
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We had an interruption in Comcast service today. According to their recorded message, it was a widespread service outage. I was trying to do business with a person in AZ, and the service came back on after the end of their workday. :frown: We bundled services with Comcast, and it includes our home phone and internet. To be fair, this is the only incident of its kind in several years of service.

    I tried to do the yoga exercise from the video I bought yesterday, and I consider it a success. Not that I can do the exercises as well as the person in the video, but I can do them well enough to get some good out of it. Now I will be able to do yoga on the days I don't have a class, and that is good. :smile: I also took the dog for a walk this afternoon. I like to exercise in the mornings, but we had black ice this morning. No way was I going walking in that. :noway: It was beautiful outside, even while the black ice was still a problem.

    DH is feeling better today. His new insulin kicked in and he's back in control.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Linda - I have "The Thin Commandments" on audiobook. I listen to it sometimes when I'm exercising. To me, it's a very good book and something that I do think would be very good at a TOPS meeting. My MI is still saying "that's overweight". Fortunately, it's not very far until I get into the "that's great" zone, and I'm sure I could do it if I cut out totally eating (or drinking) at night. Lately, I've been having a cup of hot chocolate with protein powder in it just so that I'm not real starving in the morning. I'm down .2 for the last two days. Hey, it's something! It's supposed to be in the high 60's this weekend. Crazy weather!

    Cheryl - you should be proud of how well you did over the holidays. The only thing with the conflict is that this isn't the workplace, it's all volunteeer. Well, I just don't want to be bothered. Besides, stress leads to stress eating which leads to weight gain (BTDT), so I'm helping myself if anything. The Wii character flowns at you only when you're not doing well. Sometimes when I step on the platform (like today) to says "great", and I only lost .2 pound. I don't consider that so great. You wouldn't have any problem, it wouldn't be frowning at you very much at all.

    Went to the Humane Society and dropped off our aluminum and some coupons for them. Then took the deep water class, came home, went to Kohl's and got a towel just because I thought it would match our bathroom (and it does real well), then the healthy cooking demonstration. Just had a piece of the chicken and a mouthful of the cake they made. I wasn't real impressed. Then went to Belk's and bought this candy dispenser for the kids for next Christmas (hey, it was on sale 50% off plus by putting it on my Belks charge I got another 20% off), looked in Penney's for pants (I have a $15 off coupon) but couldn't find any black bootcut jeans in my size, then came home and made the kale and kidney bean soup. It's still simmering on the stove. Tomorrow I'll go to yoga.

    Liz - I'll send you some virtual kale and kidney bean soup. Soup is what you need right now. Feel better fast

    Welcome everyone who is new. You've come to a great place for support and encouragement

    Lucy - I in a sense can relate to what you're feeling. When Vince first started at Mars, they were quite generous and he enjoyed going to work. Right before he retired, he was no longer enjoying it, there were so many changes. So when the package for retirement surfaced, he took it and ran! They were happy to have him go since he was one of the highest paid execuives so they could hire someone younger at a lower salary. Their problem is that someone who had been with the company for a long time knew certain things (what didn't work before and why) that someone new wouldn't. But that's not his problem.

    jb - congrats on the 26th day! You're forming a habit, I see

    My achilles tendon is feeling better, but it's still not perfect. Even Vince commented that earlier in the week I had a limp, right now I don't, but I can feel it being pulled when I walk. Well, it'll take time. It probably would have taken less time if I had take the oral antiinflammatories, but I just don't like putting things into my system unless I alsolutely have to.

    Karen from MI _ I'm sorry you didn't lose, you'll probably see a loss next week. Safe travels!

