I have never weighed less than my hubbie.



  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    My boyfriend is finally gaining enough to weigh more than me. He is 6'1 and I'm 5'6 and I've probably weighed more than him for the majority of our relationship (3 years). I'm trying to lose weight, he is trying to gain muscle/mass. Its tough for both of us but we support each other and are slowly making progress :)

    Now, you're talking. That is the way that a couple should relate. Compassion for each, encourage in good time and in bad...plus lots of love makes for a good...hmmm? Marriage? After 3 years, is there a wedding in your future, little Sis. :wink:
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    its funny in my household right now. i have always weighed more then my fiance. but now im serious about losing weight. and he has been on a health kick cause i am. i am trying to lose weight and because of my eating now, he has to eat more and eat protein bars for the calories to maintain!

    It is good that he is concerned for his own health. He can eat all of those calories that you don't need. :happy:
  • anniebrox
    1) They don't make men like they used to.
    2) My partner is very athletic and I am not - he can run 4 to 6 times the distance at twice the speed (without training) while I have to make myself take every step. It's frustrating because I will never be able to keep up with him even though I have been putting in a ton of work improving my own abilities. I just need to measure where I am now compared to where I was in the past and leave him out of the equation entirely because he is in a different category. YOU weigh less than YOU used to, right? That is improvement :happy:

    THIS! ^^^^ I'm the same way, but I now weigh less than my man. And it kicked him into gear although he wants to lose fat and gain muscle, but have the scale stay the same.
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    You sound like such a nice person. Really, best of luck to both of you! If it makes you feel any better, unless I get really thin, I always weigh more than my husband. We are both 5'9" and he's just built slighter than I am. Grrrr.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I think that you should restate your goal, so that it is not dependent on what someone else does. It does seem like a contest if your goal is to weigh less than him and you are both losing.

    Oh, believe me. That isn't my real goal. It will just be kind of fun to be 'the little woman' for a change. My real goal is getting my mobility back. If you were crippled by your weight and dependent on a wheelchair to leave your home, you would understand what is really important to me. I want to be able to stand, to walk, to run...if I feel like it. I want to be able to walk into church, stand up for the reading of the Bible and give praise to God in the way that I love...on my feet...not on my backside.
    It sounds as if he loves you very, very much and wants you to achieve your goals. But... you would not be happy if he gained enough so that you weighed less than him but your goal would be reached. I understand that you both know that isn't the true goal but if that is how it is stated, he has to occasionally think how he could help you attain it.

    I weigh more than my skinny *kitten* husband too. We could be close though if I work hard.

    I love my hubbie and want him to be as healthy as he can be. Extra weight on him could cost him his health...even his life, since his blood pressure is very much an issue. I want him around for a long, long time. I would care, if I always weigh more than my hubbie, but the title of this post might have mislead you...just as it mislead him, when I said, "I am looking forward to the day, when I will weigh less than you."

    Who knows, Sis. You might just weigh less than your skinny hubbie someday. I think that would please you too. What ever your goal, I will pray that you reach it.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    My fiance and I are KIND OF. He's still a little resistant, even though he does want to lose weight and be healtheir, he's addicted to food so it's very hard for him. He's not to the part where he has the willpower against those foods if they are in the house and he's not to the point where he will work out unless it's walking as a family. But it's all about baby steps! For now, I help him with the food part, encourage him it will get easier, and do my workouts while he's at work (in addition to walking as a family when its nice enough out).

    It sounds like you have the right idea. You are being supportive and giving him a good example to follow. That is best thing for you and him both. Baby steps for him, and bigger for you...yet, you are both on the same path. :smile:
  • KeepGoingRhonda
    KeepGoingRhonda Posts: 527 Member
    LOVE this post! :heart:
  • odadkins78
    i feel your pain i lost 5 pounds this week and my wife looked at me like she was ready to bite nails lol
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    Your story is lovely. When I was at my heaviest my husband still loved me (he married me at maybe 20 to 230. Even at 265 he smiled at me and told me I could do it and I would do it when I was ready. Now I am 76lbs less and he is down 25lbs. I do weigh about 10 pounds less than him and when that happened both he and I laughed together. Each time we hit a new pound on the scale we are happy about it but he doesn't have specific goals in mind like I do. He will always out run me and out bike me but that doesnt mean I can't try to beat him on occasion :)
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    What a lovely husband you have.
    On the TV this morning a dietition said that weight loss is only 20% exercise and 80% diet so despite your physical limitations at the moment, MFP can support you 80% towards your goal!
    My husband and I started a weight loss together last year and both of us need to refocus again for this year and our ultimate goal of walking the Kokoda track together at the end of July this year.
    As with everything in our marriage it is a partnership.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    My husband and I rib each other a lot in public, and some dense folks have accused us of not liking each other enough to be married. On the contrary, we rib each other because we love each other too much to describe. I expect my husband to point and laugh when I fall spectacularly on my *kitten* and then be a gentleman and help me up while I call him an *kitten* under my breath. It's just the way we are. So yeah, we compete a bit. We taunt each other when one person ups the weight their lifting. We try to outrun each other on the treadmill or blow by each other on the bike path. But after we're done sprinting it out and one person gives in, we laugh, catch our breath, and keep moving ahead together. We're motivating each other through laughter.

    The 2 of you sound a lot like Ed and I, when it comes to the joking and teasing part...though I am not ready for any treadmill quite yet. All couple need to have a good sense of humor. If you can't laugh with each other, then...why would you want to be married to that person.

