Team UK - April 2010



  • Hi guys and welcome to all newies

    Not posted in a few days because I have had to be on the road for a couple of days and it was pure murder avoiding the KFCs on the M1 etc:wink:

    Anyway back at home again and guess what weighed myself last night and finally lost another couple of pounds :happy: 5 lbs gone and 9 to go to my target weight of 12 - 5

    Hope you are all well and can see we seem all to be having little clitches along the way, sorry KP.:flowerforyou:

    Have faith and try harder and remember its going to be a lovely summer in jolly old england, so we need to look good in the back garden,:smooched: so as not to frighten the neighbours :glasses:


    P.S the fish dish went down well with the wife last sat nite: only trouble is she expects me to do it again :sad:
  • I just got back from the doctors, had some blood taken although it took forever as doctor really struggled to find a vein, will hopefully get test results back on Monday afternoon. Ah well, night off gym for me. I have a really sore hand/arm from drawing blood in two different places. Ouchie! :sad: Not so great with needles either!

  • ragster
    ragster Posts: 20
    Hey all!!

    This week is going SO SLOWLY!!!! At least it's Thursday tomorrow!!

    Glad you're feeling a bit better now Lee :smile:

    I have finally lost a pound!! Woop!!

    Thursday tomorrow and payday Friday, yippee!!!

    Well done on the lost pound.

    I went back to gym after 2 1/2 weeks off and am aching tonight. Pushed it a bit harder to make up I think. Lovely surprise is that I'm top of the weight/inches lost for march. Wow! How motivating is that.

    I just love this particular board, us uk folk keeping each other going. Long may it continue.

    Best wishes all.
    Mandy x
  • ragster
    ragster Posts: 20

    went to spinning last night and was talking to a girl
    she started off doing just spinning classes..
    but now she does a 90 minute challenge before it aswell!
    2 & 1/2 hours of intense exercise, i was impressed
    she's going to do the new york marathon next year, so i'm aiming to keep on pace with her during the classes

    hope everyone's okay :)
    think 2 days till the weekend

    Saw run fatboy run film the other day. How loony is spinning! I'm so far off that level of fitness and my hat off to anyone who can do that.


  • Carrie181
    Carrie181 Posts: 18
    Hi All

    Humpday as some of you say and I have got the hump today!! Lovely sunny day but just feel fed up. Hopefully it will pass soon!

    Have been keeping under my daily calorie allowance by following the Kellogs 2 week kick start ( 2 bowls of cereal and 1 main dinner) I seemed to have adapted quite well to the amount I can eat, but when I weigh myself mid week (and yes I know I am not supposed to) I have put on weight. How?? 2 days to go til weigh in day and to be honest I am dreading it.

    On the plus side iy is supposed to be a lovely week end weather wise so will make sure I egt out to enjoy the sunshine!
    Keep up the good work all

  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Hey all!!

    This week is going SO SLOWLY!!!! At least it's Thursday tomorrow!!

    Glad you're feeling a bit better now Lee :smile:

    I have finally lost a pound!! Woop!!

    Thursday tomorrow and payday Friday, yippee!!!

    Well done on the lost pound.

    I went back to gym after 2 1/2 weeks off and am aching tonight. Pushed it a bit harder to make up I think. Lovely surprise is that I'm top of the weight/inches lost for march. Wow! How motivating is that.

    I just love this particular board, us uk folk keeping each other going. Long may it continue.

    Best wishes all.
    Mandy x

    Hooray!!!! Payday Friday tomorrow!!!!!

    Well done on the gym and for being top of weight/inches lost!!! Fab!!! :drinker:

    I need to get running now, my hip and back are still slightly twingy but not too bad...and I'm starting to freak out about the run!!!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Carrie...I'm sure you've heard this cannot physically put on fat if you are eating less calories than you are 'spending'!! Don't worry chick!! xx
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Morning everyone!!

    Its Thursday! Yipeeee! Pay day tomorrow as well!!

    So after work yesterday i was mean to go to the gym... i didn't.. instead i hung out with my bestie and caught up with all the goss... There was A LOT!!! :wink: .. anywhoo i went home about 6.45ish n started on my dinner.. Chicken and prawn stirfry.. YUM!...
    Sat down infront of the TV and thought there was sod all on TV.. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. I decided to get off my bum and go to the gym.. at 8.45..... lol! :laugh:
    It wasn't anything crazy, but im glad i went an burnt some cals.. :smile:

    Hope your all ok? :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Katherine x
  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    Ooops !!!

    A nice walk down town earned me 177 kcals, but the McDonalds Cadbury Creme Egg Mcflurry cost me 405 kcals !!!!

    Well, it is was a lovely sunny day, and I just couldn't resist.

