Lose 10 lbs by 2/28/13

Hello everyone! My name is Juliette( sn: Jaselygirl ). My brother, Pascal (sn: Germomiter) and I are planning on a weight loss challenge. We are planning on losing 10 lbs each by 2/28/13! (That's about 6 weeks) We want to kick start some weight loss and having small goals helps out a lot. The other thing that helps is having more people do it with us! If you want to do this with us please post on here and we will all help each other reach our goal! :)


  • minikhan95
    minikhan95 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm allll in! :D Lemme know what we're doing!
  • Im down!
  • courtneysmummy
    courtneysmummy Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in :)
  • Count me in!!
  • philip31
    philip31 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm in!!
  • hamilton040
    hamilton040 Posts: 60 Member
    Sounds good
  • Im in, how are we doing this?? Add me please xx:blushing:
  • esugrue
    esugrue Posts: 9 Member
    The more the merrier, I'm up for the challenge!
  • Jaselygirl
    Jaselygirl Posts: 74 Member
    Alrighty everyone! I'm glad you all are joining us!!! :) I am thinking that every Monday we should post how we did for the past week...

    Like this would be mine for the past week:

    Loss/gain this week: -1lb
    amount left to meet goal: 9lbs
    Strengths: was more active
    Weaknesses: binged on some ice cream one night
    Goal for this week: continue being active and no binging

    Then we can always post in here if we are struggling/need support or even if we have tips for everyone else. We should also give encouragement if we see that someone is faltering :) What does everyone think? (I'm open to suggestions)
  • Jaselygirl
    Jaselygirl Posts: 74 Member
    Also... if you guys would like we could post before pictures :) I will post mine later today when I'm off work :D
  • lharvey2797
    lharvey2797 Posts: 91 Member
    I want in!!
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    Sounds like a great motivational tool! I'm in :)
  • Jaselygirl
    Jaselygirl Posts: 74 Member
    Awesome! Let's do this! Everyone please post how you did last week (good or bad) for a base line. :D Also post a "Before" pic of yourself if you wish :) but make sure that it is current so we can see the change that 10 lbs does :D
  • pummzie
    pummzie Posts: 15 Member
    Hey - if it's not too late to join, I would totally like to be in for this. I will be trying to use intermittent fasting (16/8 method to begin with and then see how I go...) to get down 10 pounds by the end of February and excited to get there with all of you! I just started today after falling off the health wagon for the last six weeks (again...ho hum).
  • ericalo
    ericalo Posts: 15 Member
    I'm keen to join in too please. Will post my results starting next Monday.
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    I want in as well!

    My mini goals were 7 lbs by 2/22 (down 1.2 lbs so far)- for a weekend trip for DH and I and to be down 12 lbs total by 3/22/12 (weekend trip with friends-- so this challenge is perfect!
  • Loss/gain this week: -1.5
    amount left to meet goal: 8.5lbs
    Strengths: did cardio every other day
    Weaknesses: eating late at night
    Goal for this week: continue working out and work on not eating past 10 pm
  • Jaselygirl
    Jaselygirl Posts: 74 Member
    Loss/gain this week: -1.5
    amount left to meet goal: 8.5lbs
    Strengths: did cardio every other day
    Weaknesses: eating late at night
    Goal for this week: continue working out and work on not eating past 10 pm

    Great job! :)
  • Jaselygirl
    Jaselygirl Posts: 74 Member
    It is definitely not too late for anyone to join us! :D
  • JulieSpf
    JulieSpf Posts: 8 Member
    I will join in! I'm Julie.

    I am at my highest weight in almost ten years and honestly - it really snuck up on me in the last six months! So, I need to get that pesky ten back off!!!!! I am also training for a half marathon in April which makes it actually a bit more challenging for me because I get extra hungry when I run more.....


    Current weight: 150

    celiac so generally eat a lower carb type diet
    going to try to really restrict my alcohol to 0-3 glasses of red wine per week instead of the 5-6 I was drinking!
    no candy, sugar, ice cream, treats!