    Meg - I hope you feel better fast, too.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~Spent all day downtown for my deposition.4 hours of questions.Just got in at 730pm.Didn`t eat all day.
    Glad I got a bathroom break.Brutal.
    Hope everyone had a good day!!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Exermom - you must be rich if your husband retired as one of the highest paid executives - no wonder you can afford such a lovely pool!!! I am not an executive, but I am a professional in IT and honestly I wonder why they don't get rid of all the over 50 crowd. We all make 6 figures and you know they could hire the youngsters right out of college with more current technical knowledge for half the salary. I know they need a few people with the business knowledge but not an entire staff. I'm waiting for that retirement package.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just finished reading all the posts and now to late to give shout-outs. Spent s5 hours picking up pecans and I'm really tired.
    Jane in Denver. - I'm so sorry about your diagnosis on your foot. I would definitely get another opinion with an Orthopedic surgeon who specializes in feet. Some do everything but if you could find one who only does feet that would be good. Good luck.
    That' s all I can do tonight as my hands and fingers are so tired.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's almost bedtime and I've read all the posts. This has been a great day. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: We had some hail and snow overnight so this morning the ground was white and crunchy but not too slippery for a great walk with the dogs.......the morning line dance class was fun. i came home and made salmon burgers, green beans, and corn for lunch for Jake and me and then went to teach the afternoon line dance class. Had oatmeal with applesauce, raisins, walnuts, and cashews, then rode the recumbent bike.

    :laugh: I had to use a corded hand-held microphone to teach the dance class today instead of the usual cordless head-set microphone and I told them I felt like a stand-up comedienne.......and with the long cord, it was a lot like line dancing while walking two dogs on leashes :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I got a lot of exercise and burned a lot of calories and now I'm ready for a long sleep:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :sad: it thawed a bit today so by tomorrow morning with below freezing temperatures it will probably be very icy and we'll have to walk in the meadow and stay off the streets.:sad:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Happy TGIF ladies! How was/is your day?

    Mine was so productive I can’t believe it – YAYAYAYAY. Tomorrow I’m going to go find some exercise videos for beginners. I got an exercise floor mat for Xmas and want to start using it.

    Sue – trade you pecan picking for snow shoveling????

    JaneM – hope it went well for you, depositions can be grueling (you probably wouldn’t have enjoyed your food anyway). Do some knitting, always calming. Hope your DH gets better quickly.

    Cheryl and JaneH – I have had 2 successful bunion surgeries, two different types, I’m a little happier with one than the other. If you want the gory details I’ll give you the type and how it went for me (time, issues, current situations) but won’t bore everyone on here with it.

    Oh Meg – I feel for you, hope you feel better really, really soon.

    Karen from MI – good for you doing that workout before leaving, means you really have changed your habits. I’m reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed. I’m not a big non-fiction reader but this book is moving me deeply.

    JB – you must have the most accommodating dogs in the world to let you do all those hat photos, and they actually look mildly amused. Mine would just look annoyed as heck.

    Renny and Laura – I just pop the spaghetti squash in the oven whole with a few knife slits in the skin. 350 for an hour, cut in half, hold with oven mitt and scrape out the seeds with a spoon, then the flesh with a fork. Will check out the f&v challenge link.

    Lucy – find what works for you. It seems different things work for different bodies.

    Robin – have a great weekend and isn’t it nice not to need the cloak for a couple of days.

    Glenda – glad you got the snow – we only got a little skiff last night, not even enough to shovel. And now the temp has dropped to -5 so I think we’ll be off snow for a bit.
    I’m reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed. Not a book I would have picked up on my own, but I am really into it.

    Going to go and do some reading now, hope the weekend is great for you all. Will check in again, probably Sunday.

    Lila in Kootenays, SE BC, CANADA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning wonderful women.

    Was exhausted yesterday after my 1st day at work since Christmas Eve. I really missed my afternoon nap. There is so much to catch up on plus I work in a finance team going through month/year end reconcilliations anyway.

    JaneM - Poor DH. I hope he is soon on the mend.

    Glenbabe - Congrats on the new clothes. I bet that felt sooo good.

    Lin - I was looking at our local adult ed classes too. There are so many I'd love to do but can't squeeze then all in.

    JanRoss - Hi & welcome from another UK'er.

    Lucy - It is sad to feel so unappreciated. I believe the need for a younger workforce often means they will accept less money. Hang in there.

    JB - I'm with you on "the miserable plank". y heart sinks when my gym guy says "now lie on face down on the floor". I know what's coming!
    I love the Hunger Games quote & it's so true. A good meal with good people can lift the spirits. Dinner on your lap in front of the TV just doesn't do it.

    Robin - Well done on all that stepping out!

    Jane - I hope you can achieve a solution to your foot problem. Maybe I'll stop whinging about my little bunion.

    Meg - Get well soon. That's an order!

