I am trying to lose a little over 80 pounds.. I have lost all of my drive to accomplish this goal. I have no one to workout with and I have no support in my family.. they keep telling me that ill end up giving up and I wont make it till the end. How do you beat temptation? I am trying to eat healthier... buttttt I keep falling into my old habits.. I never knew how hard it was... ughhhhh.. need some help


  • mrykyldy2
    mrykyldy2 Posts: 96 Member
    For me my motivation to keep going is those that tell me I am going to quit or I am going to fail. There is something inside me that doesn't want them to win.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    I get similar comments from my family too. Of course I love them, but it can be so incredibly hurtful. But I turned how sad those comments make me into anger and that anger fuels my motivation. When I take on fitness goals I keep them to myself until I achieve them. When I do achieve them its only then that I share it with my family. This means that they can't tear down my resolve WHILE I'm working on it. Bottom line- you have to want to do this for YOU, but you can turn all the negative influences into motivation to prove them wrong!!!

    Good luck and hang in there!
  • robinmoore3
    robinmoore3 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you ladies... I'm trying hard but I swear people like to pull you down when you try to better yourself
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I know it seems like such a long, hard journey, but seriously, set some smaller goals for yourself. Try for 10 or 20 pounds at a time. Also, I'm going to keep spreading the word, because I believe in it so much....ZUMBA! I love it! I love to dance and always have. I didn't care what I looked like when I started, and neither should you! Just get in there n give it your all. It is so much fun. It's better than any other workout, and it's addicting! Just stick with it CAN do this!!! I did! In the last year, I've lost 60 lb's, and at one time, I weighed as much as 260! I'm now 150! And keep this in mind....there's no better feeling than proving someone wrong!!! :happy: :wink:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am trying to lose a little over 80 pounds.. I have lost all of my drive to accomplish this goal. I have no one to workout with and I have no support in my family.. they keep telling me that ill end up giving up and I wont make it till the end. How do you beat temptation? I am trying to eat healthier... buttttt I keep falling into my old habits.. I never knew how hard it was... ughhhhh.. need some help

    Honestly I think you just need a little more time. You don't seem quite ready to lose the weight yet. When you are, nothing anyone says will matter, temptation will still be there but will be overridden by disgust, gumption, or determination. You will not feel like you need support from family or anyone else. Old habits will be something that you see as hurdles and obstacles to be overcome, not so much a part of you. Keep your eye on your goal, keep it to yourself and one day it will just click and you will be on your way and NO one and nothing will be able to stop you.:flowerforyou:
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm sorry your family is mean.

    I weigh everything i eat. I bring my scale with me when i go out to eat or to a friend's. Also during the week, I have every meal and snack planned and a designated time to eat. Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner Snack. It's all about 3 hours apart. I know that is hard to do, but It keeps me happy. Also don't deprive yourself things. Chocolate in your trail-mix, a little jam on your PBJ. Buy good, quality ingredients. So go for the fancy smancy jam in the little jar instead of the big cheapo bargain brand. You'll be eating less of it anyway right? The big jar might go bad, and the little jar will be savored. This is just an example, but you get the idea.

    My favorite naughty snack? Really good cheddar, a good cracker, and some quince. Yummo! I feel so decadent eating that, and I limit myself to 6 crackers and 1 oz cheese, and 2 teaspoons of preserves. I have a cup of hot tea and I pretend I'm in Victorian England. Silly yes, but I enjoy it more.

    I also drink Tea all day long. Black tea, herbal tea, whatever I got. I don't like just drinking water, I want something with flavor. I can drink tea black, unlike coffee which needs a ton of creamer to be palatable for me. Water is for when i first wake up, right before bed after I've brushed my teeth, and the gym.

    On the weekends I have a hard time because I'm with people. I try really hard to limit what I eat during the day so I can enjoy whatever we eat out. Also I try to exercise on those days in particular because then I have a few extra callories to play with.

    Hope this helps.
  • robinmoore3
    robinmoore3 Posts: 22 Member
    I know it seems like such a long, hard journey, but seriously, set some smaller goals for yourself. Try for 10 or 20 pounds at a time. Also, I'm going to keep spreading the word, because I believe in it so much....ZUMBA! I love it! I love to dance and always have. I didn't care what I looked like when I started, and neither should you! Just get in there n give it your all. It is so much fun. It's better than any other workout, and it's addicting! Just stick with it CAN do this!!! I did! In the last year, I've lost 60 lb's, and at one time, I weighed as much as 260! I'm now 150! And keep this in mind....there's no better feeling than proving someone wrong!!! :happy: :wink:

  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Sometimes they do try to pull you down, it makes them feel better about their lack of effort.

    I could make a number of suggestions about ways to make exercise habits and structuring eating etc, but the unfortunate fact is that it ultimately it comes down to you wanting it enough. A lot of people succeed in spite of others, not with their assistance (I'm one of them).

