

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Hello ladies - here's the weekend staring us in the face again---let's all make it a healthy one. Lots of great choices with what we eat and I'll be following (far behind) in Barbie's footsteps....walking, walking, walking.

    A new catalog of adult education choices came in the mail and several things look quite interesting including fused glass pendants, wire embellished pendants, knitting 101, Beginning Italian, Hula Hooping, and Line Dancing. Most of the classes meet two or three times, all are in the evening, and by gosh, we're in the middle of a real flu scare around here. So although I won't sign up for any this time, I like what I am reading and hope the next term will have equally interesting choices. If I was without limitations---I'd sign up for all of them!!!

    Need to keep moving along. The fog is lifting a bit and there are errands to do. :wink:

    All the best........thanks for the vitamin F.

    Lin from foggy Central Iowa :drinker:

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Last time I tried to post the MFP gremlins had a field day....Let's hope this one makes it through.

    I am the "coach" of the Biggest Loser at work. Today is weigh in and most everyone lost. I was happy with that. I am not an active participant but have tried to be accountable for about six months. My history is usually a plateau lasting up to three weeks and then a loss. Admittedly I allowed myself to partake in the holidays, while not overdoing it. It is hard to see all the happy "losers" when I am stuck....I have not lost for three weeks.

    Thanks for all the new recipes and ideas. This weekend I plan to make the Kale and Bean soup with Low fat corn muffins. I will also make some cauliflower soup. Lunches next week will be soup and salad!!!

    I had a Zumba instructor teach a class at work yesterday and had great attendance! I had a blast! Hopefully I can find something similar to fit into my schedule...Thanks for the DVD recommendation Barbie. I have a yoga DVD for beginners and I did not like it. I do better with yoga having an instructor so I will try the new place soon.....

    Congrats to all those with success stories and NSV's. Welcome to all those new to the thread...This is a safe place with lots of support and encouragement.

    Enjoy the day and savor the moment!

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Wow catching up on all of the posts. This is such a supportive thread.

    I am home on this Friday a bit under the weather. Actually going back to bed soon just wanted to catch up on all of the posts.

    Food is good workouts are happening. I would like my workouts to be more intense and longer. But at this time I seem to be doing all that I can.

    Wishing you all a good day!

  • JanRoss8329
    JanRoss8329 Posts: 4 Member
    Just wanted to say 'Hi'.... :bigsmile:

    I am new to MYP.... Am looking for friends for support/inspiration from members aged 50+ .:flowerforyou:

    UK :smile:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning and TGIF!

    This has been a long and tough week. Year end reviews were yesterday, and although they were "very happy" with my performance, they are not anticipating a good year in 2013, so, of course, it's the employees who suffer. I was with my company when it first started 25 years ago, and they were very good and generous to me, but more and more over the years, they seem not to care about their employees (not just me), so today I am feeling unappreciated.:cry: My one boss has even made comments like "we have too many old people around here and need to get some younger employees". :angry: I am planning to retire when I turn 62 in two years, and have to keep telling myself "only two more years", but I'm just feeling a little down.:ohwell:

    I have been reading some of the forums to answer some of the questions I've been having, but now I'm more confusted than ever!:huh: Starvation mode, no starvation mode, more calories, less calories, more water, too much water, strength, cardio, WHEW!:explode:

    Anyway, thanks to all of you who offer support without advice. Guess I just need to do what works for me.:bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone!:smile:

    Lucy from Delaware
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    It is another rough day. The rainbow cloak is a little dull today. I slowed down a bit yesterday and only hit 14500 steps. Today I will try to get over 15000 and I am aiming for 20000 saturday and sunday. A mini goal to keep me moving.

    I am glad its Friday so I don't have to be around so much negative energy for a few days over the weekend.

    Have a great day.
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter

    The great very chilly PNW
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    So glad to see a 50ish forum. It's so much more challenging to stay in shape now... I just found myfitnesspal and I'm in..
    Hope you all can give me the motivation... I don't like being the overweight middle aged woman!!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Renny Van, BC- when you bake it do you put some water in the pan? The recipe that I have says to put water in the pan when it's baking:ohwell: just wondering.

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:

    Hi Laura - To bake spaghetti squash, I spread some olive oil on a baking tray, on which I put the halves upside down. But I am changing my mind on that now; am going to use the water method.

