Women does your Husbands /Spouse /Boyfriend???



  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Why do women complain so much? Who knows just built into our sex.

    Video games are just as ingrained into men as nagging is.

    Maybe I should ask my Mister. He does say I nag, whine, and talk too much. I do know that I'm on his nerves when he says "Awww woman hush!"..Lol
  • sirabbadon
    sirabbadon Posts: 27 Member
    It's a phrase...meant not to elicit a match of "negative emotional responses," but rather, to merely illustrate my level of disagreement. Apologies for offending your delicate sensibilities.

    Okay, I can accept that. Now will you offer evidence or counterpoints to support and further your level of disagreement?

    *edited for grammar mistake.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    This seems like the ideal bf...what is your problem :P

    Ideal bf to you maybe..perfect husband for me. No problems..don't remember stating that there was an actual problem. Just wanted to know "WHY"..
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    i feel like this is very stereotypical and that you just havent found the right guy ^^
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    i feel like this is very stereotypical and that you just havent found the right guy ^^

    Why would you say I haven't found the right guy?
    What is "the right guy" or "a right guy"
  • sahm23ladies
    sahm23ladies Posts: 91 Member
    We are from Mars, the only purpose of talking is to either give or ask information, not yakking away about babies, clothes, food, what I am thinking about, how do you look, does my *kitten* look big in this? etc

    The last question will always never get an honest answer, so do not bother asking it

    PS we do not "do" subtlety, and "body language", if you have something to say, FFS say it, don't skirt around it hoping we will cotton one, we will not

    Brutally honest and to the point! Just like my husband who says "if you aren't prepared for the answer... don't ask the question."

    Why is your man like that? Maybe that's what makes him happy. The guy needs something for himself that doesn't include the family. I believe that true for all members of the household. Let everyone have "their thing". It's ok. Now if it interferes with your livlihood then a discussion is in order. But as long as he's providing & loving, I say... give him some space.

    But I'm old school like that.
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    oh man, my husband is the worst. he games all night Monday thru Friday... I don't get it. However he is amazing to me and my best friend, and I think everyone should have their own hobby they like to do on their own. not everything is together time, and it shouldnt be... gaming is his thing that he can zone out on ;) he does play a lot.. but I have girl friends whose husbands are out at the bars getting sloshed with the guys every night after work... i look at their situations and am really thankful for mine... :)
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    My husband is, and I honestly have no problem with it. It's his thing. Sometimes I will play with him ( more times not ). I look at it this way. He works hard. It's something he enjoys. Our bills are paid. We can afford it. If he is HOME playing video games he isn't OUT at a bar getting drunk, talking to other women, or doing things that would make me question our marriage.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    Okay, I can accept that. Now will you offer evidence or counterpoints to support and further your level of disagreement?

    *edited for grammar mistake.

  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Okay, I can accept that. Now will you offer evidence or counterpoints to support and further your level of disagreement?

    *edited for grammar mistake.


    A wise & honest response, if only we could do the same for "Does my *kitten* look big in this" ?
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    oh man, my husband is the worst. he games all night Monday thru Friday... I don't get it. However he is amazing to me and my best friend, and I think everyone should have their own hobby they like to do on their own. not everything is together time, and it shouldnt be... gaming is his thing that he can zone out on ;) he does play a lot.. but I have girl friends whose husbands are out at the bars getting sloshed with the guys every night after work... i look at their situations and am really thankful for mine... :)

    Mine is mostly on weekends when he's off and late night after work. No game right now because all the men (in my house) are into the football. It's playoff time. Lol, so I'm cooking this weekend.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    i feel like this is very stereotypical and that you just havent found the right guy ^^

    I'm so sick of the comments about my husband not being the right one. Why again must this be blown out of context. Those who feel like I'm bashing my husband, I'm not appreciative, or I haven't found the right guy. Again, what is a Right Guy?? It's crickets when I ask that. For the record, I never said I had a problem with anything my husband does and when did this only become about video games? All I did was ask Why do men?? If you can't relate or it doesn't pertain to you ..YOU DO NOT HAVE TO COMMENT.
    So basically what I've gotten from this thread so far is that:
    if my husband plays video games
    Sleeps on the sofa
    Sometimes say dumb ish..but so do I
    Looks at me like I'm crazy
    Likes to eat, watch football and loves sex
    Would rather drive and find his own way then stop and ask questions(before we got a GPS)
    Would rather fix things without looking at a blueprint
    Probably thinks about sex every 14sec...etc.etc.etc
    I'm neglected, and needing attention, not happy, needs to find the right one..I'm not lucky enough to find the right one. I'm bashing my husband and I just have a problem. Omg people IT'S REALLY NOT THAT SERIOUS..This is MY HUSBAND, those are the things that he does and exactly why I LOVE HIM!
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    Omg people IT'S REALLY NOT THAT SERIOUS..This is MY HUSBAND, those are the things that he does and exactly why I LOVE HIM!
    Because I like beating a dead horse...you didn't say it like that (well you did at the end...at the end of what seemed very much like a rant, not a playful game. You said urg...denotes dissatisfaction. You, yourself, said he ignores you. That is WHY. Wasn't that your question to begin...why?
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member