    Katla - Glad DH is feeling better

    Amanda - I hope the scan was ok.

    I have spaghetti squash envy. I just cannot find it here & I have a nice mock alfredo sauce recipe that went well with it too.

    I'm shivering reading about all the snow some folks are getting. I really don't like it. It's pretty to watch from indoors but I don't like driving in it. I had no problems when we lived in Germany when it was 3 foot deep as they know how to deal with it. We just don't cope with it very well here. We are supposed to have heavy snow on Monday but have had a little flurry this morning.

    I must look at Renny's fruit & veg challenge. I don't have much of a problem adding veg as I tend to eat mostly vegetarian on my plan. Now DH is another matter!

    Well up & at 'em with shopping & ironing on today's agenda.

    Have a fab weekend my lovelies.

    Geri in England
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies from a cold and grey London town.

    I'm trying to type with ice cold fingers - forgot my fingerless gloves today, drat it.

    I had my scan yesterday and am relieved it's over. They don't think it's cancer - hurrah, although I still have some more test results to come back. I have infected diverticulitis and am on powerful antibiotics. The strange thing is, this is normally related to a low fibre diet. As a vegetarian I eat an extremely high fibre diet - however, for the next fortnight I have to go low fibre. Yuck.

    Need to do some work now but will try to pop by later today.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Geri- We had spaghetti squash last night. We usually can get ti here, but may have to check more than one store to find it. The mock alfredo sauce sounds wonderful. Could you share the recipe?

    Meg- Hope you feel better real fast! You have sure had more than your share of it!! I have been having sinus headaches for almost two months now. I went through one round of antibiotics to no avail, so am just dealing with it. Mine aren't that bad, just annoying.

    Amanda- Glad your scan came back with food news. Low fiber- yuck!! That's how I always used to eat, but now I'd hate it! good luck and hope you feel better fast.

    Sasha- 5 degrees below and no snow! Brrr! We also have no snow in the immediate forecast, but because we are experiencing above normal temps. No skiing!:frown: :frown:

    Barbie- Your classes sound like so much fun. Wish I lived close enough to come. You must be very graceful to be able to dance with a corded mic! I envisioned myself trying that- I would end up on the floor tied up in the cords!:embarassed:

    This weekend I will be busy visiting my parents and hopefully my sister, catching up on housework and laundry, lots of schoolwork, GOING TO THE GYM (have to make it happen), and planning/cooking meals for next week. I want to change up my diet. I have gotten into a rut and am not losing the last few pounds.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

    Deb A
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Another week at it's end. Oops wrote that yesterday. Happy weekend.
    The way you wore your fitbit would probably be more accurate.

    You will get off that plateau and join your fellow workers.

    Do your best that's all one can do.

    Step right in and join us

    The reason for them not showing appreciation is that you know more than they do. They don't like that.
    Yep I hear you on up the calories down the calories. I'll stick with my dietician on that front.

    Yes negative energy the bad stuff that pulls you down. No one needs that on the job.
    Make it a great weekend.

    I'll up the fruit and veg. but won't be going all veg.

    Understand full well about that scale I had one of those. Went back to spring loaded the old fashioned one. But now I weight on the wii.

    A nice set table with a nice meal is so rewarding. And enjoyble. Lets make our goal to do that once this weekend. I'll make mine on Sunday.

    Bet you didn't think those reese where that heavy lol. Nice to get your exercise done before hitting the road.
    Enjoy your visit with the daughters.

    That is a lot of swimming. Take care of those sugars you don't need a big drop.

    Get another opinion some one said see a pediatrist would be a good idea. In all them doctors you would think one would know what's the problem.

    Great loss to bad you had to be sick again.

    Happy trails to you Until we meet again. Remember.
    On the job front. I see you don't think your irreplaceable. Be nice if they gave you a package deal. Ask maybe they will.

    Nice to see you found yoga you like.
    Glad hubby is on the mend.

    Right now we are having a warm front all week minus zero it's melting and icy.
    I have the tin commandments for tops.
    Problem is they don't want someone on the job that knows more than the boss.

    Pull out your knitting to get over the stress that a long wait gave you.
    Hope hubby is feeling better.

    You must be in the pacan selling bussiness. And now to shell all that.
    Good luck.

