Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • I love my mirena, have had it for 4 years with not a single problem! Im sorry yours wasnt right for you!
  • Thanks to all for the feedback. I think I'll give my body some time to balance things out. In the meantime I'll do some blood tests (just in case) and see my doctor in the next few weeks to make sure everything is fine.
  • That's my hope. It's really convenient otherwise :)
  • powlist
    powlist Posts: 23 Member
    Just stumbled on this thread, I have had mine in for 5 years and had no problems. I have gained weight, but I have had lots of life changes which I attributed my weight gain to...lost job where I was very active, new job is a desk job, I am averaging about 5,000 steps a day. Today I get a new Mirena, but I will talk to my midwife about the side effects.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    For those of you who liked the idea of the IUD but had issues with the Mirena you should consider the Paraguard. No hormones, same kinda deal. I've had my paraguard iud now for 7 years, and I love it. It lasts for 10. When I'm done with this one, I will get another. Or possibly the Essure method since we are done having children.
  • Hi there, well my experience with the mirena coil is this... Had it fitted in June at my 6 week check up after having my second child. Immediately I experienced pain. Almost like I'd been kicked. From that day I bled heavily until the day I had it taken out which was 3rd jan. Although I didn't gain any weight I found it impossible to lose any. I was working my backside off in the gym and dieting hard and not an ounce fell off. My doctor told me that it was a good job I was dieting and exercising because most people gain at least a lb per month!! Crazy!
    So anyway I had it removed on 3rd jan and bled heavily for 2 days but without any pain. My sex drive came back pretty much straight away, my skin has improved massively, I no longer feel depressed and unable to cope and in the first week I lost 6lb! My advice would be if you are experiencing any nasty side effects (or all of them like myself) have it removed for sure!
  • I had my mirena inserted on jan 24th 2008. I just had it removed on jan 23rd 2013 and had paragard replace it. Heres my story:

    I had my daughter in may 2005. After being on depo for two years I knew all about the weight gain from birth control. I was tired of gaining weight and I was never good at taking pills (hence my daughter) I wanted something I could rely on, wouldnt have to remember to take and wouldnt get side effects. After talking to my doc she said mirena was for me. But at the time, I was misinformed. My doc told me that there were no hormones so there were no side effects. Being 21 years old I was naive and thought 'doc knows best'. (I think she got mirena and paragard mixed up) Welllll...

    5 years down the road, it was time for it to be replaced. In that 5 years I went from being 127lbs to a whopping 163. I was majorly depressed, even had a mental breakdown at one point. I felt like the crappiest parent alive because I had no energy to do anything with my daughter. About 2 weeks out of every month my breasts hurt beyond belief, to where I HAD to wear a bra or I was in tears (at one point it got so bad I contemplated going to the er) and at 26 years old, I was still suffering from major acne (Ive had acne since I was in middle school so I never thought better of it) Being 5'1" 163 pounds is a lot. So I went to my doc and she put me on adipex (weight loss pill) I dropped down to 131 pounds before my pills ran out and I shot back up to 150. Before mirena the most I ever weighed besides pregnant was 130. So this got me thinking, what is going on? I got on the internet and did some research, having heard of mirena side effects before, I finally put it all together. The weight gain, not being able to lose it without medication, the depression, the acne, the painful breasts, the lack of energy, it was all mirena. My doc had no problem switching my iud to paragard and in fact, when she asked why I wanted paragard instead and I told her, she agreed with me about the side effects of mirena. (different doc than the one who gave it to me)

    I have been mirena free for a week and two days now and I already feel better! I dont feel bloated. Immediately after removal it was like my stomach deflated. Though my face isnt completely clear yet, there is a NOTICEABLE difference and it is starting to clear up. (itll be nice to remember what my face looks like without a bunch of pimples) Breasts are still a little tender but dont feel as heavy anymore or hurt nearly as bad. And I have lost 5 pounds from doing nothing different!! In one week mirena free I have lost 5 pounds... so ladies, there is hope! Just hang in there, dont give up and when someone asks about mirena, just say NO! :) And dont let anyone convince you that mirena side effects arent real. Im living proof, as well as many other woman out there. And if my doctor can openly admit to me that these side effects arent in my head.. then Im willing to say its real.
  • i am going thru the same exact thing! but mine was put in 5 months ago..i will have it removed in a couple weeks. i cannot wait!
    I had my mirena inserted on jan 24th 2008. I just had it removed on jan 23rd 2013 and had paragard replace it. Heres my story:

    I had my daughter in may 2005. After being on depo for two years I knew all about the weight gain from birth control. I was tired of gaining weight and I was never good at taking pills (hence my daughter) I wanted something I could rely on, wouldnt have to remember to take and wouldnt get side effects. After talking to my doc she said mirena was for me. But at the time, I was misinformed. My doc told me that there were no hormones so there were no side effects. Being 21 years old I was naive and thought 'doc knows best'. (I think she got mirena and paragard mixed up) Welllll...

