What is the most useful tip anyone has given you?



  • macdiver
    macdiver Posts: 145 Member
    You can't out exercise a bad diet.

    I was going to say almost the same thing.

    You can always out eat any exercise program.
    _TEMPEST_ Posts: 205
    Do not reward yourself with food -- you are not a dog!
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    Don't compare yourself to other people <progress, burn rate, etc.>


    The most effective exercise is the one you will actually do <so do what you like...this is not a punishment>
  • Don't diet, just eat healthy, or you will never stick with it for life. Also, buy most of your groceries on the perimeter of the grocery store, all the most processed items are in the middle!
  • Shen191
    Shen191 Posts: 86 Member
    make eating healthy and exercise as much as a daily habit as brushing your teeth
  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    Don't give up...
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Control your insulin release. All the rest is easy in comparison. Insulin rips off muscle mass faster than you can replace it. I wish I knew that years ago. Now that I avoid insulin spikes, it is easy to retain muscle mass.
  • witchiipooh
    witchiipooh Posts: 42 Member
    My sister in law telling me about MFP was the most helpful thing anyone has done for me :)
  • Get your a** up and do something about it.
  • If you have a bad moment and fall of the wagon, get back to your diet the very next meal. Nobody ever got fat from one slip up and everything you did up to that point was not done in vain. It's like saying my cellphone fell, I might as well stomp on it. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • Being introduced to MVP is life changing

    Keep OFF the scale. Don't weigh too often

    Eating out: have the waitress bring a to go box and put half in the box before you begin

    Eat fiber to keep full. Fiber one cereal is great for that

    Read labels and check MFP before you order!
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    To stop looking backward and just live one day at a time.

    This is especially good advice for when I 'fall off the wagon'. I have such a tendency (which is probably shared by most people) of thinking "okay, I screwed up and didn't work out for 4 days-- so I need to make today count extra hard" and next thing you know, the workouts that had previously been fun are now a huge chore and just one more thing to slog through (and then you start skipping them and getting mad at yourself and then you feel as if you've turned into a pile of self-loathing and now feel like a failure :noway: ).

    One day at a time: if you take care of the pence, the pounds will take care of themselves.

    [I wouldn't even phrase this as "stick with it": because as soon as you make a not-so-great choice, if you're like me, you start beating yourself up for not being able to stick with anything and then everything gets stupid.]
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    "Leave your ego at the door"
  • Nursey318
    Nursey318 Posts: 19 Member
    Get off the couch!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Eat complex food like seeds, up the protein and track sodium. Those changes made a huge difference for me. Complex foods and protein help me feel satisfied with lower cals. Sodium makes me bloat.
  • AllyLouB
    AllyLouB Posts: 40 Member

    Love it, SO true
  • yasemasuyo
    yasemasuyo Posts: 177 Member
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    "Having a rest day doesn't mean you're lazy."
  • these are good ones i have heard also so im not going to repeat them...here is another it is important after exercise to replenish you body with protein not just water.
  • AliceAsya
    AliceAsya Posts: 21 Member
    If you need some motivatio head to the dog food aisle at the grocery store. Pick up a bag equal to the amount of weight you've lost so far. You'll feel just how much weight you've lost.