    Even with all the Whys? My man is still handsome, loving, caring, funny, sensitive, understanding, hardworking provider, protector, dad..that LOVES HIS FAMILY UNCONDITIONALLY.
    Feel free to ask your WHYs or Answer some..and feel free to add me Good Day

    A lot of us don't read the fine print. Even if it was ranting or complaining there was nothing negative said. Yes if its the playoffs going on and I'm talking about xyz..which is hardly ever anything important OF COURSE HE 'S GOING TO IGNORE ME and /or LOOK AT ME CRAZY. Will be very careful next time.
    Thanks for your 2cents..
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    My first (practice) husband was a computer game guy. Turned me off in the worst way. I didn't know it until he moved in a month before our wedding. Watching him slouched in that chair in front of that screen for hours on end. Ugh. He wouldn't come to the table right away after I had worked then made dinner. I watched TV alone and got wasted and went to bed alone every night. Gross. I just have a bad taste and feel so bad for any women/men who have to deal with that. My real husband plays golf and works on the house and is just awesome! :)
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    And a disclaimer....I did not read past the OP. :flowerforyou:
  • Hinxx
    Hinxx Posts: 93 Member
    I guess I can't answer "why" they like games, or "why" they don't ask for directions but I'm gonna give you some tips that might help:

    1. Get him a GPS. It's technology and he won't feel like he's asking for directions.
    2. Play games with him. Try to find some kind of game that might be of interest to both of you so that you can spend a little time with him doing something that you both enjoy.
    3. Set up a "gaming time frame". Talk to him about his gaming schedule and arrange something for you to do in the meantime. Reading, catching up on something, watching chick-flicks (most men usually don't like those), etc.
    4. Despite what Disney has taught us, a lot of men are not particularly attentive. BE DIRECT, but not hurtful, with anything you'd want him to know.

    I used to wonder about those things too and then I thought about a lot of things that women like and pay a lot of attention to. I, for one, love makeup and I could be hours reading, watching videos or just researching for products from time to time. Men do the same, but with different things. My boyfriend is a gamer too and we just follow these guidelines and we're fine. I don't ask "why" anymore, I'm just glad that he chooses to do that instead of doing something worse ;)
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I think this got a little out of hand. I get what the OP was saying. It was supposed to be a little funny rant about how guys can be dumb sometimes. That's all she was saying. She obv. found him to be "Mr. Right" because she married him. But once you get married you find things out about each other that you might not have known. Doesn't mean that person is wrong for you. It means that after years of marriage you learn to deal with the stupid crap the other one does. All their annoying little things they do, you learn to love them ( or just walk away when they do them) .. Like when they leave hair from his nicely shaven face ALL OVER the sink you JUST cleaned .. or never makes the bed when he was the last one in it .. or asks where something goes even though he's lived here for 5 years ...wait, what were we talking about again. ......
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Doesn't mean that person is wrong for you. It means that after years of marriage you learn to deal with the stupid crap the other one does. All their annoying little things they do, you learn to love them ( or just walk away when they do them) .. Like when they leave hair from his nicely shaven face ALL OVER the sink you JUST cleaned .. or never makes the bed when he was the last one in it .. or asks where something goes even though he's lived here for 5 years ...wait, what were we talking about again. ......
    So true..
  • JBcat123
    JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
    my ex boyfriend only played video games. non stop. I couldn't even have a normal conversation with him on the phone without him going a minute later " gtg playing modern warefare 2!" and then when I would call him 4 hrs later...hed get all pissy with me cause I interrupted him.

    so I broke up with him cause we couldn't communicate well. I don't know why men are like that but im sure not all of them are like that.

    plus , my ex was 28 and played with 14 yr olds on the PS2 which is quite scary and scared me. thankgod I broke up with him.