    5 years down the road, it was time for it to be replaced. In that 5 years I went from being 127lbs to a whopping 163. I was majorly depressed, even had a mental breakdown at one point. I felt like the crappiest parent alive because I had no energy to do anything with my daughter. About 2 weeks out of every month my breasts hurt beyond belief, to where I HAD to wear a bra or I was in tears (at one point it got so bad I contemplated going to the er) and at 26 years old, I was still suffering from major acne (Ive had acne since I was in middle school so I never thought better of it) Being 5'1" 163 pounds is a lot. So I went to my doc and she put me on adipex (weight loss pill) I dropped down to 131 pounds before my pills ran out and I shot back up to 150. Before mirena the most I ever weighed besides pregnant was 130. So this got me thinking, what is going on? I got on the internet and did some research, having heard of mirena side effects before, I finally put it all together. The weight gain, not being able to lose it without medication, the depression, the acne, the painful breasts, the lack of energy, it was all mirena. My doc had no problem switching my iud to paragard and in fact, when she asked why I wanted paragard instead and I told her, she agreed with me about the side effects of mirena. (different doc than the one who gave it to me)

    I have been mirena free for a week and two days now and I already feel better! I dont feel bloated. Immediately after removal it was like my stomach deflated. Though my face isnt completely clear yet, there is a NOTICEABLE difference and it is starting to clear up. (itll be nice to remember what my face looks like without a bunch of pimples) Breasts are still a little tender but dont feel as heavy anymore or hurt nearly as bad. And I have lost 5 pounds from doing nothing different!! In one week mirena free I have lost 5 pounds... so ladies, there is hope! Just hang in there, dont give up and when someone asks about mirena, just say NO! :) And dont let anyone convince you that mirena side effects arent real. Im living proof, as well as many other woman out there. And if my doctor can openly admit to me that these side effects arent in my head.. then Im willing to say its real.
  • Wow, I was not even looking for this. I had my first mirena for 5 years. I had that one replaced and have had the current one for 6 years. I weighed 125 pounds 11 years ago and now weigh 155 pounds and I'm only 5'4''. I have also had horrible problems with my complexion. I NEVER contributed either to mirena.... just getting older. I have done multiple diets during this time. HCG worked and I lost 20 pounds (eating 500 cal a day!) but, gained it right back. I also bought p90x and did it every day for 3 months without losing a single pound and not even 1 inch. I am a year over due to have the mirena replaced but, am now having serious doubts about it. Oh, andI forgot to mention the hair loss, extreme fatigue and acne! All of which I contributed with hormonal changes or just age. I'll let you know of any changes after I have it removed.
  • Thanks for all the comments abotu this. Im heading to the OBGYN in 2 days to get some type of IUD or the 3 month shot so it really helps to hear other peoples comments!
  • mrskperry
    mrskperry Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm chiming in. I have similar problems as some of you, and I just had my Mirena out today and replaced with a copper IUD. I'm going to be tracking my progress on my MFP blog, as I do not know what to expect or how I will feel now that this has been removed. Some background:

    Date Mirena in: April 2009 (4 years almost)

    Symptoms: Prior to Mirena I lost 100 lbs thanks to diet and exercise. It took me a while to lose the weight because I was working slow and steady, with no plans to put any weight back on. My goal was to join the Army once I had lost weight. Fast forward, I joined the Army (yay me!) and right after basic training went and had the Mirena put in. I couldn't afford birth control before the Army. Despite increased activity (I love fitness) and mostly continual efforts at a healthy diet, I have gained 50 lbs since I joined the Army. I didn't attribute this to Mirena at first, but now I think it may play a significant role in my weight gain.

