Lost the weight, but get criticized for what I eat.



  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I have had this same thing happen to me and if they dont say anything i get the look. It really pisses me off because i didnt lose 63lbs by starving myself or avoiding everything. I never say i cant have something....i just say i choose not to at this time. But, when i want the damn cake or whatever, i want to have it in peace. Tell them thank you for your concern but, ive got this. Its like your damned if you do and damned if you dont.

    Congrats on your weight loss!!
  • I eat what I want and when I want and I have people who think that I'm lying about how much I've lost. "What I can't have ice cream or pizza and still lose weight" It get's to the point where you just stop listening to what they say and just know that what your doing is working for you.
  • I think its just jealousy ...

    This! Best response would be to look them up and down, check yourself out and say, "I think I've got it sorted, thanks"

    Well done, go girl!
  • Nhh2012
    Nhh2012 Posts: 21 Member
    Jealous! They feel less than b/c u r bettering yourself...
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
    Keep your head up! You look awesome! Similar things have happened to me... My sister recently asked what I was eating for dinner and I told her pork chops... She said - you can eat that as if pork chops was some forbidden food... It kind of pisses me off but I chunk up to ignorance. Also, I get alot of "what do you eat on your diet?" And people find it so hard to believe that I actually eat normally and reached my weight loss goals... It drives me but they don't know any better... I enjoy the educating process and hopefully they will adopt some of the changes I made.
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
    It might not be about "haters" or being "rude", it is about most peoples total misunderstanding on what it takes to lose weight and maintain that loss. We have been so conditioned to think to lose weight you have to deprive yourself of anything that could be "unhealthy" and have to do that forever. This is why most people NEVER lose weight and keep it off. That type of weight loss outlook isn't sustainable. To be honest, if I were you, I'd take this as an opportunity to educate those co-workers on the proper way to lose and maintain a loss.

  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Tell them to mind their own business and worry about what they eat because you know what you are doing and they clearly don't.
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Why do other people even give a rats *kitten* what other people choose to eat? Everyone needs to look at themselves before they can even judge someone else.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    just tell them u track all your food and the calories to make sure u are okay and they should butt out! I bet the ones making comments are fat also!
  • cassiegal724
    cassiegal724 Posts: 63 Member
    yup, one piece of cake totally makes us all fat just like if I have one drink I'm def an alcoholic!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Congratulations on your success!

    I think it's kind of natural, really. My daughter lost quite a bit of weight a few years ago by giving up bread/pasta and sugar. Then I saw her serving herself some pasta and I didn't even think before "I thought you didn't eat pasta anymore" slipped out of my mouth. I should have thought that remark through, for sure, but I didn't mean to be insulting or anything like that. I was just surprised to see her eating pasta.
  • I say flaunt the new look and let the haters be jealous. Keep keeping on with your weight loss journey. :smile:
  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    I've read all the comments and.... I can't stop thinking about cake :D
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    This is why I love working in a male-dominated industry.
  • gvheintz
    gvheintz Posts: 138 Member
    I hear you. I hate it too. Mom was here for Christmas and was insisting on buying me McDonald's Apple Pie's, Big Turk's, Mentos and a bunch of other things in addition to eating out (Ya, I ate them, generally worked them into my calories but went over a few times) but other things like almonds and boxes of chocolates from others ... she would eat a box and a half of chocolates in one sitting to get rid of them, saying she didn't want me to gain more weight! Huh??? :noway:
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    I have lost 175 pounds and am an avid runner now. I got called out by everyone in my family one day about how insane I was for ordering and eating a large fry at Wendys. I felt after running 8 miles that day, I could afford to have a large fry that one time lol. I think people believe I just starve myself and are shocked to find out that even I allow myself cheat meals every once in a great while.
  • Reneeisfat
    Reneeisfat Posts: 126 Member
    You are the example of will-power...when people don't have it they try to knock you down.
  • llangstraat
    llangstraat Posts: 130 Member
    Just tell them it's OK, then lean in, and say in a hushed whisper, "it goes straight into my colostomy bag"

    pahaha! Love it!
  • Nicki_101
    Nicki_101 Posts: 73 Member
    I find most people like that are usually insecure about their own weight. The don't like seeing other succeed where they have failed.

  • the_stephinator
    the_stephinator Posts: 39 Member
    Just tell them it's OK, then lean in, and say in a hushed whisper, "it goes straight into my colostomy bag"

    LMAO! :laugh: I'm totally gonna say that the next time someone criticizes my food choices! Thanks for the great line. I like your thinking.
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member

    This always runs through my head if someone questions what/how much I'm eating. You know know what you're doing; maybe they're just jealous and need a moment to feel superior.

    That clip made my day
  • Funny comment. I liked it.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
  • Amberamazes
    Amberamazes Posts: 9 Member
    I went through this the last time I lost weight, talk about annoying and it wasn't even one of my friends it was one of my moms who was overweight telling me i shouldn't have a slice of the pizza my mom just bought, the same pizza she was begging for some of. People love sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.
  • LacyJean1
    LacyJean1 Posts: 36 Member
    You said you are a size 8, I'm guessing that you are now smaller than many of them. It seems like maybe they are jealous that you were so dedicated to your goals that you were able to go from a 22 to an 8. Maybe they also want to lose some weight but haven't found that motivation that you found.
  • jenn2782
    jenn2782 Posts: 47 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! You are such an inspiration! As far as the comments go I don't have any advice lol They are probably jealous of how well you've done. I have this problem to but total opposite. Everyday I eat a salad for lunch and people always have to comment on eating salad or ask the obvious question "are you on a diet?" Its annoying and just unnecessary. Sry hun. Hang in there and ignore them the best you can. You've worked hard for cake!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yeah I always get hell for eating healthier when I'm losing weight. DUH!! Why do you think the weight IS coming off?
  • DreamofGenie2012
    DreamofGenie2012 Posts: 31 Member
    Maybe they are being loving, in a non-tactile way. It's possible they see you looking great, and want to continue to see you looking/feeling great.

    For me, when someone comments on my appearance in general, I make a joke.

    I think it's a rude thing to do, and I totally relate to having rude and inappropriate coworkers.

  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member

    Move to a different city where no one's known you at a bigger size.

    (from personal experience, this works like a charm!)

    It helps if that different city is also a different state.