What does your spouse or significant other think?



  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    My boyfriend won't even eat the healthy food I cook and makes no effort to support me directly.
    All he says is
    "Huh. Good for you."

    My wife is the same, except she's not as supportive.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    He brings junk food into the house, eats it in front of me. Offers me some, but I just say no.

    He did say that he thought my body confidence would be good now because I lost "30 or so pounds" ... I had to explain that I'm not going to feel great about my body until I'm comfortable. He tries, but I'm not doing this for him, it's all for me.
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 765 Member
    I am very fortunate to have a very supportive husband. When we first met 25 yrs ago we were both runners and cycled. After a lot of ups and downs, 2 kids and hip replacement, I'm trying to get back at it. He is actually ahead of me! But we share everything
  • liz5162010
    liz5162010 Posts: 2 Member
    My fiance and I have decided together to not have junk food in the house and start eating healthier. We are doing this together and the exercise well we do walk together but I do workout videos when he is not home. Im embarressed to do them with him next to me. We have decided though if we ever can afford to go to the gym we will go together and do it together. I do keep high in fat foods around only for my almost 7 year old. She is underweigh she only weighs like 40 pounds. But she is healthy her doctors say and they say she is so active that is why she weighs what she weighs. Also I have to keep whole milk in the house for her as well. But my fiance is happy with me the way I am but he is supportive that if I want to loose weight to be happier than he said GO FOR IT!!

    I do this so I can have more energy to do things with my daughter. I can hiopefully get my lung function back as I have asthma since I was 14. I want to look and feel attractive again and fit into nice cute clothes. Thats my reasons. Im not doing it for my fiance cause he said hes happy wiht me the way I am Im doing it for me and my daughter.

    I need more friends on here and more motivation and feedback and encouragement if you'd like to add me feel free to do so !!! Thanks
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    My wife is very supportive...she's not doing MFP, but she has been losing weight, namely because I do most of the cooking so she's eating what I'm eating and we're eating far smaller portions than we used to. We're also having more sex, so WINNING!
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    My SO is very supprortive. He is losing weight too, I find often that we bounce off each other and if he does well one week it inspires me to do better next week and vice versa. I exercise and he doesnt really, but will always encourage me to do so if I am feeling down about it. Our relationship is much stronger since we started losing weight!
  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    im losing weight for my self not my husband ! if he likes the effect of my weight loss , well good :) but ultimately im doing it for my self .......

    ^^^ This! Do it for yourself!
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
    Mine has run the whole map with me as we'll, sadly to say my first husband did too :(
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    He thinks it's funny to wave a chips ahoy cookie in front of my face while I'm in front of the computer on MFP trying to log in my calories. Jokes on him though, since chips ahoy is NOT on my cheat worthy list. He will never find out what is.

    It's like a spy movie, I have to be 2 steps ahead of each move he might make with snack and meal bars in my purse and coat, and stashed in secret spots in both cars. I have to time my shakes to drink them while I prepare meals to avoid temptation by smell, and sometimes have to supply an Oscar worthy performance at restaurants pretending to order a regular meal, but really calculating in my head the calories or just choosing my moment to order AFTER his menu's been taken away so he doesn't catch on I chose one of the easily identifiable "lite choices" that most restaurants have nowadays.

    It's not that he doesn't support my diet it's that he doesn't support THIS diet I chose this time because he saw another diet work for me and it allowed plenty of indulgent foods which meant we could eat out a lot and eat the same foods. Also he is such a suspicious person that he is wary of the shakes having some kind of weight loss drug in them, but I read the label and they don't, they are just an easy way to get a pre measured amount of calories and enough fiber to stay full for awhile. I chose this diet over the other one because this one only requires cooking maybe once per day maybe not at all on days we go out, and I need it to be THAT easy this time. Weekends are the only time his shenanigans become an issue because we are together all day then, and his way of loving is giving being generous and food is part of that. He can't eat something amazing without immediately wanting to share it with me, me too though, so I get it.
  • kmmcquay
    kmmcquay Posts: 75 Member
    My fiancé remembered me when I was 120 lbs and when he saw that I was gaining weight, he tried not to hurt my feelings. For a few years, he tried to sit down with me and I basically took him seriously and I refused to talk about it with him. But eventually I realized I needed to change so I said I'm ready to talk and we sat down. We talked and ever since then, he has been really supportive to me. Our relationship became stronger and we've grown so much together. I still have a long way to go but it certainly changed our perspectives on food and exercise. He would eat what I eat. We appreciate everything now.
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    First, i started this journey and continue this journey FOR ME and no one else. I met my husband when I was overweight and through out our relationship together I put on more and more weight and eventually reached me all time high (around 208-210 pounds) my husband (then boyfriend) still looked at me and told me he loved me and i was beautiful.