    I'll be tracking other symptoms as well as my weight loss on my blog, if anyone is interested to see how things go (for me) sort of on a day-to-day basis. I'm hoping my ability to lose weight will return and I'll get back down to my 100lb weight loss!
  • I had my mirena for 5 years and loved it because I didnt have a period the whole time. I gained 40 pounds but I thought it was from the depo I was on years back. And I didnt even realize I was gaining weight, it was like one day I saw a picture of myself and I was in shock. No matter what I did I couldnt lose weight so I got some diet pills from my doc and lost 30 pounds, only for it to come right back (because I didnt realize it was the mirena doing it) I was under the impression that mirena had no side effects so I didnt think it was still a factor. I also had horrible acne but Ive had acne since I was 12 so I didnt think anything of that either. A couple weeks before my 5 years were up I finally realized it was all the mirena. I had it replaced with the paragard and I feel sooo much better now. Im not depressed anymore, I actually feel happy about things (I havent been happy about anything for 5 years, its a new feeling lol) Ive become a lot more affectionate to my husband, which the past 5 years I pretty much wanted nothing to do with him. Pretty much my entire attitude has changed (for the better) My husband is very very happy that I had it removed because of my attitude change. Im already losing weight without changing anything about my lifestyle, and my face is almost completely clear, which hasnt happened since I was in middle school. Its insane that a birth control can mess you up that much, but now that I know, I am very glad Im off it and I will talk anyone I know out of getting it.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    So confusing... I just read all of the EXACT same symptoms on a Paragard review site, all caused by copper toxicity. I have a Mirena- never thought much about everything going on with my moods and lack of libido. I just attributed it to my thyroid (I have hashimoto's) and the fact that my husband's a jerk.
  • mrskperry
    mrskperry Posts: 24 Member
    So confusing... I just read all of the EXACT same symptoms on a Paragard review site, all caused by copper toxicity. I have a Mirena- never thought much about everything going on with my moods and lack of libido. I just attributed it to my thyroid (I have hashimoto's) and the fact that my husband's a jerk.

    I just replaced my Mirena with Paragard, and I'm documenting daily how I feel about switching in my MFP blog. I have to warn against believing the "copper toxicity" claims. I think it's more likely that those members have a copper allergy. We intake a lot more copper in our daily life through diet and water than Paragard releases into our systems. I just want to put that out there in case anyone is thinking of switching.
  • Hi,
    I'm so glad I found this thread. I'm also one of the unlucky ones. At first I thought I was doing something wrong. My father in law passed away in Dec 2010 and I decided I was going to start losing weight for my own health. I didn't change anything about my eating habit but did start walking 2 miles to the town, spent an hour there and 2 miles back home. After about 5 months I was so proud of myself for losing 30 pounds. Then I decided to get the mirena as I'm not ready for kids and got it in on May 19th 2011. After 2 months I gained 10 pounds and started to get depressed. Have had it in nearly 2 years now and I've had horrible mood swings, I feel depressed all the time, always spotting or bleeding heavy, Sex drive mostly gone (I'm only 22 and I had a very high Sex drive before this, sorry for it being too much information), and I feel just as crampy as when I was on my regular cycle. I had enough of it just before Christmas and was so excited to get it out on January 9th, only they could not remove the coil as the cord went missing. So now I have had the ultrasound to see if it's in place, which it is, and wait for the follow up appointment and then wait for an available appointment at the hospital so I'll need general anesthetic. I have never been so disappointed in my life when she said that she couldn't remove it. I really do wish I had never had it in. Then again it is one of the most effective contraceptives other than the side affects for some of us.

    Before the mirena: 145 pounds
    Current gain: 55 pounds
  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    I've had it in for 3.5 years and love it. Don't know if I necessarily gained due to it because I was eating horribly and inactive so I'm sure that attributed more to me being overweight more than anything else. But, I have been able to lose a lot of weight with it in. We'll see what happens once its removed in another year or so.
  • bttrcp80
    bttrcp80 Posts: 5 Member
    I have had mirena for about 3 years. During my first year I lost almost 15 pounds in the first 3 months, but I now attribute that to a medication that the doctor had put me on. Once I stopped that medication I jumped back up a little more than 15 lbs. The following year I gained about another 10-15lbs which I complained to my doctor about at my annual visit. She claimed that it was only muscle gain due to my husband and I doing Insanity.....ummm no! This year I am about 20lbs heavier than at this time last year. I work out regularly and have improved my already not bad eating habits. Even with these changes, adding more exercise/ hiring a personal trainer, and tracking all my meals and having her review them I cannot lose any weight. I called my doctor's nurse and she said there was NO way possible that mirena was causing this. She suggested that I get my thyroid checked. Well, the results came back today and my thyroid is completely normal! I am having mirena removed on Wednesday. I have evaluated everything...everything leads back to when the real weight gain started which was 5 months after having mirena inserted. Up until then I never had significant weight gain and the few pounds I might put on were easily lost with change in exercise. It is very frustrating to be dismissed by your health care provider because something isn't a side effect. I guess the believe if it is listed as occurring in <5% of patients then it is impossible. I cannot wait to have mirena removed! I would love to hear if anyone has lost weight since removal.
  • bttrcp80
    bttrcp80 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow guys you are so depressing. I got the mirena sometime in February or March of this year, I have lost somewhere around 40 some pounds since then. I take Wellbutrin so I have been pretty happy. Since this I now weigh what I did in High School, know I can't get pregnant, and more limber than ever now that I am more fit..I can't say enough good things about Mirena. Reading past posts everyone complains about sex drive, depression, and weight gain, I just debunked all of it. Before my son was born in December (and the 9 months and 16 days prior to his birth) I had the Mirena for three year's and I yo yoed on weight and was happy and sad at different points in life. I guess what I am trying to say, is the Mirena didn't change me, life went on like normal.

