tend to happen together. It does not say one causes the other. There could be a third factor.
    For example, maybe people who drink diet pop tend to be more concerned about their weight, so they also exercise more, thus leading them to be hungrier. (I am not saying this is the true case of why people who drink diet pop are hungrier, just giving an example of how drinking diet pop can trend with being hungrier, but not actually be caused by the pop)

    You made me smile.
    My work here is done.