    On another note - for those who are interested, I have posted the new topic for the fruit and veggie challenge. If you would like to participate, here is the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/848170-fruit-veggie-1-day-challenge-saturday-jan-12-2013.
    Or go to my profile page and you will see it there.

    On yet another note - I have lost 4 inches in my waist since Dec 1st. I am very happy about that. For me however, it is not just about losing the weight. It is about being healthy.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • karlawaddell7
    :smile: Hi - I'm new to this site and have been on it since Monday. So excited about it. charting like all good diets do and even now I can find support on a message board. Need to loose 30 lbs. If I don't drink the wine I'm good. After a glass of wine or a bottle I'm a complete loss.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I have a bathroom scales question. Mine does not give a consistent weight. I step on it to turn it on, it zeros, I get on and it gives me a weight. If I repeat the procedure several times it gives me different weights. I've been going with the one that comes up twice. Is there a problem with my scale, or do they all do that?

    We have a gorgeous sunny day outside this morning, but there is black ice all over the place so I'll be indoors until it melts. I want to walk the dog so I'm hoping it melts soon.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hello, good morning, and happy Friday!

    Thanks for your comments :flowerforyou: I'm doing well keeping up with my daily routine, on the 26th day now of yoga, aerobics, strength and weights in various arrangements. Oh those knee-to-floor lunges are tough, and the miserable plank! :explode: Today I'll do yoga and aerobics, no strength. I started jumping rope (invisible rope) haha and today I'll get out on the patio with a real jump rope to see how I do.

    I'd like to share a quote from "Mockingjay" (3rd book in the Hunger Games series)

    "All around the dining hall, you can feel the rejuvenating effect that a good meal can bring on. The way it can make people kinder, funnier, more optimistic, and remind them it's not a mistake to go on living. It's better than any medicine."

    Something about that just made me realize how often I forget to appreciate food! And yes, I am kinder, funnier and more optimistic when I have a really good meal. It's simply amazing when my body tells me I'm out of fuel and how it responds happily when I feed it well. Just a little "food" for thought from the peanut gallery. :wink:

    Wishing you all a wonderful day, and weekend. A couple favorite slogans: If you want to be lean, eat your greens! If you want to be thinner, diminish your dinner! Eat less, move more! And, you know you oughta drink your watah! :drinker:

    :smile: jb
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Happy Friday everyone
    Hope everyone has a healthy active weekend planned. Just stopping by to say hi ,thanks for all your encouragement.njb I love that quote,I read the first hunger games book but haven't read the others. Are the other 2 as good as the first one?
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Hey everyone. I'm on my way tomy daughters for the weekend and am in the car, so I won't be able to respond to everyone. I ate Salmon last night for dinner and awoke with great expectations for the scale going down. Apparently the magic Salmon solution doesn't work for me, not only did I not have weight loss, but I gained 2 pounds. Talk about my bubble bursting, especially since there should absolutely be no reason for that. Had to throw off my disappointment and choose to just go on with hope and expectation that my efforts will pay off. Got in a good workout before we hit the road, which was a good thing for me. My usual reasoning would be, I'm too busy getting ready for my trip to have time for exercise. So everyday I'm making myself change a little andr embrace a new way of thinking. Challenge for this weekend will be to stay on track when I'm not at home. I can do this.

    Hope you all have a Good Friday. Drink your water ladies,

    Karen from Mi.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: Hi - I'm new to this site and have been on it since Monday. So excited about it. charting like all good diets do and even now I can find support on a message board. Need to loose 30 lbs. If I don't drink the wine I'm good. After a glass of wine or a bottle I'm a complete loss.

    Hi Karla. Welcome to this thread. Support is a very important factor for me too. And yes, wine tends to do that, but you will find some good tips here. A lot of us have our diaries open so you can snoop and get an idea what people are doing.
    I have a bathroom scales question. Mine does not give a consistent weight. I step on it to turn it on, it zeros, I get on and it gives me a weight. If I repeat the procedure several times it gives me different weights. I've been going with the one that comes up twice. Is there a problem with my scale, or do they all do that?
    Katla in NW Oregon

    Katla - Mine does the same. I also go with the one that gives me the same weight twice. What else can you do.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • starfish475
    Hey ..I love spaghetti squash,too ..Would you be willing to share your recipe...
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good afternoon all, I got in my swim today with 100 minutes, I am aiming for 2 hours by summer. I am eating back some of the calories or else I get really bad headaches. So far, I am only swimming, I will add walking back in once I hit the wall and stop losing. My goal is 2 hours a day with Sunday off, by summer. I also want to use my resistance bands and add some strength training.