    You can probably attribute the Wellbutrin to the fact that you lost weight! My doctor put me on Wellbutrin because I was complaining of fatigue. She said that it would help. This overlapped me getting Mirena put in. In the first few months I lost about 15lbs. I stopped taking the Wellbutrin because it did not help my fatique, it only made me sad and moody. Shortly there after I gained back the 15 lbs, the following year I gained another 15lbs and this year I am almost 20lbs heavier than this time last year. Despite working out, watching what I eat and even hiring a personal trainer to monitor both.
    I hate taking medications for no reason, otherwise, I would stick to the Wellbutrin simply for the fact that I was dropping weight like crazy!!! I think it is rude for you to say that "you guys are depressing" because of the issues that people are having. Maybe, it didn't happen to you (and that does NOT mean that you debunked anything), but it is a very real problem and it is depressing to others to gain weight and have many other side effects and simply to be dismissed by a medical professional because it happens to <5% of participants in a clinical trial!
  • BarbnKY
    BarbnKY Posts: 6 Member
    I am happy for those of you who are thrilled with its effects but this is how Mirena has affected me.

    I am a long time registered nurse and got the Mirena for birth control about 3 years ago. This is my fault because I should have researched this device beforehand; if I had, i would not have had it put in. Within a few months, I went from having a very high libido my entire adult life to wanting to put an ice pick between my husband's eyes if he wanted to snuggle. The change left me baffled and I didn't even think about the mirena as a possible culprit. As I am in my late 40's, I thought maybe it was menopause. Over the year after the iud was put in, I gained 40-50 pounds. Repeatedly I went on the South beach diet which had worked for me in the past, but there was never any effect at all. I have even become a vegan and still no weight loss (whereas my husband has lost about 40 pounds in the last 2 months that we began this.) I started going to the gym 5-6 days a week and doing 45 cardio and doing weight training to build some muscle mass to burn more fat-to no avail. Recently I sat down and took tally of my symptoms which were an untouchable weight gain, abdominal bloating with protuberance (which I had never had in my life), muscle aches, back pain, headaches, constant fatigue, lack of joy or emotion, inability to conentrate or think clearly. Due to the mental issues, i started fearing that I was getting depressed, but honestly did not feel depressed and had so much to be thrilled about- my life is better than it ever has been.

    Finally, I stumbled across info on adverse side effects of Mirena and realized that everything started happening after I had this put in. I realized that it had to come out which made me feel sick because having it put in was the most pain I had ever felt. I vomited from the pain of its insertion and nearly passed out afterward. I asked my cousin who had hers out because ot its side effects and she said that you only felt a ripping pain when it came out but it was over quickly and didnt linger like the insertion pain did.

    I had the Mirena taken out 3 days ago. It felt like a cramp, that was all, thank Goodness. This morning I got up to a heavy period but I don't mind at all. I am thrilled that my body is getting back to normal. it always bothered me that there were no periods with Mirena because one--what if I had gotten pregnant but didnt realize it? and two- I have always felt that menstruation was the female body's way of cleansing and resetting and I really didn't like that fact that that wasn't happening. It just felt completely unnatural to me.

    I realized this morning that I was smiling and in a good mood and that my thoughts are clearing up. i just feel more "normal". I am anxious to see if I start losing weight now as I am still eating vegan and going to the gym.

    I know that there are lawsuits out regarding the side effects. I have no grounds or desire for litigation but I was speaking to an attorney at a firm that is pursuing these claims. I told her to specifically ask about relationship break ups, divorces and partners having unprecdented affairs because the drastic aversion to sex that some women develop can be a real relationship breaker. There may be loss of consortium claims involved. My husband and I are as firmly committed as ever, but we had some very serious (and hurtful) fights over my aversion. My husband is big and strong and gorgeous. It's sad that he was so hurt and felt so rejected and I could not help it, and oddly enough--I felt numb about it and uncaring. That was just part of the loss of emotion I was feeling, I am sure. I showed him other threads talking about its libido effects and made an appointment to have it removed and we will repair any damage this has done, but some couples may not have discovered this in time.

    I definitely learned my lesson. No more hormones or medications for me. If i wanted more children, I would get a non hormone iud that won't mess with your chemical composition. But now, I thinki it is time for one of us to get fixed!
  • BarbnKY
    BarbnKY Posts: 6 Member
    Sorry, as long as my above post was, I forgot to mention the side effect of horrible breast pain. They actually HURT to merely touch them. After three days without the mirena, I can already tell a big difference there--OMG, I am so glad that thing is out of me and I can go back to normal!!