    Joy and love are what helps us get through the hardest of times in any relationship. It is what brings us out of sadness, when it comes. It lifts us up, when boredom comes around. It gives us strength to fight through the hardest of times.

    No doubt about it...You and your hubbie have the right attitude.

    By the way, I call Ed...Butthead from time to time. It just a term of endearment. :wink:
  • Wolfe1759
    Wolfe1759 Posts: 81 Member
    My partner and I are on this path together. Although I started before him, he has set some great stretch goals and now tracks his food and makes a point of exercising every day, just like me. He is very supportive of me, as I am of him, and it is not a competition. We both enjoy our increasing fitness and health.
  • dblaacker
    dblaacker Posts: 153 Member
    This is such a great post! I'm teamed up with my friend Kate so that we can just keep each other accountable. She's sort of in a competition with her husband because they gained weight together over the course of their relationship. His mother said she'd give $100 to whoever lost 25 pounds first. He's already about 20 pounds down, and she's only lost around half that much. She's not letting it get her down, though, which is good to see. It's good to have such healthy relationships, and I can only hope to have such a great relationship with my boyfriend (possibly husband later down the road... much later, lol). He's perpetually skinny, and a runner, so he always has a much easier time, but he's just as supportive of me and my goals. Don't you just love love?
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    My hubbie recently had neck surgery and lost a lot of weight. He was on the scale the other morning and I realized he only outweighed me by 5 lbs. This threw me into full-scale panic mode...

    Don't panic, Sis. If this is a sudden loss of weight due to the surgery, he will get better and regain a healthy weight. If his weight loss is actual putting him into a good weight for him...then, encourage him to maintain that loss. Think first...What is best for him? You'll be just fine, whether he is lighter or heavier than you.

    Love him and encourage him in whatever is right for his life. He would do the same for you.
  • flicka11
    flicka11 Posts: 18 Member
    My friend introduced me to this website. I had mentioned in an email to her I might be more motivated if I had someone to share stuff with. As it turns out, she had been on here already, and replied to your post!:smooched: I am so proud of her, she has lost 15 lbs already. I have started, and have lost 4 1/2. Now, we must keep in mind the week prior to starting, I ate cheesecake every day for a week! But here it is for me in a nutshell: It's nice to have the support of my friend, and others who are trying to do this weight loss thing. I swore I would never have a weight issue when I was younger, and here I am, at least 40 lkbs overweight. Not really sure, but I think the cheesecake had something to do with that! My husband is a hummingbird, and, is much thinner now than when I married him. He looked good to me on our wedding day, and he looks just as good to me today (although I am beginning to worry if he scratches his butt once, it will totally disappear at this point). He is off of his hi blood pressure meds, so I know he feels better than when he had more lbs on. He was never a big guy though, or, if he was, I never, ever saw it.

    So, judykat7 is my buddy on here, we live a couple hundred miles apart now, but I find it motivating to watch all of her posts on her exercise and food intake. She is leaps and bounds ahead of me on this journey, and is much more dedicated to her exercise than I have been. It's the coolest feeling though, when someone says, "Great job, keep at it", and you know they are having to suffer through all of the same obstacles, so they're words seems to have greater weight! A friendly goal keeper, a trusted companion, and your personal cheerleader is a great thing to have! Take the walk together, don't worry so much about the numbers as much as how you feel about your goals, and how you set out to attain them. And the answer is, TOGETHER!!!! Blessings, Flicka11
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    i feel your pain i lost 5 pounds this week and my wife looked at me like she was ready to bite nails lol

    That made Ed and I both laugh out loud. Thank you for sharing that perfect moment. :laugh:

    Your lady needs a big hug and kiss. She needs it NOW, because I know that you teased her...all puffed up with your big 5 pound weight loss.

    Men! You just don't understand the rules. She is allowed to boast, and you're supposed to praise her for losing one pound this week. Then, you are supposed to merely say..."I lost a little bit this week." and not rub it in that the pounds are melt off your big, male body. You are lucky that she only glared at you. I would have punched you in the arm or something. :angry:
  • ericadawn92
    ericadawn92 Posts: 346 Member
    I can't personally relate to what you're going through, but I wanted to comment and say that I totally admire your attitude!! It's so clear through your post that you love your husband and both of you are in this for the right reasons :) It's so easy to get caught up in making everything a competition these days, and I'm so glad you haven't given into that temptation.

    Best of luck to the both of you on your weightloss/health goals! I know you can do it :)
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    As for your competitive boyfriend...let him have his pride. Some men...and even some women...have a need to be 'the winner'. Let him run ahead and break through some invisible tape at the end of his 'invisible race'.

    Oh, he'll definitely beat me. ;)
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    My fiance lost weight faster than I did too but I was always smaller than him so he never got to the point of being lighter than me so I didn't mind it. I might've been jealous otherwise..but still happy for him.
  • MLibby84
    I was very touched by your post :) My husband we have been together for 10years and married for 4(in Feb). He has always been active, and gone to the gym even before we got together. I was skinny when we first met, weighing 110lbs. Over the yeasrs we got "comfortale" with each other and being skinny or not didnt matter anymore(as I was already self concious about my body). 4 Years into our relationship, on our anniversary to be excat, he took me to Planet Fitness for the very first time.(i wasn't over weight,but needed something to relive stress) so we sat in the parking lot for 20 minutes and I cried. Not because he did this but because I didn't know how I was going to do this with all these people "watching me" so I thought. Needless to say my husband has always supported me in trying to better my health. He is away on business right now, and over the years he has been slacking in the health department too, so we are both trying to better ourselves while we are appart :)