Any 40 somethings out there?



  • fabfee
    fabfee Posts: 2
    I`m 46 and have another 3 Stone to lose!! Just came back to MFP after a very long absence. Feel free to add :smile:
  • JuveMom
    JuveMom Posts: 12
    Me! I'm 46 and looking to LOSE IT! Add me, I'm new!
  • GottaHavePav
    GottaHavePav Posts: 22 Member
    48 here and I wish I only had 20 lbs to lose! I would love to support you and hope you'll do the same!
  • Hi
    Feel free to add me. I have lost 20 lbs since the third week of November. My accountability is that I record everything I eat on MFP and I also started doing Zumba classes. I originally started twice a week with my goal this week to do five of them...last week I did four. I also just put my running shoes on again and logged 4 miles at the local park in 50 min. which was a combo of run till I couldn't breath...walk briskly until I could again. Hoping to improve my time each week. I am also doing a 1 hour Zumba Toning class every week but really feel that as an over 40 woman I need a gym to lift weights on a regular basis. We lose so much muscle mass after 40.
    Anyway good luck and I hope to hear from you :)
    Sherene 43
  • kyedo
    kyedo Posts: 83 Member
    Hey I am 48 and just found this site. Looking to get back into running after a 3 month, injury induced layoff. Also planning on adding some weight training to try to build some muscle.

    Interested in building a group of similar minded friends on MFP, to help each other with ideas and motivation.
  • Just turned 40, ready to get some of this weight off so I can have energy again. I need to have someone hold me accountable, and push me. I would like to lose 30 pounds to reach my goal weight.
  • Tmac38
    Tmac38 Posts: 7
    Hi I'm 40, just starting out my WLJ, I have been up and down several times over the years. I'm ready to do this the right, healthy way and use friends for support! Add me :)
  • Hello to all of you. I am 48 and I need to be a healthier me. I am trying not to focus on the amount of weight I would like to lose. My main reason for changing my lifestyle is to be healthier. I have been setting small goals for myself everyday. It has been easy to reach those goals since they are small. I did find and join this site three days ago, that was a goal that I made and accomplished. I began my plan by giving up soda. That was done on New Years Eve but it was not a resolution. I did not make any resolutions. I have not missed the soday one bit. Now I drink water, orange juice and fruit and yogurt smoothies. The smoothies are great, I have one a day but it is 2 and 1/2 servings. It is a fantastic lunch as it is very satisfying and keeps you feeling full for a long time. I love them. I started walking on 1/5 and have increased the lenght of my walk to 2 miles at a moderate to slow pace in the morning, walking the dogs. I bring the dogs home and I do 2 miles at a brisk pace. I increased this slowly, each increase I made a goal and it was motivating when I reached each one. I am sticking to this for a little while. I have a goal of doing the brisk 2 miles in 30 minutes. Right now I am doing it in 45. I was awful when it came to eating healthy and with my depression (have suffered major depression for about 10 years) it is going to take me some time to create healthy meals on my own. I had been eating a lot of processed foods because they are quick to make and eat. So here I go! We are all in this journey together, I want to have fun on the way. Good luck to all of you, I know we are on the right track, I also like this site a lot.
  • Hi Im new on year, looking for inspiration and motivation. I am 41 yrs old, who is recently separated and just had hurnia surgery. Its hard for me to ask for help, or motivation. I am usually the one motivating and love doing it. :)
    But its time to get back on track and feel good for me.
    Please feel free to add me as your friend, and start our journey together.:glasses:
  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    40 here. I always welcome new friends for friendship, support and motivation. Feel free to add me. :happy:
  • jamie610811
    jamie610811 Posts: 1,735 Member
    49 and 24 months add me if you like :-)
  • Yes..I am over here.... LOL..Well I will be in a few days..I am struggling to lose 20 lbs...I am short so it is important that i do lose this weight, I started the 30 day shred and its a A** kicker ( Iam a ex smoker)...But we can all be here for each other we all know it is harder as we get older so we need that support..
  • darcyinmo
    darcyinmo Posts: 129 Member
    Hi! I just started recently too and am looking for buddies to do this with! Feel free to add me!:happy:
  • Hi I am new to this site as well and looking for buddies to add. I gave up the smokes and put on almost 20 pounds! Started back in the gym ... feel free to add me
  • Michael21268
    Michael21268 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm about to turn 45 and just restarted on MFP. I did weight watchers online last year and lost 20lbs in 3 months but due to a personal tragedy put it all back on. I'm diabetic. I have a open food diary. Could definitely use motivation and support as I really don't get any from family.
  • TCondor
    TCondor Posts: 88
    I'm 48 and have been doing this for a few months down along with my wife. I've lost 12lbs so far and have another 40-ish to go.

    MFP has been a major source of inspiration for us. Always looking for more couples to share tips and motivation. If you're interested, send out a FR.

    Good luck
  • Hi! I am 47, this is day 2 for me. Also shooting for 15 to 20 pound loss by summertime. Married for 15 years, 12 year old son, happy and healthy, but nowhere near the size I used to be. I also struggle for motivation, as my hubby always says he likes me the way I am. My son is underweight, so I have to cook pasta and loads of calories for him. But it's not doing me any good, LOL. The problem is, I don't like myself this way. My name is Ellen, and I live in DE. Would love a few online pals for encouragement.
  • I'm 45! Single Mom of 3 busy boys...bad marriage and ugly divorce took a toll on my life and now I have 50 lbs to lose. I have been eating better since July of this year and have lost about 18 lbs without really putting in any effort. Today...I invested in myself and started a plan involving EFFORT! Add me up...I am a veteran of Weight Watchers (used after all of my kids)...but MFP is free! and is almost identical to WW online site. Yay!
  • kvg1210
    kvg1210 Posts: 35
    47, for the first time in my life got real poorly - now I need to sort out my health before its too late - got over 100lbs to lose but taking it 20lbs at a time - this is my fourth day on Diet Chef and so far so good - I'm hoping to start using my elliptical cross trainer next week after approval from the doc so hopefully that will encourage me as well - anyone can add me if they like feel free :flowerforyou:
  • marinemomx2
    marinemomx2 Posts: 143 Member
    I am 47 and have lost 66 lbs and am working on those last few stubborn lbs. Would love to help you reach your goals and motivate you along the way :smile: