What was your WORST binge ever?



  • XxfitforeverxX
    2 slices of Pumpkin Pie, 5 tablespoon of peanut butter drizzled with honey, 2 cups coffee and a granola bar.
    Wow. Now that I look at it...very odd.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I don't think I really binge at all. That kind of sounds painful, at least what I'm reading here does. Does it take a few days to get over something like that? Like does it affect your digestion, movements and stuff?

    It effects me. I feel bloated and like I have a gut full of lead.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    I've got a funny one...After a night of drinking my 2 roommates and I went to 7/11 and bought a 4 litre jug of chocolate milk, chocolate bars, ice cream, chips, toquitos, nachos, and wings. We got home, ate what we wanted and then threw the rest in the garbage. I woke up in the middle of the night, dug through the trash can and grabbed the wings... and ate them haha. My roommates came out of their rooms for some reason and BUSTED me eating the food from the garbage. SOOOOO humiliated lol. It has never been talked about since that night but I know they will NEVER forget.
  • emobarbie7
    the main thing that comes up...since I started on MFP, is if I buy a big bag of TWIZZLERS I will eat the whole bag in about 10 mins...BUT...it turns out that the first ingredient in TWIZZLERS is wheat...and recently I found out that I have a gluten problem... LOL...so who knows WHAT I really did to my body.....it was only about 1100 cals...and I didn't have anything else that day to eat, so I stayed close to my limit...I checked my blood sugar, because I used to be prediabetic and taken off my meds...but still had my testing stuff...it didn't really raise my blood sugar that much, and the scale only moved 1/2 pound.... so I guess I didn't do that much harm.. but THAT was before I discovered the gluten issue...maybe that binge helped to bring it to a head...

    OMG twizzlers are my weakness, can't buy them anymore, I will eat them all
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I ought 3 boxes of Skinny Cow frozen treats. Each had 6 treats in them and I ate them in one night. i know thisd isn't anything like what you all have stated
  • emobarbie7
    20 bananas, 4 cans of chocolate frosting. One case of dates.

    All in one sitting.

    20 Bananas! How? Why?

    mmmm, I would have cut up the bananas, mixed them with frosting....finished and then ate the dates so I could get it out the next morning lmao
    lmao I wish my worst binge day included 20 bananas and a case of dates!
  • XxfitforeverxX
    20 bananas, 4 cans of chocolate frosting. One case of dates.

    All in one sitting.

    20 Bananas! How? Why?

    mmmm, I would have cut up the bananas, mixed them with frosting....finished and then ate the dates so I could get it out the next morning lmao
    lmao I wish my worst binge day included 20 bananas and a case of dates!

    Wow.... 20 bananas. Banana cream pie!!!!
  • Brianna72994
    Ive never really had a binging problem.

    One day I drank two huge bottles of mountain dew.

    And another day I ate like three or four servings of ramen noodles.. I cant even imagine all the sodium in that!
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    The one I regret the most was when I was single and living by myself. I made an entire pot of chili with 6 cans beans, 3 pounds ground beef, onion, canned tomatoes, spices, etc. Then I ate the whole pot. With cheese, crackers, and sour cream.

    I worked from home for two days after that.

    This reminds me of a time when I was younger. I was maybe 16 years old. I spent the night at my great grandmothers house. I went into her cupboard and ate several cans of green beans, then a pile of chocolate chips and marshmallows... oh and an entire box of prunes. I paid for that one.

    Both of these sound painful!!!!
  • terracotti
    terracotti Posts: 101 Member
    can I ask something? how do you guys feel when it occurs? I heard it was a way to cope with depression, but the concept is really foreign to me. I mean, eating is certainly the last thing I want to do when depressed or sad.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    Two different ones come to mind: A whole container of Oreos and a half gallon of chocolate ice cream. After each, I destroyed the evidence and replaced the "food". I remain ashamed of this behavior.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    I spent a week in Hawaii in 2008. What a week it was. Ate and drank everything in site. I weighed myself before I left. Then on my second to last day there I went skydiving. They charge extra if you are over 200 lbs and I was pushing 210 lbs at the time. When they weighed me I clocked in at 222 lbs!!! I had gained 12 lbs in 6 days!! crazy, but I loved every delicious moment of it :)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Oh boy there's been a few... Sometimes I would buy the store-made big cookies with the sprinkles on them and hide them in my room.. They would be gone by the end of the day... At Dairy Queen I couldn't decide what I wanted so I'd get a medium blizzard and some soft serve with the cherry shell and sometimes have both in 1 day.. At Dunkin Donuts- 2 donuts and a ham/egg/cheese bagel sandwich in 1 sitting.. A couple times I've caved since those days, but fortunately not that often.
  • dr3w_s
    dr3w_s Posts: 88 Member
    - A large special fried rice from chinese takeaway and 5 pieces of chicken from KFC
    - Whole large pizza from pizza hut and a garlic bread
    - A slow cooked pork belly with a mountain of rice
    - A tub of 1 litre ice cream
    - A whole rack of ribs and fries
  • lma0423
    lma0423 Posts: 78 Member
    pretty much any time I eat pizza with my family. Not so much with friends, its kinda embarrassing how much I can eat.

    I also tend to binge on cereal, specifically frosted flakes, not sure why but I just cant get enough
  • canadiandee
    canadiandee Posts: 196 Member
    The one I regret the most was when I was single and living by myself. I made an entire pot of chili with 6 cans beans, 3 pounds ground beef, onion, canned tomatoes, spices, etc. Then I ate the whole pot. With cheese, crackers, and sour cream.

    I worked from home for two days after that.

    Bwahahaha. Ok, this one made me laugh. :laugh:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    can I ask something? how do you guys feel when it occurs? I heard it was a way to cope with depression, but the concept is really foreign to me. I mean, eating is certainly the last thing I want to do when depressed or sad.

    Food, especially foods containing dairy and sugar, can act as mood elevators temporarily. Also, for many, eating good food is a very enjoyable experience and a distraction from emotions.

    Of course, that is before the inevitable hangover and crash the next day, and trying to battle off further intense cravings for more junk.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    i went to burger king and had a whopper combo (all large sizes) then went to mcd's and had a big mac combo and a sundae... an hour later my sister called and invited me to olive garden. Where I then had 4 glasses of rasp lemonaid, a bowl of zuppa tuscona, and spaghetti and meatballs. winner here lol
  • jennifermartini
    jennifermartini Posts: 14 Member
    Oh so many to count - One of the worst would be Mc Chicken with Extra Sauce, Big Mac, Large fries with 6 mc chicken sauces, Large Fruitopia, apple pie and hot fudge sundae. BARF.

    Have eaten a pound of gourmet chocolate in 1 sitting a few times.
  • jennifermartini
    jennifermartini Posts: 14 Member