    Yep I see you dancing around them cords trying not to trip.

    Productive days are great. I don't know if I like the break in the weather or not sure don't like the ice.

    Your Alfredo recipe is it made with cauliflower.
    Good luck on your journey.

    Well wii maintained this morning even with my good food day yesterday. Guess it needed exercise to go with it.
    But I will see better soon he is just about ready to give me the loss I want.

    Today will be a good day also. I am going to a hockey game for grandaughter out of town. Think I'll bring something healthy to eat. Don't want to have an arena hot dog even if they are very good well sometimes they are. lol.
    So out of here to put the maids to work and get some sort of exercise done.
    Back later

    Linda C in the far North of Ontario.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy weekend everyone.

    Amanda, :flowerforyou: I'm so relieved to hear they don't think it's cancer! Diverticulitis, though, ouch. Get well soon, dear.

    Meg, :flowerforyou: you get well soon, too!

    Jane, ow ow ow. :cry: That's so sad about your foot. Another opinion is probably smart.

    Geri, oh you're doing the miserable plank, too. :explode: I'm doing them on elbows and toes, I guess my mid-section needs some strengthening!

    Lila, :smile: most of the 'dogs in hats' photos that I use are just ones I've found online. I do put a raincoat on my terrier when it's pouring-down-rain, and made one for heeler who promtly "told" me within the first 2 minutes of wearing it that he was to have no part of it whatsoever. Very demoralizing! I must admit it looked ridiculous on a dog of his nature. I made snow booties for them a few winters back when we had a ton of snow, they both revolted.

    MTGWW Karen, it's so frustrating when the scale goes the wrong way, especially when you're certain it should be showing a loss. The scale gremlins are not very nice sometimes! :grumble: Have a fun time with your daughter this weekend.

    Katla, you must live at a higher elevation? I'm at about 300 ft, near the Clackamas river, we didn't have black ice. I had a similar problem with my bathroom scale, now I don't step on it twice. :laugh:

    Renny, :bigsmile: wow, 4 inches in your waist, that's fabulous!

    Yesterday I jumped rope for the first time in 50 years. :noway: Oh my gosh what an ordeal. It was a pretty funny episode, I'll say that much! :laugh: I wrote all about it in my blog, take a minute to read it if you'd like. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jb_2011

    Enjoy your day!
    :smile: jb from freezing Portland Oregon
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    OMG still haven't had time to catch up with you wonderful girls! Out the door to the gym TRX class then MELT class...I will explain later..AWESOME for EVERYONE.. the MELT class...

    Went to Zumba last night..I pulled something in my back so we will see how TRX goes today. Then I will be off to exchange some hiking boots I got for Christmas...planning a hike for tomorrow.

    I really need to start losing..feeling thick in the middle and over the last two weeks hot flashes are back!!!!!!! Is that all related??? OMG I will have to start looking into hot flash pills.....thank god it winter I can just run outside and cool off.

    I love this group...I hope I can catch up with you all this weekend :bigsmile: What plans do you have to move your body this weekend???
    Judy ~ so Cal
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Cheryl - I wouldn't exactly call us "rich", not by any means. I guess I'm lucky in that he's a CPA (he worked in IT but his degree is in accounting).

    jane - you poor dear, how grueling that must have been! Well...look on the bright side...by being there you couldn't eat :)

    Lila - is your mat thick? I got an extra thick one a while ago for my exercise room and I really like it.

    Would someone please post the link to Renny's fruit and vege challenge? I joined it but for some reason when I clicked on the link Renny posted I got a message that the site was unavailable (?)

    Geri in England - you actually iron? Clothes? The only time I iron is when I'm sewing something and need to press out the seam. Good for you, I don't think I'd do it. If clothes wrinkle -- they get donated to the Salvation Army.

    Amanda - so glad that they don't think it's cancer! Well, low fiber isn't the end of the world and it'll be over soon

    Need to leave now for yoga. Tomorrow I'll do the Zumba for the Wii. I'll certainly start with the beginner. Actually, I should look at the CD tonight before I start using it tomorrow. Someone said to me that zumba is hard on the knees.....I guess I'll find out.

