the way people are trying to lose weight



  • SoulReckoning
    SoulReckoning Posts: 48 Member
    ETA: I actually think Weight Watchers is probably a better program for many people who have no clue about nutrition. MFP does nothing to teach us about nutrition and how much fruits and veggies we should eat or how much lean protein, etc. Weight Watchers at least promotes eating X servings of fruits and veggies, eating X servings of dairy, X servings of healthy oils and choosing whole grains and lean proteins when possible. How mahy people on MFP have posted that they are struggling and then when their diaries are brought to light it's obvious they have no clue about eating healthily? Just because you can eat at a calorie deficit doesn't mean you know how to be healthy.

    I agree. A person can eat 1500 calories a day of McDonald's vs a guy who eats 1500 calories a day of healthy stuff. Doesn't make 1st guy as healhty as the 2nd. Calorie deficits aren't the only factor is Fat/Weight loss. There's another lack of information part, weight loss doesn't necessarily mean FAT Loss. It's not "common sense" to everyone. Like I said earlier, I grew up eating very unhealthily because I didn't know any better. My paren'ts today still think their overweight bodies are fine. Some people are ignorant...NOT STUPID...but ignorant in the sense that they just don't know. So, when people decide to use plans like Weight Watchers or South Beach, it is better than nothing and we shouldn't judge.
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    We all have different bodies and I do not see the value in judging or putting one another down for our methods. Counting calories and exercise is what I choose at this time but that does not mean that what another chooses is not right or that it cannot work.

    The internet is a very convenient way to throw out passive aggressive comments and not have to be held accountable for them. Perhaps we should just try to support one another and be proud of our accomplishments rather than looking down our noses.

    All she's trying to say is quick fixes are just that... QUICK fixes. They QUICKLY go away, too. You are eventually going to want more than a chocolate covered protein bar for breakfast or some frozen lean cuisine meal for lunch. Most of the stuff out there is no good long term, and it keeps people yo-yoing all of their lives. These companies that make these weight loss pills and special "weight loss" foods aren't looking to help you make a change in your life, they are helping you set up to fail and come back to them later. They want your MONEY, not your health.

    The internet is also a very convenient way to act like a snob with minimal backlash. They made a point and you're mad, I understand. But no one is looking down on you, they are just saying what your doing is most likely not going to work. It's not a lifestyle change, it's a fad diet or pill you can't live on.

    Don't be so sensitive.
  • lisa9803
    Everyone knows how to lose weight and be healthy. It's a not new phenomenon that people are completely oblivious to. It's the damaging mentality and influence of the media that deceive people into believing they can reach their goals without hard work.

    I agree with this.
  • NSP85
    NSP85 Posts: 27
    Ya I see my roomie doing extreme dieting all the time. Her parents are really on her about losing weight because she won't get a boyfreind otherwise. I'm not lying, they truely believe that to get a guy you have to be thin. So her mom pushes her to do these diets. Eating just protein and yogurt or this HDC diet (I think it's called that) where you take these drops throughout the day to supress your appetite and you eat just 500 calories. The 'drop' diet made her lose 20lbs but one poutine later and she gained back 3lbs in a day and then packed on all the 20lbs and more. I see her lunches she brings to work and their small and really not enough for a grown adult to eat. I'm never suprised when I see her at night eating a whole bag of chips to herself. She goes through phases all the time and always complains about her weight but never really puts a lot of effort into being healthy. She knows the reality that to lose weight you have to eat healthy and work out, it's not rocky science but maybe her fantasy world is more comforting.

    I hope that she'll eventually make a good change and stop buying into the fads. But she needs to find her own path. Maybe I can be her inspiration :)
  • Sweet_Pea0107
    I completely agree with the op. I tried all the "quick fixes" although they don't really fix anything. I ended up in the hospital after my body got tired of me abusing it. I started eating healthy and exercising and actually learned how to properly fuel my body and now I am successful. Sometimes it takes people longer to accept there is no "magic bulletK for weightloss. It takes patience, hard work and a lifestyle change.

    I have gotten to the point I don't even like answering people when they ask how I did it. Most seem to be disappointed when they find out they actually have to put work in.