    For me, knowledge was the key. Finding out the simple FACTS of fat loss, nutrition and exercise. Sorting the fact from the crap gave me a great sense of empowerment and allowed me to focus on what I needed to without the lingering doubts of whether what I was doing was 'right' or 'worthwhile'. That would be my suggestion; read, learn and apply! There are now some great threads on this site with easy to digest facts on these issues, if you are keen I'll happily point you in the right direction.
  • Dreajewkes
    I know its very hard when you don't have the support, but you have to believe you are worth it. The only reason you fail is if you stop trying. Keep trying!
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    It sounds silly... but I spend about 90% of my internet time on MyFitnessPal, reading about food/fitness ideas ans success stories... keeps me motivated.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    This is just me:

    I wouldn't lose weight for anyone other than myself. You have to make it about you. It doesn't matter what they say or do, their support is irrelevant.

    I wouldn't focus on such a large macro goal of 80lbs. That's daunting and will take time. Divide that up into smaller more achievable goals of 10 or 20lbs and focus on that like a laser.

    Good luck. Ignore your family. You don't choose them but you can choose to ignore them. :wink:
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    For me it's been the folks on this site.

    Checking in constantly, motivating and getting motivated, the positive enforcement and checking in throughout the day has been a HUGE factor in my drive... it's so much different (better) that all my previous attempts.

    I've tried and stopped so many times, I can understand my family's lack of confidence in yet another attempt at health and weight loss.

    Login often, get lot's of friends who post a lot and are there for you... Add me if you like, I'm present quite a bit.
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    Yes! Do it to prove them wrong. Don't let others take you down. You want that weight gone then stick to it. If they can't be supportive them stay away for awhile til your control gets better. Come on here for support. Add me if you'd like. I'm happy to help.
  • Charz612
    Charz612 Posts: 38 Member
    I know it seems like such a long, hard journey, but seriously, set some smaller goals for yourself. Try for 10 or 20 pounds at a time. Also, I'm going to keep spreading the word, because I believe in it so much....ZUMBA! I love it! I love to dance and always have. I didn't care what I looked like when I started, and neither should you! Just get in there n give it your all. It is so much fun. It's better than any other workout, and it's addicting! Just stick with it CAN do this!!! I did! In the last year, I've lost 60 lb's, and at one time, I weighed as much as 260! I'm now 150! And keep this in mind....there's no better feeling than proving someone wrong!!! :happy: :wink:

    I don't know if youhave tried it but there is also water ZUMBA, it's AWESOME and much lower impact on larger bodies!!
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I know its very hard when you don't have the support, but you have to believe you are worth it. The only reason you fail is if you stop trying. Keep trying!

    You must fail many many times in order to have great success. Successful people are that way because of the many times they failed but didn't give up. :drinker:
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    It's really sad that the closest people are choosing to discourage you rather than build you up.....But hey, you can't make others support you or be happy for you....

    Sooooo I guess all you can do is use it to fuel yourself!!! it's awesome that you're on here cause here you have sooo many people rootin for ya! So go ahead and tune out the people who are making you feel this way!!! Jealousy and resentment are ugly emotions!!! And when you've reached your goals you'll be even more gratified :) And those ppl can eat those words :)
  • Sweetbelle159
    Sweetbelle159 Posts: 31 Member
    Read, read and then read some more.....knowledge is the key to any the benefits of healthy eating, read how bad sugar is for you and read only healthy recipes......hey, it's working for me
  • Berlygirl10
    It sounds silly... but I spend about 90% of my internet time on MyFitnessPal, reading about food/fitness ideas ans success stories... keeps me motivated.

    This!! also make smaller goals.. start with 10lbs or even make your goals just promising to log all of your food for 10 days .. it can be super stressful to try and do everything at once. I just started (again) but im doing it right this time.. no gimmicks, no magic pills.. my first goal was just to log my food.. and drink my water.. after that I started easing into the workouts and now im addicted to MFP and wanting to do something everyday! you can do it!
  • originalcookiemonster
    Sometimes they do try to pull you down, it makes them feel better about their lack of effort.

    I could make a number of suggestions about ways to make exercise habits and structuring eating etc, but the unfortunate fact is that it ultimately it comes down to you wanting it enough. A lot of people succeed in spite of others, not with their assistance (I'm one of them).

    For me, knowledge was the key. Finding out the simple FACTS of fat loss, nutrition and exercise. Sorting the fact from the crap gave me a great sense of empowerment and allowed me to focus on what I needed to without the lingering doubts of whether what I was doing was 'right' or 'worthwhile'. That would be my suggestion; read, learn and apply! There are now some great threads on this site with easy to digest facts on these issues, if you are keen I'll happily point you in the right direction.

    This was my experience also. I learned so much once I actually started looking in the right places. At that point, I had my click and I am not looking back.
  • robinmoore3
    robinmoore3 Posts: 22 Member
    It's really sad that the closest people are choosing to discourage you rather than build you up.....But hey, you can't make others support you or be happy for you....

    Sooooo I guess all you can do is use it to fuel yourself!!! it's awesome that you're on here cause here you have sooo many people rootin for ya! So go ahead and tune out the people who are making you feel this way!!! Jealousy and resentment are ugly emotions!!! And when you've reached your goals you'll be even more gratified :) And those ppl can eat those words :)

    Yea I'm use to it.. I have lost 6 lbs since working out and they keep telling me it all went to my ankles and stuff like that