Totally random... pierced ears for baby?



  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I bet when the OP created this post she didn't think she would also get tons of opinions on circumsion for her non-boy infant.... :laugh: :laugh:

    Lol, I do feel bad about that. She's going to come back to all these opinions
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I've had 42 piercings, but for babies, i don't get it. I see people with their baby girls with pieced ears and they ask when am I doing my daughters. the way I see it is it's unnecessary pain for them. i'm dreading her shots this week and that's just that. piercings get infected and so many other things. if she wants them when shes older, fine, but I don't understand babies.
  • The only problem is that sometimes the piercer will pierce too low at that young of an age. You want to make sure that the hole is up higher, the bigger the ear, the less likely they will pierce too low.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Should be illegal in my opinion. There's no valid argument for having it done to a child so young it can't make the decision itself.

    How many people think this go out and circumcise their boys? And that's permanent!

    Jeez, it's pierced EARS folks... as in, those tiny holes that close up automatically if you don't put anything in them.

    My daughter had them done as a baby, isn't scarred for life, and she loves them.

    Ummmmmm.....comparing pierced ears to circumcision??? Circumcision is a health and hygiene issue. Pierced ears are just for looks. And circumcision isn't really something you'd want to wait until later in life to do. Inflicting pain on a helpless infant just to make them "look pretty" is pretty twisted. You should wait until they are older and able to properly care for them to make the decision themselves whether or not they want to wear earrings.

    How is circumcision a health and hygiene issue? I'm sure only Americans think that. The majority of boys don't get circumcised in the UK and they have no issues!

    It's totally an American thing. Everyone I know with boys has had them cut. They all talked about it with their spouses and came to the decision because they wanted to son to look like dad in case he had questions. Cut or not, little boys parts don't look anything like adult man parts, but whatever. Anyway, you always hear people ranting about how it's a health thing when they try to defend their position but it's mostly about how this culture thinks boy parts are supposed to look and partly because people just don't know how to care for uncut boy parts. They tend to over-clean which causes infection and then wind up doing a late cut, which is awful and traumatizing, and then blame it on the dirty foreskin, which isn't the problem. Glad I have a lady bits and no one tried to slice mine apart!
  • crush86
    crush86 Posts: 113 Member
    I had both of my girls done when they were 3 months old. My oldest is 5 now and just got her second holes done. It isn't permanent...if she doesn't like them at anytime she can take them out. :)
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    My entire community seems to be into piercing babies ears and I think it's terrible. It's all done for looks, the parent's preference rather than the baby. Really, having pierced ears is totally impractical for babies. While it's healing, they have to sleep on it & feel shirts rub against it when their shirt is being pulled off their head. Babies often pull at ears and they have been known to pull out earrings and actually swallow them.

    I would not do it because I'd rather my baby be comfortable and happy instead of in pain and trendy.
  • laurenkoszola
    laurenkoszola Posts: 101 Member
    Should be illegal in my opinion. There's no valid argument for having it done to a child so young it can't make the decision itself.

    How many people think this go out and circumcise their boys? And that's permanent!

    Jeez, it's pierced EARS folks... as in, those tiny holes that close up automatically if you don't put anything in them.

    My daughter had them done as a baby, isn't scarred for life, and she loves them.

    ^ AGREED.

    I had my daughter's ears pierced at the age of 6 months old and she doesn't think twice about them now. She's 8 by the way. She loves switching out her earrings whenever she wants, so I feel I made the right decision.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Should be illegal in my opinion. There's no valid argument for having it done to a child so young it can't make the decision itself.

    How many people think this go out and circumcise their boys? And that's permanent!

    Jeez, it's pierced EARS folks... as in, those tiny holes that close up automatically if you don't put anything in them.

    My daughter had them done as a baby, isn't scarred for life, and she loves them.

    Ummmmmm.....comparing pierced ears to circumcision??? Circumcision is a health and hygiene issue. Pierced ears are just for looks. And circumcision isn't really something you'd want to wait until later in life to do. Inflicting pain on a helpless infant just to make them "look pretty" is pretty twisted. You should wait until they are older and able to properly care for them to make the decision themselves whether or not they want to wear earrings.

    Circumcision is for looks...ask any dr.

    And my girls cried way more over putting on tights than when they got their ears pierced. Lol

    You put TIGHTS on your BABY!?!??! You MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!:angry:


    There's a lot of strong language being bantered around in this's jewelry, folks. Really NOT as life-altering as some of your reactions would warrant.....
  • slhall0822
    slhall0822 Posts: 128 Member
    Wow. Ask for advice and MFPers step up LOL. Thanks for all of the suggestions and comments. I think I will most likely wait until she wants it done and understands what is involved. Not because I think I'll emotionally scar her if I get her ears pierced now, or because I'm concerned about making a decision for my baby (as parents, we do that all the time anyway)... but mainly because I see no reason to get it done other than "it's cute" (that is also my husband's one and only argument). The cons WAY outweigh the pros in my opinion. Possible infections, she could pop one out and swallow it (she's definitely in the teething stage and is putting EVERYTHING in her mouth), not to mention the pain... even if it's quick... I still don't want to cause her pain just because I want her to look cute. She's cute without the earrings. Thanks for the feedback everyone!
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    We pierced my daughters ears at about 6 months old. In my husbands hispanic family all the baby girls get their ears pierced. We make sure to never buy cheap earrings that may irritate her ears, and she has never had one problem with them. She never pulled on her ears or earrings as a toddler. She likes having her ears pierced and she is 7 now.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    Ok heres what I did with my two girls - I have pierced ears got them done when I about 6 or 7 . My oldest had hers done when she asked when she was 7 then wanted them taken out less then 6 mths afterwards because they 'bugged' her - she begged for over a year to have them done.
    For my youngest now 6 - she was 5 we did them this last summer - she has asked to have "holes in her ears for pretty jewels" since she was 3 (has always been a girly girl) she still has hers in and loves them