    Example: My husband has an aunt who is morbidly obsese. She fits the requirements for WLS however she has not been able to prove that she can stay on any kind of weight management plan therefore her insurance will not pay for the surgery. When I was losing she asked me how I was being so successfull. I simple said I eat healthy and exercise. She immediately lost interest and stated that she was hoping I was going to say something different. Really? She doesn't want to have to do anything. She wants an easy solution and untill she wakes up there is no use in trying to help her. Even potion control would do a lot for her but again she would have to do something and make an effort. Some people may never get it, and some will I guess.
  • mmwoods307
    Okay, I have lost and gained 15lbs over the past year. Currently attempting to do this again due to none of my work pants fitting. anyway, I have a pretty hard time waking up in the morning to run. an energy type supplement helps get me up and going. Using purely for the wakeup call has helped me get on a routine. I have had touble with making sure to have things handy to eat every couple of hours. I work a lot and Running in the morning at 5AM and going boxing in the evenings, i dont have a ton of time to get things ready for snacks/healthy meals. I am making it work as much as i can. Dont put people down for the way they lose weight. Some want a quick fix to get on track and maintain. Sometimes you just need a cupcake
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    I don't think it's necessarily a "quick fix", some folks just like the structure of prepared diets. Replacing you morning cinnamon roll & mocha with Special K and a black coffee will help reduce their caloric intake without any weighing, measuring, thinking.

    Personally, I loved having a protein green monster for breakfast every morning because I wasn't thinking about it. Eating the same thing (whether 2 eggs for brekkie & a salad for lunch or a Slim-fast shake for brekkie and lunch) makes weightloss very easy and can be sustainable.

    Stop being a weightloss elitest!
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    Agreed. People are always desperately disappointed when they ask me how I have lost weight and I reply 'eating less and moving more'. They want me to tell them about some 'magic' weightloss idea!

    This exactly, it takes hard work but people dont want to work hard, but I am a little confused by the diet fads that require you eat 500 calories a day, why are people willing to do that but not willing to eat 1200 and exercise?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    you should smile.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    Totally agree, however yesterday i experienced the nasty side of this site with people making unkind comments about people having hypnosis to HELP THEM EAT LESS CALORIES. You do it through sheer willpower. I cant, does that make my way of eating less calories wrong? No!

    I wish they would realize that all hypnosis does is help you get in touch with and harness your own willpower. That's it. It's not magic or woo-woo.*

    *I actually do hypnotherapy with smoking cessation, pre-surgery jitters for children, and needle-phobia (our peds patients have to get a lot of needlesticks -- the ones I've worked with don't scream or cry anymore).
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    bump to read later
  • LexThaSongbyrd
    LexThaSongbyrd Posts: 63 Member
    I find it really ironic that Sharon Osbourne is a spokesperson for the Atkins Diet....when she admittedly had lap band surgery (and then had it removed). What message does THAT send!?!

    With weight loss surgery, due to the emphasis on high protein and less space in the tummy, by default, you become a low carber. So I'm not surprised she would be working with Atkins. She was used to low carbing due to the surgery, whether she had it removed or not. The low carbing is one of the biggest things that would have assisted her with the weight loss with lapband and she may have maintained that way of life even after having it removed. I'm glad she got it removed though. Those lapbands have caused horrible injuries and health issues for people.
  • mcrower
    mcrower Posts: 37 Member
    For some reason, I always think of Oprah when I see or hear these kind of things! You know, she is one of the richest people in the world, yet she is over weight and is open about her constant struggle with weight loss. Here this woman has all the money in the world and could buy any type of weight loss gimmick, any type of diet special item....and yet....

    I think it just gets back to the old and true stand by: clean eating and hard exercise!!!!!
  • TammyS327
    TammyS327 Posts: 134 Member
    Is there a single one of us that has not done some type of exercise program, diet program, pill, or fad diet? I say do what works for you. I know people that have lost a lot of weight using the points system. Also know one that lost on the pre-packaged mail order meals. Some people just do not have the willpower to count calories and exercise without the motivation of a program. After all isn't this site a "program"? If you could do it on your own with no support and no help or ideas you wouldn't be fat or out of shape and wouldn't be here. So instead of knocking people for trying "fad" diets or whatever, how about praising them for seeing that they need to change and are willing to try. Eventually they will find out it takes work. Best of luck to everyone.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    There's an old Zen saying: "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

    Those who are looking for a quick fix or magic secret aren't ready yet to hear the teaching you have to do. They may NEVER be ready. I've spent a lot of years not dieting or trying to lose weight. I knew what I needed to do (pretty much what we are all doing here) but didn't have the motivation.

    People who go for the pills, the cleanses, the quick fixes, are (I think, anyway) trying to avoid knowing that weight loss and being healthy isn't quick or easy and is going to take a little effort on their part. They don't want to expend that time or effort.