Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jumpy983
    I lost it!!!!!!! that pesky 1 pound!!! it's GONE!!! ( ok sorry, I'm at work ,but I HAD to share <3 )
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    For Friday Fitness today
    I went to a Hip Hop class twice this week and it is so much fun ! Everyone is doing a fantastic job and i have been trying to get caught up on the board tonight i am deffently going to get on this board more often !
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: Overall, it's been a decent week on the fitness front. Today was 60 minutes on the dreadmill doing the hill mode using 3.5 speed with 8% incline. I was able to complete 3.75 miles so not too bad.

    I'm a day late, but for Thursday Truth my eating has been a different story. I'm still tracking every day, staying under and not using my exercise calories, but they've not been the most nutritious choices. A lot of sea salt caramel - bad, bad Susan!!!

    On Monday, I'm starting a Get Fit Challenge at our work gym. It's myself and two co-workers as a team. I've got some Medifast meals leftover so I'm going to use those up and go high protein in the beginning to jump start my weight loss. Between the plateau, holidays and the gain I experienced I'm definitely ready for this challenge.

    Welcome to all the new folks. You've found an amazing group of people who are so supportive. Try to check in daily though because the thread moves like crazy and before you know it you're 5 pages behind. It happens to me all the time. LOL!!!
  • choncho007
    choncho007 Posts: 20 Member
    I need to try this :)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    For Friday Fitness today
    I went to a Hip Hop class twice this week and it is so much fun ! Everyone is doing a fantastic job and i have been trying to get caught up on the board tonight i am deffently going to get on this board more often !

    Hey Kris---great job! Hip Hop sounds like funnnnnnnn. :smile:

    Shout-out to Susan----great job on the dreadmill. 8% incline. Yipes, that is marvelous. :smile:

    Naceto--sure count the walk but I agree don't eat all the calories back. Be conservative. :wink:

    I am happy for you folks!! I'm out here and still mostly walking. :glasses:

    Right now I cannot think of any NSV at all...................looking forward to hearing yours. :bigsmile:

    Be well and Laurel I did drink a glass of water last night. :drinker:


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Kind of dreary here today, this morning anyway and I know the temps are supposed to drop throughout the day. We had a gorgeous 70+ degree day yesterday - of course, I had to work. :sad: My parents we're planning to visit today, so hope the dreary weather doesn't change their plans - love it when they visit!

    @Kris~Hip Hop class sounds like fun!
    @Susan~Great job with the activity this week, good luck with the challenge at your gym. My gym is having another 90-day weight loss challenge that runs from Feb-May - I came in 3rd for the last one, so am considering doing it again. I'm meeting with the weight loss coach on Monday to see if there is anything I can tweak so my losses are consistent throughout the challenge.

    I need to do some body measurements sometime today, so can hopefully report good news for Saturday Success. This is a non-scale week and I'm staying off! I'm headed off to the gym in about an hour, need to do a long-run today (running for time not distance right now).

    Every one have a super day, I will try to check back later.

  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Good Morning All!:flowerforyou:

    First time in a week I actually can say that and mean it! Even though I had a flu shot, guess I fell into that 38% ineffective group. I've consumed mainly ice cream, chicken soup and herb tea all week--and of course didn't bother to log it. I thought I had a super cold, and was too late for the anti-viral. Do NOT do this! When in doubt, see your Dr. anyway.

    I won't venture out for at least another 24 hours to make sure I'm no longer contagious. Still a bit dizzy and very coughy.

    I reset my weight goals and calories to reflect and correct two months of poor choices, travel, entertaining houseguests, and hit-or-miss logging. Anyone else discover they can't succeed without careful logging? Can't fool myself, I guess. Mea culpa.

    What I've mostly missed though is this group. Keeping up with your successes, challenges and wisdom is a real help to me. So thanks.:love: Even if I don't post often, I'm still reading, empathizing, sometimes nodding my head in agreement, and sometimes smiling.

    aka GrammyWhammy
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    @marsha--sorry you got the flu--it stinks that you got the shot and still caught it. :frown:

    @kelley--the weather here is dreary as well. We had a few days of warmer weather and rain, but today it's supposed to get cold and turn to snow. :ohwell:

    @susan--I'm in the same boat with food. Staying under but still too much junk. Hoping to turn that around this coming week. Will make a much needed trip to the grocery this weekend.

    @kris--good to see you back--hip hop sounds like fun--I wish I didn't have to pay extra for classes at my gym. :ohwell:

    @kristen--AWESOME!! :drinker:

    @nicole--what do you have your activity level set at? If it's set at sedentary, then I think it's okay to eat back all or most of those walking calories. However, if you have it set at lightly active or active, then I agree with others that you should log it but maybe try to eat back only a portion--depending upon how much that walking is above and beyond your normal daily activity.

    @alison--great job with your middle earth journey--we are basically hand in hand as I am at 26.5 miles as of yesterday. :happy:

    @angelika--I have more issues with the sweets than the salty, but I hear you. Once those foods are under my roof, it's really hard to resist their Sirens' song. Glad to hear your back is improving.

    @tom--great job with the strength training. I bet you're pretty excited that your beloved hockey is soon to return!

    @rachael--I also don't have regularly planned cheat days, but like others I try to plan if I know I will have a day that's high calorie. I also admittedly have unplanned high calorie days (like Mondays's Popeye's chicken) and I just make up for those extra calories over the next few days. For me it's all about balancing it out throughout the week b/c that's what a lifestyle change means in my mind. I also personally never use the term "cheat" b/c it's so connected to the whole idea of "dieting" which I also don't do. Ultimately though, I agree with Lin--everyone is different and you have to figure out what will work for you.:flowerforyou:

    @kris--Holly already said it--today's a new day!

    @holly--As far as testing MFP's predictions, I do it all the time. I go into the food diary and use the little calendar to click on the date 5 weeks ahead. Then I leave a little note to myself in the food diary notes that says "You should weigh X lbs." When I reach that date in real life, I can then compare my true weight to the prediction. Honestly, when I'm doing everything right, it's usually within a lb or 2 of accuracy.

    @toots--good luck with the push up/sit up challenge!

    @liz--feel better! :flowerforyou:

    Friday Fitness:
    I'm really proud of my fitness this past week b/c I met all of my goals so far even if it wasn't always on the scheduled day. Yesterday was my rest day, but I ended up walking gunner (to make up for thursday's missed walk). Then I went out to see a friend's band and danced for about 3 hours. I only logged it as 1 hour to be conservative, but I danced hard! I actually woke up sore--especially my calves. That seems unfair given all of the cardio I do, but it's not really a bad sore, just an "oh, I used those muscles a lot" sore. I'm flipping my weekend plan b/c I have my niece's b-day party tomorrow, so it's gym today instead.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (treadmill and elliptical) DONE
    Wed--core work DONE thursday
    Thurs--walk gunner (Not DONE b/c raining) + gym (yesterday's core work, treadmill, and stationary bike) DONE
    Fri--rest day (did yesterday's walk with gunner + went dancing)
    Sat--walk gunner + core
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (long run)

    Saturday Success:
    See Friday Fitness.

    Need to get moving so I can walk gunner and hit the gym before grading. That will be the bulk of my afternoon. :ohwell: I plan to finish grading goal #5 today, and perhaps get some of #1 done. Those AP essays are looming, but I've decided to tackle those while my students are taking finals next week--I'm just not feeling them yet.

    Grading goals:
    1. 7/22 diction analyses
    2. x/48 AP essays
    3. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE
    4. Get final exams done and copied for Adv. G&S (DONE), AP Lit, and H Am Lit
    5. 5/59 Journals
  • lmackbethl
    Saturday Success -- looks like I'm on track for a loss this week, if I can hold steady through the weekend. I did some wii fit today to make up for some silly early morning snacking.... sheesh. I'm also looking at backpacking books, starting to plan a hike this summer, and looking for a local triathalon to try next fall... that should keep me focused....
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    What a day! DH was hanging the cabinet over the computer when he put a screw through the water line from the upstairs bathroom. :noway: Boy did I have to scramble to gather up every towel in the house to absorb the water while he went to the crawl space to turn it off, and to get all of the electronics unplugged and out of the way. :grumble: I've spent an hour with the blow dryer drying out all of the outlets, including the phone line, which was not working. Also had to clean up all of the water and construction debris, but everything seems to be working. (I can't find a smiley that says "phew".) I don't know when the cupboard will be up now. There is wet sheet rock to replace, etc. so it will probably be a few days. He knew the line was there. Both my son and I had discussed it with him. It is still so hard to admit that he can't do all the things he used to do. :sad: On the upside, I didn't start devouring all of the chocolate chip cookies that I made earlier, and I burned some calories with all of the clean up work. :wink: I was able to get a plumber to come right over and he was able to splice the line and get it fixed very quickly so we have water again. This too shall pass.
    NSV (besides not eating the cookies). When you are as short as I am, reaching things in the kitchen cupboards is a big deal. I am noticing that some things are easier to reach now that I can stand closer to the cupboard.:blushing:
    Have a great weekend. Kaye
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Susan- Great job with the activity levels!!! Sea salt caramels would do me in also.... nummy. BUT you can't fault yourself for having a sweet treat every now and again. You work so hard! Keep up the good fight :)