    He was very supportive through out the journey and he too lost weight (he was diagnosed with diabetes and that is one of the reasons we started the journey to begin with) as time passed i started to feel great and was so motivated by myself that i continued and continued and set goals, my husband slowed down and was not as "into it" as i was but he still supported me and loved seeing me reach my goals and feel great about myself.

    now that I have reached my goal (i have been able to maintain goal weight since this past summer) he sometimes will throw comments my way such as "come on Magen one bad meal wont kill you" or "you mean you really wont have a little piece of cake with me", it sometimes upsets me because i truthfully do not feel as though i am missing out and i feel like he does not understand that. he for the most part is used to my healthy lifestyle by now but i guess he cant always relate (he laughs a little when i use my food scale when packing my lunch for work).

    over all my weight loss has not really changed my relationship though. He was loved me then at over 200 pounds and loves me now at 123.
  • bouncincurlsss
    My boyfriend likes to exercise and eat healthy, so when he found out that I wanted to become healthier and shed off some weight, he was supportive all the way. He's basically my gym partner and he helps me be wise about what foods I'm consuming. I couldn't have asked for a better supporter, really. And he's one of the reasons why I want to exercise and improve my health, so he's also a motivator!
  • x_pix_x
    x_pix_x Posts: 21
    My husband is awesome, he's always been very loving whatever my size but be is happy I'm counting calories as I'm actually eating more haha! He doesn't have any weight to lose but he has downloaded the app and is doing tracking and counting with me but with his stats set at maintenance. He also helps me with any workouts I want to do and is going to show me how to lift properly etc as I've never really done weights before. I feel very lucky to be fair.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I don't have one, woo hoo! My ex was a drag, though. Sometimes he was helpful but not in a constructive way. He would be like "you can't have that, you're trying to lose weight, remember?" but then other times he just wouldn't care and wouldn't say anything. Either way, it wasn't encouraging. I got tired of it. He also would just roll his eyes and complain if I said I didn't want to go out to eat because I didn't have many calories just because he didn't want to eat what I was going to cook or whatever. Got really annoying. But we broke up (for other reasons) and I don't have to deal with anyone anymore, haha! :happy:

    Ultimately I'd love to find a guy who's healthy, works out, and we can do it together... but hopefully by that point I will be maintaining and it will just be a healthy lifestyle and not so much "trying to lose weight". That's my dream man.
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 604 Member
    He thinks it's funny to wave a chips ahoy cookie in front of my face while I'm in front of the computer on MFP trying to log in my calories. Jokes on him though, since chips ahoy is NOT on my cheat worthy list. He will never find out what is.

    It's like a spy movie, I have to be 2 steps ahead of each move he might make with snack and meal bars in my purse and coat, and stashed in secret spots in both cars. I have to time my shakes to drink them while I prepare meals to avoid temptation by smell, and sometimes have to supply an Oscar worthy performance at restaurants pretending to order a regular meal, but really calculating in my head the calories or just choosing my moment to order AFTER his menu's been taken away so he doesn't catch on I chose one of the easily identifiable "lite choices" that most restaurants have nowadays.

    It's not that he doesn't support my diet it's that he doesn't support THIS diet I chose this time because he saw another diet work for me and it allowed plenty of indulgent foods which meant we could eat out a lot and eat the same foods. Also he is such a suspicious person that he is wary of the shakes having some kind of weight loss drug in them, but I read the label and they don't, they are just an easy way to get a pre measured amount of calories and enough fiber to stay full for awhile. I chose this diet over the other one because this one only requires cooking maybe once per day maybe not at all on days we go out, and I need it to be THAT easy this time. Weekends are the only time his shenanigans become an issue because we are together all day then, and his way of loving is giving being generous and food is part of that. He can't eat something amazing without immediately wanting to share it with me, me too though, so I get it.

    I so get this!!
  • JessWolf1002
    JessWolf1002 Posts: 82 Member
    My husband is amazingly supportive! He's not over weight, but he does have a little fluffiness around the middle so he will work out with me any time I ask :-). He doesn't eat as restrictive as I do, which is hard, but he works really hard and deserves to reward himself. He's in the Army so he's at work 12+ hours a day so I try to make him his favorite meals when I can, even if that means I don't eat any of it because its high in fat, sugar or whatever. He has loved me when I was skinny, fat, and everywhere in between and has never once said anything negative to me or about me regarding my weight. He truly is an amazing husband and u could not do this without his support.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    With both of us working on it together, it has been one of the best things for us...
  • Amazigh926
    Amazigh926 Posts: 33 Member
    My husband met me when I was fatter (I've lost 70 lbs. so far) and doesn't care how fat or thin I am/get. He will eat what I cook but he is of no support. I'm on my own in this battle/journey and it is taxing, emotionally.
  • boricua7240
    I am doing this for me...Not my husband.... I am pretty sure he will love it...
  • cheshire1865
    My fella knew me when I was a size 12 but started dating me when I was at my heaviest. He has been super supportive. I thought it was because he wanted me back to the size 12 he met me at, but when I finally aired my fears, he stated that it was supportive because weight loss would make ME happy and would help me gain some of the confidence I had lost over the years.

    Honestly couldn't ask for a better cheerleader in my corner than my other half :)