    Hope you are all well, haven't had much chance to visit the board since I joined a couple of weeks back as work is really hectic at the moment, but the good news for me is I have been logging my food and exercise daily, and after my first two weeks on the site have kissed goodbye to 5 lbs.

    Just got to keep this up for a few months now at a steady 1lb per week to get to my goal

    Hope everyone has a good rest of the week, and it looks like we have some nice weather to look forward to at the weekend.


  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker: HAPPY ST GEORGE'S DAY EVERYONE :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    TFI Friday! :bigsmile:

    I'm going to have a good weekend this weekend I just am! :glasses: I'm looking forward to my extreme aerobic "salsa" class tomorrow, my Zumba instructor is on her hols so it's a really cool Jamaican'me'Crazy guy called Sam who does the best Salsa aerobics EVER! :love: Woop!

    I'm looking forward to the gym tonight, yesterday's diary isn't qutie right, I didn't make the gym last night I had to go to a friend in an evil boyfriend emergency! :brokenheart: But I did do a lot of toning exercises and man do I ACHE today!

    I bought Jillians Michael's 30 Day Shred yesterday because I've read LOADS of amazing reviews about it....some people on here have it and have said otherwise but hmmm I think it's gonna be good I have a feeling! Plus I :heart: Jillian so it's all good! Apparently is makes your muscles hurt so much the first time you do it you can't physically do day 2 well I AM GONNA DO IT FOR 30 DAYS STRAIGHT NO MATTER WHHHHHATTTT :devil:

    Have a great weekend I hope the sun comes out:glasses:

    Lots of :heart:

    Mikhaila :smooched:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    OMG...I wrote SUCH A long email and it's cut it ALL off! :cry:
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    It's there M!!

    Happy Friday to you tooooooooooo!!! :drinker:

    WOOP!! I am LOVING your motivation!!!!!!!! I hope it's contagious?!!!!! :bigsmile:

    I've got the 30 day shred!!! I want to do it but I keep thinking I need to focus on the old running!!!! :grumble:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    X:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    You too KP!!! Have a good one!!! :happy: :happy:
  • Carrie181
    Carrie181 Posts: 18
    Another 1lb lost - talk about slow!! But it is in the right direction!!

    Beautiful day here so am off into the garden to do loads of work. Will ache tonight but just think of all the calories I will burn off!

    Have a great Sat everyone. Might even need suncream :happy:

  • OK so as you know I am trying to maintain, this week has not been the greatest week food wise BUT I have maintained! I am so pleased as I was sure I had gained! Hooray!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    I will be so glad when this week is over and its monday again - it'll mean i can eat properly again (YES!!)
    ive beeing doing this sacred heart diet all week (and yes i have cheated slightly) and its almost killed me not being able to eat bread or chocolate - ive lived off fruit, veg and soup all week! (apart from when i cheated) it has been worth it though - ive gone from 150.6lbs to (as of today) 145.8 with two days to go which im estimating at another 2lbs so i *should* weigh at least 143.8 on monday which will be the lightest ive been since i put the weigh on in the first place!
    It also puts me within reaching range of my goal to get into the 9st catagoy before the uni's summer ball on the 28th may (5 weeks)

    i really wish i was out walking today - its so lovely out! but im stuck in the library working on an essay (oh joy!)

    hope you are all having a better weekend!

    good TV tonight though so i might go on the wii free step whilst watching total wipeout, doctor who and over the rainbow :p

  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi All UKers :smile:

    Sorry not been around much this month, has been a bit hectic, I work in a nightclub so have had loads of extra nights to work over Easter, can't complain because can always use some extra dosh!!
    I'll have a catch up of all the UKers goings on in a while, see what everyone has been up to xxx

    I tried Graze boxes following a freebie from Mimi (Thanks Mimi xx) And they are great healthy snacks to have at work or at home, really love it :love:
    If anyone else would like to try for free too go to : and enter code : Y1X988L Enjoy xxx
    I think they only deliver in the UK.
    Help yourselves peeps, everyone welcome xxx

    I hope your all well and making progress with your goals and enjoying a little of the sun were seeing now, at last!! :bigsmile:

    Speak soon Mel xxx :flowerforyou:

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  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Hey all!

    Just joined MFP and loving it. whats even more amazing is how many of us good old british folk are here. Usually I feel quite lost in a sea of americans on most forums but this is a refreshing Change!

    Hope to see you l around. Especially those from Yorkshire :wink:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Hey all!

    Just joined MFP and loving it. whats even more amazing is how many of us good old british folk are here. Usually I feel quite lost in a sea of americans on most forums but this is a refreshing Change!

    Hope to see you l around. Especially those from Yorkshire :wink:

    Welcome! where abouts in Yorkshire are you? im in York
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