Member of Gym or workout at home/outside?



  • I work out at home (treadmill, road, and tv videos).:devil:
  • nyujay2013
    nyujay2013 Posts: 17 Member
    I love going to the gym because of a few of the following reasons:

    1). Gets me out of the house, which is a place that makes it easier to be lazy (TV, computer, etc.) and access food when I am not hungry;

    2). I love the atmosphere in the gym (checking out the occasional girl, watching other people's exercises/forms, etc.);

    3). More variety in equipment means more variety in my workout; and

    4). It's more fun!
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    Both. I get to the gym once a week twice on a good week but I bust my butt in my living room nearly every single day!
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I do both. I get several tough workouts from videos on the television.
    I go to the gym for the social atmosphere and to get a lot of easy, no brainer workouts with their circuit ring or the cardio equipment.

    I think I burn more calories at the gym because my heart rate stays up more consistently. To do that at home I would have to do something intense and steady, like jog outside.

    You can definitely get fit doing either method. I think the gym is a slight edge though.
  • akdollie
    akdollie Posts: 69 Member
    Both! The weather up here is too unpredictable to only use the outdoors and its a little hard to run in below zero temps. I like a variety and try to mix up my workouts so they don't get stale. The gym is great for me, the one I belong to is 24 hours so I can get up and go super early (most people up here sleep in later) before it gets busy and I won't flake on it since I have to pay the membership fee.
  • shrinkingsusie
    shrinkingsusie Posts: 40 Member
    I do both but I do prefer going to the gym. I also have a lot of distractions (computer, kids, mom, laundry). It really depends on you. There are so many great resources at home workouts.
  • I did go and try the gym next door to where I worked. Unfortunately its a bit of a 'hard core' gym, full of body builders. I felt way too concious to do my own workout properly so I bought some dumbbells and work out at home. Suits me fine.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Both. Today I go running. Because I suspect Sunday the gym is crowded. Ick, humans! Besides, the treadmill gets real boring real fast, so on run days, I like to be outside.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    Home. I have much better results at home. I have a hard time fitting in the time to go to a gym.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Over the summer I used to do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD which I found worked really well but then over time I just kept putting it off. I moved to Germany in September and it's quite a lot cheaper here than living in London so I could justify to myself joining a gym. I love the idea of exercising outside but to be honest it's so damn cold most of the time (today its highs of -8 celsius) and I hate running.

    I love the gym because I can go to all the classes, and make use of all the machines. Also because I'm paying for it, it means I'll actually go! I've found since I've joined that I really enjoy it and I feel so much better afterwards.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Currently unable to drive and my working hours don't fit into gym opening times, what with find another means of transport therefore I've had to do it from home with weight bench and go for runs and cycle. When back driving I will rejoin a gym as I believe this gets the best out of me and one which has a pool as swimming is awesome for the all round workout.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I used to belong to a gym. I couldnt stand the cliques, the posers, the mirrors and disco music pumping and these ' personal trainers' who keep interrupting your workout to say that youre doing it wrong and then try and sell you their services.

    Ditching this ghastly place was the greatest thing I have ever done, and since trading it for the ( free) great outdoors , a bike and running shoes, i have never ever enjoyed exercising so much that it's a pleasure and a privilege to be out exercising.

    There is nothing you can't do outdoors or at home, and with the vast number of exercise dvd's, etc and simple home equipment, there is just no need to spend silly amounts of money to these awful gym places.

    i will never ever set foot in one of those hell-hole gyms again, let alone give them my money.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Both. I go to the gym to lift weights 3 days a week, but prefer to do my cardio activities outdoors (walking, running, mountain biking, etc.). I also have a rudimentary gym at home which I'll use if I can't make it to the gym for whatever reason. Have never done a workout video in my life and have no interest whatsoever in them.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I'm trying to get into the habit of working out at home. I have a weider home gym and treadmill set up in a spare bedroom. If I can't develop the habit, then I'll join the gym at work and schedule it as part of my work day.
  • foxys_mum
    foxys_mum Posts: 67 Member
    My dogs take me to their gym, ie the great outside!
  • Ride a stationary bike in the morning, try to walk in the afternoons 3-4 times a week.
    I'd rather NOT spend my money on a gym membership. We have an empty room that I'd much rather get equipment for.
  • nyujay2013
    nyujay2013 Posts: 17 Member

    Wow, I am curious which gym you went to. Care to share either on here or personal message?

    I have had some bad experiences with some of the major gym chains but like anything else in life not everything is the same and I eventually found a great gym that lacks any pretentiousness and just average Joes hittin' the weights, machines and classes.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    both. I go to 24 hour fitness. Mainly it's convenient to me when I need to get out and I love the machines. do the elliptical there and some of the weight training machines, and at home I do aerobic dvds
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    I do all of them. I started with inline skating, biking and hiking outside. Where I live we can have pretty harsh winters. I joined Planet Fitness for $10 a month. I have also been building a home gym from purchasing used fitness equipment at garage sales. I have never liked gyms. Mostly what I get from the gym are the trainers. Every couple of months I go to one of the trainers and ask for a new workout based on my goals. The trainer watches the first few times to make sure I am doing the exercises correctly and then I do it at home.
  • I do mine at home, set the alarm for six am and have a quick snack and I am so into my insanity right now, don't have the time to do at the gym