    Thanks to all on the advice about the walking to classes... I do have my activity level set to sedentary, since most of my day is spent on my tushy. So I will do as you all suggest, and just be careful with how often I am eating some of the calories back.

    My success - I made it through this week! I met my goal of exercise for at least an hour combined, by topping the week off with a walk that was just under 2 miles. :) No weight lost this week, but I think I am toning up a bit. I haven't broken out the tape measure in awhile, so I may have to consider that. Honestly, I am not putting much stock in the actual weight loss portion of things... I am to busy to allow myself to be brought down by any disappointments. I am focusing on eating healthier and keeping more active.

    Happy Saturday! Now it is back to Algebra.... I wonder how many calories Math burns? ;)
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all. I love your last question Nicole. The mental agony of math should definitley be worth a burn, lol. So I fell off the wagon hard yesterday and landed in the land of Taco Bell. It was very ugly. If I didnt already regret it the horrible feeling in my stomach the last 24 hours would make sure I hesitate and think twice before I do that again. I did pretty good on my exercise this week. The only day I missed was friday. Everything gets screwy the day my husband leaves for Alaska. Its good to see everyone seems to be doing fairly well. I have spent the day playing with my honorary grandson Elijah. He is 2 and a half and has lots of energy. I should sleep well tonight :laugh: Well am off to the great dinosaur battle. Have a great day everyone and grab some water :drinker:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Well... as long as my numbers don't do TOO much of their usual yo-yo cr*p... I've done it... Onederland!!!! :smokin:

    Today is being pretty difficult... finances are really being a pain in the *kitten*... and all I want to do is eat. On about my 4th cup of coffee trying to not eat everything in sight (and 4 glasses of water so far, and 4 cups of green tea). Gave in a bit earlier & had a mini chocolate covered mint pretzel sandwich (Snyders), and a piece of Chex Mix Muddy Buddies Peppermint Bark. I really want to eat both whole bags.

    Tried both the Baby Bel light cheese minis, and Light Miracle Whip this week. Both pass the taste test (can't hardly tell the difference from the originals).

    Gotta quit watching the travel channel today -- they're doing a food marathon....
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    It's 24 degrees and breezy outside so :noway: not going outside. I decided to put on my pedometer and jog around the house while i was doing chores and I logged a quarter of a mile in 15 minutes. :laugh: Well ya gotta get it where ya can.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @tammy--I don't usually crave Taco Bell, but my DH loves it, so when he buys it, he just gets the regular beef hard shell tacos. I eat one or two without any sauce or sour cream and that usually does the trick. They are 170 calories each, so even if I eat three that is still less calories than my old stand-by the crunchwrap supreme (which is well over 500 calories! :noway:

    @nicole--I think you have the right idea to focus on food and activity vs. the scale. :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--Oh my! That sounds like a crazy day! Glad you were able to get through it without any cookies--that's truly success! Oh, and I love the NSV about reaching stuff in the cabinets! I had a similar thing happen. I noticed about a week ago that I was struggling to reach the pedals in the car. I'm not super-tall (5' 7"), but I've always kept my seat all the way back. I was confused about why I couldn't reach--did my legs get shorter?--then I realized that with the weight loss my butt is smaller so I sit farther back in the seat. I had to adjust my seat forward to make driving more comfortable. :laugh:

    @lmackbeth--wow a triathalon is such a great goal! I'm a terrible swimmer, so could never do this. I've thought about doing a biatholon (cycling/running), but I don't own a bicycle and don't really want to invest in one, so I guess I'll just stick with running.