    Lucy-don't worry about all that other, remember it's calories in v.s. calories out.

    Robin- be extra happy, they'll wonder what you're up too. :laugh:

    Katla- check your floor is it uneven, if not you may need a new scale or new batteries.

    JB-If I don't eat and my sugar drops, look out. I get down right mean and nasty.

    Be back later Tigress in GA
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    It's been snowing in Denver this morning, so perhaps I'll get a few calories burned trying to shovel later this afternoon!

    The second opinion on my foot wasn't promising. They have three possible scenarios for what is causing the inflammation of the sezmoids, with three possible solutions, but they don't know which is correct. They want to start by putting me in a cast and on crutches for six weeks, followed by a few more weeks in a surgical boot. This would mean two months off work since I couldn't drive and no exercise beyond what can be done in a chair. Worse, there is only a 33% chance that this is the right option and will do any good. :noway: If it doesn't work, they want to explore a couple of surgical options, again not knowing which has the best chance of working. Both options can lead to further additional problems, and would put me off work for another two months.

    I'm going to pay to get a third opinion outside of Kaiser, and am weighing the options, but none of them are good. I was really upset yesterday, but I'm going to have to come to terms with it. All because I had my bunion corrected! I should have been dancing around pain-free about 9 months ago. My work has a volume requirement, so I might be asked to leave the company. I've written them asking, so that I have all of the information to consider. This would also mean not being able to take my parents to their doctor appointments, which are many. If they think I can wait, I may put it off until April, which would be a better time for me. I'm also waiting to hear back on that question. :grumble: :grumble:

    Robin – Wow, that is a lot of steps. Good for you!!

    Suebdew – I used to keep a weight loss graph when I dieted, and also my measurements. It’s fun to look back on them and see where I’ve come from. I’m sure that your WW sheets were the same!

    Jane Martin – Hope your hubby feels better soon! That sounds miserable.

    Laura80111 – I hope the IT guy gets things fixed and current for you. Have a great time with your grandkids this weekend!

    Liz – Feel better soon!

    LucyT4dieting – Your employers should appreciate all of the experience that older employees can bring, especially someone who has been with the company as long as you have! Have they heard that age discrimination is illegal?

    Katia – My scale varies like that, too, depending on where I place my feet and which foot I step on with first, so I try to be consistent about those things so that it’s relevant to itself.

    JB – I enjoyed reading “The Hunger Games,” as well, and they’re right about the effects of a good meal!

    MTGWW – The salmon magic doesn’t work for me, either – maybe because I’ve always eaten it on a regular basis? You probably had water retention from eating something salty (sushi kills me that way!). Don’t be discouraged, but this keep plodding ahead. Consistency will win in the long run! Have a great time with your daughters.

    Jane in Colorado
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    BUMP for later. Sorry still sick, sleeping lots. I did lose 3.3 pounds since my last weigh in in December. I didn't want to switch from our "official" scale here at work! Take care, more later@! Meg
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Megblair - hope you feel better.

    Jane - that is horrible. I have the same sort of thing offered to me for my Achilles which is bulging from the heal of my foot. That doctor said six months with my foot extended in front of me while in a wheel chair. Then followed by physical therapy. There is no way with 3 kids, a full time job and 8 horses that I could take that kind of break from life. Not to mention the minimum calories burned. I feel for you. I've not known anyone who had successful bunion surgery.

    I wish when a quote is used that it would show who the quote is from.

    Have a great weekend everyone. I think I'll get to ride a horse a time or two this weekend
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    wessecg - I have been concerned about how many times my Fitbit shows I wake up during the night. It's been ridiculously high. Last night I did something someone had suggested, I did not wear it on my wrist, I actually wore a sleep bra and clipped the Fitbit on it. GUESS WHAT!! It showed I woke up 6 times until I get to the point where I'm fidgeting around getting ready to actually get up for the morning. Thought I'd mention it, are you still thinking of having a sleep study? (Congrats on those scales heading in the right direction by the way.)


    Lin in Central Iowa