    My advice wait until they ask what if your child decides when they are older they never wanted earings etc.. though when you do go have them done at the same time with two different people that way theres only one time stick and they don't jump out of hte chair after the first side is done and refuse to have the second ear done.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Wow. Ask for advice and MFPers step up LOL. Thanks for all of the suggestions and comments. I think I will most likely wait until she wants it done and understands what is involved. Not because I think I'll emotionally scar her if I get her ears pierced now, or because I'm concerned about making a decision for my baby (as parents, we do that all the time anyway)... but mainly because I see no reason to get it done other than "it's cute" (that is also my husband's one and only argument). The cons WAY outweigh the pros in my opinion. Possible infections, she could pop one out and swallow it (she's definitely in the teething stage and is putting EVERYTHING in her mouth), not to mention the pain... even if it's quick... I still don't want to cause her pain just because I want her to look cute. She's cute without the earrings. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    You also got tons of advice on any future circumsions you may or not plan as well... :laugh:

    Good luck with the teething. My daughter just got through teething her third and working on her fourth....
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    I wish I still had my foreskin :(
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    Here's my piece.
    My mom let me get mine done when I was like 12 or 13.
    Got infected, had a terrible reaction.
    Tried again at 14 then 16.
    At 16 ripped one completely through my lobe after it got hooked in a sweater. That felt so awesome that I took the other one out and tossed the sweater.
    Now I'm almost 30 and I've just given up. I've worn clip-ons for people's weddings, it's no biggie.

    Personally, I wouldn't make a baby cry just for the sake of earrings. Also if she happens to be allergic, that would be a fun way to find out.
  • slhall0822
    slhall0822 Posts: 128 Member
    Wow. Ask for advice and MFPers step up LOL. Thanks for all of the suggestions and comments. I think I will most likely wait until she wants it done and understands what is involved. Not because I think I'll emotionally scar her if I get her ears pierced now, or because I'm concerned about making a decision for my baby (as parents, we do that all the time anyway)... but mainly because I see no reason to get it done other than "it's cute" (that is also my husband's one and only argument). The cons WAY outweigh the pros in my opinion. Possible infections, she could pop one out and swallow it (she's definitely in the teething stage and is putting EVERYTHING in her mouth), not to mention the pain... even if it's quick... I still don't want to cause her pain just because I want her to look cute. She's cute without the earrings. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    You also got tons of advice on any future circumsions you may or not plan as well... :laugh:

    Good luck with the teething. My daughter just got through teething her third and working on her fourth....

    LOL... yeah, wasn't expecting that. Good to know in case we ever have a boy in the future ;)
  • my mom had my ears pierced for cultural reasons when i was too young to know what was going on.

    No, they do not close when you get something pierced that young and grow up with earrings in them. I'm 30 and I can leave them for YEARS at a time - they will never close.

    I didn't so much have a problem with the piercing of the ears themselves, but as I grew old enough to have awareness about my body and decisions about my body, I seriously questioned my mother's sheep-like decision to have holes punched in my body for the sake of "that's how we do it", when she's so very much against holes punched in other parts of the body for no other reason than "that's not how we do it".

    I also have my tongue pierced, both tragi, and an orbital, but they were my choice to make and my mother is vehemently against. I hardly ever wear anything in my initial ear piercings anymore because they weren't my decision.
  • I pierced my daughters ears at 7 months.

    1.) She kept being called a boy, she had SHORT SHORT hair.

    2.) My mom waited until I was 5. But I found out I was allergic to certain ear rings.

    It does not bother her now. I like her ear rings. So cute. Do what you want. If you won't want to wait then don't. But if you do then do it.

    If it bothers you that people call her a boy, put a frilly headband on her, or dress her in pink? That is not a reason to give her a piercing, to make YOU feel better. I'm sure it's cute and all, but don't act like you were doing it for her, because I am sure that being called a boy didn't bother her. Gagagoogoo.
  • hazedot
    hazedot Posts: 111 Member
    When your daughter is old enough to ask for them done, then she's old enough to understand what will happen. I didn't get mine done til I was 8, but that's how old I was when I chose to ask. I mean that's just my opinion, but I know I won't be getting my baby girls ears pierced until she asks me or her Dad for it to be done.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    My ear piercing (in my teens) made me develop a metals allergy. Kids are more prone to allergies than adults; on the off chance that she'd develop an allergic reaction, I'd wait.

    People are actually more prone to develop allergies in the early 20's....
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    My mom let me pierce my ears at 13. It was my first year of high school and I wanted to wear pretty earrings like everyone else. She told me if I do good on my exams, I can get my ears pierced. Well... I got my ears pierced!! :) And my mom got a good report card.