Lose 10 lbs by 2/28/13



  • ty :)
    Loss/gain this week: -1.5
    amount left to meet goal: 8.5lbs
    Strengths: did cardio every other day
    Weaknesses: eating late at night
    Goal for this week: continue working out and work on not eating past 10 pm

    Great job! :)
  • Jaselygirl
    Jaselygirl Posts: 74 Member
    I will join in! I'm Julie.

    I am at my highest weight in almost ten years and honestly - it really snuck up on me in the last six months! So, I need to get that pesky ten back off!!!!! I am also training for a half marathon in April which makes it actually a bit more challenging for me because I get extra hungry when I run more.....


    Current weight: 150

    celiac so generally eat a lower carb type diet
    going to try to really restrict my alcohol to 0-3 glasses of red wine per week instead of the 5-6 I was drinking!
    no candy, sugar, ice cream, treats!

    We can all work together! :) (don't forget to "treat" yourself in ways other than food to reward yourself)
  • courtneysmummy
    courtneysmummy Posts: 40 Member
    Mine for this week is (I weigh-in on a Wednesday):-

    Loss/gain this week: -4lb
    amount left to meet goal: 6lbs
    Strengths: Watched what I was eating but didn't totally deprive myself of things
    Weaknesses: Had a chocolate bar and ice-cream
    Goal for this week: To exercise more regular and to maintain what I'm eating
  • optimisticShark
    optimisticShark Posts: 136 Member
    I am in too... I started working out on 7th of this month and plan was to reduce 10lbs around 11th Feb. But sometimes I miss working out so hoping to reduce the same by end of Feb.
  • onyxwood
    onyxwood Posts: 45 Member
    definitely count me in! are we starting today.......list starting weight?
  • onyxwood
    onyxwood Posts: 45 Member
    i lost 2lbs last week, but i dont want to count that because it was the 2 that i had gained the previous week - lol.
    so i will start this week with a SW of 238lbs........10lbs to go!!!
  • Can i join too please?

    Could people please also write what they are eating during the day so I know if i'm following this plan correctly.

    THanks :)
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    Down 3.2 this week, 7.6 down from Jan 1st
  • cre8freedom
    cre8freedom Posts: 63 Member
    Count me in!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    sounds good
  • razzlinroses
    razzlinroses Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to join too! Any helpful tips you can share? I'll do the same!
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    This sounds great!

    Last week:

    Weight: -1.4 lbs
    To Goal: 8.6 lbs
    Strengths: Tracked calories every day even when I knew I was going to blow my totals :)
    Weaknesses: Gave in to a craving for a Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich on a day I didn't have the calories to spare.
    Goals: Yoga twice this week, cardio every other day, keep tracking calories
  • count me in too!!! :) I am using Isagenix products & just started to incorporate Creation's Garden products... upping my protein & monounsaturated fats, upping my raw veggies & continuing to change up my workouts weekly so my body breaks the plateau! I also need to jumpstart as I got a bit lax at the holidays & ate way too many easily accessible treats. :)
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    I'm in... that's the day before my bday... my goal weight date lol! ideally I want a stone off but I'm toning too so unsure what my ideal toned weight is going to be? But if you have any hints and tips, send them my way xx
  • sounds like a great plan!
  • JulieSpf
    JulieSpf Posts: 8 Member
    Just reporting back.... doing really well so far. I've been sticking to my running plan which has me going 3-5 miles about 5 days a week. Sometimes I have one day with a longer run. I have been tracking my food in MFP too and I'm glad that I've stayed really close to 1,200 on average too. Even with a 4-5 mile run, I am lucky if I get a 1,800 burn a day so that is a plan that works for me so far. I'm shooting for 1-1.5 lbs per week loss while still having enough energy to run.

    I try to only weigh twice per week but last time on was 147.5 which was down 2.5 lbs from my starting weight (sure the was some water in there originally.)

    Have a great week everyone!
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    bump for later
  • IsabellaC45
    IsabellaC45 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm up for this! :)
  • sure lets do it lol
  • LynnieG85
    LynnieG85 Posts: 157 Member
    Yeah, I'm in! I weighed in on Tuesday, having lost 6lbs ... but that was my first week, where I always have a big loss... I'll weigh in again on Tuesday and report back!