cereal diet!



  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    Did not read thread.

    Cereal diet is a bad idea. It's incomplete nutrition and all gimmick diets are doomed to fail. Zero exceptions.

    Except the sex and circus animal cookie diet!

    Damnit Maureen...I thought you'd be with me on this one :(.

    Read.. sex with circus animals :noway:

    co-worker of mine found some randy ones for ya:

  • carolstartingover
    carolstartingover Posts: 83 Member
    I like the banana flavored ones and I eat them once a day. Seems to fill me up plenty. You don't get as many for your money, but they are so tasty.
  • errorika
    errorika Posts: 89 Member
    Ive done it and I lost 8lbs,
    I had a variety of cereals with soya milk for breakfast and dinner and made a very nutritional lunch.
    I kept to it for 3 weeks
    You lost 8 lbs because you had a calorie deficit, not because you ate cereal.

    ^What he said...exactly...

    I know. And eating the cereal gave me a calorie deficit therefore eating cereal helped me to lose weight.

    You're confusing correlation with causation.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Ive done it and I lost 8lbs,
    I had a variety of cereals with soya milk for breakfast and dinner and made a very nutritional lunch.
    I kept to it for 3 weeks
    You lost 8 lbs because you had a calorie deficit, not because you ate cereal.

    ^What he said...exactly...

    I know. And eating the cereal gave me a calorie deficit therefore eating cereal helped me to lose weight.

    Food can't give you a deficit. Opting not to eat more food gives you a deficit. Logic fail.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Ive done it and I lost 8lbs,
    I had a variety of cereals with soya milk for breakfast and dinner and made a very nutritional lunch.
    I kept to it for 3 weeks
    You lost 8 lbs because you had a calorie deficit, not because you ate cereal.

    ^What he said...exactly...

    I know. And eating the cereal gave me a calorie deficit therefore eating cereal helped me to lose weight.

    You're confusing correlation with causation.

    Using big words that almost sound the same is mean to the rest of us.
  • instead of a 2 week cereal diet why not try a 2 week protein only diet???
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    Cereal diet isn't sustainable. You may want to see what other food items you can remove from your diet and substitute a healthier choice for. Cheers!
  • x_pix_x
    x_pix_x Posts: 21
    I'll admit, before I found mfp it's the kinda thing I'd probably have tried. However, now, even after only two weeks I can't imagine any other way, I love it, I still get to eat the things I like as long as I'm not stupid with it and plan it in, I've also discovered how much I love lots and lots of fruit! I always liked veg but seemed to miss fruit out somehow, I eat more than I did before I just eat better and I've already lost weight, plus as I lost 4lb the first week and looking set to lose 2 this week (water weight mainly I know) I've probably got the same results I would have done on the Special K or similar diet and I'm not hungry all the time and ready to kill someone for a piece of chocolate! I genuinely don't understand why if someone is considering the mfp way why you'd put yourself through 2 weeks of misery first rather than just jump straight in? I love the fact I'm not on a diet and that I'm just eating the way I am quite happy to eat for the long haul.
  • I think you are just supposed to have cereal in the morning and afternoon and have a regular meal on this diet. I don't think you are supposed to just eat cereal 3x a day for two weeks. If you are, then what after that?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    instead of a 2 week cereal diet why not try a 2 week protein only diet???

    Cereal diet is pointless, only protein is dangerous.
  • lisamariebennett
    lisamariebennett Posts: 32 Member
    Did not read thread.

    Cereal diet is a bad idea. It's incomplete nutrition and all gimmick diets are doomed to fail. Zero exceptions.

    Except the sex and circus animal cookie diet!

    Damnit Maureen...I thought you'd be with me on this one :(.

    Read.. sex with circus animals :noway:

    co-worker of mine found some randy ones for ya:


    Where's the pink and white frosting with sprinkles? It's much more fun with frosting....
  • lol
  • ok guys thanks for the advice maybe just cereal for breakfast then it was an idea a friend gave me she swore she lost loads an im panicing because i just got invited 2 a wedding on 30th march so need 2 pick up the pace. maybe ill just whip out the never opened exercise dvd
  • ps. thanks to all the actual advice, ive never done this weight loss thing before and i am new like lots of people i started on jan 1st this year. So no i dont know everything (hence why i posted) there is so much stuff on the internet an i know some is rubbish thought asking you guys would help me out not make me feel stupid an like i want to quit, cheers