    Ugh! So I had a crappy day--PUN INTENDED! I walked gunner and then decided to clean up the yard before the snow comes tonight and hides all of his "presents." Anyways, I finished this oh-so-fun chore, went in the house and went straight to the bathroom to wash my hands. Not until I returned to the back door did I notice I had stepped in one of the presents and had tracked it through the house. YUCK!! So I had to clean off my shoe; clean up my trail (luckily we have flooring rather than carpeting); and put the throw rugs from the hall, bathroom, and kitchen in the wash. :grumble:

    So a quick 10 minute chore turned into quite an ordeal and threw me way off schedule. I even had some thoughts about skipping the gym to go grade, but I pushed them aside and went to the gym and ran 4 miles on the treadmill. I was glad I didn't use the debacle as an excuse to skip my workout.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (treadmill and elliptical) DONE
    Wed--core work DONE thursday
    Thurs--walk gunner (Not DONE) + gym (yesterday's core work, treadmill, and stationary bike) DONE
    Fri--rest day (did yesterday's walk with gunner + went dancing)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run) DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + core

    Now I'm at starbucks getting ready to grade.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Well... as long as my numbers don't do TOO much of their usual yo-yo cr*p... I've done it... Onederland!!!! :smokin:

    you hit Onederland??? Yeah! Celebrate Happy dance and here's to you!!:drinker: :drinker:
    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:


  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Friday Fitness: Overall, it's been a decent week on the fitness front. Today was 60 minutes on the dreadmill doing the hill mode using 3.5 speed with 8% incline. I was able to complete 3.75 miles so not too bad.

    wow, that is fantastic!!

    i went out for a walk around a nearby lake with my daughter but she said i was too slow and left me in the dust!! I thought i was walking faster than usual but i still got passed by 70 yr olds :sad: But i did walk 2 miles in 40 minutes in the beautiful cold sunshine

    grandmakaye- what a day!!! good job staying away from those cookies

    vickie- :heart: :heart: onderland :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: totally awesome
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi all!! Just checking in before bed. :)

    I ended up NOT working out tonight bc my knee is still bothering me from last night. I pushed through it last night but I couldn't fight that fight this evening. I ate like crap for lunch. However, I did ok the rest of the day. I had a small house salad and penne vodka. So I guess it wasnt as bad as I thought. It was a lunch portion, not dinner thank goodness!!

    Anyway, my NSV was that my moms surprise 50th bday party was a HUGE SUCCESS!!! She walked in, we yelled surprise and she cried. She kept saying Ty and calling me a $@!#% all day, but it was worth it. Two months of planning and it paid off.

    I plan on doing an hour of Leslie sansone tomorrow before heading to my grandmoms house for 9 am breakfast. I'm bringing my own meal. Seems I do that a lot these days!!:grumble:

    On the plus side, I didn't eat ANY of the Rumcake cupcakes I made. Everyone said how good they were. Small sacrifice for a new body. My tummy does hurt tonight, idk why.

    Also, everyone ordered pizza for dinner tonight and I had a salad with turkey, bacon n cheese, with lite ceasar dressing. 400 calories instead of god only knows how many. Did good for breakfast too.

    I just love this website and all of you rock!!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rachael--Great job fitting in a special occasion meal! :drinker:

    @karenleona--I think a 20 minute mile is a very respectable pace--even if you hadn't had a knee replacement! :flowerforyou:

    @angelika--that cold weather will be here on monday and I'm dreading it! I have a gym membership so that's not the problem. It's that despite that cold, I'll still have to walk gunner. He has a fenced yard, so I can skip a day here or there--unfortunately, we are due a string of those cold days, and he'll get stir crazy if I skip more than 2 days (even that is pushing it). :ohwell:

    @vickie--CONGRATS!!! If if you fluctuate up and down, it's still a success that you even saw onederland!! :drinker:

    Got one class worth of journals done at starbucks. I will have to finish the others tomorrow after my niece's b-day party. I saved 750 calories so I can enjoy the food at the party without too much worry.

    Now I'm home finishing laundry and watching my beloved Packers lose. :cry:

    Grading goals:
    1. 7/22 diction analyses
    2. x/48 AP essays
    3. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE
    4. Get final exams done and copied for Adv. G&S (DONE), AP Lit, and H Am Lit
    5. 30/59 Journals
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    @angelika--that cold weather will be here on monday and I'm dreading it! I have a gym membership so that's not the problem. It's that despite that cold, I'll still have to walk gunner. He has a fenced yard, so I can skip a day here or there--unfortunately, we are due a string of those cold days, and he'll get stir crazy if I skip more than 2 days (even that is pushing it). :ohwell:
    :laugh: I guess I am lucky that I can chase my toy poodle around the condo and he feels like he's had a workout.