    If I had to teach an exercise class with a corded mic, I'd be on the floor so fast you wouldn't even know what happened...lol

    LindaC in Ontario - Don't ask me to explain it, but I like to see a number (135.5 or 134.5 or even 131.5) and the Wii only gives you how much you gained/lost, or at least that's all mine does. Is there a way to have it show you how much you weigh? Have fun at the hockey game, and, yes, take food with you to eat. Those arena hot adogs are n-a-s-t-y in more than one way

    jb - I have no way of being sure, but I'm thinking that jumping roap is what caused my inflamed achilles tendon. Just be careful, that's all. I do find it to be good exercise. Another advantage is that a jump rope is portable so you can take it into a hotel and use it. I couldn't get over how out-of-breath I got in such a short period of time the first time I did it.

    Well, hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good morning from the west coast.

    :drinker: Starting the fruit and veggie challenge day with a mushroom/onion egg white omelette. I sprinkle with some tumeric, which started as an experiment, and now I like that a lot.

    It's cold here. Although, nothing compared to the rest of the "great-white-north" :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we're wimps :bigsmile:

    Amanda - glad about your good test results so far. How many grams do "they" consider as low-fiber? Hopefully the antibiotics will do the trick quickly and get you well.

    I will be sorting through more pictures this weekend - am in 2010 with 2008 and 2009 done. Love the resulting photo albums.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • hairycarrie
    hairycarrie Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Carrie and I have had an epiphany this week! I have fought my right (like a typical alcoholic) to indulge in my Intrnational delights Almond Joy cream. It gave me such joy so I thought. A friend of mine who has had byass surgery suggested I try cream for one day just so I don't crash by the end of the day. OMG the difference is incredible! Bye bye Almond Joy discovering you really give me no joy only samoa butt.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Saturday! The Internet has stayed on all week. So I will be back in the "habits" of logging again. Work stinks and at 59 I may have to just deal with it.

    There were many comments about not being able to sleep. I have to take melantonin or I am up all night. It does interfere with some meds, so check before trying.

    Sasha- I would love it if our visitor was a deer! Have your dogs tried walking out of the yard?

    Karen from Wi- I live in New Mexico very near the National Forest. Usually the wild ones stay away, but between the drought and forest fires, the poor things need to go farther to find food. We already lost a cat this year.:(

    M- NM and CO are a lot alike. We are careful about the animals. The best way to have your neighbors get mad of you around here is to endanger a wild animal to where it has to be put down. Our neighbors have a Christmas open house and this year the excluded all the stupid neighbors that got the bear killed. If they don't bother us, we leave them be.

    To all the old timers that know my trials and tribulations over the years with my family. I am hanging in there. Some days are good and some days are bad. I just try to take one day at a time.

    Best to all,

    Jeannie from NM
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Well, it didn’t snow enough to need to shovel, so I ended up in the basement on the bike instead. It was coming down really hard, then abruptly just stopped! I’m working on end-of-year paperwork for hubby’s business today.

    I made the appointment for a 3rd opinion in a couple of weeks, to give Kaiser time to send my x-rays and MRI. All of the doctors I’ve seen have been podiatrists in Kaiser’s orthopedics department. I’m going outside of my insurance this time, just in case Kaiser’s docs all stick together.

    Meg – Congrats on dropping the weight! I’m sorry to hear that you’re still sick – this has been a rough year for you in that way.

    Wessecg – Cheryl, I’m sorry that you can relate. Is your Achilles going to get worse if you don’t try to fix it? I wouldn’t mind putting my life on hold as much if I knew it was going to solve the problem, but a 33% chance isn’t very good odds for the amount of sacrifice involved.

    Lila – Aren’t productive days the best? You feel so accomplished at the end of them! :smile: Everyone I know who had bunion surgeries found them successful except me. I understand that this is a rare complication and that I’m just the lucky person who got to be part of that small statistic. You had a joint fused, didn’t you? That is one of the surgical options I have to consider. Does it cause a limp or any other problems beyond not being able to wear heels?

    Geri in England – It is hard that first day back at work after a break! Fixing that little bunion is where my problems started, as the surgery caused worse problems.

    Amanda -- So glad that they don’t think it’s cancer!!! :flowerforyou: I hope that the rest of the results are equally positive when they come in. You must be feeling relieved!