5'5/6 ladies how much do YOU eat?

whats your current weight and how many calories do you consume daily?


  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    1600 on rest days
    2100-2300 on work out days
  • meshamimi
    meshamimi Posts: 7 Member
    I am 175 and I eat a lot. I have been doing better since doing this but my calorie intake should only be around 1350 I think. I would have to go back and look.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    CW: 124
    GW: 120-122

    I eat 1900 cals/day. I like food.

    ETA: I fit in three strength training and three cardio sessions a week.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    138, 5'5 and I get 1400 a day currently. When I stick to it I lose steadily.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm 5'6 and currently weigh 163lbs. I was 220, and my goal is 150. I eat around 1500 calories a day, sometimes less. I workout 5 times a week.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 130
    Ave. Calories Consumed over last 3 wks; 1300 - sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. If I'm hungry I eat, if I'm not I don't (or at least I try not to).
  • kacysuzanne
    kacysuzanne Posts: 27 Member
    5'6 (although I may have shrunk to 5'5, I still claim 5'6),

    Starting weight: 158
    Current weight: 152

    Allotted 1420 per day. I exercise three days a week, burning 300-600 calories each session and eat all of those back. For six weeks, I have lost 1 pound per week. I have not gone more than 100 calories over on any given day. Some days I have banked exercise calories for the next day.
  • thnksfrthmmrs
    thnksfrthmmrs Posts: 152 Member
    Im 5ft6

    Currently weight 19st4lbs

    Goal weight: 14stone to start with,

    I am set to 1700 calories a day, after 6 months i will take it down a hundred.
  • Dartmouth501
    Dartmouth501 Posts: 42 Member
    SW 182
    CW: 136.5
    GW: 135
    Been eating 1400 plus half my exercise calories for the past year.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    It's not so much what I eat, but that I need to burn off so as to lose.

    Having a job that glued me to a desk lead to back problems, knee problems and ill health. And massive weight gain.

    So, for me the solution is to become really, really active, so that I not only regain mobility and all the related health benefits, but lose weight too.

    I got myself out of the obese category and into the overweight category by sticking to 1200 calories per day. Then I got really hungry. Now, I simply try to burn more than I take in. What I had regained is falling off slowly. This is my strategy until it stops working.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Cw 125
    Maintaining at 1590 but will increase that soon as I just entered my second trimester in pregnancy. To loose weight I always ate at 1200.
  • SW 170, CW 166, GW 145

    I eat more or less 1200 calories a day as suggested by MFP. If I exercise, I will eat more. I plan to stick to this until I reach my GW and then I will up my calories to about 1600 to maintain my weight while keeping a pretty decent exercise regimen.
    I found I can eat some of my favorite foods if I just control my portions and drink water to create the full feeling. For instance, yesterday, I had a slice of pizza, and the day before that, I had a plate of Mexican food that included shrimp, steak, beans, rice, a salad, and avocado. I was able to eat all of this and still stay in my daily calorie count. I have been able to lose weight steadily, too.
  • reklawn
    reklawn Posts: 112 Member
    Depends on how much I work out... but

    I am 5'6 and 200lbs

    If i were to be honest, until the past two weeks consuming about 2000 calories and maintaining 200lbs
    I've decreased it to around 1500-1600 including my exercise calories that I eat back. (Without exercise 1400)

    When I workout out intensely, 6 days a week, I was 180 and would consume around 2500+ and maintain.
  • I am surprised by how much some of the ladies posted but then again they are MUCH younger than I am. So what do I shoot for daily?

    age 58
    current weight is 170
    calorie count 1250
    If I exercise I might get a bit more, especially on a weekend when I have a glass of wine with dinner.

    Currently my goal is to exercise 6 days a week. Focused on aerobics and getting 10,000 steps daily. I am just starting to do some strength training. I need to increase my muscle tone. I am quite out of shape.

    My goal weight is 150 by May 15th.

    My spouse is supportive but he is not changing his eating habits or exercising but he is not overweight.

    :drinker: good luck on your progress.
  • Eating half of the exercise calories seems like great advice. Congrats on your weight lost. Impressive!!!
  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    5'6. I started in Oct at 198lbs and my current weight is 170lbs so I've averaged about 2lbs a week loss. This past week I actually gained 1-2lbs because I started incorporating weights into my exercise plan. I get exercise 7 days a week for at least 30 minutes. I'm set to eat 1200 calories a day but because I work out so much I've been eating 1300-1500.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Average since the beginning of the year 1750, last week has been better at average of 1530. I cycle calories, so some days are much higher and others much lower.

    I'm 43 and currently at 184.
  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    Age 54
    Height 5'5"
    SW 190 (3 and half years ago)
    CW 142.4
    GW 135
    Total Calories per Day 1500

    If I don't exercise, I try to eat a bit less that day. The weight is coming off slowly but steadily at about a half pound a week or less since I got to within 10 lbs of my goal weight. I really have to stick to calorie counting at the moment to get there. Eating less (1200 cals and eating part of my exercise calories back) actually stalled my progress.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    5'6", 176 pounds

    I net 1600 daily.

    I frequently go a bit over that number but I still lose. MFP keeps setting me lower and I manually change it to keep it at 1600 because it's working for me ;)