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Tall ladies out there? 5'10" and up?



  • emshields1
    emshields1 Posts: 208 Member
    I am 5'11" and weigh about 165. Just three months ago I weighed about 145. My high was 180 and my low was 135 as an adult. At 135 I was a size 6 and my hip bones stuck out about and inch when standing up. Can a tall woman be a size four...maybe...can she look healthy as a size four...mmmm...if she has a very fine bone structure, which most of us tall women do not have and not much muscle mass (skinny fat girl). I fight my body image because always known as a big girl because of my height. I am trying to learn to be happy with my height and weight. Good luck to all you tall women.
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    YES! Tall ladies! I'm 5'11" and currently weigh 170, but a couple Summers ago got down to 155. Desperately trying to get back there and to my goal of 150. My body tends to be "comfortable" with extra pounds especially around my hips. UGH!
  • jenane
    jenane Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am 6'0, size 12, and at the lowest weight I have been in a while- 179/180. Aiming for 160! I used this site last summer and it was great, but I am at the same place I was weight wise after gains and losses throughout the year! Ready to commit. Glad to see some other tall ladies!
    <3 Jenan
  • Good to see some other tall girls - this place seems full of dinky wee things aiming for clothing sizes I've never even been able to get a leg inside!
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Its amazing how we are all across the board with weight goals! while some are starting out at 170, some goals are 170, shoot mine is 185! whats a healthy weight goal? I am 5'11!
  • kdudz
    kdudz Posts: 39 Member
    For all of my adult life I have been that skinny fat girl. I weighed around 135 and was a size 6. I was thin but I had NO, ZERO, muscle. I would do cardio till the cows came home and wondered why I could never acheive that atheletic look. DUH!?

    It wasn't until I found MFP and started reading these forums that a light bulb went off and I realized that to have my body look strong and firm I needed to work out with weights. How could I have been so dumb all these years?

    So after getting married, and putting on 10 lbs while TTC, then getting pregnant, I am finally back down to my prepregnancy weight.

    Now my goal is to get back to 135... but I'll settle for 140 ish if that means I weigh more because I actually have muscle instead of fat this time.
  • Qwiss
    Qwiss Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'10" and started 2 weeks ago at 240lbs.
  • i'm 5ft 10 and 152lbs down from 284lbs. aiming for 140lbs
  • 5ft 9/10 here!!
  • positivelylisa
    positivelylisa Posts: 32 Member
    I'm about 5'10 and started around 221 (too many 'starts', but that is my highest weight) I'm currently 186.5 and my goal WAS always 174. The closer I get to it, them more I think 160-165 is where I'd like to land...we'll see how I feel then. The majority of my weight loss has occurred since November 2011.
  • I'm 5'10. I'm currently around 150, hoping to get down to 130-125 again.
  • I'm 5'11" and just starting out of the gate at 308 with a goal of around 165-170. I used to love being tall in my 20s/early 30s and would even wear heels, but now at 42 and with the addition of 140lbs I am self-conscious and want to be invisible. I am determined to walk down the street/in to a bar/around the department store or wherever with my head held high again.
  • I'm 5"10 but swear I am taller than that but according to a height start I am 179cm.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I'm 5' 11" as well.
    I started at 230.
    I'm down to 148 right now.
  • littlemeowmaid
    littlemeowmaid Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 5'10" & I'll be your fitness pal. Total goal was 22lbs i'm 6.8lbs down. (10kgs/3.1kgs down)
  • senami632
    senami632 Posts: 134 Member
    Hiiii :) I'm 6ft. Started at 248, now 206. Wanted to get down to 154, but I can see I may not need to go down that far...so maybe 170. I'll just keep seeing how it goes. Good luck, beautiful ones! xx
  • HI !! I'm 5'11 and I weigh around 11 stone 3 at the moment. This is a stone heavier than I've been all my life, I've always been 10stone (140lbs) , but went travelling last year and put on a stone and a half (around 20lbs) but its not really shifting !! I feel ive tried everything, but still keeping on hoping to get rid of it!!. Good luck tall ladies!! xx
  • bookangel89
    bookangel89 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, i'm 5ft 11 and had a starting weight of 217 pounds so have very similar stats to you. I'm currently at 214 pounds and have a goal weight (for now) of 180 pounds.
    I'm struggling at the moment because even on a normal day, without considering myself to be on a 'diet' I only eat about 1300 calories BUT I do a lot of exercise. I've been told that I actually don't eat enough as i'm burning off an extra 500 or so calories a day with exercise. Because of this apparently i'm in 'starvation mode' so my body has slowed down my metabolism in order to hang on to my 'fat stores'.
    I certainly don't starve myself...I actually eat A LOT but because I eat lots of healthy foods they tend not to be packed with fat/calories.

    So, I need to learn to eat more (strangely) and hopefully i'll start to lose the weight!

    It's great to have a little group of people with whom you can truly compare and share your stories with as we have similar stats.

    Michelle x

    I am 6ft and currently weigh 208..my GW is about 185-180, the weight I was when my fiance and I started dating. I eat about 1900 calories a day. Is 1300 what MFP suggested? It may be that you don't have an active job? Feel free to friend me and we can work together! I know personally I don't always eat the healthiest but when I really track what I eat and make sure I exercise about 4 times a week and I easily lose a pound a week....
  • kateyharris9998
    kateyharris9998 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5'11". We will never be 120 lbs...or should never be. My goal is 145, which is lean for our height.
  • I'm 5'10". Started out 229, CW 210, GW about 160.