the way people are trying to lose weight



  • sandyinsc
    sandyinsc Posts: 70 Member
    I was recently stunned by a good friend's post on Facebook about a Wrap Party where they go get their waists wrapped and "lose up to 6 inches" blah blah blah. Someone called BS, and the person selling this snake oil came back and said that the methodology "shrank fat cells".

    You're's very amazing that people want to lose weight so badly that they're willing to throw money at it, but not enough to put in the effort. Thankful to MFP and all the support here to help me get where I am today!
    _TEMPEST_ Posts: 205
    I find it really ironic that Sharon Osbourne is a spokesperson for the Atkins Diet....when she admittedly had lap band surgery (and then had it removed). What message does THAT send!?!
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    OP - this is what i was after today!

    Peoples ideas of quick fixes really bug me, i makes me feel cheated that i am doing it the long and slow way.

    I am learning what to put in my mouth and how to move about and how to play.

    Others get to go nothing but push go on the microwave and are expecting me to congratulate there loss.

    Once they reach goal the go back to square one.. they know nothing about how their body works, what to eat and how to be healthy.

    One girl i work with has had a big loss using one of these programs and i snubbed it. She knows nothing about cooking , hates the gym and is all a bit clueless.

    It feels like a smack in the face sometimes.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Everyone knows how to lose weight and be healthy. It's a not new phenomenon that people are completely oblivious to. It's the damaging mentality and influence of the media that deceive people into believing they can reach their goals without hard work.

    No, we don't. Or we wouldn't have an obesity problem in America. The science is not new - but all these "miracle fixes" are and people think that they work. I don't think there is adequate education on nutrition (at least in US schools). I admit being a college graduate and not knowing basic nutrition. So I am working with a nutritionist to educate myself. If I had done this years ago I would have saved myself a lot of trouble. Not only do people not know about nutrition, they no longer know how to prepare simple meals. Cooking is not something that is a basic course in most schools, and if your parents didn't really cook then chances are you won't either.
    Eating healthy is not rocket science - but if you never had any guidance on how to eat healthy, its incredibly confusing and intimidating. And all of the crazy marketing techniques now really make it very difficult to make healthy choices.
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    I was recently stunned by a good friend's post on Facebook about a Wrap Party where they go get their waists wrapped and "lose up to 6 inches" blah blah blah. Someone called BS, and the person selling this snake oil came back and said that the methodology "shrank fat cells".

    You're's very amazing that people want to lose weight so badly that they're willing to throw money at it, but not enough to put in the effort. Thankful to MFP and all the support here to help me get where I am today!

    Shrink fat cells?! I am so there! Where's my wallet? Oh wait it is empty I guess I will just have to try to watch what I eat and move more. . . stupid lack of money!
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I can sympathsise with someone wanting the quickest route to weight loss. The only thing I've ever tried like this is shakes..that lasted a week. My hand hovered over pills at the chemist at one stage because of someone I know losing weight that way. I didn't agree with it but boy I wanted to get it over n done with! She put it all back on and I was really sad for her. I knew from her experience that I had to accept it'll take time. That calmed me down. If I could give people anything from my own experience this's that it's not just the goal weight that is an start to feel empowered after the first five kilos and so on. When people start to notice it propels you on. So throughout the whole loss you feel great...dont have to lose the entire amount to get a high from it. It doesn't have to be a can be challenging but still enjoyable.

    I wish I could bottle what gave me the impetus to just begin. I'd give it to everyone.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Good on you.

    The funny part is after you lose the weight people will still refuse to believe you did it that way.

    "So what did you do? What's your secret?"

    "Diet and exercise. Counted my calories and started working out."

    "Yeah yeah, but really, what was it? What pills did you take? Did you cleanse? I bet you cleansed. And no way I could lose weight, I'd hate to give up bread. I've been watching Dr. Oz and ordered a bunch of stuff, so I should be in a bikini come summer!"

  • oceangirl37
    oceangirl37 Posts: 37 Member
    We all have different bodies and I do not see the value in judging or putting one another down for our methods. Counting calories and exercise is what I choose at this time but that does not mean that what another chooses is not right or that it cannot work.

    The internet is a very convenient way to throw out passive aggressive comments and not have to be held accountable for them. Perhaps we should just try to support one another and be proud of our accomplishments rather than looking down our noses.

    I can't support someone who uses non doctor prescribed diet pills. how does that teach someone to be healthy. I also won't support someone who dangerously lowers their calories or throws up their meals. or uses dangerous, fad diets. I'm not here to be supportive of unhealthy methods and I'll call it out when I see it
  • newlyf
    newlyf Posts: 20 Member
    I agree! I want to lose this weight for good. With MFP I am finally learning all about portion control and exercise. Yes it can at times be a little annoying when the weight comes off a little slow...but I am quickly learning....PATIENCE IS KEY! There have been days when I see no change or even a slight change for the worse....then there are days when I see positive changes that are wonderful. If it takes me a year, so be it. There's one thing I know for sure...once it is will NEVER be back! :drinker:

    Anyone that agrees with me...feel free to friend me. We will do this together!! :flowerforyou:
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I have been on the journey to lose weight. But i decided to do it the right way. count calories and exercise. And people seem to find it hard to believe this is all im doing. And yes im going to brag that its all about getting off your butt and moving! But its crazy the things im reading and seeing on tv. Juice diets? Eat special K and lose weight in 2 weeks! Take this supplement but yet its not evaluated by the FDA. Do this workout. Buy this membership or this piece of exercise equipment. And another that gets me is these food programs. How does that teach you how to live? It may work for some people. But do you want to be 60 and still converting your meals into points? Why is it that some people cant face reality that weight loss takes work, And why is it so hard to believe that you don't have to diet so to say. That you cant learn to eat normal everyday foods in a healthier way. And its so funny going through the weigh tloss sections of stores and seeing these drinks and bars that pack more calories then if you were to prepare the meals to begin with. it took time to learn habits and its going to take time to fix them. okkk. venting over!

    This is why you will succeed where a lot of people fail!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I was one of those gullible idiots who fell for a lot of claims, tried this and that, lost a little, gained it back and more.

    I tried calorie counting with SparkPeople off and on for YEARS. Couldn't stick with it more than a month.
    Then I found this website, and I've lost more than I have in a long time.

    People don't get that I'm not starving myself, that I'm not driving myself insane with numbers, and I'm not following another fad. It works!!
  • senami632
    senami632 Posts: 134 Member
    We all have different bodies and I do not see the value in judging or putting one another down for our methods. Counting calories and exercise is what I choose at this time but that does not mean that what another chooses is not right or that it cannot work.

    The internet is a very convenient way to throw out passive aggressive comments and not have to be held accountable for them. Perhaps we should just try to support one another and be proud of our accomplishments rather than looking down our noses.

    Exactly. I feel like everyone should just do what works for them and stop belly-aching and making a fuss about what the next person is doing.
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    I agree that most people want a quick fix. What kills me is that I know so many people who have started resolution diets and I KNOW they will lose weight faster than I am. But I just can't bring myself to care about that. I know mine will stay off.
  • a_masone
    a_masone Posts: 9 Member
    my favorite is Sensa... shake this on your pizza & ice cream & lose weight! hahah some of these "fad" products and programs blow my mind.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    We all have different bodies and I do not see the value in judging or putting one another down for our methods. Counting calories and exercise is what I choose at this time but that does not mean that what another chooses is not right or that it cannot work.

    The internet is a very convenient way to throw out passive aggressive comments and not have to be held accountable for them. Perhaps we should just try to support one another and be proud of our accomplishments rather than looking down our noses.

    This ^^
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    My faith in MFP members has been somewhat restored. Good post.
  • Dawn793
    Dawn793 Posts: 36 Member
    I totally agree! I have had people asking me how did you do it? Well I eat right and work out at least 4 days a week. I never had a day where I don't walk at least 5000 steps most days are between 6000 to 12000 a day. Diet's don't work, what works is eating the right amount of calories and moving your body! Why is this so hard! Don't cut out foods all foods are fine in moderation.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,808 Member
    my friend went on that alli crap and told me she needed to start them again because she put that weight back on, I just looked at her and was like seriously? :huh:
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    the "lose six pounds in two weeks on the special k diet" coming from my television yesterday made me go "what the ****?"
  • NatashaB8
    NatashaB8 Posts: 202
    I've tried Slimfast and Scottish Slimmers (which did help me to lose weight but I was eating way under what I should have, and put it back on) and the Special K diet.

    They all left me hungry and not enough energy to exercise! Now I eat more, not as much as I used to though, and exercise and the weight is coming off and staying off. Sure it takes longer but there is no quick fix that will last in the long run!